I have:
MY_PATH_DIR = 'path/to/my/json/file.json'
with open(MY_PATH_DIR, 'r') as f:
MY_PATH_DIR = json.load(f)
except IOError, RuntimeError, ValueError:
except PermissionDenied:
And I want to catch all possible errors. With
IOError - I am catching errors when the file doesn't exist or has a
syntax error (non valid JSON).
RuntimeError - couldn't test it but I think that makes sense from the
documentation in case of an unexpected error
ValueError - I got from here in case nothing got returned
PermissionDenied - is a specific Django error
Are there any other Exceptions that would make sense? I'm not sure if OSError makes sense here. I think that would be raised earlier, right?
The purpose of capturing exceptions is to control the program's behavior when something bad happened, but in an expected way. If you are not even sure what would cause that exception happen, capturing it would only swallow the underlying programming errors you might have.
I wouldn't add as many kinds of exception as possible to that single block of code, you should only add what you care about. To take it to extreme, each line of code would yield certain exceptions but for obvious reason you couldn't do try except for all of them.
For the sake of correctness, since you mentioned I don't want my code to break in any case, you could simply do:
# json.load
except Exception as e:
print "Let's just ignore all exceptions, like this one: %s" % str(e)
This is would give you what exception happens as output.
import random
import sys
def main():
"""Demonstrate the handling of various kinds of exceptions."""
# This is like what you are doing in your code.
exceptions = IOError, RuntimeError, ValueError
raise random.choice(exceptions)()
except exceptions as error:
print('Currently handling:', repr(error))
# The following is not much different from Shang Wang's answer.
raise random.choice(exceptions)()
except Exception as error:
print('Currently handling:', repr(error))
# However, the following code will sometimes not handle the exception.
exceptions += SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, GeneratorExit
raise random.choice(exceptions)()
except Exception as error:
print('Currently handling:', repr(error))
# The code can be slightly altered to take the new errors into account.
raise random.choice(exceptions)()
except BaseException as error:
print('Currently handling:', repr(error))
# This does not take into account classes not in the exception hierarchy.
class Death:
raise Death()
except BaseException as error:
print('Currently handling:', repr(error))
# If your version of Python does not consider raising an exception from an
# instance of a class not derived from the BaseException class, the way to
# get around this problem would be with the following code instead.
raise Death()
error = sys.exc_info()[1]
print('Currently handling:', repr(error))
if __name__ == '__main__':
May be a little confused on how flask handles errors. Working on adding error handling to a DB backend. I essentially have a worker script, a router, and error handling script.
The error handling is pretty basic. I have a separate module with the following classes. They inherit from exception so there is not much added to them
class EmptyQueryError(Exception):
class BadURLError(Exception):
My main route method is as follows, and calls a method which takes care of post process/etc.
def queryJobData(projectId, jobId):
dbv.jobData(projectId, jobId)
except EmptyQueryError as e:
abort(400, "An unexpected Exception Occurred: {}".format(e))
except Exception as e:
abort(400, "An unexpected Exception Occurred: {}".format(e))
Lastly, the main driver function is contained in the dbv object from about. The flow of this works properly, as for when I pass in valued project and job ids, the query is successful and it returns a document as I aim to. However, when I purposely insert errors to get an exception to raise, that's where issues occur. Here is the handler function:
def jobData(self, projectId, jobId):
print("[Querying the job data]")
if (request.method == "GET"):
qData = [x for x in self.collection.find({"projectId": projectId, "jobId": jobId})]
# input(qData)
if (len(qData) == 0):
raise EmptyQueryError("EmptyQueryError: The url you attempted to query did not return any data")
pp.data = qData
unrolled_data = pp.unrollData()
df = pd.DataFrame(unrolled_data)
pps = PostProcessSummary(df)
table_test = pps.pivot_summary()
return dumps(table_test)
except Exception as e:
I purposely did not import the "request" module so it raises an error. I can see it gets caught by "jobData":
However, it never enters one of the exception blocks in "queryJobData", where the handle "jobData" is called.
To say the least this has thrown me a for a loop. Almost all other pieces of software I've built would handle this exception accordingly. (ie it follows the pattern where if one exception is raised elsewhere, it should be handled by the parent calling the child generating the exception). First time using Flask so I imagine I'm missing something obvious I can't find in documentation.
The exception in jobData() gets caught and it exists back into queryJobData() as if nothing happens. For instance in this block it goes directly to the return and not to handle the raised exception
dbv_ret = dbv.jobData(projectId, jobId)
return dbv_ret
except TypeError:
abort(400, "TypeError Occurred")
except EmptyQueryError:
print("[ARE WE HERE?!]")
abort(404, "Empty Query")
except BadURLError:
abort(404, "Bad URL")
except Exception as e:
abort(404, "An unexptec exception has occurred: {}".format(e))
You a catching all exceptions in you function, so anything that happens inside the try/except block will be caught inside your except block, and then your finally block will be executed.
If you want to pass the EmptyQueryError and BadURLError exceptions to the calling function, raise it outside the try/except block. Or, if you want, re-raise it inside your except block
class EmptyQueryError(Exception):
class BadURLError(Exception):
def jobData():
print("[Querying the job data]")
# this will be caught by the except block
raise EmptyQueryError("EmptyQueryError: The url you attempted to query did not return any data")
except Exception as e:
# catching all exceptions. Including the ones you are raising.
# if you don't re-raise the exception here, no error will be passed
print("Wow, exception")
print("I'm in finally block ;)")
# not returning anything
if __name__ == "__main__":
returned_value = jobData()
# will print None
except EmptyQueryError as query_err:
# will never be caught
print("Got a EmptyQueryError")
except BadURLError as url_err:
# will never be caught
print("Got a BadURLError")
The sequence of prints will be:
[Querying the job data]
Wow, exception
EmptyQueryError: The url you attempted to query did not return any data
I'm in finally block ;)
You can do something like:
def jobData(data):
if len(data) == 0:
raise EmptyQueryError("EmptyQueryError: The url you attempted to query did not return any data")
# do your thing here
except Exception as e:
print("I'm in finally block ;)")
# not returning anything
Now the EmptyQueryError will be caught by the calling function.
I have a script which uses pygetwindow module to do some operations on a specific window. While the script runs, I get the following exception:
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\pygetwindow\_pygetwindow_win.py", line 237, in activate
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\pygetwindow\_pygetwindow_win.py", line 97, in _raiseWithLastError
raise PyGetWindowException('Error code from Windows: %s - %s' % (errorCode, _formatMessage(errorCode)))
pygetwindow.PyGetWindowException: Error code from Windows: 0 - The operation completed successfully.
I'm okay with the exception occurring but I want to catch this exception explicitly. I have done the following to try and catch this exception:
except pygetwindow.PyGetWindowException:
#handle exception
except PyGetWindowException:
#handle exception
Neither of the above catches the exception. If I use either of the above, I get another exception:
NameError: name 'PyGetWindowException' is not defined
NameError: name 'pygetwindow' is not defined
I don't want to catch the general Exception and then handle it since in case of other exceptions, I want to handle it differently. Is there something wrong in how I'm trying to catch this exception or is there a way to avoid this exception altogether?
EDIT: To be very clear, I have already imported pygetwindow.
You should have import pygetwindow at the begging of your script. It complains about not knowing what pygetwindow is.
From the source file, it was clear that in order to use PyGetWindowException, you need to import the exception specifically (and not just import pygetwindow). Therefore, in order to catch the exception, one will have to do:
from pygetwindow import PyGetWindowException
After this import, you can use the exception in the normal way:
except PyGetWindowException:
#handle exception
Update 2
Another general way to do this would be to get the exception name from general exception and compare.
except Exception as e:
if e.__class__.__name__ == 'PyGetWindowException':
#handle exception
raise e
except Exception as e:
#handle other exceptions except pygetwindow exception
Original answer (not recommended)
Found a way to solve this question in this answer.
From the source of pygetwindow, it was clear that, whenever PyGetWindowException is raised, it is accompanied by the text:
"Error code from Windows:"
which indicates the error code given by Windows.
Based on this information, I did the following:
except Exception as e:
if "Error code from Windows" in str(e)
# Handle pygetwindow exception
raise e
except Exception as e:
#handle other exceptions
This is another way (although the first one and second one are the correct and straightforward solutions) to solve the problem.
Lets say I have this:
result = call_external_service()
if not result == expected:
raise MyException()
except MyException as ex:
# bubble up
raise ex
except Exception:
# unexpected exceptions from calling external service
Due to my limited python knowledge, I cannot think of an elegant way to bubble up the MyException exception, I was hoping I can do something like:
result = call_external_service()
if not result == expected:
raise MyException()
except Exception, exclude(MyException):
# unexpected exceptions from calling external service
Your problem seems to be that you are wrapping too much code in your try block. What about this?:
result = call_external_service()
except Exception:
# unexpected exceptions from calling external service
if result != expected:
raise MyException()
How to handle all but one exception?
except <any Exception except for a NoChildException>:
# handling
Something like this, except without destroying the original traceback:
except NoChildException:
raise NoChildException
except Exception:
# handling
The answer is to simply do a bare raise:
except NoChildException:
# optionally, do some stuff here and then ...
except Exception:
# handling
This will re-raise the last thrown exception, with original stack trace intact (even if it's been handled!).
New to Python ... but is not this a viable answer?
I use it and apparently works.... and is linear.
except NoChildException:
assert True
except Exception:
# handling
E.g., I use this to get rid of (in certain situation useless) return exception FileExistsError from os.mkdir.
That is my code is:
os.mkdir(dbFileDir, mode=0o700)
except FileExistsError:
assert True
and I simply accept as an abort to execution the fact that the dir is not somehow accessible.
I'd offer this as an improvement on the accepted answer.
except MySpecialException:
ttype, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
raise ttype, value, traceback
except Exception as e:
mse = convert_to_myspecialexception_with_local_context(e, context)
raise mse
This approach improves on the accepted answer by maintaining the original stacktrace when MySpecialException is caught, so when your top-level exception handler logs the exception you'll get a traceback that points to where the original exception was thrown.
You can do type checking on exceptions! Simply write
except Exception as e:
if type(e) == NoChildException:
It still includes the original stack trace.
I found a context in which catching all errors but one is not a bad thing, namely unit testing.
If I have a method:
def my_method():
except IOError, e:
Then it could plausibly have a unit test that looks like:
def test_my_method():
except IOError, e:
print "shouldn't see this error message"
assert False
except Exception, e:
print "some other error message"
assert False
assert True
Because you have now detected that my_method just threw an unexpected exception.
This question already has answers here:
How can I write a `try`/`except` block that catches all exceptions?
(10 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Is it possible to catch any error in Python? I don't care what the specific exceptions will be, because all of them will have the same fallback.
Using except by itself will catch any exception short of a segfault.
You might want to handle KeyboardInterrupt separately in case you need to use it to exit your script:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
There's a nice list of basic exceptions you can catch here. I also quite like the traceback module for retrieving a call stack from the exception. Try traceback.format_exc() or traceback.print_exc() in an exception handler.
# do something
except Exception, e:
# handle it
For Python 3.x:
# do something
except Exception as e:
# handle it
You might want also to look at sys.excepthook:
When an exception is raised and uncaught, the interpreter calls
sys.excepthook with three arguments, the exception class, exception
instance, and a traceback object. In an interactive session this
happens just before control is returned to the prompt; in a Python
program this happens just before the program exits. The handling of
such top-level exceptions can be customized by assigning another
three-argument function to sys.excepthook.
def except_hook(type, value, tback):
# manage unhandled exception here
sys.__excepthook__(type, value, tback) # then call the default handler
sys.excepthook = except_hook
Quoting the bounty text:
I want to be able to capture ANY exception even weird ones like
keyboard interrupt or even system exit (e.g. if my HPC manger throws
an error) and get a handle to the exception object e, whatever it
might be. I want to process e and custom print it or even send it by
Look at the exception hierarchy, you need to catch BaseException:
+-- SystemExit
+-- KeyboardInterrupt
+-- GeneratorExit
+-- Exception
This will capture KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, and GeneratorExit, which all inherit from BaseException but not from Exception, e.g.
raise SystemExit
except BaseException as e:
Not mentioning the type of exception you want to handle itself does the job.
Try this:
#code in which you expect an exception
#prints the exception occured
if you want to know the type of exception that occurred:
# code in which you expect an exception
except Exception as e:
# for any exception to be catched
# to know the type of exception.
for detailed explanation go trough this
# in python 3
# if you want the error
except Exception as e:
# if you simply want to know an error occurs
# if you don't even wanna do anything
The following only worked for me (both in PY2 and PY3):
# (Anything that produces any kind of error)
ertype = sys.exc_info()[0] # E.g. <class 'PermissionError'>
description = sys.exc_info()[1] # E.g. [Errno 13] Permission denied: ...
# (Handle as needed )
Built-In Exceptions in Python
Built-In exception classes are divided into Base error classes from which the error classes are defined and Concrete error classes which define exceptions which you are more likely to see time to time.
The more detailed document about the buit-In exception can be found in [https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html]
Custom Exceptions
It is used to fit your specific application situation. For example, you can create your own exception as RecipeNotValidError as the recipe is not valid in your class for developing a cooking app.
class RecipeNotValidError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
self.message = "Your recipe is not valid"
raise RecipeNotValidError
except RecipeNotValidError as e:
These are custom exceptions that are not defined in the standard library. The steps you can follow to create custom classes are :
Subclass the Exception class.
Create a new Exception class of your choice.
Write your code and use the try...except flow to capture and handle your custom exception.