Get field value of inherited model Odoo 8 - python

Hello to all I have been developing module under Odoo 8. I have a class "hrEmployee" with "_inherit=hr.employee" , now in my hrEmployee there is a One2many field having relation with another model "". I want to get the field values of the "hrEmployee" with onchange function defined on the field of "". Like when I change field value of "hrEmployee", I can get the field value entered on the current form (hrEmployee). How am I able to achieve this in Odoo v8? My Python code is shown below:
class hrEmployee(models.Model):
_inherit = "hr.employee"
diwan_no = fields.Char('Diwan No', size=30, help='Diwan Number')
zeo_number = fields.Char('ZEO Number',size=30, help='ZEO Number')
visas_ids = fields.One2many('hr.employee.visas', 'employee_id', 'Visas')
class hr_employee_visas(models.Model):
employee_id = fields.Many2one("hr.employee.visas", "Employee" )
#api.depends( 'visas_number')
def _visa_num(self):
for id in ids:
print obj1.name_related
visas_sponsor = fields.Char('Sponsor')
visas_states = fields.Selection([('apply','Apply'),('active','Active'),('expire','Expire'),('cancel','Cancelled')], string='State' )
visas_number = fields.Char('Visa No', help='Visa Number')
I tried to use self.pool.get browse but it gives me "False" . Plz guide me or point me my mistake. Hopes for suggestion

Try following,
class hr_employee_visas(models.Model):
employee_id = fields.Many2one("hr.employee", "Employee" )
#api.depends( 'visas_number')
def _visa_num(self):
for obj in self:
Here is the mistake
employee_id = fields.Many2one("hr.employee.visas", "Employee" )
You need to set hr.employee here.
No need to write both of the decorators together, in case of any changes into the visas_number field this method will be called, you can use any of the single decorator for this.


Odoo, how to hide an item from many2one field?

My .py
class komMo(models.Model):
_name = ''
mo_id = fields.Integer(string='Code mo') #this is just the recognition number
name = fields.Char(string='Name mo')
parent_id = fields.Many2one('')
I want to hide the option(example) from the drop list ('parent_id'), if that is the name of the object itself
So when I'm going to edit an 'example', I do not want to be offered as an option in the field 'parent_id'
When I create a new 'example2' it's all good, because only the existing items are displayed in the drop-down list.
If I was not clear please tell me.
my .xml file was pretty basic i did not add any options or attributes
Just add this domain to the field domain="[('id', '!=', id)]". That will remove the object for its own form.
You can also use odoo's nested set system for parent child relationship, which has great benefit in resolving parent child relationship query, by setting _parent_store = True in models definition, and adding parent_left, parent_right fields, you can the also use #api.constraint on parent_id calling odoo Models _check_recursion to ensure that there is no recursive parent child relationship creation.
For example on odoo Product category model:
class ProductCategory(models.Model):
_name = "product.category"
_description = "Product Category"
_parent_name = "parent_id"
_parent_store = True
_parent_order = 'name'
_rec_name = 'complete_name'
_order = 'parent_left'
parent_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', 'Parent Category', index=True, ondelete='cascade')
parent_left = fields.Integer('Left Parent', index=1)
parent_right = fields.Integer('Right Parent', index=1)
def _check_category_recursion(self):
if not self._check_recursion():
raise ValidationError(_('Error ! You cannot create recursive categories.'))
return True

retrieve values from the same record from a field odoo 10

I will want to retrieve different values ​from a chosen field. Let me explain:
I have this class:
class SchoolWebServices(models.Model):
_name = 'ecole.webservices'
name = fields.Char(string='Nom')
code_produit = fields.Char(string='Produit')
code_CDG = fields.Char(string='Centre de Gestion')
code_Catalog = fields.Char(string='Catalogue Produits')
I have this other class:
class ResPartner_school(models.Model):
_name = ''
_order = 'id desc'
half_pension_name = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="ecole.webservices",
And I have a function who is in the class:
def create_compte_cantine(self):
print "Inscription réussie"
get_halfpension_name =
if get_halfpension_name:
code_Catalog = self.env['ecole.webservices'].code_Catalog
I get the id of half_pension_name in my variable get_halfpension_name but I wish to recover the code_Catalog of the same recording too. How to do?
You just need to use dot-notation to retrieve the value:
def create_compte_cantine(self):
if self.half_pension_name:
code_Catalog = self.half_pension_name.code_Catalog
Try to stay in the "rules" of the Odoo guideline. For example a Many2one relation field should be end with _id -> half_pension_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="ecole.webservices", string="Lieu")

Odoo10 : How can I automatically get the value for partner when customer number is given?

I am creating a module something like call log. In that i need to search the customer number and get the Partner information or have to link the partner automatically.
the following are the codes, somebody please help me.
class model_call(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
_name = ''
_description = 'call logs'
""" *************** Base Fields ******************* """
name = fields.Char(string='Topic')
customer_number = fields.Char(string='Customer Number', track_visiility='onchange', onchange='get_partner(customer_number)')
# apis
def get_partner(self, customer_number):
if customer_number:
customer = self.env['res.partner'].search([('customer_number', '=',])
return customer
customer = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Customer', track_visibility='onchange',index=True, help="Linked partner (optional). Usually created when converting the lead.",)
Your onchange isn't correct. You don't need parameters and have to return a dictionary or nothing. The dictionary is only needed for field filtering changes and warning messages. Value changes like yours are made "directly":
def get_partner(self):
if self.customer_number:
customer = self.env['res.partner'].search(
[('customer_number', '=',]) # shouldn't it be self.customer_number?
self.customer = customer
And try to stick to the Odoo Guidelines and change the field customer to customer_id.

Filter Many2one field - Odoo v8

I know I can filter Many2one fields, from python code, or even xml views, with the domain flag, but I have a slightly different scenario right now,
Consider having a model like this:
class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'mymodel'
fieldsel = fields.Selection([('sheet', 'Sheet'),('reel','Reel')], string='Printing PPT Type',
track_visibility='onchange', copy=False,
help=" ")
fieldmany = fields.Many2one('text.paper', string="Text Paper")
The text.paper model has another Selection field, which has the same values as fieldsel, however, I cannot use domain since it will filter every text.paper statically.
My issue is, that I need to filter text.paper depending on which option I choose from fieldsel, so, let's say text.paper looks something like this:
class text_paper(models.Model):
_name = 'text.paper'
name = fields.Char(string="Code")
paper_type = fields.Selection([('sheet', 'Sheet'),('reel','Reel')], string="Paper Type")
I need to filter from mymodel the text.paper depending on the fieldsel field, if reel selected, filter text.paper which are reel, and if sheet selected, filter text.paper accordingly.
I hope I've explained myself.
Any ideas?
what you need is dynamic domain for many2one you can achive this by onchange event
class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'mymodel'
#api.onchange('fieldsel ')
def change_domain(self):
"""change the domain of fieldmany whenever the user changes the selected value."""
self.fieldmany = False # may be you want to reset the value when the user changes the selected value
if self.fieldsel : # make sure the user has selected a value
return {'domain': {fieldmany: [('paper_type', '=', self.fieldsel)]}}
else: # remove domain
return {'domain': {fieldmany: []}}

How do I get name from a many-to-many field in Django?

I am pretty new to Django.
I have the following code :
class ModelA(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
class ModelB(models.Model):
name = models.ManytoManyField(ModelA)
colour = models.CharField(max_lenght=30)
iob = ModelB.objects.filter(name=name)
Now, this works fine :
for i in iob:
print i.colour
And I want to do something like :
for i in iob:
But it doesnt work for sure. It outputs like :
<django.db.models.fields.related.ManyRelatedManager object at 0x30a2e50>
I want to print the value of name. How do I do this?
Since it is a many to many, you need to do:
for i in iob:
print i.colour
for obj_name in

