Show the SQL generated by Flask-SQLAlchemy - python

I want to get the SQL issued by Flask-SQLAlchemy queries. In Django, I can print the query attribute to get SQL. How can I get something similar in Flask?
# django
>>> queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
>>> print queryset.query
SELECT "myapp_mymodel"."id", ... FROM "myapp_mymodel"

Flask-SQLAlchemy records debugging information about all queries during a request. You can get the information with get_debug_queries(). Flask-Debugtoolbar, for example, uses this to offer a debug panel with query timing information on each page render.
get_debug_queries() returns a list of queries in the order they were performed.
>>> from my_app import User
>>> from flask_sqlalchemy import get_debug_queries
>>> User.query.filter_by(display_name='davidism').all()
>>> info = get_debug_queries()[0]
>>> print(info.statement, info.parameters, info.duration, sep='\n')
SELECT "user".id AS user_id, AS se_user_id, se_user.display_name AS se_user_display_name, se_user.profile_image AS se_user_profile_image, se_user.profile_link AS se_user_profile_link, se_user.reputation AS se_user_reputation, "user".superuser AS user_superuser \nFROM se_user JOIN "user" ON = "user".id \nWHERE se_user.display_name = %(display_name_1)s
{'display_name_1': 'davidism'}
Queries are recorded if SQLALCHEMY_RECORD_QUERIES is set to True. This should be disabled when not needed for performance reasons.
Just calling str(query) does not show exactly what is sent to the database, as the final render is up to the lower-level database driver. SQLAlchemy has only the parameterized string and unescaped parameters. See the SQLAlchemy docs for a very detailed explanation of why. Usually it's good enough, but it's good to be aware that it's not the final query.

To print the generated SQL for all the queries, set the configuration SQLALCHEMY_ECHO=True.
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_ECHO'] = True

I have found answer. I just invoke str and then get the sql.
>>> str(User.query.filter_by(role_id=user_role))
'SELECT AS users_id, users.username AS users_username, users.role_id AS
users_role_id \nFROM users \nWHERE users.role_id = :role_id_1'


"Maximum number of parameters" error with filter .in_(list) using pyodbc

One of our queries that was working in Python 2 + mxODBC is not working in Python 3 + pyodbc; it raises an error like this: Maximum number of parameters in the sql query is 2100. while connecting to SQL Server. Since both the printed queries have 3000 params, I thought it should fail in both environments, but clearly that doesn't seem to be the case here. In the Python 2 environment, both MSODBC 11 or MSODBC 17 works, so I immediately ruled out a driver related issue.
So my question is:
Is it correct to send a list as multiple params in SQLAlchemy because the param list will be proportional to the length of list? I think it looks a bit strange; I would have preferred concatenating the list into a single string because the DB doesn't understand the list datatype.
Are there any hints on why it would be working in mxODBC but not pyodbc? Does mxODBC optimize something that pyodbc does not? Please let me know if there are any pointers - I can try and paste more info here. (I am still new to debugging SQLAlchemy.)
Footnote: I have seen lot of answers that suggest to chunk the data, but because of 1 and 2, I wonder if I am doing the correct thing in the first place.
(Since it seems to be related to pyodbc, I have raised an internal issue in the official repository.)
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
Base = declarative_base()
create_tables = """
CREATE TABLE products(
check_tables = """
SELECT * FROM products;
insert_values = """
INSERT INTO products
delete_tables = """
DROP TABLE products;
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://user:password#dsn')
connection = engine.connect()
cursor = engine.raw_connection().cursor()
Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind=connection)
session = Session()
metadata = MetaData(connection)
class Products(Base):
__table__ = Table('products', metadata, autoload=True)
query = session.query(Products).filter(
Products.idn.in_(list(range(0, 3000)))
f = open("query.sql", "w")
When you do a straightforward .in_(list_of_values) SQLAlchemy renders the following SQL ...
SELECT team.prov AS team_prov, AS team_city
FROM team
WHERE team.prov IN (?, ?)
... where each value in the IN clause is specified as a separate parameter value. pyodbc sends this to SQL Server as ...
exec sp_prepexec #p1 output,N'#P1 nvarchar(4),#P2 nvarchar(4)',N'SELECT team.prov AS team_prov, AS team_city, team.team_name AS team_team_name
FROM team
WHERE team.prov IN (#P1, #P2)',N'AB',N'ON'
... so you hit the limit of 2100 parameters if your list is very long. Presumably, mxODBC inserted the parameter values inline before sending it to SQL Server, e.g.,
SELECT team.prov AS team_prov, AS team_city
FROM team
WHERE team.prov IN ('AB', 'ON')
You can get SQLAlchemy to do that for you with
provinces = ["AB", "ON"]
stmt = (
Team.prov.in_(sa.bindparam("p1", expanding=True, literal_execute=True))
result = list(session.query(Team).params(p1=provinces).from_statement(stmt))

Compile query from raw string (without using .text(...)) using Sqlalchemy connection and Postgres

I am using Sqlalchemy 1.3 to connect to a PostgreSQL 9.6 database (through Psycopg).
I have a very, very raw Sql string formatted using Psycopg2 syntax which I can not modify because of some legacy issues:
statement_str = SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id=%(user_id)s
Notice the %(user_id)s
I can happily execute that using a sqlalchemy connection just by doing:
connection = sqlalch_engine.connect()
rows = conn.execute(statement_str, user_id=self.user_id)
And it works fine. I get my user and all is nice and good.
Now, for debugging purposes I'd like to get the actual query with the %(user_id)s argument expanded to the actual value. For instance: If user_id = "foo", then get SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 'foo'
I've seen tons of examples using sqlalchemy.text(...) to produce a statement and then get a compiled version. I have that thanks to other answers like this one or this one been able to produce a decent str when I have an SqlAlchemy query.
However, in this particular case, since I'm using a more cursor-specific syntax %(user_id) I can't do that. If I try:
I get:
This text() construct doesn't define a bound parameter named 'user_id'
So I guess what I'm looking for would be something like
conn.compile(statement_str, user_id=self.user_id)
But I haven't been able to get that.
Not sure if this what you want but here goes.
Assuming statement_str is actually a string:
import sqlalchemy as sa
statement_str = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id=%(user_id)s"
params = {'user_id': 'foo'}
query_text = sa.text(statement_str % params)
# str(query_text) should print "select * from users where user_id=foo"
Ok I think I got it.
The combination of SqlAlchemy's raw_connection + Psycopg's mogrify seems to be the answer.
conn = sqlalch_engine.raw_connection()
cursor = conn.cursor()
s_str = cursor.mogrify(statement_str, {'user_id': self.user_id})
s_str = s_str.decode("utf-8") # mogrify returns bytes
# Some cleanup for niceness:
s_str = s_str.replace('\n', ' ')
s_str = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', s_str)
I hope someone else finds this helpful

executing a raw sql query from sqlalchemy on postgresql

I have a raw sql query which is:
select distinct(user_id) from details_table where event_id in (29,10) and user_id in (7,11,24,45) and epoch_timestamp >= 1433116800 and epoch_timestamp <= 1506816000;
which in psql returns:
(2 rows)
Now when i run this raw sql query via sqlalchemy I'm getting a sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object in response and not the result as above. The code i'm using right now is as follows:
from flask import current_app
sql_query = text(select distinct(user_id) from details_table where event_id in (29,10) and user_id in (7,24) and epoch_timestamp >= 1433116800 and epoch_timestamp <= 1506816000;)
filtering_users = db.get_engine(current_app, bind='<my_binding>')\
# <class 'sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy'>
# <sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object at 0x7fde74469550>
I used the reference from here but unlike the solution there I'm getting a ResultProxy object.
What am I doing wrong here? My end goal is to get the list of users returned from executing the raw sql-query, stored into a list.
As explained is the SQLAlchemy documentation, the .execute() method returns only a proxy on which you'll have to iterate (or apply any aggregation method) to view the actual result of the query. Apparently, in your case, what you want is the .fetchall() method.
If you try something like this:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('/path/to/your/db...')
connection = engine.connect()
my_query = 'SELECT * FROM my_table'
results = connection.execute(my_query).fetchall()
the results variable will be a list of all the items that the query fetches.
Hope this helps!

SQLAlchemy, scoped_session - raw SQL INSERT doesn't write to DB

I have a Pyramid / SQLAlchemy, MySQL python app.
When I execute a raw SQL INSERT query, nothing gets written to the DB.
When using ORM, however, I can write to the DB. I read the docs, I read up about the ZopeTransactionExtension, read a good deal of SO questions, all to no avail.
What hasn't worked so far:
transaction.commit() - nothing is written to the DB. I do realize this statement is necessary with ZopeTransactionExtension but it just doesn't do the magic here.
dbsession().commit - doesn't work since I'm using ZopeTransactionExtension
dbsession().close() - nothing written
dbsession().flush() - nothing written
mark_changed(session) -
File "/home/dev/.virtualenvs/sc/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zope/sqlalchemy/", line 198, in join_transaction
if session.twophase:
AttributeError: 'scoped_session' object has no attribute 'twophase'"
What has worked but is not acceptable because it doesn't use scoped_session:
I'm looking for how to execute raw SQL with a scoped_session (dbsession() in my code)
Here is my SQLAlchemy setup (models/
def dbsession():
assert (_dbsession is not None)
return _dbsession
def init_engines(settings, _testing_workarounds=False):
import zope.sqlalchemy
extension = zope.sqlalchemy.ZopeTransactionExtension()
global _dbsession
_dbsession = scoped_session(
engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
Here is a python script I wrote to isolate the problem. It resembles the real-world environment of where the problem occurs. All I want is to make the below script insert the data into the DB:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import transaction
from pyramid.paster import setup_logging, get_appsettings
from sc.models import init_engines, dbsession
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import text
def __main__():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
raise RuntimeError()
config_uri = sys.argv[1]
aa = init_engines(get_appsettings(config_uri))
session = dbsession()
session.execute(text("""INSERT INTO
operations (description, generated_description)
VALUES ('hello2', 'world');"""))
print list(session.execute("""SELECT * from operations""").fetchall()) # prints inserted data
print list(session.execute("""SELECT * from operations""").fetchall()) # doesn't print inserted data
if __name__ == '__main__':
What is interesting, if I do:
session = dbsession()
session.execute(text("""INSERT INTO
operations (description, generated_description)
VALUES ('hello2', 'world');"""))
op = Operation(generated_description='aa', description='oo')
then the first print outputs the raw SQL inserted row ('hello2' 'world'), and the second print prints both rows, and in fact both rows are inserted into the DB.
I cannot comprehend why using an ORM insert alongside raw SQL "fixes" it.
I really need to be able to call execute() on a scoped_session to insert data into the DB using raw SQL. Any advice?
It has been a while since I mixed raw sql with sqlalchemy, but whenever you mix them, you need to be aware of what happens behind the scenes with the ORM. First, check the autocommit flag. If the zope transaction is not configured correctly, the ORM insert might be triggering a commit.
Actually, after looking at the zope docs, it seems manual execute statements need an extra step. From their readme:
By default, zope.sqlalchemy puts sessions in an 'active' state when they are
first used. ORM write operations automatically move the session into a
'changed' state. This avoids unnecessary database commits. Sometimes it
is necessary to interact with the database directly through SQL. It is not
possible to guess whether such an operation is a read or a write. Therefore we
must manually mark the session as changed when manual SQL statements write
to the DB.
>>> session = Session()
>>> conn = session.connection()
>>> users = Base.metadata.tables['test_users']
>>> conn.execute(users.update('bob'), name='ben')
<sqlalchemy.engine...ResultProxy object at ...>
>>> from zope.sqlalchemy import mark_changed
>>> mark_changed(session)
>>> transaction.commit()
>>> session = Session()
>>> str(session.query(User).all()[0].name)
>>> transaction.abort()
It seems you aren't doing that, and so the transaction.commit does nothing.

How to execute raw SQL in Flask-SQLAlchemy app

How do you execute raw SQL in SQLAlchemy?
I have a python web app that runs on flask and interfaces to the database through SQLAlchemy.
I need a way to run the raw SQL. The query involves multiple table joins along with Inline views.
I've tried:
connection = db.session.connection()
connection.execute( <sql here> )
But I keep getting gateway errors.
Have you tried:
result = db.engine.execute("<sql here>")
from sqlalchemy import text
sql = text('select name from penguins')
result = db.engine.execute(sql)
names = [row[0] for row in result]
print names
Note that db.engine.execute() is "connectionless", which is deprecated in SQLAlchemy 2.0.
SQL Alchemy session objects have their own execute method:
result = db.session.execute('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column = :val', {'val': 5})
All your application queries should be going through a session object, whether they're raw SQL or not. This ensures that the queries are properly managed by a transaction, which allows multiple queries in the same request to be committed or rolled back as a single unit. Going outside the transaction using the engine or the connection puts you at much greater risk of subtle, possibly hard to detect bugs that can leave you with corrupted data. Each request should be associated with only one transaction, and using db.session will ensure this is the case for your application.
Also take note that execute is designed for parameterized queries. Use parameters, like :val in the example, for any inputs to the query to protect yourself from SQL injection attacks. You can provide the value for these parameters by passing a dict as the second argument, where each key is the name of the parameter as it appears in the query. The exact syntax of the parameter itself may be different depending on your database, but all of the major relational databases support them in some form.
Assuming it's a SELECT query, this will return an iterable of RowProxy objects.
You can access individual columns with a variety of techniques:
for r in result:
print(r[0]) # Access by positional index
print(r['my_column']) # Access by column name as a string
r_dict = dict(r.items()) # convert to dict keyed by column names
Personally, I prefer to convert the results into namedtuples:
from collections import namedtuple
Record = namedtuple('Record', result.keys())
records = [Record(*r) for r in result.fetchall()]
for r in records:
If you're not using the Flask-SQLAlchemy extension, you can still easily use a session:
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('my connection string')
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
s = Session()
result = s.execute('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column = :val', {'val': 5})
docs: SQL Expression Language Tutorial - Using Text
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
connection = engine.connect()
# recommended
cmd = 'select * from Employees where EmployeeGroup = :group'
employeeGroup = 'Staff'
employees = connection.execute(text(cmd), group = employeeGroup)
# or - wee more difficult to interpret the command
employeeGroup = 'Staff'
employees = connection.execute(
text('select * from Employees where EmployeeGroup = :group'),
group = employeeGroup)
# or - notice the requirement to quote 'Staff'
employees = connection.execute(
text("select * from Employees where EmployeeGroup = 'Staff'"))
for employee in employees: logger.debug(employee)
# output
(0, 'Tim', 'Gurra', 'Staff', '991-509-9284')
(1, 'Jim', 'Carey', 'Staff', '832-252-1910')
(2, 'Lee', 'Asher', 'Staff', '897-747-1564')
(3, 'Ben', 'Hayes', 'Staff', '584-255-2631')
You can get the results of SELECT SQL queries using from_statement() and text() as shown here. You don't have to deal with tuples this way. As an example for a class User having the table name users you can try,
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
user = session.query(User).from_statement(
text("""SELECT * FROM users where name=:name""")
return user
For SQLAlchemy ≥ 1.4
Starting in SQLAlchemy 1.4, connectionless or implicit execution has been deprecated, i.e.
db.engine.execute(...) # DEPRECATED
as well as bare strings as queries.
The new API requires an explicit connection, e.g.
from sqlalchemy import text
with db.engine.connect() as connection:
result = connection.execute(text("SELECT * FROM ..."))
for row in result:
# ...
Similarly, it’s encouraged to use an existing Session if one is available:
result = session.execute(sqlalchemy.text("SELECT * FROM ..."))
or using parameters:
session.execute(sqlalchemy.text("SELECT * FROM a_table WHERE a_column = :val"),
{'val': 5})
See "Connectionless Execution, Implicit Execution" in the documentation for more details.
result = db.engine.execute(text("<sql here>"))
executes the <sql here> but doesn't commit it unless you're on autocommit mode. So, inserts and updates wouldn't reflect in the database.
To commit after the changes, do
result = db.engine.execute(text("<sql here>").execution_options(autocommit=True))
This is a simplified answer of how to run SQL query from Flask Shell
First, map your module (if your module/app is in the principal folder and you are in a UNIX Operating system), run:
export FLASK_APP=manage
Run Flask shell
flask shell
Import what we need::
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
from sqlalchemy import text
Run your query:
result = db.engine.execute(text("<sql here>").execution_options(autocommit=True))
This use the currently database connection which has the application.
Flask-SQLAlchemy v: 3.0.x / SQLAlchemy v: 1.4
users = db.session.execute(
So basically for the latest stable version of the flask-sqlalchemy specifically the documentation suggests using the session.execute() method in conjunction with the
Have you tried using connection.execute(text( <sql here> ), <bind params here> ) and bind parameters as described in the docs? This can help solve many parameter formatting and performance problems. Maybe the gateway error is a timeout? Bind parameters tend to make complex queries execute substantially faster.
If you want to avoid tuples, another way is by calling the first, one or all methods:
query = db.engine.execute("SELECT * FROM blogs "
"WHERE id = 1 ")
assert query.first().name == "Welcome to my blog"

