Odoo, how to hide an item from many2one field? - python

My .py
class komMo(models.Model):
_name = 'kom.mo'
mo_id = fields.Integer(string='Code mo') #this is just the recognition number
name = fields.Char(string='Name mo')
parent_id = fields.Many2one('kom.mo')
I want to hide the option(example) from the drop list ('parent_id'), if that is the name of the object itself
So when I'm going to edit an 'example', I do not want to be offered as an option in the field 'parent_id'
When I create a new 'example2' it's all good, because only the existing items are displayed in the drop-down list.
If I was not clear please tell me.
my .xml file was pretty basic i did not add any options or attributes

Just add this domain to the field domain="[('id', '!=', id)]". That will remove the object for its own form.
You can also use odoo's nested set system for parent child relationship, which has great benefit in resolving parent child relationship query, by setting _parent_store = True in models definition, and adding parent_left, parent_right fields, you can the also use #api.constraint on parent_id calling odoo Models _check_recursion to ensure that there is no recursive parent child relationship creation.
For example on odoo Product category model:
class ProductCategory(models.Model):
_name = "product.category"
_description = "Product Category"
_parent_name = "parent_id"
_parent_store = True
_parent_order = 'name'
_rec_name = 'complete_name'
_order = 'parent_left'
parent_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', 'Parent Category', index=True, ondelete='cascade')
parent_left = fields.Integer('Left Parent', index=1)
parent_right = fields.Integer('Right Parent', index=1)
def _check_category_recursion(self):
if not self._check_recursion():
raise ValidationError(_('Error ! You cannot create recursive categories.'))
return True


Wagtail Page model transitive search on custom fields [duplicate]

I'm using Wagtail, and I want to filter a selection of child pages by a Foreign Key. I've tried the following and I get the error django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'use_case' into field when I try children = self.get_children().specific().filter(use_case__slug=slug):
class AiLabResourceMixin(models.Model):
parent_page_types = ['AiLabResourceIndexPage']
use_case = models.ForeignKey(AiLabUseCase, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
content_panels = ArticlePage.content_panels + [
FieldPanel('use_case', widget=forms.Select())
class Meta:
abstract = True
class AiLabCaseStudy(AiLabResourceMixin, ArticlePage):
class AiLabBlogPost(AiLabResourceMixin, ArticlePage):
class AiLabExternalLink(AiLabResourceMixin, ArticlePage):
class AiLabResourceIndexPage(RoutablePageMixin, BasePage):
parent_page_types = ['AiLabHomePage']
subpage_types = ['AiLabCaseStudy', 'AiLabBlogPost', 'AiLabExternalLink']
max_count = 1
def all_resources(self, request):
children = self.get_children().specific()
return render(request, 'ai_lab/ai_lab_resource_index_page.html', {
'page': self,
'children': children,
def filter_by_use_case(self, request, slug):
children = self.get_children().specific().filter(use_case__slug=slug)
return render(request, 'ai_lab/ai_lab_resource_index_page.html', {
'page': self,
'children': children,
I've seen this answer, but this assumes I only have one type of page I want to filter. Using something like AiLabCaseStudy.objects.filter(use_case__slug=slug) works, but this only returns AiLabCaseStudys, not AiLabBlogPosts or AiLabExternalLinks.
Any ideas?
At the database level, there is no efficient way to run the filter against all page types at once. Since AiLabResourceMixin is defined as abstract = True, this class has no representation of its own within the database - instead, the use_case field is defined separately for each of AiLabCaseStudy, AiLabBlogPost and AiLabExternalLink. As a result, there's no way for Django or Wagtail to turn .filter(use_case__slug=slug) into a SQL query, since use_case refers to three different places in the database.
A couple of possible ways around this:
If your data model allows, restructure it to use multi-table inheritance - this looks fairly similar to your current definition, except without the abstract = True:
class AiLabResourcePage(ArticlePage):
use_case = models.ForeignKey(AiLabUseCase, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
class AiLabCaseStudy(AiLabResourcePage):
class AiLabBlogPost(AiLabResourcePage):
class AiLabExternalLink(AiLabResourcePage):
AiLabResourcePage will then exist in its own right in the database, and you can query its use_case field with an expression like: AiLabResourcePage.objects.child_of(self).filter(use_case__slug=slug).specific(). There'll be a small performance impact here, since Django has to pull data from one additional table to construct these page objects.
Run a preliminary query on each specific page type to retrieve the matching page IDs, before running the final query with specific():
case_study_ids = list(AiLabCaseStudy.objects.child_of(self).filter(use_case__slug=slug).values_list('id', flat=True))
blog_post_ids = list(AiLabBlogPost.objects.child_of(self).filter(use_case__slug=slug).values_list('id', flat=True))
external_link_ids = list(AiLabExternalLink.objects.child_of(self).filter(use_case__slug=slug).values_list('id', flat=True))
children = Page.objects.filter(id__in=(case_study_ids + blog_post_ids + external_link_ids)).specific()
children = self.get_children().filter(use_case__slug=slug).specific()

ODOO 10 many2many

I have a problem in ODOO 10 with a many2many relationship.
I have extended res.partner this way:
class ResPartner(models.Model):
x_bagsdesign = fields.Many2many('product.product',string='Bags Design',relation='bags_design_manufactur')
then I have extended also product.template model:
class product_template_fields(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
x_traders_stock = fields.Many2many(
'res.partner', string='Traders with access to stock',relation='xtradstock_res_partner_rel')
def write(self, vals):
record = super(product_template_fields, self).write(vals)
for singletrader in self.x_traders_stock:
singletrader.x_bagsdesign = [(4,self.id)]
return record
This way every time a new x_traders_stock is inserted in product.template, a new x_bags_design is also created in res.partner.
BUT.. when I save a new record in product.template I get an sql error:
bad query: INSERT INTO bags_design_manufactur (res_partner_id, product_product_id)
(SELECT a, b FROM unnest(ARRAY[1]) AS a, unnest(ARRAY[7]) AS b)
EXCEPT (SELECT res_partner_id, product_product_id FROM bags_design_manufactur WHERE res_partner_id IN (1))
I don't understand where the EXCEPT part of the sql query is coming from and how to prevent it. If anyone can help I would be grateful.. thanks!
The error message is a bit different from expected, but I can fix some problems in your code. First of all you have to take into account that a product.product object is a variant of a product.template object, so you can have in a database many product.product objects pointing to the same product.template (e.g. a product.template is a T-shirt and a product.product is a T-shirt colour red size M). This means that you can't try to set the ID of a product.template in a field which is expecting the ID of a product.product, as you're doing here:
singletrader.x_bagsdesign = [(4,self.id)]
Of course, that mistake will not give you the message error you are receiving, there must be something wrong in other part of your code (I guess related to bags_design_manufactur model).
However, to fix the problem I told you above, you should write this:
class product_template_fields(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
x_traders_stock = fields.Many2many(
string='Traders with access to stock',
def write(self, vals):
result = super(product_template_fields, self).write(vals)
for prod_templ in self:
products = self.env['product.product'].search([
('product_tmpl_id', '=', prod_templ.id),
for singletrader in prod_templ.x_traders_stock:
'x_bagsdesign': [(4, product.id) for product in products],
return result
product.product inherits from product.template by delegation, this means that every field you create in product.template model is going to be available in product.product objects, so when you are creating the Many2many field x_traders_stock in product.template, you're creating it in product.product too, so you don't need to add records each time a x_trader is generated. Instead you should change your models:
class ResPartner(models.Model):
x_bagsdesign_prod_templ = fields.Many2many(
string='Bags Design',
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
x_traders_stock = fields.Many2many(
string='Traders with access to stock',
And then, if you want to access to the product.product objects a partner has, you can do it this way:
If you preferred it, you could even create a new related field in res.partner which brought the product.product objects a partner has.

Get field value of inherited model Odoo 8

Hello to all I have been developing module under Odoo 8. I have a class "hrEmployee" with "_inherit=hr.employee" , now in my hrEmployee there is a One2many field having relation with another model "hr.employee.visa". I want to get the field values of the "hrEmployee" with onchange function defined on the field of "hr.employee.visa". Like when I change field value of "hrEmployee", I can get the field value entered on the current form (hrEmployee). How am I able to achieve this in Odoo v8? My Python code is shown below:
class hrEmployee(models.Model):
_inherit = "hr.employee"
diwan_no = fields.Char('Diwan No', size=30, help='Diwan Number')
zeo_number = fields.Char('ZEO Number',size=30, help='ZEO Number')
visas_ids = fields.One2many('hr.employee.visas', 'employee_id', 'Visas')
class hr_employee_visas(models.Model):
employee_id = fields.Many2one("hr.employee.visas", "Employee" )
#api.depends( 'visas_number')
def _visa_num(self):
for id in ids:
print obj1.name_related
visas_sponsor = fields.Char('Sponsor')
visas_states = fields.Selection([('apply','Apply'),('active','Active'),('expire','Expire'),('cancel','Cancelled')], string='State' )
visas_number = fields.Char('Visa No', help='Visa Number')
I tried to use self.pool.get browse but it gives me "False" . Plz guide me or point me my mistake. Hopes for suggestion
Try following,
class hr_employee_visas(models.Model):
employee_id = fields.Many2one("hr.employee", "Employee" )
#api.depends( 'visas_number')
def _visa_num(self):
for obj in self:
print obj.employee_id.name
Here is the mistake
employee_id = fields.Many2one("hr.employee.visas", "Employee" )
You need to set hr.employee here.
No need to write both of the decorators together, in case of any changes into the visas_number field this method will be called, you can use any of the single decorator for this.

Determine if a property is a backref in sqlalchemy

I have the following relationship set up in a model:
role_profiles = Table('roleprofile', Base.metadata,
Column('role_id', Integer, ForeignKey('role.id')),
Column('profile_id', Integer, ForeignKey('profile.id'))
class profile(Base):
__tablename__ = 'profile'
# Columns...
roles = relationship('role', secondary=role_profiles, backref='profiles')
class role(Base):
__tablename__ = 'role'
# Columns...
So as I now understand that it works is that the roles property on the profile object will contain a list of role classes (which it does).
What I want to do is to serialize for each property of the model class generically. It works fine for the top class profile and I determine that there is a list of roles that I should recurse into:
# I need a statement here to check if the field.value is a backref
#if field.value is backref:
# continue
if isinstance(field.value, list):
# Get the json for the list
value = serialize.serialize_to_json(field.value)
# Get the json for the value
value = cls._serialize(field.value)
The problem is that the backref of the relationship adds a pointer back to the profile. The same profile is then serialized and it recurse the roles over and over again until stack overflow.
Is there a way to determine that the property is a backref added by the relationship?
Maybe I should add that it works fine in this case if I remove the backref since I don't need it but I would like to keep it in.
As a temporary fix I added a class property to my base class:
class BaseModelMixin(object):
"""Base mixin for models using stamped data"""
__backref__ = None
and add it like this:
class role(Base):
__tablename__ = 'role'
__backref__ = ('profiles', )
# Columns...
and use it like this in my recursion:
if self.__backref__ and property_name in self.__backref__:
If there is a better way please let me know because this doesn't look optimal.
Not sure if this is the best practice, but this code works for me. It returns True if the attribute is a reference, False if a regular column type.
def is_relation(orm_object, attr_name):
return hasattr(getattr(orm_object.__class__, attr_name).property, 'mapper')
You can create a __relationships__ in your class BaseModelMixin as a #property, which has a list of all relationships name which are not as a backref name in a model.
class BaseModelMixin(object):
"""Base mixin for models using stamped data"""
def __relationships__(self):
Return a list of relationships name which are not as a backref
name in model
back_ref_relationships = list()
items = self.__mapper__.relationships.items()
for (key, value) in items:
if isinstance(value.backref, tuple):
return back_ref_relationships
As you have two class profile and role, so
>>> p = profile()
>>> p.__relationships__
# ['roles']
>>> r = role()
>>> r.__relationships__
# []
have a look at inspect
from sqlalchemy import inspect
mapper = inspect(MyModelClass)
# dir(mapper)
# mapper.relationships.keys()

Django ManyToManyField Error when saving in admin?

What is wrong with my code?
class Group(ImageModel):
title = models.CharField(verbose_name = "Title", max_length=7)
photos = models.ManyToManyField('Photo', related_name='+',
null=True, blank=True)
pid = Photo.objects.get(image = str_path)
gid= Group.objects.get(id = self.id)
self.save_photos(gid, pid)
def save_photos(self, gid, pid):
group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid.id,
and my GroupPhotos models is:
class GroupPhotos(models.Model):
groupupload = models.ForeignKey('Group')
photo = models.ForeignKey('Photo')
class Meta:
db_table = u'group_photos'
when i want to save it from admin panel i am getting value error sth like this:
Cannot assign "38": "GroupPhotos.groupupload" must be a "Group" instance.
with group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid, photo=pid) defination it is working but there is no any changes in GroupPhotos table(group_photos). printing this print pid.id,' >>> ',gid.id i am getting true relation...
I have been working since morning, but no progress... i have also tried this but nothing changed:
pid = Photo.objects.get(image = str_path)
ger = Group.objects.get(id = self.id)
ger.title = self.title
The error is here:
group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid.id, photo=pid.id)
The arguments to groupupload and photo should be instances of Group and Photo respectively. Try the following:
group_photo = GroupPhotos(groupupload=gid, photo=pid)
In other words, when creating an object you need to pass arguments of the expected type and not an integer (which may be the primary key key of the desired object but it also might not, which is why you need to pass an object of the correct type).
i have solved my problem with adding through option to my manytomanyfield:
photos = models.ManyToManyField('Photo', related_name='+',
null=True, blank=True, through=GroupPhotos)
some info about ManyToManyField.through here:
Django will automatically generate a table to manage many-to-many
relationships. However, if you want to manually specify the
intermediary table, you can use the through option to specify the
Django model that represents the intermediate table that you want to
The most common use for this option is when you want to associate extra data with a many-to-many relationship.

