Orientation of a best fit plane in 3D space - python

I'm looking at trying to obtain the Orientation of a plane that's plotted as a best fit line in a 3D scatter diagram using python 3.4.3 and Matplotlib. I currently have the data plotted in a 3D diagram with a plane going through the points and need a way to obtain the orientation of the plane.
Looking at getting the angle it is dipping at from the Z axis. Is there a shortcut i've missed that simply "prints" the orientation angle. Or would it be possible to create a trigonmetric feature from the roof of the box to the plane to get the angle. Also I have very little knowledge on mathplotlib therefore any help would be greatly appreciated.
def plane(x, y, params):
a = params[0]
b = params[1]
c = params[2]
z = a*x + b*y + c
return z
def error(params, points):
result = 0
for (x,y,z) in points:
plane_z = plane(x, y, params)
diff = abs(plane_z - z)
result += diff**2
return result
def cross(a, b):
return [a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1],
a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2],
a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]]
points = [(1.1,2.1,8.1),
fun = functools.partial(error, points=points)
params0 = [0, 0, 0]
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun, params0)
a = res.x[0]
b = res.x[1]
c = res.x[2]
xs, ys, zs = zip(*points)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs)
point = np.array([0.0, 0.0, c])
normal = np.array(cross([1,0,a], [0,1,b]))
d = -point.dot(normal)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid([-5,10], [-5,10])
z = (-normal[0] * xx - normal[1] * yy - d) * 1. /normal[2]
ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, z, alpha=0.6, color=[1,1,0])

If I recall correctly my knowlege of geometry you can calculate the angle with the z axis only by adding.
from math import acos, sqrt
theta will be the angle between the vector normal to the plane and the z axis in radians. For example the XY plane have a theta of 0 and the ZY plane will have theta of pi/2


Find the closest point to a line from an array of points [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Plot a point on a line closest to a point
(1 answer)
Python: point on a line closest to third point
(3 answers)
Python: Closest Point to a line
(1 answer)
Closed 3 months ago.
This post was edited and submitted for review 3 months ago and failed to reopen the post:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
I have the problem of finding the point which is closest to a line from an array of x- and y-data.
The line is semi-infinite originating from the origin at (0,0) and running into the direction of a given angle.
The x,y data of the points are given in relation to the origin.
How do I find the closest point (and its distance) to the line in line direction (not opposite)?
This is an example of the data I have:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
depth = np.random.random((100))*20+50
angle = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
x,y = depth2xy(depth, angle)
line = np.random.random_sample()*2*np.pi
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': 'polar'})
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.plot([0,100*np.cos(line)], [0, 100*np.sin(line)], markersize=10, color = "r")
def depth2xy(depth, angle):
x, y = np.zeros(len(depth)), np.zeros(len(depth))
for i in range(len(depth)):
x[i] = depth[i]*np.cos(angle[i])
y[i] = depth[i]*np.sin(angle[i])
return x,y
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
I could try a brute force approach, iterating over different distances along the line to find the ultimate smallest distance.
But as time efficiency is critical my case and the algorithm would not perform as well as I think it could, I would rather try an analytical approach.
I also thought about scipy.spatial.distance, but I am not sure how this would work for a line.
Your assigned line passes through the origin, its parametric equation is
x = u cos(a)
y = u sin(a)
and you can see the parameter u is simply the (oriented) distance beteween the origin and a point on the assigned line.
Now, consider a point of coordinates X and Y, a line perpendicular to the assigned one has the parametric equation
x = X - v sin(a)
y = Y + v cos(a)
and again, the parameter v is simply the (oriented) distance between (X, Y) and a point on a line passing per (X, Y) and perpendicular to the assigned one.
The intersection is given by the equation
X = u cos(a) + v sin(a)
Y = u sin(a) - v cos(a)
you can check by inspection that the solution of the system is
u = X cos(a) + Y sin(a)
v = X sin(a) - Y cos(a)
The distance of the point (X, Y) from the assigned line is hence
d = | X sin(a) - Y cos(a) |
A Python Implementation
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = 2*np.random.random(32)-1
Y = 2*np.random.random(32)-1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim((-1.2, 1.2))
ax.set_ylim((-1.2, 1.2))
ax.scatter(X, Y, s=80, ec='k', color='y')
a = 2*np.random.random()*np.pi
s, c = np.sin(a), np.cos(a)
plt.plot((0, c), (0, s), color='k')
plt.plot((-s, s), (c, -c), color='r')
# strike out "bad" points
bad = X*c+Y*s<0
plt.scatter(X[bad], Y[bad], marker='x', color='k')
# consider only good (i.e., not bad) points
Xg, Yg = X[~bad], Y[~bad]
# compute all distances (but for good points only)
d = np.abs(Xg*s-Yg*c)
# find the nearest point and hilight it
imin = np.argmin(d)
plt.scatter(Xg[imin], Yg[imin], ec='k', color='r')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = 2*np.random.random(32)-1
Y = 2*np.random.random(32)-1
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(10,5), layout='constrained')
for ax, a in zip(axs.flat,
(2.8, 1.8, 1.4, 0.2,
3.4, 4.5, 4.9, 6.0)):
ax.set_xlim((-1.2, 1.2))
ax.set_xticks((-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.0))
ax.set_ylim((-1.2, 1.2))
ax.set_title('$\\alpha \\approx %d^o$'%round(np.rad2deg(a)))
ax.scatter(X, Y, s=80, ec='k', color='yellow')
s, c = np.sin(a), np.cos(a)
ax.arrow(0, 0, 1.2*c, 1.2*s, fc='k',
head_width=0.08, head_length=0.1)
# divide the drawing surface in two semiplanes
if abs(c)>abs(s):
if c>0:
ax.plot((1.2*s, -1.2*s), (-1.2, 1.2))
ax.plot((-1.2*s, 1.2*s), (-1.2, 1.2))
elif abs(s)>=abs(c):
if s>0:
ax.plot((-1.2, 1.2), (1.2*c, -1.2*c))
ax.plot((-1.2, 1.2), (-1.2*c, 1.2*c))
# strike out "bad" points
bad = X*c+Y*s<0
ax.scatter(X[bad], Y[bad], marker='x', color='k')
# consider only good (i.e., not bad) points
Xg, Yg = X[~bad], Y[~bad]
# compute all distances (but for good points only)
d = np.abs(Xg*s-Yg*c)
# find the nearest point and hilight it
imin = np.argmin(d)
ax.scatter(Xg[imin], Yg[imin], s=80, ec='k', color='yellow')
ax.scatter(Xg[imin], Yg[imin], s= 10, color='k', alpha=1.0)
Let P be a point from your know data set. Let Q be the projection of this point on the line. You can use an analytic approach to determine the exact location of Q:
OQ is the segment from the origin to the Q point. It is aligned to the line.
PQ is the distance of the point P to the line.
from geometry, the dot product between QP and OQ is zero (the two segments are orthogonal to each other). From this equation we can compute the point Q.
After that, you simply compute all distances and find the shortest one.
I'm going to use SymPy for the analytical part, Numpy for the numerical part and Matplotlib for plotting:
from sympy import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xq, xp, yq, yp, m = symbols("x_Q, x_P, y_Q, y_P, m")
A = Matrix([xq - xp, yq - yp])
B = Matrix([xq, yq])
# this equations contains two unkowns: xq, yq
eq = A.dot(B)
# but we know the line equation: yq = m * xq, so we substitute it into
# eq and solve for xq
xq_expr = solve(eq.subs(yq, m * xq), xq)[1]
# (m*y_P + x_P)/(m**2 + 1)
# generate data
mv = -0.5
xp_vals = np.random.uniform(2, 10, 30)
yp_vals = np.random.uniform(2, 10, 30)
# convert the symbolic expression to a numerical function
f = lambdify([m, xp, yp], xq_expr)
# compute the projections on the line
xq_vals = f(mv, xp_vals, yp_vals)
yq_vals = mv * xq_vals
# compute the distance
d = np.sqrt((xp_vals - xq_vals)**2 + (yp_vals - yq_vals)**2)
# find the index of the shortest distance
idx = d.argmin()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
xline = np.linspace(0, 10)
yline = mv * xline
ax.plot(xline, yline, "k:", label="line")
ax.scatter(xq_vals, yq_vals, label="Q", marker=".")
ax.scatter(xp_vals, yp_vals, label="P", marker="*")
ax.plot([xp_vals[idx], xq_vals[idx]], [yp_vals[idx], yq_vals[idx]], "r", label="min distance")

3D graphing the complex values of a function in Python

This is the real function I am looking to represent in 3D:
y = f(x) = x^2 + 1
The complex function would be as follows:
w = f(z) = z^2 + 1
Where z = x + iy and w = u + iv. These are four dimentions (x, y, u, v), but one can use u for 3D graphing.
We get:
f(x + iy) = x^2 + 2xyi - y^2 + 1
u = x^2 - y^2 + 1
and v = 2xy
This u is what is being used in the code below.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-100, 101, 150)
y = np.linspace(-100, 101, 150)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
U = (X**2) - (Y**2) + 1
fig = plt.figure(dpi = 300)
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z)
The following images are the side-view of the 3D function and the 2D plot for reference. I do not think they are alike.
Likewise, here is the comparison between the 3 side-view and the 2D plot of w = z^3 + 1. They seem to differ as well.
I have not been able to find too many resources regarding plotting in 3D using complex numbers. Because of this and the possible discrepancies mentioned before, I think the code must be flawed, but I can't figure out why. I would be grateful if you could correct me or advise me on any changes.
The inspiration came from Welch Labs' 'Imaginary Numbers are Real' YouTube series where he shows a jaw-dropping representation of the complex values of the function I have been tinkering with.
I was just wondering if anybody could point out any flaws in my reasoning or the execution of my idea since this code would be helpful in explaining the importance of complex numbers to HS students.
Thank you very much for your time.
The f(z) = z^2 + 1 projection (that is, side-view) looks OK to me. You can use this technique to add the projections; this code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
def f(z):
return z**2 + 1
def freal(x, y):
return x**2 - y**2 + 1
x = np.linspace(-100, 101, 150)
y = np.linspace(-100, 101, 150)
yproj = 0 # value of y for which to project xu axes
xproj = 0 # value of x to project onto yu axes
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
Z = X + 1j * Y
W = f(Z)
U = W.real
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
## surface
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, U, alpha=0.7)
# xu projection
xuproj = freal(x, yproj)
ax.plot(x, xuproj, zs=101, zdir='y', color='red', lw=5)
ax.plot(x, xuproj, zs=yproj, zdir='y', color='red', lw=5)
# yu projection
yuproj = freal(xproj, y)
ax.plot(y, yuproj, zs=101, zdir='x', color='green', lw=5)
ax.plot(y, yuproj, zs=xproj, zdir='x', color='green', lw=5)
# partially reproduce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T647CGsuOVU&t=107s
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 150)
y = np.linspace(0, 3, 150)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
U = f(X + 1j*Y).real
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
## surface
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, U, cmap=cm.jet)
ax.set_box_aspect( (np.diff(ax.get_xlim())[0],
gives this result:
The axis ticks don't look very good: you can investigate plt.xticks or ax.set_xticks (and yticks, zticks) to fix this.
There is a way to visualize complex functions using colour as a fourth dimension; see complex-analysis.com for examples.

ploting the normal vector to a plane

The normal vector is calculated with the cross product of two vectors on the plane, so it shoud be perpendicular to the plane. But as you can seein the plot the normal vector produced with quiver isn't perpendicular.
Is the calculation of the plane wrong, my normal vector or the way i plot the normal vector?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
points = [[3.2342, 1.8487, -1.8186],
[2.9829, 1.6434, -1.8019],
[3.4247, 1.5550, -1.8093]]
p0, p1, p2 = points
x0, y0, z0 = p0
x1, y1, z1 = p1
x2, y2, z2 = p2
ux, uy, uz = u = [x1-x0, y1-y0, z1-z0] #first vector
vx, vy, vz = v = [x2-x0, y2-y0, z2-z0] #sec vector
u_cross_v = [uy*vz-uz*vy, uz*vx-ux*vz, ux*vy-uy*vx] #cross product
point = np.array(p1)
normal = np.array(u_cross_v)
d = -point.dot(normal)
print('plane equation:\n{:1.4f}x + {:1.4f}y + {:1.4f}z + {:1.4f} = 0'.format(normal[0], normal[1], normal[2], d))
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(range(10), range(10))
z = (-normal[0] * xx - normal[1] * yy - d) * 1. / normal[2]
# plot the surface
plt3d = plt.figure().gca(projection='3d')
plt3d.quiver(x0, y0, z0, normal[0], normal[1], normal[2], color="m")
plt3d.plot_surface(xx, yy, z)
plt3d.set_xlabel("X", color='red', size=18)
plt3d.set_ylabel("Y", color='green', size=18)
plt3d.set_zlabel("Z", color='b', size=18)
Actually, your plot is 100% correct. The scale of your Z axis does not correspond to the same scale on X & Y axis. If you use a function to set the scale correct, you can see that:
plt3d.set_zlabel("Z", color='b', size=18)
# insert these lines
ax = plt.gca()
and the corresponding function from this post:
def set_axes_radius(ax, origin, radius):
From StackOverflow question:
ax.set_xlim3d([origin[0] - radius, origin[0] + radius])
ax.set_ylim3d([origin[1] - radius, origin[1] + radius])
ax.set_zlim3d([origin[2] - radius, origin[2] + radius])
def set_axes_equal(ax, zoom=1.):
Make axes of 3D plot have equal scale so that spheres appear as spheres,
cubes as cubes, etc.. This is one possible solution to Matplotlib's
ax.set_aspect("equal") and ax.axis("equal") not working for 3D.
ax: a matplotlib axis, e.g., as output from plt.gca().
limits = np.array([
origin = np.mean(limits, axis=1)
radius = 0.5 * np.max(np.abs(limits[:, 1] - limits[:, 0])) / zoom
set_axes_radius(ax, origin, radius)

Matplotlib - contour and quiver plot in projected polar coordinates

I need to plot contour and quiver plots of scalar and vector fields defined on an uneven grid in (r,theta) coordinates.
As a minimal example of the problem I have, consider the contour plot of a Stream function for a magnetic dipole, contours of such a function are streamlines of the corresponeding vector field (in this case, the magnetic field).
The code below takes an uneven grid in (r,theta) coordinates, maps it to the cartesian plane and plots a contour plot of the stream function.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = np.logspace(0,1,200)
theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,100)
N_r = len(r)
N_theta = len(theta)
# Polar to cartesian coordinates
theta_matrix, r_matrix = np.meshgrid(theta, r)
x = r_matrix * np.cos(theta_matrix)
y = r_matrix * np.sin(theta_matrix)
m = 5
psi = np.zeros((N_r, N_theta))
# Stream function for a magnetic dipole
psi = m * np.sin(theta_matrix)**2 / r_matrix
contour_levels = m * np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi/2,40))**2.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.plot(x,y,'b.') # plot grid points
ax.contour(x, y, psi, 100, colors='black',levels=contour_levels)
For some reason though, the plot I get doesn't look right:
If I interchange x and y in the contour function call, I get the desired result:
Same thing happens when I try to make a quiver plot of a vector field defined on the same grid and mapped to the x-y plane, except that interchanging x and y in the function call no longer works.
It seems like I made a stupid mistake somewhere but I can't figure out what it is.
If psi = m * np.sin(theta_matrix)**2 / r_matrix
then psi increases as theta goes from 0 to pi/2 and psi decreases as r increases.
So a contour line for psi should increase in r as theta increases. That results
in a curve that goes counterclockwise as it radiates out from the center. This is
consistent with the first plot you posted, and the result returned by the first version of your code with
ax.contour(x, y, psi, 100, colors='black',levels=contour_levels)
An alternative way to confirm the plausibility of the result is to look at a surface plot of psi:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as axes3d
r = np.logspace(0,1,200)
theta = np.linspace(0,np.pi/2,100)
N_r = len(r)
N_theta = len(theta)
# Polar to cartesian coordinates
theta_matrix, r_matrix = np.meshgrid(theta, r)
x = r_matrix * np.cos(theta_matrix)
y = r_matrix * np.sin(theta_matrix)
m = 5
# Stream function for a magnetic dipole
psi = m * np.sin(theta_matrix)**2 / r_matrix
contour_levels = m * np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi/2,40))**2.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(x, y, psi, rstride=8, cstride=8, alpha=0.3)
ax.contour(x, y, psi, colors='black',levels=contour_levels)

Plotting the temperature distribution on a sphere with python

I have the following problem:
a have N points on a sphere specified by a array x, with x.shape=(N,3). This array contains their cartesian coordinates. Furthermore, at each point, I have a specified temperature. This quantity is saved in an array T, with T.shape=(N,).
Is there any straight forward way to map this temperature distribution into the plane using different colors?
If it simplifies the task, the position can also be given in polar coordinates (\theta,\phi).
To plot your data, you can use Basemap. The only problem is, that both contour and contourf routines needs gridded data. Here is example with naive (and slow) IDW-like interpolation on sphere. Any comments are welcome.
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def cart2sph(x, y, z):
dxy = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
r = np.sqrt(dxy**2 + z**2)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
phi = np.arctan2(z, dxy)
theta, phi = np.rad2deg([theta, phi])
return theta % 360, phi, r
def sph2cart(theta, phi, r=1):
theta, phi = np.deg2rad([theta, phi])
z = r * np.sin(phi)
rcosphi = r * np.cos(phi)
x = rcosphi * np.cos(theta)
y = rcosphi * np.sin(theta)
return x, y, z
# random data
pts = 1 - 2 * np.random.rand(500, 3)
l = np.sqrt(np.sum(pts**2, axis=1))
pts = pts / l[:, np.newaxis]
T = 150 * np.random.rand(500)
# naive IDW-like interpolation on regular grid
theta, phi, r = cart2sph(*pts.T)
nrows, ncols = (90,180)
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,360,ncols), np.linspace(-90,90,nrows))
xg,yg,zg = sph2cart(lon,lat)
Ti = np.zeros_like(lon)
for r in range(nrows):
for c in range(ncols):
v = np.array([xg[r,c], yg[r,c], zg[r,c]])
angs = np.arccos(np.dot(pts, v))
idx = np.where(angs == 0)[0]
if idx.any():
Ti[r,c] = T[idx[0]]
idw = 1 / angs**2 / sum(1 / angs**2)
Ti[r,c] = np.sum(T * idw)
# set up map projection
map = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=45, lon_0=15)
# draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees.
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30))
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30))
# compute native map projection coordinates of lat/lon grid.
x, y = map(lon, lat)
# contour data over the map.
cs = map.contourf(x, y, Ti, 15)
plt.title('Contours of T')
One way to do this is to set facecolors by mapping your heat data through the colormap.
Here's an example:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 80)
v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 80)
# create the sphere surface
x=10 * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
y=10 * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
z=10 * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
# simulate heat pattern (striped)
myheatmap = np.abs(np.sin(y))
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, cstride=1, rstride=1, facecolors=cm.hot(myheatmap))
Here, my "heatmap" is just stripes along the y-axis, which I made using the function np.abs(np.sin(y)), but anything that goes form 0 to 1 will work (and, of course, it needs to match the shapes on x, etc.

