Logic behind Python indexing - python

I'm curious in Python why x[0] retrieves the first element of x while x[-1] retrieves the first element when reading in the reverse order. The syntax seems inconsistent to me since in the one case we're counting distance from the first element, whereas we don't count distance from the last element when reading backwards. Wouldn't something like x[-0] make more sense? One thought I have is that intervals in Python are generally thought of as inclusive with respect to the lower bound but exclusive for the upper bound, and so the index could maybe be interpreted as distance from a lower or upper bound element. Any ideas on why this notation was chosen? (I'm also just curious why zero indexing is preferred at all.)

The case for zero-based indexing in general is succinctly described by Dijkstra here. On the other hand, you have to think about how Python array indexes are calculated. As the array indexes are first calculated:
x = arr[index]
will first resolve and calculate index, and -0 obviously evaluates to 0, it would be quite impossible to have arr[-0] to indicate the last element.
y = -0 (??)
x = arr[y]
would hardly make sense.
Let's have a look at the following function:
def test():
y = x[-1]
Assume x has been declared above in a global scope. Now let's have a look at the bytecode:
3 LOAD_CONST 1 (-1)
7 STORE_FAST 0 (y)
10 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
Basically the global constant x (more precisely its address) is pushed on the stack. Then the array index is evaluated and pushed on the stack. Then the instruction BINARY_SUBSCR which implements TOS = TOS1[TOS] (where TOS means Top of Stack). Then the top of the stack is popped into the variable y.
As the BINARY_SUBSCR handles negative array indices, and that -0 will be evaluated to 0 before being pushed to the top of the stack, it would take major changes (and unnecessary changes) to the interpreter to have arr[-0] indicate the last element of the array.

Its mostly for a couple reasons:
Computers work with 0-based numbers
Older programming languages used 0-based indexing since they were low-level and closer to machine code
Newer, Higher-level languages use it for consistency and the same reasons
For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-based_numbering#Usage_in_programming_languages

In many other languages that use 0-based indexes but without negative index implemented as python, to access the last element of a list (array) requires finding the length of the list and subtracting 1 for the last element, like so:
items[len(items) - 1]
In python the len(items) part can simply be omitted with support for negative index, consider:
>>> items = list(range(10))
>>> items[len(items) - 1]
>>> items[-1]

In python: 0 == -0, so x[0] == x[-0].
Why is sequence indexing zero based instead of one based? It is a choice the language designer should do. Most languages I know of use 0 based indexing. Xpath uses 1 based for selection.
Using negative indexing is also a convention for the language. Not sure why it was chosen, but it allows for circling or looping the sequence by simple addition (subtraction) on the index.


What is the simplest python equivalent to R `:` operator to create a sequence of numbers outside indexing

Is there a simple Python equivalent to R's : operator to create a vector of numbers? I only found range().
vector_example <- 1:4
[1] 1 2 3 4
You mention range(). That's the standard answer for Python's equivalent. It returns a sequence. If you want the equivalent in a Python list, just create a list from the sequence returned by range():
range_list = list(range(1,5))
[1, 2, 3, 4]
I don't know 'go', but from your example, it appears that its : operator's second argument is inclusive...that is, that number is included in the resulting sequence. This is not true of Python's range() function. The second parameter passed to it is not included in the resulting sequence. So where you use 4 in your example, you want to use 5 with Python to get the same result.
I remember being frustrated by the lack of : to create sequences of consecutive numbers when I first switched from R to Python. In general, there is no direct equivalent to the : operator. Python sequences are more like R's seq() function.
While the base function range is alright, I personally prefer numpy.arange, as it is more flexible.
import numpy as np
# Create a simple array from 1 through 4
np.arange(1, 5)
# This is what I mean by "more flexible"
np.arange(1, 5).tolist()
Remember that Python lists and arrays are 0-indexed. As far as I'm concerned, all intervals are right-open too. So np.arange(a, b) will exclude b.
PS: There are other functions, such as numpy.linspace which may suit your needs.

Changing the indexing order of BitArray in Python

I am using a BitArray in my python script, and I was wondering if there is a way to change the indexes order of the BitArray that I create. Right now the indexes are from 0 to N-1 where N is the number of bits. Is there away to change the indexes to go from N-1 to O?
dataBits = BitArray('0b10100000')
This above two lines return the first bit True because the order of indexes is from 0 to N-1. Can I change the order of indexes for this to return the last bit False?
Yes. What you're looking for is the module variable lsb0:
bitstring.lsb0 = True
dataBits = bitstring.BitArray('0b10100000')
Prints out False.

Best way to hash ordered permutation of [1,9]

I'm trying to implement a method to keep the visited states of the 8 puzzle from generating again.
My initial approach was to save each visited pattern in a list and do a linear check each time the algorithm wants to generate a child.
Now I want to do this in O(1) time through list access. Each pattern in 8 puzzle is an ordered permutation of numbers between 1 to 9 (9 being the blank block), for example 125346987 is:
1 2 5
3 4 6
_ 8 7
The number of all of the possible permutation of this kind is around 363,000 (9!). what is the best way to hash these numbers to indexes of a list of that size?
You can map a permutation of N items to its index in the list of all permutations of N items (ordered lexicographically).
Here's some code that does this, and a demonstration that it produces indexes 0 to 23 once each for all permutations of a 4-letter sequence.
import itertools
def fact(n):
r = 1
for i in xrange(n):
r *= i + 1
return r
def I(perm):
if len(perm) == 1:
return 0
return sum(p < perm[0] for p in perm) * fact(len(perm) - 1) + I(perm[1:])
for p in itertools.permutations('abcd'):
print p, I(p)
The best way to understand the code is to prove its correctness. For an array of length n, there's (n-1)! permutations with the smallest element of the array appearing first, (n-1)! permutations with the second smallest element appearing first, and so on.
So, to find the index of a given permutation, see count how many items are smaller than the first thing in the permutation and multiply that by (n-1)!. Then recursively add the index of the remainder of the permutation, considered as a permutation of (n-1) elements. The base case is when you have a permutation of length 1. Obviously there's only one such permutation, so its index is 0.
A worked example: [1324].
[1324]: 1 appears first, and that's the smallest element in the array, so that gives 0 * (3!)
Removing 1 gives us [324]. The first element is 3. There's one element that's smaller, so that gives us 1 * (2!).
Removing 3 gives us [24]. The first element is 2. That's the smallest element remaining, so that gives us 0 * (1!).
Removing 2 gives us [4]. There's only one element, so we use the base case and get 0.
Adding up, we get 0*3! + 1*2! + 0*1! + 0 = 1*2! = 2. So [1324] is at index 2 in the sorted list of 4 permutations. That's correct, because at index 0 is [1234], index 1 is [1243], and the lexicographically next permutation is our [1324].
I believe you're asking for a function to map permutations to array indices. This dictionary maps all permutations of numbers 1-9 to values from 0 to 9!-1.
import itertools
index = itertools.count(0)
permutations = itertools.permutations(range(1, 10))
hashes = {h:next(index) for h in permutations}
For example, hashes[(1,2,5,3,4,6,9,8,7)] gives a value of 1445.
If you need them in strings instead of tuples, use:
permutations = [''.join(x) for x in itertools.permutations('123456789')]
or as integers:
permutations = [int(''.join(x)) for x in itertools.permutations('123456789')]
It looks like you are only interested in whether or not you have already visited the permutation.
You should use a set. It grants the O(1) look-up you are interested in.
A space as well lookup efficient structure for this problem is a trie type structure, as it will use common space for lexicographical matches in any
i.e. the space used for "123" in 1234, and in 1235 will be the same.
Lets assume 0 as replacement for '_' in your example for simplicity.
Your trie will be a tree of booleans, the root node will be an empty node, and then each node will contain 9 children with a boolean flag set to false, the 9 children specify digits 0 to 8 and _ .
You can create the trie on the go, as you encounter a permutation, and store the encountered digits as boolean in the trie by setting the bool as true.
The trie is traversed from root to children based on digits of the permutation, and if the nodes have been marked as true, that means the permutation has occured before. The complexity of lookup is just 9 node hops.
Here is how the trie would look for a 4 digit example :
Python trie
This trie can be easily stored in a list of booleans, say myList.
Where myList[0] is the root, as explained in the concept here :
The final trie in a list would be around 9+9^2+9^3....9^8 bits i.e. less than 10 MB for all lookups.
I've developed a heuristic function for this specific case. It is not a perfect hashing, as the mapping is not between [0,9!-1] but between [1,767359], but it is O(1).
Let's assume we already have a file / reserved memory / whatever with 767359 bits set to 0 (e.g., mem = [False] * 767359). Let a 8puzzle pattern be mapped to a python string (e.g., '125346987'). Then, the hash function is determined by:
def getPosition( input_str ):
data = []
opts = range(1,10)
n = int(input_str[0])
for c in input_str[1:len(input_str)-1]:
k = opts.index(int(c))
ind = data[3]<<14 | data[5]<<12 | data[2]<<9 | data[1]<<6 | data[0]<<3 | data[4]<<1 | data[6]<<0
output_str = str(ind)+str(n)
output = int(output_str)
return output
I.e., in order to check if a 8puzzle pattern = 125346987 has already been used, we need to:
pattern = '125346987'
pos = getPosition(pattern)
used = mem[pos-1] #mem starts in 0, getPosition in 1.
With a perfect hashing we would have needed 9! bits to store the booleans. In this case we need 2x more (767359/9! = 2.11), but recall that it is not even 1Mb (barely 100KB).
Note that the function is easily invertible.
I could prove you mathematically why this works and why there won't be any collision, but since this is a programming forum let's just run it for every possible permutation and check that all the hash values (positions) are indeed different:
def getPosition( input_str ):
data = []
opts = range(1,10)
n = int(input_str[0])
for c in input_str[1:len(input_str)-1]:
k = opts.index(int(c))
ind = data[3]<<14 | data[5]<<12 | data[2]<<9 | data[1]<<6 | data[0]<<3 | data[4]<<1 | data[6]<<0
output_str = str(ind)+str(n)
output = int(output_str)
return output
def addperm(x,l):
return [ l[0:i] + [x] + l[i:] for i in range(len(l)+1) ]
def perm(l):
if len(l) == 0:
return [[]]
return [x for y in perm(l[1:]) for x in addperm(l[0],y) ]
#We generate all the permutations
all_perms = perm([ i for i in range(1,10)])
print "Number of all possible perms.: "+str(len(all_perms)) #indeed 9! = 362880
#We execute our hash function over all the perms and store the output.
all_positions = [];
for permutation in all_perms:
perm_string = ''.join(map(str,permutation))
#We wan't to check if there has been any collision, i.e., if there
#is one position that is repeated at least twice.
print "Number of different hashes: "+str(len(set(all_positions)))
#also 9!, so the hash works properly.
How does it work?
The idea behind this has to do with a tree: at the beginning it has 9 branches going to 9 nodes, each corresponding to a digit. From each of these nodes we have 8 branches going to 8 nodes, each corresponding to a digit except its parent, then 7, and so on.
We first store the first digit of our input string in a separate variable and pop it out from our 'node' list, because we have already taken the branch corresponding to the first digit.
Then we have 8 branches, we choose the one corresponding with our second digit. Note that, since there are 8 branches, we need 3 bits to store the index of our chosen branch and the maximum value it can take is 111 for the 8th branch (we map branch 1-8 to binary 000-111). Once we have chosen and store the branch index, we pop that value out, so that the next node list doesn't include again this digit.
We proceed in the same way for branches 7, 6 and 5. Note that when we have 7 branches we still need 3 bits, though the maximum value will be 110. When we have 5 branches, the index will be at most binary 100.
Then we get to 4 branches and we notice that this can be stored just with 2 bits, same for 3 branches. For 2 branches we will just need 1bit, and for the last branch we don't need any bit: there will be just one branch pointing to the last digit, which will be the remaining from our 1-9 original list.
So, what we have so far: the first digit stored in a separated variable and a list of 7 indexes representing branches. The first 4 indexes can be represented with 3bits, the following 2 indexes can be represented with 2bits and the last index with 1bit.
The idea is to concatenate all this indexes in their bit form to create a larger number. Since we have 17bits, this number will be at most 2^17=131072. Now we just add the first digit we had stored to the end of that number (at most this digit will be 9) and we have that the biggest number we can create is 1310729.
But we can do better: recall that when we had 5 branches we needed 3 bits, though the maximum value was binary 100. What if we arrange our bits so that those with more 0s come first? If so, in the worst case scenario our final bit number will be the concatenation of:
100 10 101 110 111 11 1
Which in decimal is 76735. Then we proceed as before (adding the 9 at the end) and we get that our biggest possible generated number is 767359, which is the ammount of bits we need and corresponds to input string 987654321, while the lowest possible number is 1 which corresponds to input string 123456789.
Just to finish: one might wonder why have we stored the first digit in a separate variable and added it at the end. The reason is that if we had kept it then the number of branches at the beginning would have been 9, so for storing the first index (1-9) we would have needed 4 bits (0000 to 1000). which would have make our mapping much less efficient, as in that case the biggest possible number (and therefore the amount of memory needed) would have been
1000 100 10 101 110 111 11 1
which is 1125311 in decimal (1.13Mb vs 768Kb). It is quite interesting to see that the ratio 1.13M/0.768K = 1.47 has something to do with the ratio of the four bits compared to just adding a decimal value (2^4/10 = 1.6) which makes a lot of sense (the difference is due to the fact that with the first approach we are not fully using the 4 bits).
First. There is nothing faster than a list of booleans. There's a total of 9! == 362880 possible permutations for your task, which is a reasonably small amount of data to store in memory:
visited_states = [False] * math.factorial(9)
Alternatively, you can use array of bytes which is slightly slower (not by much though) and has a much lower memory footprint (by a power of magnitude at least). However any memory savings from using an array will probably be of little value considering the next step.
Second. You need to convert your specific permutation to it's index. There are algorithms which do this, one of the best StackOverflow questions on this topic is probably this one:
Finding the index of a given permutation
You have fixed permutation size n == 9, so whatever complexity an algorithm has, it will be equivalent to O(1) in your situation.
However to produce even faster results, you can pre-populate a mapping dictionary which will give you an O(1) lookup:
all_permutations = map(lambda p: ''.join(p), itertools.permutations('123456789'))
permutation_index = dict((perm, index) for index, perm in enumerate(all_permutations))
This dictionary will consume about 50 Mb of memory, which is... not that much actually. Especially since you only need to create it once.
After all this is done, checking your specific combination is done with:
visited = visited_states[permutation_index['168249357']]
Marking it to visited is done in the same manner:
visited_states[permutation_index['168249357']] = True
Note that using any of permutation index algorithms will be much slower than mapping dictionary. Most of those algorithms are of O(n2) complexity and in your case it results 81 times worse performance even discounting the extra python code itself. So unless you have heavy memory constraints, using mapping dictionary is probably the best solution speed-wise.
Addendum. As has been pointed out by Palec, visited_states list is actually not needed at all - it's perfectly possible to store True/False values directly in the permutation_index dictionary, which saves some memory and an extra list lookup.
Notice if you type hash(125346987) it returns 125346987. That is for a reason, because there is no point in hashing an integer to anything other than an integer.
What you should do, is when you find a pattern add it to a dictionary rather than a list. This will provide the fast lookup you need rather than traversing the list like you are doing now.
So say you find the pattern 125346987 you can do:
foundPatterns = {}
#some code to find the pattern
foundPatterns[1] = 125346987
#more code
#test if there?
125346987 in foundPatterns.values()
If you must always have O(1), then seems like a bit array would do the job. You'd only need to store 363,000 elements, which seems doable. Though note that in practice it's not always faster. Simplest implementation looks like:
Create data structure
visited_bitset = [False for _ in xrange(373000)]
Test current state and add if not visited yet
if !visited[current_state]:
visited_bitset[current_state] = True
Paul's answer might work.
Elisha's answer is perfectly valid hash function that would guarantee that no collision happen in the hash function. The 9! would be a pure minimum for a guaranteed no collision hash function, but (unless someone corrects me, Paul probably has) I don't believe there exists a function to map each board to a value in the domain [0, 9!], let alone a hash function that is nothing more that O(1).
If you have a 1GB of memory to support a Boolean array of 864197532 (aka 987654321-12346789) indices. You guarantee (computationally) the O(1) requirement.
Practically (meaning when you run in a real system) speaking this isn't going to be cache friendly but on paper this solution will definitely work. Even if an perfect function did exist, doubt it too would be cache friendly either.
Using prebuilts like set or hashmap (sorry I haven't programmed Python in a while, so don't remember the datatype) must have an amortized 0(1). But using one of these with a suboptimal hash function like n % RANDOM_PRIME_NUM_GREATER_THAN_100000 might give the best solution.

What does extended slice syntax actually do for negative steps? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Understanding slicing
(38 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
The extended slice syntax in python has been explained to me as "a[n:m:k] returns every kth element from n to m".
This gives me a good idea what to expect when k is positive. But I'm lost on how to interpret a[n:m:k] for negative k. I know that a[::-1] reverses a, and that a[::-k] takes ever kth element of the reversed a.
But how is this a generalization of the definition for k positive? I'd like to know how a[n:m:k] is actually defined, so that (for example) I can understand why:
"abcd"[-1:0:-1] = "dcb"
Is a[n:m:-k] reversing the sequence a, then taking the elements with original indices starting from n and ending one before m or something? I don't think so, because this pattern doesn't fit other values of n and m I've tried. But I'm at a loss to figure out how this is actually defined, and searching has gotten me nowhere.
[-1:0:-1] means: start from the index len(string)-1 and move up to 0(not included) and take a step of -1(reverse).
So, the following indexes are fetched:
le-1, le-1-1, le-1-1-1 .... 1 # le is len(string)
In [24]: strs = 'foobar'
In [25]: le = len(strs)
In [26]: strs[-1:0:-1] # the first -1 is equivalent to len(strs)-1
Out[26]: 'raboo'
In [27]: strs[le-1:0:-1]
Out[27]: 'raboo'
The Python documentation (here's the technical one; the explanation for range() is a bit easier to understand) is more correct than the simplified "every kth element" explanation. The slicing parameters are aptly named
so the slice starts at the location defined by start, stops before the location stop is reached, and moves from one position to the next by step items.

Order of evaluation in Python is not clear [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Multiple assignment in Python
As we have learnt right since we started with C that on a computer while working in one thread, all operations occur one by one.
I have a doubt in Python 3 language. I have seen codes for swapping variable values using the expression:
a,b = b,a
Or for Fibonacci series using:
a,b = b,a+b
How can these work ? But they do work :O
Does the Python system internally create some temporary variable for these ? What's the order of assignment so that both effectively give the correct result ?
At a high level, you are creating two tuples, the left hand side and right hand side, and assigning the right one to the left, which changes the variables one by one to their opposites. Python is a higher level language, so there are more abstractions like this when compared to a language like C.
At a low level, you can see quite clearly what is happening by using the dis module, which can show you the python bytecode for a function:
>>> import dis
>>> def test(x, y):
... x, y = y, x
>>> dis.dis(test)
2 0 LOAD_FAST 1 (y)
3 LOAD_FAST 0 (x)
7 STORE_FAST 0 (x)
10 STORE_FAST 1 (y)
13 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)
What happens is it uses ROT_TWO to swap the order of the items on the stack, which is a very efficient way of doing this.
When you write a, b, you create tuple.
>>> 1, 2
(1, 2)
So, nothing special in evaluation order.
From the Fibonacci example with a=1 and b=1. First, the right hand side is evaluated: b,a+b resulting in the tuple (1,2). Next, the right hand side is assigned to the left hand side, namely a and b. So yes, the evaluation on the right is stored in memory, and then a and b changed to point to these new values.

