Error installing/compiling grpc on Ubuntu - python

I have protobuf compiler version 3.0 and need to install grpc and grpc python plugin. Following the tutorial, I added deb jessie-backports main to my sources.list file and did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install libgrpc-dev which returned
Package libgrpc-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'libgrpc-dev' has no installation candidate
So, I decided to compile it from source as mentioned in INSTALL notes and did:
$ git clone
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
$ make
$ [sudo] make install
However, on the make step, I get
[MAKE] Generating
make: Circular /home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/libs/opt/libboringssl.a <- /home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/libs/opt/libboringssl.a dependency dropped.
[C] Compiling third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.c
third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.c: In function 'split_host_and_port':
third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.c:127:17: error: declaration of 'close' shadows a global declaration [-Werror=shadow]
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
make: *** [/home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/objs/opt/third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.o] Error 1
On switching to the release-0_11 branch, running make results in
[HOSTCXX] Compiling src/compiler/
src/compiler/ error: 'google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetUmbrellaClassName' has not been declared
src/compiler/ In function 'void grpc_csharp_generator::{anonymous}::GenerateServiceDescriptorProperty(grpc::protobuf::io::Printer*, const ServiceDescriptor*)':
src/compiler/ error: 'GetUmbrellaClassName' was not declared in this scope
make: *** [/home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/objs/opt/src/compiler/csharp_generator.o] Error 1
I can't figure out how to install this. Any help would be appreciated.

For me the issue got fixed after i made change in the file as:
diff --git a/src/compiler/
index 7b497df..5a8746d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/
+++ b/src/compiler/
## -44,7 +44,7 ##
using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetFileNamespace;
using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetClassName;
-using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetUmbrellaClassName;
+using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetReflectionClassName;
using grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor;
using grpc::protobuf::Descriptor;
using grpc::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor;
## -234,7 +234,7 ## void GenerateServiceDescriptorProperty(Printer* out, const ServiceDescriptor *se
out->Print("public static global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptor Descriptor\n");
out->Print(" get { return $umbrella$.Descriptor.Services[$index$]; }\n",
- "umbrella", GetUmbrellaClassName(service->file()), "index",
+ "umbrella", GetReflectionClassName(service->file()), "index",
More specifically, please open the file src/compiler/ and replace all references of GetUmbrellaClassName by GetReflectionClassName

Working backwards:
for release-0_11: it looks like you're trying to compile against the most recent protobuf. Since we're both in development right now there's occasional breakage - but grpc does track the version of protobuf it's tested against in third_party/protobuf. Try checking out and installing that version. I filed to update to the latest protobuf 3.0 version.
for master from github: which compiler and OS are you using? I recently checked in the boringssl integration work, so it's fresh, and not nearly as battle-tested. I'd like to get it battle-tested. That said, if you do a 'make EMBED_OPENSSL=false' then things should work out for you.
for the debian package problem: I'm not sure what's going on. I'm happy to try and spin up a VM with your OS and repro if you can let me know which OS it is.


ta-lib replit python install problem, ERROR: No matching distribution found for talib-binary

I use it on my windows machine by downloading its binary. I also use it in Heroku from its herokus build pack. I don't know what operating system replit use. But I try every possible commed like.
!pip install ta-lib
!pip install talib-binary
It's not working with replit. I thought it work like google co-lab but its not the same.
can anyone use TA-LIB with replit. if so. How you install it?
Getting TA-Lib work on Replit
(by installing it from sources)
Create a new replit with Nix toolset with a Python template.
In write:
import talib
print (talib.__ta_version__)
This will be our test case. If ta-lib is installed the python (executed in Shell) will return something like:
$ python
b'0.6.0-dev (Jan 1 1980 00:00:00)'
We need to prepare a tools for building TA-Lib sources. There is a replit.nix file in your project's root folder (in my case it was ~/BrownDutifulLinux). Every time you execute a command like cmake the Nix reports that:
cmake: command not installed. Multiple versions of this command were found in Nix.
Select one to run (or press Ctrl-C to cancel):
If you select cmake.out it will add a record about it into the replit.nix file. And next time you call cmake, it will know which cmake version to launch. Perhaps you may manually edit replit.nix file... But if you're going to add such commands in a my way, note that you must execute them in Shell in your project root folder as replit.nix file is located in it. Otherwise Nix won't remember your choice.
After all my replit.nix file (you may see its content with cat replit.nix) content was:
{ pkgs }: {
deps = [
env = {
PYTHON_LD_LIBRARY_PATH = pkgs.lib.makeLibraryPath [
# Needed for pandas / numpy
# Needed for pygame
# Needed for matplotlib
PYTHONBIN = "${pkgs.python38Full}/bin/python3.8";
LANG = "en_US.UTF-8";
Which means I executed libtool, autoconf, automake and cmake in Shell. I always choose a generic suggestion from Nix, without a specific version. Note: some commands may report errors as we executing them in a wrong way just to add to a replit.nix.
Once build tools are set up we need to get and build TA-Lib C library sources. To do that execute in Shell:
git clone
cd ta-lib/
autoreconf --install
If configure script is completed without any problems, build the library with:
make -j4
It will end up with some compilation errors, but they are related to some additional tools which are used to add new TA-Lib indicators and build at the end, but not the library itself. The library will be successfully compiled and you should be able to see it with:
$ ls ./src/.libs/
libta_lib.a libta_lib.lai
Now we have our C library built, but we can't install it to a system default folders. So we have to use the library as is from the folders where it was build. All we need is just one more additional preparation:
mkdir ./include/ta-lib
cp ./include/*.h ./include/ta-lib/
This will copy a library headers to a subfolder, as they are designed to be used from a such subfolder (which they don't have due to impossibility to perform the installation step).
Now we have TA-Lib C library built and prepared to be used locally from its build folders. All we need after that - is to compile the Python wrapper for it. But Python wrapper will look for a library only in system default folders, so we need to instruct it where our library is.
To do this, execute pwd and remember the absolute path to your project's root folder. In my case it was:
Then adjust the paths (there are two) in a following command to lead to your project path:
TA_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/runner/FormalPleasedOffice/ta-lib/include/ TA_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/runner/FormalPleasedOffice/ta-lib/src/.libs/ pip install ta-lib
This is one line command, not a two commands.If the paths would be shorter it would look like:
TA_INCLUDE_PATH=/path1/ TA_LIBRARY_PATH=/path2/ pip install ta-lib.
After execution of this command the wrapper will be installed with two additional paths where it will look for a library and its header files.
That's actually all.
An alternative way would be to clone the wrapper sources, edit its and install wrapper manually. Just for the record this would be:
cd ~/Your_project
git clone ta-lib-wrapper
cd ta-lib-wrapper
Here edit the Find the lines include_dirs = [ and library_dirs = [ and append your paths to these lists. Then you just need to:
python build
pip install .
Note the dot at the end.
Go to the project's folder and try our python script:
b'0.6.0-dev (Jan 1 1980 00:00:00)'
The #truf answer is correct.
after you add the
in the replit.nix dippendancies.
git clone
cd ta-lib/
autoreconf --install
make -j4
mkdir ./include/ta-lib
cp ./include/*.h ./include/ta-lib/
TA_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/runner/FormalPleasedOffice/ta-lib/include/ TA_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/runner/FormalPleasedOffice/ta-lib/src/.libs/ pip install ta-lib
Note : FormalPleasedOffice should be your project name
Here is the youtube video :

./python: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I need to try python 3.7 with openssl-1.1.1 in Ubuntu 16.04. Both python and openssl versions are pre-release. Following instructions on how to statistically link openssl to python in a previous post, I downloaded the source for opnssl-1.1.1.
Then navigate to the source code for openssl and execute:
sudo make
sudo make install
Then, edit Modules/Setup.dist to uncomment the following lines:
_ssl _ssl.c \
-DUSE_SSL -I$(SSL)/include -I$(SSL)/include/openssl \
-L$(SSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto
Then download python 3.7 source code. Then, navigate inside the source code and execute:
make install
After I execute make install I got this error at the end of the terminal output:
./python: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
generate-posix-vars failed
Makefile:596: recipe for target 'pybuilddir.txt' failed
make: *** [pybuilddir.txt] Error 1
I could not figure out what is the problem and what I need to do.
This has (should have) nothing to do with Python or OpenSSL versions.
Python build process, includes some steps when the newly built interpreter is launched, and attempts to load some of the newly built modules - including extension modules (which are written in C and are actually shared objects (.sos)).
When an .so is loaded, the loader must find (recursively) all the .so files that the .so needs (depends on), otherwise it won't be able to load it.
Python has some modules (e.g. _ssl*.so, _hashlib*.so) that depend on OpenSSL libs. Since you built yours against OpenSSL1.1.1 (the lib names differ from what comes by default on the system: typically 1.0.*), the loader won't be able to use the default ones.
What you need to do, is instruct the loader (check [Man7]: LD.SO(8) for more details) where to look for "your" OpenSSL libs (which are located under /usr/local/ssl/lib). One way of doing that is adding their path in ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} env var (before building Python):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/ssl/lib
make install
You might also want to take a look at [Python.Docs]: Configure Python - Libraries options (--with-openssl, --with-openssl-rpath).
Check [SO]: How to enable FIPS mode for libcrypto and libssl packaged with Python? (#CristiFati's answer) for details on a wider problem (remotely) related to yours.
What I have done to fix this :
./configure --with-ssl=./libssl --prefix=/subsystem
sed -i 's!^RUNSHARED=!RUNSHARED=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/own/libssl/lib!' Makefile
make install
Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH with export was not sufficient
With Python-3.6.5 and openssl-1.1.0h i get stuck in the same problem. I have uncomment _socket socketmodule.c.

PyQt5 error during "python3": fatal error: 'qgeolocation.h' file not found

MAC OSX 10.9, Python 3.5, sip-4.17, PyQt-gpl-5.5.1, Qt5.5.1
trying to build PyQt on my system I did the following steps:
download/install Qt5.5.1 libraries
download/unpack SIP
download/unpack PyQt
install SIP:
python3 -d /Library/Python/3.5/site-packages --arch x86_64
sudo make install
tried to install PyQt:
python3 -d /Library/Python/3.5/site-packages
--qmake /.../Qt5.5.1/5.5/clang_64/bin/qmake
Configuration stopped with:
fatal >error: 'qgeolocation.h' file not found
#include <qgeolocation.h>
1 error generated.
make[1]: *** [sipQtPositioningcmodule.o] Error 1
make: *** [sub-QtPositioning-make_first-ordered] Error 2
I tried to finish installation doing
sudo make install
anyway. But the installation doesn't seem to be complete (e.g. uic, pyuic5 are missing). Here is what my installation directory looks like:
>ls /Library/Python/3.5/site-packages/PyQt5
I couldn't find any useful information when searching for other discussions, so I hope someone can give me a hint on what I'm (maybe stupidly) doing wrong. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you don't need this module, the better way to solve that is disabling it on configure.
python --disable=QtPositioning
Just yesterday, I also met such a problem. And this is what I do to solve it:
Create a header file qgeolocation.h in /PyQt-gpl-5.5.1/QtPositioning, and copy the content into it from this website. Then I go sudo make and sudo make install successfully.
Though I do not know whether it is right to solve this problem, fortunately, I installed the PyQt and entered eric6. Hope you make successfully, too.
Adding the location.h header file for me on OSX 10.11.1.
I had the problem in both PyQt-gpl-5.5.1 and PyQt-gpl-5.5.2, but after adding the
file, was able to build.
The way of creating a qgeolocation.h in /PyQt-gpl-5.5.1/QtPositioning worked for me. The was created.
You can also take the header file from your qt source folder (you have installed the source files together with binaries, right?), it is located here:
and then just copy it into:
as follows. It should solve the problem in 99.9% cases.

Does anyone know how to compile Megahal on Ubuntu?

I have been trying to compile megahal for a few hours now and i dont seem to be getting anywhere. Has anyone had success with this?
I keep getting an error that says :
inlined from ‘load_personality.constprop’ at megahal.c:3283:8,
inlined from ‘change_personality.constprop’ at megahal.c:3332:5:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:293:2: warning: call to ‘__fread_chk_warn’ declared with attribute warning: fread called with bigger size * nmemb than length of destination buffer
return __fread_chk_warn (__ptr, __bos0 (__ptr), __size, __n, __stream);
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
Makefile:44: recipe for target 'pythonmodule' failed
make: *** [pythonmodule] Error 1
I have installed python via sudo apt-get and i have been over every thread that talks about "'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' but I have found no solution
You are getting these errors just because you don't have the python development headers installed. You can install it using following command
sudo apt-get install python-dev ( for python 2.x )
sudo apt-get install python3-dev ( for python 3 )
you need the python developer module "python-dev".this will help you
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 while installing eventlet
after upgrading to vivid 15.04 on ubuntu i couldn't compile the module anymore so i tried something else. Since in the main folder there is a directory named Megahal with a Makefile in it, i tried to compile from there. First you need to go to that directory.
cd /home/user/Downloads/megahal-9.1.1/Megahal/
you need to go where you unzipped the archive and there you can read the README file and start compiling.
perl Makefile.PL
i copied the missing files i was able to find to that folder and from there
make test
but this didn't work for me and afther that
make install
i had to do
sudo make install
and that is all. unfortunately for me i have a problem with perl i think.
I keep getting this error from the module "PL_thr_key" after i load it to the eggdrop. The eggdrop works normally except for the module. No module, no AI and no fun :(

How to fix "python does not have .gnu.prelink_undo section"

I need to package a virtualenv as an rpm. I found a sample spec file for plone here
My project uses python 2.7 and for that I've built python from source. Therefore I changed some of the spec file to
/usr/local/bin/virtualenv-3.4 --no-site-packages --distribute %{_builddir}/usr/local/virtualenvs/%{shortname}
I'm getting the following error on rpmbuild -bb requirements.spec
+ /usr/sbin/prelink -u /var/lib/jenkins/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/requirements-1.0-1.x86_64/usr/local/virtualenvs/requirements/bin/python
/usr/sbin/prelink: /var/lib/jenkins/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/requirements-1.0-1.x86_64/usr/local/virtualenvs/requirements/bin/python does not have .gnu.prelink_undo section
I'm assuming I need to rebuild python and enable the prelinking during the ./configure. How can I do that?
I had a similar issue recently with a SPEC file that was also based on this example from plone.
In my case I'm using python27 RPMs from IUS repository and want to avoid building it from source.
My workaround was to disable prelink completely in my SPEC file:
add this: %define __prelink_undo_cmd %{nil}
comment out this:
# # This avoids prelink & RPM helpfully breaking the package signatures:
# /usr/sbin/prelink -u $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/virtualenvs/%{shortname}/bin/python

