The following code in python "time.time" does nothing - python

I am not yet familiar with Python, I've programmed this code from the documentation I read, but it does nothing, there is no output a all:
# -*- coding: latin_1 -*-
import time
from msvcrt import kbhit
Intervall = 1
mytime = int(time.time()) + Intervall
print (time.time ())
print (mytime)
while (kbhit() == False):
if (int(time.time ()) >= mytime):
# I want this to be done every second:
print (int(time.time ()), mytime)
mytime = int(time.time ()) + Intervall
# I want other things to be done here (outside the if statement)
If I comment out this line in the while loop:
mytime = int(time.time ()) + Intervall
it does what the code says but of course the print statement is executed in every loop run, which is not what I want.
Any help is welcome
(using Python 3.4.1. under Win 7)

Stop coercing the result of time.time() to an integer, this may not be the problem, but it is unnecessary.
Stop busy-waiting on the key press, it is a great way to waste CPU. Try instead:
while not kbhit():
print('no kbhit at', time.time())
time.sleep(1) # do nothing for a second
You can also drop Interval1 and mytime as they are unneeded complexity.


Trigger function periodic by datetime but not time interval

I want to make my function trigger at 0 second,30second every minute.
Rather than use time.sleep(30) because the script will run for months and have some blocking system call,
I want to make it happens on specific time like 12:00:00, 12:00:30, 12:01:00
How could I do it on Python 2.7
Not sure how your function works but if there is any sort of a loop you could use an if statement.
t = time.time()
while/for loop:
if time.time() > t + 30:
t = time.time()
My fault, misread that. Similar method but you can use date time, probably better off looking into chrontab though. This method is a little hacky and if your script is small and can cycle every second this will work, otherwise go chrontab.
import datetime
t = datetime.datetime
run = True
while/for loop:
if % 30 == 0 and run == True:
run = False
if % 30 == 1:
run = True

Set a timer for running a process, pause the timer under certain conditions

I've got this program:
import multiprocessing
import time
def timer(sleepTime):
fooProcess.join() #line said to "cleanup", not sure if it is required, refer to
def foo():
while 1
print i
if i==4:
#pause timerProcess for X seconds
fooProcess = multiprocessing.Process(target=foo, name="Foo", args=())
And as you can see in the comment, under certain conditions (in this example i has to be 4) the timer has to stop for a certain X time, while foo() keeps working.
Now, how do I implement this?
N.B.: this code is just an example, the point is that I want to pause a process under certain conditions for a certain amount of time.
I am think you're going about this wrong for game design. Games always (no exceptions come to mind) use a primary event loop controlled in software.
Each time through the loop you check the time and fire off all the necessary events based on how much time has elapsed. At the end of the loop you sleep only as long as necessary before you got the next timer or event or refresh or ai check or other state change.
This gives you the best performance regarding lag, consistency, predictability, and other timing features that matter in games.
get the current timestamp at the time start time (time.time(), I presume)
sleep with Event.wait(timeout=...)
wake up on an Event or timeout.
if on Event: get timestamp, subtract initial on, subtract result from timer; wait until foo() stops; repeat Event.wait(timeout=[result from 4.])
if on timeout: exit.
Here is an example, how I understand, what your Programm should do:
import threading, time, datetime
def main():
while ACTIVE:
print "im working"
def run(thread, timeout):
global ACTIVE
ACTIVE = False
proc = threading.Thread(target = main)
run(proc, 2) # run for 2 seconds
In main() it does a periodic task, here printing something. In the run() method you can say, how long main should do the task.
This code producess following output:
2014-05-25 17:10:54.390000
im working
im working
im working
im working
im working
im working
im working
2014-05-25 17:10:56.495000
please correct me, if I've understood you wrong.
I would use multiprocessing.Pipe for signaling, combined with select for timing:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import multiprocessing
import select
import time
def timer(sleeptime,pipe):
start = time.time()
while time.time() < start + sleeptime:
n =[pipe],[],[],1) # sleep in 1s intervals
for conn in n[0]:
val = conn.recv()
print 'got',val
start += float(val)
def foo(pipe):
i = 0
while True:
print i
i += 1
if i%7 == 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
mainpipe,foopipe = multiprocessing.Pipe()
fooProcess = multiprocessing.Process(target=foo,name="Foo",args=(foopipe,))
# since we terminated, mainpipe and foopipe are corrupt
del mainpipe, foopipe
# ...
print 'Done'
I'm assuming that you want some condition in the foo process to extend the timer. In the sample I have set up, every time foo hits a multiple of 7 it extends the timer by 5 seconds while the timer initially counts down 10 seconds. At the end of the timer we terminate the process - foo won't finish nicely at all, and the pipes will get corrupted, but you can be certain that it'll die. Otherwise you can send a signal back along mainpipe that foo can listen for and exit nicely while you join.

Display a countdown for the python sleep function

I am using time.sleep(10) in my program. Can display the countdown in the shell when I run my program?
tasks done, now sleeping for 10 seconds
and then I want it to do 10,9,8,7....
is this possible?
you could always do
#do some stuff
print 'tasks done, now sleeping for 10 seconds'
for i in xrange(10,0,-1):
print i
This snippet has the slightly annoying feature that each number gets printed out on a newline. To avoid this, you can
import sys
import time
for i in xrange(10,0,-1):
sys.stdout.write(str(i)+' ')
This is the best way to display a timer in the console for Python 3.x:
import time
import sys
for remaining in range(10, 0, -1):
sys.stdout.write("{:2d} seconds remaining.".format(remaining))
sys.stdout.write("\rComplete! \n")
This writes over the previous line on each cycle.
A simple solution that clears the last number from the console:
import time
for i in range(10,0,-1):
print(f"{i}", end="\r", flush=True)
By default, the print function sets end="\n" which means subsequent calls to print will be printed on a new line. You can change this to end="\r" to replace the output after each call. (How does carriage return "\r" work in python).
Here f"{i}" is for printing single digit only. You can modify it based on number of digits.
e.g. Here it will work for two digits by just adding one space as a postfix- f"{i} "
Also, using flush means you don't have to worry about buffering issues. (What does print()'s flush do?)
This is how it looks:
You can do a countdown function like:
import sys
import time
def countdown(t, step=1, msg='sleeping'): # in seconds
pad_str = ' ' * len('%d' % step)
for i in range(t, 0, -step):
print '%s for the next %d seconds %s\r' % (msg, i, pad_str),
print 'Done %s for %d seconds! %s' % (msg, t, pad_str)
The carriage return \r and the comma , will keep the print in the same line (avoiding one line for each countdown value)
As the number of seconds decreases, the pad_str will ensure the last line is overwritten with spaces instead of leaving the last character(s) behind as the output shortens.
The final print overwrites the last status message with a done message and increments the output line, so there is evidence of the delay.
This is something that I've learned at one of my first python lessons, we played with ["/","-","|","\","|"] but the principle is the same:
import time
for i in reversed(range(0, 10)):
print "%s\r" %i,
time.sleep() may return earlier if the sleep is interrupted by a signal or later (depends on the scheduling of other processes/threads by OS/the interpreter).
To improve accuracy over multiple iterations, to avoid drift for large number of iterations, the countdown may be locked with the clock:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import time
for i in reversed(range(1, 1001)):
time.sleep(1 - time.time() % 1) # sleep until a whole second boundary
sys.stderr.write('\r%4d' % i)
Here's one I did:
import time
a = input("How long is the countdown?")
while a != 0:
print a
a = a-1
At the end if you and an else you can put an alarm or whatever.
Sure, just write a loop that prints 10 minus the iteration counter, then have it sleep 1 second each iteration and run for 10 iterations. Or, to be even more flexible:
def printer(v):
print v
def countdown_timer(duration, step=1, output_function=printer,
prompt='Waiting {duration} seconds.'):
for i in xrange(duration/step):
output_function(duration - step * i)
Another easy way, without reinventing the wheel, is to use tqdm, which automatically displays a progress bar:
from time import sleep
from tqdm import tqdm
for _ in tqdm(range(10)):
Optionally, you can then modify the display of the loading bar as you wish.
This one is subsecond precise:
_k = 0.5 # ensure k != _k first time round (as k will be integer)
print('Starting in ')
while _k > 0:
k = round(event_timestamp - time())
if k != _k:
print(f'\r{k} ', end='', flush=True)
_k = k
Notice the trailing space in f'\r{k} '. So if we go from 100 to 99 or 10 to 9 it clears the second digit.
Also it doesn't require import sys.
sleep(0.0003) if you want millisecond precision.
if you don't limit yourself to sleep, then (courtesy automatetheboringstuff), pyautogui has a nifty countdown function:
import pyautogui
print('Starting in ', end=''); pyautogui.countdown(3)
may be this will help
import turtle
for i in range(10):
t2 = turtle.Turtle()
t2.write(i,font=("Arial", 16, "normal"))

How do I ensure that a Python while-loop takes a particular amount of time to run?

I'm reading serial data with a while loop. However, I have no control over the sample rate.
The code itself seems to take 0.2s to run, so I know I won't be able to go any faster than that. But I would like to be able to control precisely how much slower I sample.
I feel like I could do it using 'sleep', but the problem is that there is potential that at different points the loop itself will take longer to read(depending on precisely what is being transmitted over serial data), so the code would have to make up the balance.
For example, let's say I want to sample every 1s, and the loop takes anywhere from 0.2s to 0.3s to run. My code needs to be smart enough to sleep for 0.8s (if the loop takes 0.2s) or 0.7s (if the loop takes 0.3s).
import serial
import csv
import time
#open serial stream
while True:
#read and print a line
print 'time: ',sample_time,', value: ',sample_value
Just measure the time running your code takes every iteration of the loop, and sleep accordingly:
import time
while True:
now = time.time() # get the time
do_something() # do your stuff
elapsed = time.time() - now # how long was it running?
time.sleep(1.-elapsed) # sleep accordingly so the full iteration takes 1 second
Of course not 100% perfect (maybe off one millisecond or another from time to time), but I guess it's good enough.
Another nice approach is using twisted's LoopingCall:
from twisted.internet import task
from twisted.internet import reactor
def do_something():
pass # do your work here
An rather elegant method is you're working on UNIX : use the signal library
The code :
import signal
def _handle_timeout():
print "timeout hit" # Do nothing here
def second(count):
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout)
count += 1 # put your function here
return count
if __name__ == '__main__':
count = 0
count = second(count)
count = second(count)
count = second(count)
count = second(count)
count = second(count)
print count
And the timing :
georgesl#cleese:~/Bureau$ time python
real 0m5.081s
user 0m0.068s
sys 0m0.004s
Two caveats though : it only works on *nix, and it is not multithread-safe.
At the beginning of the loop check if the appropriate amount of time has passed. If it has not, sleep.
# Set up initial conditions for sample_time outside the loop
sample_period = ???
next_min_time = 0
while True:
sample_time = time.time() - zero
if sample_time < next_min_time:
time.sleep(next_min_time - sample_time)
# read and print a line
sample_value = ser.readline()
sample_line = str(sample_time)+','+str(sample_value)
print 'time: {}, value: {}'.format(sample_time, sample_value)
next_min_time = sample_time + sample_period

Time measure script in python

I received the following script from a fellow programmer:
from time import *
start = strptime(asctime())
end = strptime(asctime())
print 'you took %i minutes' % (end[4] - start[4])
As you might already know, the script measures the time between the third and fourth line. However, it seems to measure it in minutes. How can I go about to measure it in seconds, with at least one decimal place (ex. 7.4 seconds).
Also, I would like to add one extra piece of functionality. Say the script runs, and I am asked by the program to type any word. At the end of my typing, I have to press the enter key to exit the program and measure the time from the first keystroke to the moment I press enter. How can I go about measuring this?
First, I would avoid using import * as it's considered bad practice. You can use time.time() to get more precision:
>>> import time
>>> start = time.time()
>>> end = time.time()
>>> end - start
You could also use
def test():
"""Stupid test function"""
L = []
for i in range(100):
if __name__ == '__main__':
from timeit import Timer
t = Timer("test()", "from __main__ import test")
print t.timeit()
If you are trying to optimize a python web service call, you can do the following.
import time
In the beginning of the function, right
start = time.time()
in the line put (540 is the line number),
l540 = time.time()
print("--------l541 ------------")
print(l540 - start)
in the next line put (608 is the line number),
l608 = time.time()
print("-------- 609 ------------")
print(l608 - l540)
You can add as many as you want and it will tell you where exactly the program is taking time.

