Given a list of points obstacles (given as a list of row, column matrix coordinates, an ndarray of shape (n, 2)), return a map of size size (where size is the shape of the 2D NumPy array) in which the value of r, c is the Euclidean distance to the closest "obstacle."
def gen_distgrid(size, obstacles):
n_obstacles = obstacles.shape[0]
distgrids = np.zeros((n_obstacles + 4, size[0], size[1]))
for layer in range(n_obstacles):
for i in range(size[0]):
for j in range(size[1]):
distgrids[layer, i, j] = np.linalg.norm(obstacles[layer,:] - [i,j])
for i in range(size[0]):
for j in range(size[1]):
distgrids[n_obstacles + 0, i, j] = i
distgrids[n_obstacles + 1, i, j] = (size[0] - i)
distgrids[n_obstacles + 2, i, j] = j
distgrids[n_obstacles + 3, i, j] = (size[1] - j)
distgrid = np.min(distgrids, axis=0)
return distgrid
My method is really slow, and I feel like there should be a better one.
Here is a solution to a similar problem using a KD-tree with Numpy and SciPy. Just insert your obstacles into the KD-tree and query the tree for each grid point to get its nearest neighbor.
I ended up using a KD-tree from SciPy. It has a very easy distance function.
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
def gen_distgrid(obstacles):
n_obstacles = obstacles.shape[0]
obstacles = np.vstack((obstacles, [0,0], [0, size[1] - 1], [size[0] - 1, 0], [size[0] - 1, size[1] - 1]))
distgrid = np.zeros((size[0], size[1]))
obs_tree = KDTree(data=obstacles)
i_v = np.arange(size[0])
j_v = np.arange(size[1])
coordmat = np.dstack(np.meshgrid(i_v, j_v, indexing='ij'))
obs_dists, obs_locs = obs_tree.query(coordmat)
top_dists = np.repeat(i_v, size[1]).reshape(size)
bottom_dists = np.repeat(size[0] - i_v, size[1]).reshape(size)
left_dists = np.repeat(j_v, size[0]).reshape(np.transpose(size)).T
right_dists = np.repeat(size[1] - j_v, size[0]).reshape(np.transpose(size)).T
dists = np.min([obs_dists, top_dists, bottom_dists, left_dists, right_dists], axis=0)
return dists
I'm looking for a way to compare each value in a 2D array to values surrounding it and returning which values are close to the value of interest (within a threshold).
The ways I've explored involve iterating through each element of a 2D array, but I feel this is not the fastest or optimal way to do it.
The input would be a 2D array (size: i x j), and the output would be two 3D arrays (k x i x j) where the "extra" dimension is there to store the i and j indices of the nearby elements that are within a threshold.
Some code to illustrate what I am doing at the moment:
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
arr = np.random.random((100, 100)) # Some 2D input array
threshold = 0.5
# Arrays for the row and col indices
i_all, j_all = np.mgrid[0:arr.shape[0],
# Footprint around the current element (ie looking at the 8 elements around the central value). Must be odd.
footprint = (3, 3)
footprint_size = np.product(footprint)
# Prepare output for i and j indices
output_i = np.full((footprint_size, *arr.shape), np.nan)
output_j = np.full((footprint_size, *arr.shape), np.nan)
for p, element in enumerate(tqdm(arr.flatten())): # Iterate through each element
i, j = np.unravel_index(p, arr.shape)
# Create mask of elements to compare to
mask = ((i_all >= (i - (footprint[0] - 1) / 2)) &
(i_all <= (i + (footprint[0] - 1) / 2)) &
(j_all >= (j - (footprint[1] - 1) / 2)) &
(j_all <= (j + (footprint[1] - 1) / 2)))
# Create mask of those within the threshold
close_mask = abs(arr[mask] - element) <= threshold
if np.nansum(close_mask) < np.product(footprint): # If at edges need to pad to be able to index into output arrays
output_i[:, i, j] = np.pad(i_all[mask][close_mask].flatten().astype(float),
(int(footprint_size - np.nansum(close_mask)), 0),
mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
output_j[:, i, j] = np.pad(j_all[mask][close_mask].flatten().astype(float),
(int(footprint_size - np.nansum(close_mask)), 0),
mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan)
else: # Don't need to pad here
output_i[:, i, j] = i_all[mask][close_mask]
output_j[:, i, j] = j_all[mask][close_mask]
# Output: two 3D arrays of indices corresponding to elements within the threshold of the element of interest for rows and cols
Which works fine for small arrays but is very slow when arrays have ~10^6 elements. The other idea I had was sliding the array over itself to compare values. This might be faster but I'm curious if there are any other ideas or built-in functions that can do a similar thing.
I do not know where, but I am prette sure your method has some bug. When you look at results, last (100x100) subarrays have all indices present.
What I wrote gives results that look better, is ~1000x faster, but still requires some testing from you. I might have made some error.
def faster_method(arr, threshold, footprint):
temp_arr = np.full((arr.shape[0] + footprint[0] - 1, arr.shape[1] + footprint[1] - 1), np.nan)
temp_arr[footprint[0] // 2: footprint[0] // 2 + arr.shape[0],
footprint[1] // 2: footprint[1] // 2 + arr.shape[1]] = arr
temp_i_all, temp_j_all = np.mgrid[-(footprint[0] // 2): arr.shape[0] + footprint[0] // 2,
-(footprint[1] // 2): arr.shape[1] + footprint[1] // 2]
footprint_size = np.product(footprint)
output_i = np.full((footprint_size, *arr.shape), np.nan)
output_j = np.full((footprint_size, *arr.shape), np.nan)
output_idx = 0
for neighbour_vertical_position in range(footprint[0]):
for neighbour_horizontal_position in range(footprint[0]):
if neighbour_vertical_position == footprint[0] // 2 and neighbour_horizontal_position == footprint[1] // 2:
# center point, not a neighbour, so we can keep np.nan for it everywhere
current_neighbour = temp_arr[neighbour_horizontal_position: neighbour_horizontal_position + arr.shape[0],
neighbour_vertical_position: neighbour_vertical_position + arr.shape[1]]
current_i_all = temp_i_all[neighbour_horizontal_position: neighbour_horizontal_position + arr.shape[0],
neighbour_vertical_position: neighbour_vertical_position + arr.shape[1]]
current_j_all = temp_j_all[neighbour_horizontal_position: neighbour_horizontal_position + arr.shape[0],
neighbour_vertical_position: neighbour_vertical_position + arr.shape[1]]
is_close_array = np.abs(arr - current_neighbour) > threshold
output_i[output_idx] = current_i_all + 0 / is_close_array
output_j[output_idx] = current_j_all + 0 / is_close_array
return output_i, output_j
Using dankal444's answer I managed to get this working:
def slidingCompare(arr, footprint=(3, 3), threshold=0.5):
arr: 2D array | input
footprint: tuple | search window dimensions (must be odd)
threshold: float | Threshold for neighbours to be close
import numpy as np
assert footprint[0] % 2 == 1, "Footprint dimensions should be odd. "
assert footprint[0] % 2 == 1, "Footprint dimensions should be odd. "
temp_arr = np.full((arr.shape[0] + footprint[0] - 1,
arr.shape[1] + footprint[1] - 1), np.nan)
temp_arr[footprint[0] // 2:footprint[0] // 2 + arr.shape[0],
footprint[1] // 2:footprint[1] // 2 + arr.shape[1]] = arr
# Arrays for the row and col indices
i_all, j_all = np.mgrid[-(footprint[0] // 2):arr.shape[0]+(footprint[0] // 2),
-(footprint[1] // 2):arr.shape[1]+(footprint[1] // 2)]
# Footprint around the current element (ie looking at the 8 elements around the central value). Must be odd.
footprint_size = np.product(footprint)
# Prepare output for i and j indices
output_i = np.full((footprint_size, *arr.shape), np.nan)
output_j = np.full((footprint_size, *arr.shape), np.nan)
output_ix = np.arange(footprint_size).reshape(footprint)
for vert_pos in np.arange(footprint[0]):
for horiz_pos in np.arange(footprint[1]):
neighbour = temp_arr[vert_pos: vert_pos + arr.shape[0],
horiz_pos: horiz_pos + arr.shape[1]]
close_mask = abs(arr - neighbour) <= threshold
output_i[output_ix[vert_pos, horiz_pos], close_mask] = i_all[vert_pos: vert_pos + arr.shape[0],
horiz_pos: horiz_pos + arr.shape[1]][close_mask]
output_j[output_ix[vert_pos, horiz_pos], close_mask] = j_all[vert_pos: vert_pos + arr.shape[0],
horiz_pos: horiz_pos + arr.shape[1]][close_mask]
# Output: two 3D arrays of indices corresponding to elements within the threshold of the element of interest for rows and cols
return output_i, output_j
I'm trying to get my head around the example code on the wikipedia page for Laplacian matricies.
It is written in MatLab and I only have access to open source tools.
I think most of it is fairly straight forward but I'm having a bit of trouble on this one line.
C0V = V'*C0; % Transform the initial condition into the coordinate system
% of the eigenvectors
Now my maths isn't up to scratch to really understand what the comment means. Judging by the matlab website this appears to be a transposed matrix multiplied (inner product) by another matrix.
Where the left matrix (after transposing) is ( m x p ) and the right is ( p x n ).
The matrix V is produced by a call to eig a few lines above, which from this answer I am substituting scipy.linalg.eig.
The problem is that C0 is clearly defined as an N x N matrix (ndarray), but in my code V is an N**2 x N**2 matrix. I have no way of knowing what shape V is in the original code.
For reference the wikipedia code is below, and below that is my attempt to rewrite it in python (using scipy and numpy), followed by the error attributed to the line described above.
Matlab code from wikipedia
N = 20; % The number of pixels along a dimension of the image
A = zeros(N, N); % The image
Adj = zeros(N * N, N * N); % The adjacency matrix
% Use 8 neighbors, and fill in the adjacency matrix
dx = [- 1, 0, 1, - 1, 1, - 1, 0, 1];
dy = [- 1, - 1, - 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1];
for x = 1:N
for y = 1:N
index = (x - 1) * N + y;
for ne = 1:length(dx)
newx = x + dx(ne);
newy = y + dy(ne);
if newx > 0 && newx <= N && newy > 0 && newy <= N
index2 = (newx - 1) * N + newy;
Adj(index, index2) = 1;
Deg = diag(sum(Adj, 2)); % Compute the degree matrix
L = Deg - Adj; % Compute the laplacian matrix in terms of the degree and adjacency matrices
[V, D] = eig(L); % Compute the eigenvalues/vectors of the laplacian matrix
D = diag(D);
% Initial condition (place a few large positive values around and
% make everything else zero)
C0 = zeros(N, N);
C0(2:5, 2:5) = 5;
C0(10:15, 10:15) = 10;
C0(2:5, 8:13) = 7;
C0 = C0(:);
C0V = V'*C0; % Transform the initial condition into the coordinate system
% of the eigenvectors
for t = 0:0.05:5
% Loop through times and decay each initial component
Phi = C0V .* exp(- D * t); % Exponential decay for each component
Phi = V * Phi; % Transform from eigenvector coordinate system to original coordinate system
Phi = reshape(Phi, N, N);
% Display the results and write to GIF file
caxis([0, 10]);
title(sprintf('Diffusion t = %3f', t));
frame = getframe(1);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind, cm] = rgb2ind(im, 256);
if t == 0
imwrite(imind, cm, 'out.gif', 'gif', 'Loopcount', inf, 'DelayTime', 0.1);
imwrite(imind, cm, 'out.gif', 'gif', 'WriteMode', 'append', 'DelayTime', 0.1);
My attempted translation
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.linalg as la
N = 20 # The number of pixels along a dimension of the image
A = np.zeros((N, N)) # The image
Adj = np.zeros((N**2, N**2)) # The adjacency matrix
# Use 8 neighbors, and fill in the adjacency matrix
dx = [- 1, 0, 1, - 1, 1, - 1, 0, 1]
dy = [- 1, - 1, - 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
for x in range(N):
for y in range(N):
index = x * N + y
for ne in range(len(dx)):
newx = x + dx[ne]
newy = y + dy[ne]
if (newx >= 0 and newx < N
and newy >= 0 and newy < N):
index2 = newx * N + newy;
Adj[index, index2] = 1
Deg = np.diag(np.sum(Adj, 1)) # Compute the degree matrix
L = Deg - Adj # Compute the laplacian matrix in terms of the degree and adjacency matrices
D, V = la.eig(L) # Compute the eigenvalues/vectors of the laplacian matrix
D = np.diag(D)
# Initial condition (place a few large positive values around and
# make everything else zero)
C0 = np.zeros((N, N))
C0[1:4, 1:4] = 5
C0[9:14, 9:14] = 10
C0[1:5, 7:12] = 7
#C0 = C0(:) #This doesn't seem to do anything?
# matlab:C0V = V'*C0; % Transform the initial condition into the coordinate system
# of the eigenvectors
C0V = V.T * C0 # ???
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-c3014dc90c9f> in <module>
2 # of the eigenvectors
----> 4 C0V = V.T * C0
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (400,400) (20,20)
It appears #hpaulj has identified my problem. The line I ommited is a ravel operation ie C0 = C0(:) takes a 20, 20 matrix to a 400, 1 vector. So I need
C0 = C0.ravel()
I am trying to build a bounded Voronoi diagram using the scipy package and in each iteration I compute the centroids of the Voronoi cells and move a bit say some delta towards the centroid and recompute the Voronoi diagram by updating the generator points. When I try to plot the updated points I get a weird error as in the point I plot is not where it is expected to be.
Here's the code
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.spatial
import sys
eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
n_robots = 10
robots = np.random.rand(n_robots, 2)
bounding_box = np.array([0., 1., 0., 1.])
def in_box(robots, bounding_box):
return np.logical_and(np.logical_and(bounding_box[0] <= robots[:, 0],
robots[:, 0] <= bounding_box[1]),
np.logical_and(bounding_box[2] <= robots[:, 1],
robots[:, 1] <= bounding_box[3]))
def voronoi(robots, bounding_box):
i = in_box(robots, bounding_box)
points_center = robots[i, :]
points_left = np.copy(points_center)
points_left[:, 0] = bounding_box[0] - (points_left[:, 0] - bounding_box[0])
points_right = np.copy(points_center)
points_right[:, 0] = bounding_box[1] + (bounding_box[1] - points_right[:, 0])
points_down = np.copy(points_center)
points_down[:, 1] = bounding_box[2] - (points_down[:, 1] - bounding_box[2])
points_up = np.copy(points_center)
points_up[:, 1] = bounding_box[3] + (bounding_box[3] - points_up[:, 1])
points = np.append(points_center,
# Compute Voronoi
vor = sp.spatial.Voronoi(points)
# Filter regions
regions = []
ind = np.arange(points.shape[0])
ind = np.expand_dims(ind,axis= 1)
for region in vor.regions:
flag = True
for index in region:
if index == -1:
flag = False
x = vor.vertices[index, 0]
y = vor.vertices[index, 1]
if not(bounding_box[0] - eps <= x and x <= bounding_box[1] + eps and
bounding_box[2] - eps <= y and y <= bounding_box[3] + eps):
flag = False
if region != [] and flag:
vor.filtered_points = points_center
vor.filtered_regions = regions
return vor
def centroid_region(vertices):
A = 0
C_x = 0
C_y = 0
for i in range(0, len(vertices) - 1):
s = (vertices[i, 0] * vertices[i + 1, 1] - vertices[i + 1, 0] * vertices[i, 1])
A = A + s
C_x = C_x + (vertices[i, 0] + vertices[i + 1, 0]) * s
C_y = C_y + (vertices[i, 1] + vertices[i + 1, 1]) * s
A = 0.5 * A
C_x = (1.0 / (6.0 * A)) * C_x
C_y = (1.0 / (6.0 * A)) * C_y
return np.array([[C_x, C_y]])
def plot(r,index):
vor = voronoi(r, bounding_box)
fig = pl.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
# Plot initial points
ax.plot(vor.filtered_points[:, 0], vor.filtered_points[:, 1], 'b.')
# Plot ridges points
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region, :]
ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'go')
# Plot ridges
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
ax.plot(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], 'k-')
# Compute and plot centroids
centroids = []
for region in vor.filtered_regions:
vertices = vor.vertices[region + [region[0]], :]
centroid = centroid_region(vertices)
centroids.append(list(centroid[0, :]))
ax.plot(centroid[:, 0], centroid[:, 1], 'r.')
centroids = np.asarray(centroids)
rob = np.copy(vor.filtered_points)
# the below code is for the plotting purpose the update happens in the update function
interim_x = np.asarray(centroids[:,0] - rob[:,0])
interim_y = np.asarray(centroids[:,1] - rob[:,1])
magn = [np.linalg.norm(centroids[i,:] - rob[i,:]) for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
x = np.copy(interim_x)
x = np.asarray([interim_x[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_x.shape[0])])
y = np.copy(interim_y)
y = np.asarray([interim_y[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_y.shape[0])])
nor = np.copy(rob)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
nor[i,0] = x[i]
nor[i,1] = y[i]
temp = np.copy(rob)
temp[:,0] = [rob[i,0] + 0.5*interim_x[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
temp[:,1] = [rob[i,1] + 0.5*interim_y[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
ax.plot(temp[:,0] ,temp[:,1], 'y.' )
ax.set_xlim([-0.1, 1.1])
ax.set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1])
pl.savefig("voronoi" + str(index) + ".png")
return centroids
def update(rob,centroids):
interim_x = np.asarray(centroids[:,0] - rob[:,0])
interim_y = np.asarray(centroids[:,1] - rob[:,1])
magn = [np.linalg.norm(centroids[i,:] - rob[i,:]) for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
x = np.copy(interim_x)
x = np.asarray([interim_x[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_x.shape[0])])
y = np.copy(interim_y)
y = np.asarray([interim_y[i]/magn[i] for i in range(interim_y.shape[0])])
nor = [np.linalg.norm([x[i],y[i]]) for i in range(x.shape[0])]
temp = np.copy(rob)
temp[:,0] = [rob[i,0] + 0.5*interim_x[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
temp[:,1] = [rob[i,1] + 0.5*interim_y[i] for i in range(rob.shape[0])]
return np.asarray(temp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(1):
centroids = plot(robots,i)
robots = update(robots,centroids)
Also here is an image of what the code does. The blue points are the generator points, red are the centroids and yellow are supposed to be the midway points between the blue and red points. But as you can see the yellow points are not in between the blue and red points.
The problem is that your points when fed to Voronoi get inflated during the construction of the tessellation, and when you later filter them out the points are in the wrong order. Consequently when you set vor.filtered_points = points_center in voronoi(), the points are shuffled compared to the order of regions. So while you're computing the midpoints correctly, you're using the wrong pairs of points.
I circled two correct pairings in green and an incorrect one in red here:
As you can see from the red circle, the basis point in an edge cell is paired with the centroid of an adjacent cell.
The solution is simple: when you're filtering the regions and find a region to keep, you need to gather the point which falls inside the corresponding region. You can do this by matching vor.points to vor.point_region and finding the corresponding region, for which you'll need to enumerate your regions:
# Compute Voronoi
vor = sp.spatial.Voronoi(points)
# Filter regions and select corresponding points
regions = []
points_to_filter = [] # we'll need to gather points too
ind = np.arange(points.shape[0])
ind = np.expand_dims(ind,axis= 1)
for i,region in enumerate(vor.regions): # enumerate the regions
if not region: # nicer to skip the empty region altogether
flag = True
for index in region:
if index == -1:
flag = False
x = vor.vertices[index, 0]
y = vor.vertices[index, 1]
if not(bounding_box[0] - eps <= x and x <= bounding_box[1] + eps and
bounding_box[2] - eps <= y and y <= bounding_box[3] + eps):
flag = False
if flag:
# find the point which lies inside
points_to_filter.append(vor.points[vor.point_region == i][0,:])
vor.filtered_points = np.array(points_to_filter)
vor.filtered_regions = regions
With these modifications the averaging works fine:
I'm retrieving close to 400k values in values, which is pretty slow by itself (that code is not being shown), and then I try to do a prediction of those values through a Kalmann filter, the first loop is taking a little over a minute to run, and the second aroun 2 and half minutes, I think the first can be vectorized, but I'm not sure how, specially the window_sma. The second loop I'm not sure how I could deal with the i increasing the x array (x = np.append(x, new_x_col, axis=1)).
This is the first one, which tries to do a prediction based on the values from SMA, using polyfit and polyval:
window_sma = 200
sma_index = 500
offset = 50
SMA = talib.SMA(values, timeperiod = window_sma)
vector_X = [1, 2, 3, 15]
sma_predicted = []
start_time = time.time()
for i in range (sma_index, len(SMA)):
j = int(i - offset)
k = int(i - offset / 2)
window_sma = [SMA[j], SMA[k], SMA[i]]
polyfit = np.polyfit([1, 2, 3], window_sma, 2)
y_hat = np.polyval(polyfit, vector_X)
And the second one, which attemps to filter the output of the first for loop to have a better prediction of the values I got from SMA:
# Kalman Filter
km = KalmanFilter(dim_x = 2, dim_z = 1)
# state transition matrix
km.F = np.array([[1.,1.],
# Measurement function
km.H = np.array([[1.,0.]])
# Change in time
dt = 0.0001
a = 1.5
# Covariance Matrix
km.Q = np.power(a, 2) * \
np.array([[np.power(dt,4)/4, np.power(dt,3)/2],
[np.power(dt,3)/2, np.power(dt,2)]])
# Variance
km.R = 1000
# Identity Matrix
I = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
# Measurement Matrix
km.Z = np.array(sma_predicted)
# Initial state
x = np.zeros((2,1))
x = np.array([[sma_predicted[0]], [0]])
# Initial distribution state's covariance matrix
km.P = np.array([[1000, 0], [0, 1000]])
for i in range (0, len(sma_predicted) - 1):
# Prediction
new_x_col =, x[:, i]).reshape(2, 1)
x = np.append(x, new_x_col, axis=1)
km.P = km.F * km.P * km.F.T + km.Q
# Correction
K =, km.H.T) / (, km.P), km.H.T) + km.R)
x[:, -1] = x[:, -1] +, (km.Z[i + 1] -, x[:, -1])))
#x[:, -1] = (x[:, -1] + K * (km.Z[i + 1] - km.H * x[:, -1])).reshape(2, i + 2)
km.P = (I - K * km.H) * km.P
The second one is worth attacking first, so I'll just do that.
You have this:
x = np.array([[sma_predicted[0]], [0]])
for i in range (0, len(sma_predicted) - 1):
new_x_col =, x[:, i]).reshape(2, 1)
x = np.append(x, new_x_col, axis=1)
# ...
Repeatedly appending to the same array is always bad practice in NumPy, so start with something like this:
x = np.zeros((2, len(sma_predicted)))
x[0, 0] = sma_predicted[0]
for i in range(len(sma_predicted) - 1):
x[:, i+1] =, x[:, i])
# ...
Note the reshape(2, 1) is not needed, thanks to NumPy broadcasting.
I realize this does not answer all of your implicit questions, but perhaps it gets you started.
It would be nice if dot were a ufunc so we could do something like, x.T), but it isn't (see this from 2009), so we can't. You could implement more speedups using Numba (with the append() removed as I showed, your code is a good candidate for Numba).
I'm trying to implement the ILU preconditioner in this GMRES code I wrote (in order to solve the linear sistem Ax = b. I'm trying with an easy tridiagonal SPD matrix of dimension 25x25. As you can see I'm calculating the preconditioner with spilu method. The code is running without error, but the solution is clearly wrong since, at the end of the code, I'm printing the norm of b and the norm of the product A*x. They are not nearly the same..
The code Run fine without preconditioner and converge with 13 iteration for the same matrix.
This is the code I followed
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
'Size controller'
matrixSize =25
'Building a tri-diagonal matrix'
def Atridiag(val_0, val_sup, val_inf, mSize):
cen = np.ones((1, mSize))*val_0
sup = np.ones((1, mSize-1))*val_sup
inf = np.ones((1, mSize-1))*val_inf
diag_cen = np.diagflat(cen, 0)
diag_sup = np.diagflat(sup, 1)
diag_inf = np.diagflat(inf, -1)
return diag_cen + diag_sup + diag_inf
A = Atridiag(2, -1, -1, matrixSize)
A = sp.sparse.csc_matrix (A)
'Plot matrix sparsity'
plt.spy(A, marker ='.', markersize=2)
'random b and x0 vectors'
b = np.matrix(np.ones((matrixSize, 1)))
x = np.matrix(np.ones((matrixSize, 1)))
'Incomplete LU'
M = sp.sparse.linalg.dsolve.spilu(A)
M1 = lambda x: M.solve(x)
'Initial Data'
nmax_iter = 30
rstart = 2
tol = 1e-7
e = np.zeros((nmax_iter + 1, 1))
rr = 1
'Starting GMRES'
for rs in range (0, rstart+1):
'first check on residual'
if rr < tol :
r0 = (b -
betha = np.linalg.norm(r0)
e[0] = betha
H = np.zeros((nmax_iter + 1, nmax_iter))
V = np.zeros((matrixSize, nmax_iter+1))
V[:, 0:1] = r0/betha
for k in range (1, nmax_iter+1):
'Appling the Preconditioner'
t =[:, k-1])
V[:, k] = M2.matvec(t)
'Ortogonalizzazione GS'
for j in range (k):
H[j, k-1] =[:, k].T, V[:, j])
V[:, k] = V[:, k] - ([j, k-1], V[:, j]))
H[k, k-1] = np.linalg.norm(V[:, k])
V[:, k] = V[:, k] / H[k, k-1]
'QR Decomposition'
Q = np.zeros((n+1, n))
R = np.zeros((n, n))
R[0, 0] = np.linalg.norm(H[0:n+2, 0])
Q[:, 0] = H[0:n+1, 0] / R[0,0]
for j in range (0, n+1):
t = H[0:n+1, j-1]
for i in range (0, j-1):
R[i, j-1] =[:, i], t)
t = t -[i, j-1], Q[:, i])
R[j-1, j-1] = np.linalg.norm(t)
Q[:, j-1] = t / R[j-1, j-1]
g =, e[0:k+1])
Z =, g)
Res = e[0:n] -[0:n, 0:n], Z[0:n])
rr = np.linalg.norm(Res)
'second check on residual'
if rr < tol:
'Updating the solution'
x = x +[:, 0:k], Z)
Really Hope somebody can figure it out!!
Maybe it's too late, but for future reference :
You forgot to multiply by the conditioner when updating x :
x = x +[:, 0:k], Z) # M2.matvec() works the same
See here
With that fix, the algorithm converges in 1 iteration.
Other comments:
You can directly do : M2 = sp.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((matrixSize,matrixSize),M.solve)
At the end, to compare Ax and b, it's better to print the difference (residual) because you will get a much more precise result: print(sp.linalg.norm(b -,x)))