I'm running two threads in my python program, one thread which uses python curses to run a menu system and waits for input, and one thread which does analysis based on menu choices and outputs it's status via the built in print() function. My problem here is that print doesn't play well with curses, as, if curses.echo() is on, then it prints to the line where I am waiting for input, and if curses.noecho() is used, then the output is not displayed at all.
Since I want control over where and when the output is displayed, my solution to this initially was to set window.timeout(1000) and then have the input loop like this:
c = window.getkey()
c = -1 #timeout or error in input
if c == -1:
elif c == 'KEY_RESIZE':
This works quite well to allow me to check for output from stdout every second, and then if need be update the menu, while still allowing user input. The problem that I'm having is that I have no idea how to capture stdout and choose to display it when I need to. Is this at all possible?
So I figured this one out, but as a disclaimer, I have no idea if this is thread safe (no problems thus far though).
It's possible to capture the output of print using the python library io, and more specifically StringIO from that library.
N.B. This is for Python3
Essentially, the solution was to set sys.stdout to an instance of io.StringIO and read from that.
external_output = None
stdout_buff = io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = stdout_buff
stream_pos = 0 # lst read position of the stdout stream.
while True: #input loop
if stdout_buff.tell() > stream_pos:
external_output = stdout_buff.read()
stream_pos = stdout_buff.tell()
Below I've included a short example of the menu system I was using in case the above isn't clear to anyone having this issue, in the hopes that this will clear it up.
Unmodified Version
So the menu's display and event loop used to look a lot like this: (note that this is a simplified version of things and therefore a lot to do with displaying the menu and displaying what a user types has been left out). This basic example displays a menu and allows user to exit the program, enter digits into their selection, or enter their selection, which is then printed out.
import sys
import curses
def menu(stdscr):
# initial startup settings
stdscr.timeout(1000) #timeout the input loop every 1000 milliseconds
user_selection = ''
# other unrelated initial variables
while True: #display loop
# the following is actually in a function to handle automatically
# taking care of fitting output to the screen and keeping
# track of line numbers, etc. but for demonstration purposes
# I'm using the this
start_y = 0
stdscr.addstr(start_y, 0, 'Menu Options:')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+1, 0, '1) option 1')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+2, 0, '1) option 2')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+3, 0, '1) option 3')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+4, 0, '1) option 4')
while True: #input loop
c = stdscr.getkey()
if c == 'KEY_RESIZE':
handle_window_resize() # handle changing stored widths and height of window
break #break to redraw screen
elif c.isdigit():
# if user typed a digit, add that to the selection string
# users may only select digits as their options
user_selection += c
elif c == '\n':
# user hit enter to submit their selection
if len(user_selection) > 0:
return user_selection
elif c == 'q':
result = curses.wrapper(menu)
In this example the problem still occurs that any output from a thread running simultaneously to this one will be printed at the cursor of stdscr where the program is currently waiting for input from the user.
Modified Version
import sys
import curses
from io import StringIO
def menu(stdscr):
# initial startup settings
stdscr.timeout(1000) #timeout the input loop every 1000 milliseconds
user_selection = ''
# other unrelated initial variables
# output handling variables
external_output = None # latest output from stdout
external_nlines = 2 # number of lines at top to leave for external output
stdout_buff = StringIO()
sys.stdout = stdout_buff
stream_pos = 0 # lst read position of the stdout stream.
while True: #display loop
# the following is actually in a function to handle automatically
# taking care of fitting output to the screen and keeping
# track of line numbers, etc. but for demonstration purposes
# I'm using the this
if external_output is not None:
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "stdout: " + external_output)
start_y = external_nlines
stdscr.addstr(start_y, 0, 'Menu Options:')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+1, 0, '1) option 1')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+2, 0, '1) option 2')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+3, 0, '1) option 3')
stdscr.addstr(start_y+4, 0, '1) option 4')
while True: #input loop
c = stdscr.getkey()
c = -1 # 1000ms timeout or error
if c == -1:
if stdout_buff.tell() > stream_pos:
# current stdout_buff pos is greater than last read
# stream position, so there is unread output
external_output = stdout_buff.read().strip() #strip whitespace
stream_pos = stdout_buff.tell() #set stream_pos to end of stdout_buff
break #redraw screen with new output
elif c == 'KEY_RESIZE':
handle_window_resize() # handle changing stored widths and height of window
break #break to redraw screen
elif c.isdigit():
# if user typed a digit, add that to the selection string
# users may only select digits as their options
user_selection += c
elif c == '\n':
# user hit enter to submit their selection
if len(user_selection) > 0:
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # reset stdout to normal
return user_selection
elif c == 'q':
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # reset stdout to normal
result = curses.wrapper(menu)
I need to design a script that uses the top portion of the terminal as output where some lines are printed after each second in an infinite loop, and the bottom portion keeps taking user input and also printing them in the above portion (among the regular periodic outputs).
In other words, I need to design a sort of shell.
I tried multithreading with the naive approach like this:
from math import acos
from threading import Thread
from random import choice
from time import sleep
from queue import Queue, Empty
commandQueue = Queue()
def outputThreadFunc():
outputs = ["So this is another output","Yet another output","Is this even working"] # Just for demo
while True:
inp = commandQueue.get(timeout=0.1)
if inp == 'exit':
except Empty:
def inputThreadFunc():
while True:
command = input("> ") # The shell
if command == 'exit':
outputThread = Thread(target=outputThreadFunc)
inputThread = Thread(target=inputThreadFunc)
But as obviously expected, the output lines merge with the input lines as the user keeps typing.
Any ideas?
As discussed in comments, used curses library.
used two subwin for input and output
import curses
from math import acos
from threading import Thread
from random import choice
from time import sleep
from queue import Queue, Empty
commandQueue = Queue()
stdscr = curses.initscr()
upperwin = stdscr.subwin(2, 80, 0, 0)
lowerwin = stdscr.subwin(2,0)
def outputThreadFunc():
outputs = ["So this is another output","Yet another output","Is this even working"] # Just for demo
while True:
inp = commandQueue.get(timeout=0.1)
if inp == 'exit':
except Empty:
def inputThreadFunc():
while True:
global buffer
command = lowerwin.getstr()
if command:
command = command.decode("utf-8")
if command == 'exit':
outputThread = Thread(target=outputThreadFunc)
inputThread = Thread(target=inputThreadFunc)
Old Solution
I've edited your example to use getch insted of input
import curses
import datetime
from math import acos
from threading import Thread
from random import choice
from time import sleep
from queue import Queue, Empty
commandQueue = Queue()
buffer = list() # stores your input buffer
stdscr = curses.initscr()
def outputThreadFunc():
outputs = ["So this is another output","Yet another output","Is this even working"] # Just for demo
info = choice(outputs), datetime.datetime.now()
while True:
if datetime.datetime.now() - info[1] > datetime.timedelta(seconds=INFO_REFRESH_SECONDS):
# refresh info after certain period of time
info = choice(outputs), datetime.datetime.now() # timestamp which info was updated
inp = ''
buffer_text = ''.join(buffer)
command = commandQueue.get(timeout=0.1)
if command == 'exit':
inp = f"\n{command}"
except Empty:
output_string = f"{info[0]}{inp}\n->{buffer_text}"
if inp:
# to make sure you see the command
def inputThreadFunc():
while True:
global buffer
# get one character at a time
key = stdscr.getch()
if chr(key) == '\n':
command = ''.join(buffer)
if command == 'exit':
buffer = []
elif key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE:
if buffer:
outputThread = Thread(target=outputThreadFunc)
inputThread = Thread(target=inputThreadFunc)
The simplest solution is to use two scripts; One, a server that prints the output, and the other, a client that sends the user's input to the server. Then you can use a standard solution like tmux to open the two scripts in two panes.
The two are merging because of the way the terminal writes to the output. It collects outputs in a buffer, and when the time is right it outputs everything at once. An easy fix would be to use a '\n' before each actual statement so that each new output is on a separate line.
if inp == 'exit':
print("\n", inp) # CHANGE OVER HERE
command = input("\n> ") # CHANGE OVER HERE
if command == 'exit':
Beware that since two threads are running in parallel, the next output will print before you are done typing and pressing enter to the input (unless you can type really fast and have really fast reflexes). Hope this answers your question!
I am making a timer that beeps every x seconds but the timer restarts during a certain keypress.
The first part of the code gets the timer to start.
Then it goes into a while loop for the timer. I want to interrupt the loop without pressing keyboard interrupt but rather another key.
Any help?Here is the code below
import time, winsound, keyboard
x = 0
while x == 0:
if keyboard.is_pressed(','):
x = x+1
while True:
while x==1:
for i in range(29):
if i == 28:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Here is the example I promised you.
I did not need to import any mods for this program, but I believe the msvcrt mod that I use to control keyboard input is Windows specific. Be that as it may; even though we use different methods to control keyboard input, I hope you will see how your stopwatch can be controlled by key presses while a main program repeatedly loops and handles keyboard input.
import time # Contains the time.time() method.
import winsound # Handle sounds.
import msvcrt # Has Terminal Window Input methods
# ===========================================
# -------------------------------------------
# -- Kbfunc() --
# Returns ascii values for those keys that
# have values, or zero if not.
def kbfunc():
return ord(msvcrt.getch()) if msvcrt.kbhit() else 0
# -------------------------------------------
# -- Get_Duration() --
# Gets the time duration for the stopwatch.
def get_duration():
value = input("\n How long do you want the timer to run? ")
value = float(value)
print("\n\t** Fatal Error: **\n Float or Integer Value Expected.\n")
return value
# ===========================================
# Body
# ===========================================
# To keep the program as simple as possible, we will only use
# standard ascii characters. All special keys and non-printable
# keys will be ignored. The one exception will be the
# carriage return key, chr(13).
# Because we are not trapping special keys such as the
# function keys, many will produce output that looks like
# standard ascii characters. (The [F1] key, for example,
# shares a base character code with the simicolon.)
valid_keys = [] # Declare our valid key list.
for char in range(32,127): # Create a list of acceptable characters that
valid_keys.append(char) # the user can type on the keyboard.
valid_keys.append(13) # Include the carriage return.
# ------------------------------------------
duration = 0
duration = get_duration()
print(" Stopwatch will beep every",duration,"seconds.")
print(" Press [!] to turn Stopwatch OFF.")
print(" Press [,] to turn Stopwatch ON.")
print(" Press [#] to quit program.")
print("\n Type Something:")
print("\n >> ",end="",flush = True)
run_cycle = True # Run the program until user says quit.
stopwatch = True # Turn the stopwatch ON.
T0 = time.time() # Get the time the stopwatch started running.
while run_cycle == True:
# ------
if stopwatch == True and time.time()-T0 > duration: # When the duration
winsound.Beep(700,300) # is over, sound the beep and then
T0 = time.time() # reset the timer.
# -----
key = kbfunc()
if key == 0:continue # If no key was pressed, go back to start of loop.
if key in valid_keys: # If the user's key press is in our list..
if key == ord(","): # A comma means to restart the timer.
duration = get_duration() # Comment line to use old duration.
print(" >> ",end="",flush = True) # Comment line to use old duration.
t0 = time.time()
stopwatch = True
continue # Remove if you want the ',' char to be printed.
elif key == ord("!"): # An exclamation mark means to stop the timer.")
stopwatch = False
continue # Remove if you want the "!" to print.
elif key == ord("#"): # An At sign means to quit the program.
print("\n\n Program Ended at User's Request.\n ",end="")
run_cycle = False # This will cause our main loop to exit.
continue # Loop back to beginning so that the at sign
# is not printed after user said to quit.
elif key == 13: # The carriage return means to drop down to a new line.
print("\n >> ",end="",flush = True)
print(chr(key),end="",flush = True) # Print the (valid) character.
# Keys that are not in our list are simply ignored.
So I would like to run two programs, a timer and a math question. But always the input seems to be stopping the timer funtion or not even run at all. Is there any ways for it to get around that?
I'll keep the example simple.
import time
start_time = time.time()
correct = answer
answer = input("9 + 9 = ")
#technically a math question here
#so here until i enter the input prevents computer reading the code
while True:
timer = time.time() - start_time
if timer > 3:
#3 seconds is the limit
So recap i would like the player to answer the question in less than 3 seconds.
after the 3 seconds the game will print wrong and exit
if the player answer within three seconds the timer would be 'terminated' or stopped before it triggers 'wrong' and quit
hope you understand, and really appreciate your help
On Windows you can use the msvcrt module's kbhit and getch functions (I modernized this code example a little bit):
import sys
import time
import msvcrt
def read_input(caption, timeout=5):
start_time = time.time()
inpt = ''
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit(): # Check if a key press is waiting.
# Check which key was pressed and turn it into a unicode string.
char = msvcrt.getche().decode(encoding='utf-8')
# If enter was pressed, return the inpt.
if char in ('\n', '\r'): # enter key
return inpt
# If another key was pressed, concatenate with previous chars.
elif char >= ' ': # Keys greater or equal to space key.
inpt += char
# If time is up, return the inpt.
if time.time()-start_time > timeout:
print('\nTime is up.')
return inpt
# and some examples of usage
ans = read_input('Please type a name', timeout=4)
print('The name is {}'.format(ans))
ans = read_input('Please enter a number', timeout=3)
print('The number is {}'.format(ans))
I'm not sure what exactly you have to do on other operating systems (research termios, tty, select).
Another possibility would be the curses module which has a getch function as well and you can set it to nodelay(1) (non-blocking), but for Windows you first have to download curses from Christopher Gohlke's website.
import time
import curses
def main(stdscr):
curses.noecho() # Now curses doesn't display the pressed key anymore.
stdscr.nodelay(1) # Makes the `getch` method non-blocking.
stdscr.scrollok(True) # When bottom of screen is reached scroll the window.
# We use `addstr` instead of `print`.
stdscr.addstr('Press "q" to exit...\n')
# Tuples of question and answer.
question_list = [('4 + 5 = ', '9'), ('7 - 4 = ', '3')]
question_index = 0
# Unpack the first question-answer tuple.
question, correct_answer = question_list[question_index]
stdscr.addstr(question) # Display the question.
answer = '' # Here we store the current answer of the user.
# A set of numbers to check if the user has entered a number.
# We have to convert the number strings to ordinals, because
# that's what `getch` returns.
numbers = {ord(str(n)) for n in range(10)}
start_time = time.time() # Start the timer.
while True:
timer = time.time() - start_time
inpt = stdscr.getch() # Here we get the pressed key.
if inpt == ord('q'): # 'q' quits the game.
if inpt in numbers:
answer += chr(inpt)
stdscr.addstr(chr(inpt), curses.A_BOLD)
if inpt in (ord('\n'), ord('\r')): # Enter pressed.
if answer == correct_answer:
stdscr.addstr('\nCorrect\n', curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr('\nWrong\n', curses.A_BOLD)
if timer > 3:
stdscr.addstr('\nToo late. Next question.\n')
if timer > 3 or inpt in (ord('\n'), ord('\r')):
# Time is up or enter was pressed; reset and show next question.
answer = ''
start_time = time.time() # Reset the timer.
question_index += 1
# Keep question index in the correct range.
question_index %= len(question_list)
question, correct_answer = question_list[question_index]
# We use wrapper to start the program.
# It handles exceptions and resets the terminal after the game.
Use time.time(), it returns the epoch time (that is, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 UNIX Time). You can compare it to a start time to get the number of seconds:
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < 60:
# stuff
You can have a timer pull you out of your code at any point (even if the user is inputting info) with signals but it is a little more complicated. One way is to use the signal library:
import signal
def timeout_handler(signal, frame):
raise Exception('Time is up!')
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
This defines a function that raises an exception and is called when the timeout occurs. Now you can put your while loop in a try catch block and set the timer:
while lives > 0
# stuff
# print score
in python, is there a way to, while waiting for a user input, count time so that after, say 30 seconds, the raw_input() function is automatically skipped?
The signal.alarm function, on which #jer's recommended solution is based, is unfortunately Unix-only. If you need a cross-platform or Windows-specific solution, you can base it on threading.Timer instead, using thread.interrupt_main to send a KeyboardInterrupt to the main thread from the timer thread. I.e.:
import thread
import threading
def raw_input_with_timeout(prompt, timeout=30.0):
print(prompt, end=' ')
timer = threading.Timer(timeout, thread.interrupt_main)
astring = None
astring = input(prompt)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return astring
this will return None whether the 30 seconds time out or the user explicitly decides to hit control-C to give up on inputting anything, but it seems OK to treat the two cases in the same way (if you need to distinguish, you could use for the timer a function of your own that, before interrupting the main thread, records somewhere the fact that a timeout has happened, and in your handler for KeyboardInterrupt access that "somewhere" to discriminate which of the two cases occurred).
Edit: I could have sworn this was working but I must have been wrong -- the code above omits the obviously-needed timer.start(), and even with it I can't make it work any more. select.select would be the obvious other thing to try but it won't work on a "normal file" (including stdin) in Windows -- in Unix it works on all files, in Windows, only on sockets.
So I don't know how to do a cross-platform "raw input with timeout". A windows-specific one can be constructed with a tight loop polling msvcrt.kbhit, performing a msvcrt.getche (and checking if it's a return to indicate the output's done, in which case it breaks out of the loop, otherwise accumulates and keeps waiting) and checking the time to time out if needed. I cannot test because I have no Windows machine (they're all Macs and Linux ones), but here the untested code I would suggest:
import msvcrt
import time
def raw_input_with_timeout(prompt, timeout=30.0):
print(prompt, end=' ')
finishat = time.time() + timeout
result = []
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
if result[-1] == '\r': # or \n, whatever Win returns;-)
return ''.join(result)
time.sleep(0.1) # just to yield to other processes/threads
if time.time() > finishat:
return None
The OP in a comment says he does not want to return None upon timeout, but what's the alternative? Raising an exception? Returning a different default value? Whatever alternative he wants he can clearly put it in place of my return None;-).
If you don't want to time out just because the user is typing slowly (as opposed to, not typing at all!-), you could recompute finishat after every successful character input.
I found a solution to this problem in a blog post. Here's the code from that blog post:
import signal
class AlarmException(Exception):
def alarmHandler(signum, frame):
raise AlarmException
def nonBlockingRawInput(prompt='', timeout=20):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmHandler)
text = raw_input(prompt)
return text
except AlarmException:
print '\nPrompt timeout. Continuing...'
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
return ''
Please note: this code will only work on *nix OSs.
The input() function is designed to wait for the user to enter something (at least the [Enter] key).
If you are not dead set to use input(), below is a much lighter solution using tkinter. In tkinter, dialog boxes (and any widget) can be destroyed after a given time.
Here is an example :
import tkinter as tk
def W_Input (label='Input dialog box', timeout=5000):
w = tk.Tk()
wFrame = tk.Frame(w, background="light yellow", padx=20, pady=20)
wEntryBox = tk.Entry(wFrame, background="white", width=100)
def fin():
W_Input.data = str(wEntryBox.get())
wSubmitButton = tk.Button(w, text='OK', command=fin, default='active')
# --- optionnal extra code in order to have a stroke on "Return" equivalent to a mouse click on the OK button
def fin_R(event): fin()
w.bind("<Return>", fin_R)
# --- END extra code ---
w.after(timeout, w.destroy) # This is the KEY INSTRUCTION that destroys the dialog box after the given timeout in millisecondsd
W_Input() # can be called with 2 parameter, the window title (string), and the timeout duration in miliseconds
if W_Input.data : print('\nYou entered this : ', W_Input.data, end=2*'\n')
else : print('\nNothing was entered \n')
from threading import Timer
def input_with_timeout(x):
def time_up():
answer= None
print('time up...')
t = Timer(x,time_up) # x is amount of time in seconds
answer = input("enter answer : ")
except Exception:
answer = None
if answer != True: # it means if variable have somthing
t.cancel() # time_up will not execute(so, no skip)
input_with_timeout(5) # try this for five seconds
As it is self defined... run it in command line prompt , I hope you will get the answer
read this python doc you will be crystal clear what just happened in this code!!
A curses example which takes for a timed math test
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import curses
import curses.ascii
import time
#stdscr = curses.initscr() - Using curses.wrapper instead
def main(stdscr):
hd = 100 #Timeout in tenths of a second
answer = ''
stdscr.addstr('5+3=') #Your prompt text
s = time.time() #Timing function to show that solution is working properly
while True:
start = time.time()
c = stdscr.getch()
if c == curses.ascii.NL: #Enter Press
elif c == -1: #Return on timer complete
elif c == curses.ascii.DEL: #Backspace key for corrections. Could add additional hooks for cursor movement
answer = answer[:-1]
y, x = curses.getsyx()
stdscr.delch(y, x-1)
elif curses.ascii.isdigit(c): #Filter because I only wanted digits accepted
answer += chr(c)
hd -= int((time.time() - start) * 10) #Sets the new time on getch based on the time already used
stdscr.addstr('Elapsed Time: %i\n'%(time.time() - s))
stdscr.addstr('This is the answer: %s\n'%answer)
#stdscr.refresh() ##implied with the call to getch
stdscr.addstr('Press any key to exit...')
under linux one could use curses and getch function, its non blocking.
see getch()
function that waits for keyboard input for x seconds (you have to initialize a curses window (win1) first!
import time
def tastaturabfrage():
inittime = int(time.time()) # time now
waitingtime = 2.00 # time to wait in seconds
while inittime+waitingtime>int(time.time()):
key = win1.getch() #check if keyboard entry or screen resize
if key == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
if key == 118:
p(4,'KEY V Pressed')
if key == 107:
p(4,'KEY K Pressed')
if key == 99:
p(4,'KEY c Pressed')
if key == 120:
p(4,'KEY x Pressed')
This is for newer python versions, but I believe it will still answer the question. What this does is it creates a message to the user that the time is up, then ends the code. I'm sure there's a way to make it skip the input rather than completely end the code, but either way, this should at least help...
import sys
import time
from threading import Thread
import pyautogui as pag
#imports the needed modules
xyz = 1 #for a reference call
choice1 = None #sets the starting status
def check():
time.sleep(15)#the time limit set on the message
global xyz
if choice1 != None: # if choice1 has input in it, than the time will not expire
if xyz == 1: # if no input has been made within the time limit, then this message
# will display
pag.confirm(text = 'Time is up!', title = 'Time is up!!!!!!!!!')
Thread(target = check).start()#starts the timer
choice1 = input("Please Enter your choice: ")
in python, is there a way to, while waiting for a user input, count time so that after, say 30 seconds, the raw_input() function is automatically skipped?
The signal.alarm function, on which #jer's recommended solution is based, is unfortunately Unix-only. If you need a cross-platform or Windows-specific solution, you can base it on threading.Timer instead, using thread.interrupt_main to send a KeyboardInterrupt to the main thread from the timer thread. I.e.:
import thread
import threading
def raw_input_with_timeout(prompt, timeout=30.0):
print(prompt, end=' ')
timer = threading.Timer(timeout, thread.interrupt_main)
astring = None
astring = input(prompt)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return astring
this will return None whether the 30 seconds time out or the user explicitly decides to hit control-C to give up on inputting anything, but it seems OK to treat the two cases in the same way (if you need to distinguish, you could use for the timer a function of your own that, before interrupting the main thread, records somewhere the fact that a timeout has happened, and in your handler for KeyboardInterrupt access that "somewhere" to discriminate which of the two cases occurred).
Edit: I could have sworn this was working but I must have been wrong -- the code above omits the obviously-needed timer.start(), and even with it I can't make it work any more. select.select would be the obvious other thing to try but it won't work on a "normal file" (including stdin) in Windows -- in Unix it works on all files, in Windows, only on sockets.
So I don't know how to do a cross-platform "raw input with timeout". A windows-specific one can be constructed with a tight loop polling msvcrt.kbhit, performing a msvcrt.getche (and checking if it's a return to indicate the output's done, in which case it breaks out of the loop, otherwise accumulates and keeps waiting) and checking the time to time out if needed. I cannot test because I have no Windows machine (they're all Macs and Linux ones), but here the untested code I would suggest:
import msvcrt
import time
def raw_input_with_timeout(prompt, timeout=30.0):
print(prompt, end=' ')
finishat = time.time() + timeout
result = []
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
if result[-1] == '\r': # or \n, whatever Win returns;-)
return ''.join(result)
time.sleep(0.1) # just to yield to other processes/threads
if time.time() > finishat:
return None
The OP in a comment says he does not want to return None upon timeout, but what's the alternative? Raising an exception? Returning a different default value? Whatever alternative he wants he can clearly put it in place of my return None;-).
If you don't want to time out just because the user is typing slowly (as opposed to, not typing at all!-), you could recompute finishat after every successful character input.
I found a solution to this problem in a blog post. Here's the code from that blog post:
import signal
class AlarmException(Exception):
def alarmHandler(signum, frame):
raise AlarmException
def nonBlockingRawInput(prompt='', timeout=20):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmHandler)
text = raw_input(prompt)
return text
except AlarmException:
print '\nPrompt timeout. Continuing...'
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
return ''
Please note: this code will only work on *nix OSs.
The input() function is designed to wait for the user to enter something (at least the [Enter] key).
If you are not dead set to use input(), below is a much lighter solution using tkinter. In tkinter, dialog boxes (and any widget) can be destroyed after a given time.
Here is an example :
import tkinter as tk
def W_Input (label='Input dialog box', timeout=5000):
w = tk.Tk()
wFrame = tk.Frame(w, background="light yellow", padx=20, pady=20)
wEntryBox = tk.Entry(wFrame, background="white", width=100)
def fin():
W_Input.data = str(wEntryBox.get())
wSubmitButton = tk.Button(w, text='OK', command=fin, default='active')
# --- optionnal extra code in order to have a stroke on "Return" equivalent to a mouse click on the OK button
def fin_R(event): fin()
w.bind("<Return>", fin_R)
# --- END extra code ---
w.after(timeout, w.destroy) # This is the KEY INSTRUCTION that destroys the dialog box after the given timeout in millisecondsd
W_Input() # can be called with 2 parameter, the window title (string), and the timeout duration in miliseconds
if W_Input.data : print('\nYou entered this : ', W_Input.data, end=2*'\n')
else : print('\nNothing was entered \n')
from threading import Timer
def input_with_timeout(x):
def time_up():
answer= None
print('time up...')
t = Timer(x,time_up) # x is amount of time in seconds
answer = input("enter answer : ")
except Exception:
answer = None
if answer != True: # it means if variable have somthing
t.cancel() # time_up will not execute(so, no skip)
input_with_timeout(5) # try this for five seconds
As it is self defined... run it in command line prompt , I hope you will get the answer
read this python doc you will be crystal clear what just happened in this code!!
A curses example which takes for a timed math test
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import curses
import curses.ascii
import time
#stdscr = curses.initscr() - Using curses.wrapper instead
def main(stdscr):
hd = 100 #Timeout in tenths of a second
answer = ''
stdscr.addstr('5+3=') #Your prompt text
s = time.time() #Timing function to show that solution is working properly
while True:
start = time.time()
c = stdscr.getch()
if c == curses.ascii.NL: #Enter Press
elif c == -1: #Return on timer complete
elif c == curses.ascii.DEL: #Backspace key for corrections. Could add additional hooks for cursor movement
answer = answer[:-1]
y, x = curses.getsyx()
stdscr.delch(y, x-1)
elif curses.ascii.isdigit(c): #Filter because I only wanted digits accepted
answer += chr(c)
hd -= int((time.time() - start) * 10) #Sets the new time on getch based on the time already used
stdscr.addstr('Elapsed Time: %i\n'%(time.time() - s))
stdscr.addstr('This is the answer: %s\n'%answer)
#stdscr.refresh() ##implied with the call to getch
stdscr.addstr('Press any key to exit...')
under linux one could use curses and getch function, its non blocking.
see getch()
function that waits for keyboard input for x seconds (you have to initialize a curses window (win1) first!
import time
def tastaturabfrage():
inittime = int(time.time()) # time now
waitingtime = 2.00 # time to wait in seconds
while inittime+waitingtime>int(time.time()):
key = win1.getch() #check if keyboard entry or screen resize
if key == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
if key == 118:
p(4,'KEY V Pressed')
if key == 107:
p(4,'KEY K Pressed')
if key == 99:
p(4,'KEY c Pressed')
if key == 120:
p(4,'KEY x Pressed')
This is for newer python versions, but I believe it will still answer the question. What this does is it creates a message to the user that the time is up, then ends the code. I'm sure there's a way to make it skip the input rather than completely end the code, but either way, this should at least help...
import sys
import time
from threading import Thread
import pyautogui as pag
#imports the needed modules
xyz = 1 #for a reference call
choice1 = None #sets the starting status
def check():
time.sleep(15)#the time limit set on the message
global xyz
if choice1 != None: # if choice1 has input in it, than the time will not expire
if xyz == 1: # if no input has been made within the time limit, then this message
# will display
pag.confirm(text = 'Time is up!', title = 'Time is up!!!!!!!!!')
Thread(target = check).start()#starts the timer
choice1 = input("Please Enter your choice: ")