How do I do this data transformation most efficiently - python
I have one really big CSV file with the following structure:
I want to reformat it to create a new CSV file that has one row for each user_id and 1 column for each mail_id. The value in each cell should be blank if there is not a corresponding row in the original table. Otherwise it will have the latest action that corresponds with that user and mail_id (clicked comes after opened, which comes after sent).
The final product (given the small data table above) should look like this:
This data manipulation is fairly straightforward, but the original CSV is quite long, and I am looking for tips on how to do this most efficiently.
Time complexity to read data into some structure is O(m*n) for m rows, n columns, regardless of the method used to read the data. Easiest to read data into a dictionary-of-dictionaries, {user_id: {100: most_recent_action,101: None}...}, using and then iterate over the dictionary-of-dictionaries outputting to some csv with csv.write.
Merging multiple CSV's with different columns
Lets say I have a CSV which is generated yearly by my business. Each year my business decides there is a new type of data we want to collect. So Year2002.csv looks like this: Age,Gender,Address A,B,C Then year2003.csv adds a new column Age,Gender,Address,Location, A,B,C,D By the time we get to year 2021, my CSV now has 7 columns and looks like this: Age,Gender,Address,Location,Height,Weight,Race A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H My business wants to create a single CSV which contains all of the data recorded. Where data is not available, (for example, Address data is not recorded in the 2002 CSV) there can be a 0 or a NAAN or a empty cell. What is the best method available to merge the CSV's into a single CSV? It may be worthwhile saying, that I have 15,000 CSV files which need to be merged. ranging from 2002-2021. 2002 the CSV starts off with three columns, but by 2020, the csv has 10 columns. I want to create one 'master' spreadsheet which contains all of the data. Just a little extra context... I am doing this because I will then be using Python to replace the empty values using the new data. E.g. calculate an average and replace CSV empty values with that average. Hope this makes sense. I am just looking for some direction on how to best approach this. I have been playing around with excel, power bi and python but I can not figure out the best way to do this.
With pandas you can use pandas.read_csv() to create Dataframe, which you can merge using pandas.concat(). import pandas as pd data1 = pd.read_csv(csv1) data2 = pd.read_csv(csv2) data = pd.concat(data1, data2)
You should take a look at python csv module. A good place to start: It is simple and useful for reading CSVs and creating new ones.
How to get rid of rows with pandas in a CSV where the value of cells in a specific column is under 100 Billion?
I'm trying to filter through a CSV and make a new CSV which is the exact same except for it gets rid of any rows that have a value of greater than 100 billion in the 'marketcap' column. The code I've written so just spits out the same CSV as the original out over again and doesn't cut out any lines from the old CSV to the new CSV. Code: db = pd.read_csv('SF1_original.csv') db = db[db['marketcap']<= 100000000000] db.to_csv('new_SF1_original.csv') Example of old CSV (It's long don't look through whole thing, just to give you an idea): ticker,dimension,calendardate,datekey,reportperiod,lastupdated,accoci,assets,assetsavg,assetsc,assetsnc,assetturnover,bvps,capex,cashneq,cashnequsd,cor,consolinc,currentratio,de,debt,debtc,debtnc,debtusd,deferredrev,depamor,deposits,divyield,dps,ebit,ebitda,ebitdamargin,ebitdausd,ebitusd,ebt,eps,epsdil,epsusd,equity,equityavg,equityusd,ev,evebit,evebitda,fcf,fcfps,fxusd,gp,grossmargin,intangibles,intexp,invcap,invcapavg,inventory,investments,investmentsc,investmentsnc,liabilities,liabilitiesc,liabilitiesnc,marketcap,ncf,ncfbus,ncfcommon,ncfdebt,ncfdiv,ncff,ncfi,ncfinv,ncfo,ncfx,netinc,netinccmn,netinccmnusd,netincdis,netincnci,netmargin,opex,opinc,payables,payoutratio,pb,pe,pe1,ppnenet,prefdivis,price,ps,ps1,receivables,retearn,revenue,revenueusd,rnd,roa,roe,roic,ros,sbcomp,sgna,sharefactor,sharesbas,shareswa,shareswadil,sps,tangibles,taxassets,taxexp,taxliabilities,tbvps,workingcapital A,ARQ,1999-12-31,2000-03-15,2000-01-31,2020-09-01,53000000,7107000000,,4982000000,2125000000,,10.219,-30000000,1368000000,1368000000,1160000000,131000000,2.41,0.584,665000000,111000000,554000000,665000000,281000000,96000000,0,0.0,0.0,202000000,298000000,0.133,298000000,202000000,202000000,0.3,0.3,0.3,4486000000,,4486000000,50960600000,,,354000000,0.806,1.0,1086000000,0.484,0,0,4337000000,,1567000000,42000000,42000000,0,2621000000,2067000000,554000000,51663600000,1368000000,-160000000,2068000000,111000000,0,1192000000,-208000000,-42000000,384000000,0,131000000,131000000,131000000,0,0,0.058,915000000,171000000,635000000,0.0,11.517,,,1408000000,0,114.3,,,1445000000,131000000,2246000000,2246000000,290000000,,,,,0,625000000,1.0,452000000,439000000,440000000,5.116,7107000000,0,71000000,113000000,16.189,2915000000 Example New CSV (Exact same when this line should have been cut): ,ticker,dimension,calendardate,datekey,reportperiod,lastupdated,accoci,assets,assetsavg,assetsc,assetsnc,assetturnover,bvps,capex,cashneq,cashnequsd,cor,consolinc,currentratio,de,debt,debtc,debtnc,debtusd,deferredrev,depamor,deposits,divyield,dps,ebit,ebitda,ebitdamargin,ebitdausd,ebitusd,ebt,eps,epsdil,epsusd,equity,equityavg,equityusd,ev,evebit,evebitda,fcf,fcfps,fxusd,gp,grossmargin,intangibles,intexp,invcap,invcapavg,inventory,investments,investmentsc,investmentsnc,liabilities,liabilitiesc,liabilitiesnc,marketcap,ncf,ncfbus,ncfcommon,ncfdebt,ncfdiv,ncff,ncfi,ncfinv,ncfo,ncfx,netinc,netinccmn,netinccmnusd,netincdis,netincnci,netmargin,opex,opinc,payables,payoutratio,pb,pe,pe1,ppnenet,prefdivis,price,ps,ps1,receivables,retearn,revenue,revenueusd,rnd,roa,roe,roic,ros,sbcomp,sgna,sharefactor,sharesbas,shareswa,shareswadil,sps,tangibles,taxassets,taxexp,taxliabilities,tbvps,workingcapital 0,A,ARQ,1999-12-31,2000-03-15,2000-01-31,2020-09-01,53000000.0,7107000000.0,,4982000000.0,2125000000.0,,10.219,-30000000.0,1368000000.0,1368000000.0,1160000000.0,131000000.0,2.41,0.584,665000000.0,111000000.0,554000000.0,665000000.0,281000000.0,96000000.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,202000000.0,298000000.0,0.133,298000000.0,202000000.0,202000000.0,0.3,0.3,0.3,4486000000.0,,4486000000.0,50960600000.0,,,354000000.0,0.8059999999999999,1.0,1086000000.0,0.484,0.0,0.0,4337000000.0,,1567000000.0,42000000.0,42000000.0,0.0,2621000000.0,2067000000.0,554000000.0,51663600000.0,1368000000.0,-160000000.0,2068000000.0,111000000.0,0.0,1192000000.0,-208000000.0,-42000000.0,384000000.0,0.0,131000000.0,131000000.0,131000000.0,0.0,0.0,0.057999999999999996,915000000.0,171000000.0,635000000.0,0.0,11.517000000000001,,,1408000000.0,0.0,114.3,,,1445000000.0,131000000.0,2246000000.0,2246000000.0,290000000.0,,,,,0.0,625000000.0,1.0,452000000.0,439000000.0,440000000.0,5.1160000000000005,7107000000.0,0.0,71000000.0,113000000.0,16.189,2915000000.0 I've seen two questions somewhat related to this on StackOverflow, but they haven't helped me much. This one uses CSV library instead of pandas (which is an option for me). This one is more helpful since it uses pandas but still hasn't been interacted with and isn't exactly the same as my use case.
You can get the indexes of the rows with "marketcap" over 100 billion rows like so: df.loc[df["marketcap"] > 100000000000]["marketcap"].index All that's left to do is drop them from the DataFrame: df.drop(df.loc[df["marketcap"] > 100000000000]["marketcap"].index, inplace=True) Reading from CSV and writing to the CSV is already correctly taken care of in your code.
Import table to DataFrame and set group of column as list
I have a table (Tab delimited .txt file) in the following form: each row is an entry; first row are headers the first 5 columns are simple numeric parameters all column after the 7th column are supposed to be a list of values My problem is how can I import and create a data frame where the last column contain a list of values? -----Problem 1 ---- The header (first row) is "shorter", containing simply the name of some columns. All the values after the 7th do not have a header (because it is suppose to be a list). If I import the file as is, this appear to confuse the import functions If, for example, I import as follow df = pd.read_table( path , sep="\t") the DataFrame created has only as many columns as the elements in the first row. Moreover, the data value assigned are mismatched. ---- Problem 2 ----- What is really confusing to me is that if I open the .txt in Excel and save it as Tab-delimited (without changing anything), I can then import it without problems, with headers too: columns with no header are simply given an “Unnamed XYZ” tag. Why would saving in Excel change it? Using Note++ I can see only one difference: the original .txt is in "Unix (LF)" form, while the one saved in Excel is "Windows (CR LF)". Both are UTF-8, so I do not understand how this would be an issue?!? Nevertheless, from here I could manipulate the data and try to gather all columns I wish and make them into a list. However, I hope that there is a more elegant and faster way to do it. Here is a screen-shot of the .txt file Thank you,
Get subset of rows where any column contains a particular value
I have a very large data file (foo.sas7bdat) that I would like to filter rows from without loading the whole data file into memory. For example, I can print the first 20 rows of the dataset without loading the entire file into memory by doing the following: import pandas import itertools with pandas.read_sas('foo.sas7bdat') as f: for row in itertools.islice(f,20): print(row) However, I am unclear on how to only print (or preferably place in a new file) only rows that have any column that contain the number 123.1. How can I do this?
Pandas has the ability to pull dataframes one chunk at a time. Following the trail of read_sas() documentation to "chunksize" I came across this: for chunk in pd.read_sas('foo.sas7bdat', interator=True, chunksize=100000): print(chunk) This would get chunks of 100,000 lines. As for the other problem you would need a query. However I don't know the constraints of the problem. If you make a Dataframe with all the columns then you still might overflow your memory space so an efficient way would be to collect the indexes and put those in a set, then sort those and use .iloc to get those entries if you wanted to put those into a Dataframe. You may need to use tools that take this into account. Dask is a good alternative for use on clusters.
Pandas - Appending 'table' format to HDF5Store with different dtypes: invalid combinate of [values_axes]
I recently started trying to use HDF5 format in python pandas to store data but encountered a problem where cant find a workaround for. Before i worked with CSV files and i had no trouble in regards to appending new data. This is what i try: store = pd.HDFStore('cdw.h5') frame.to_hdf('cdw.h5','cdw/data_cleaned', format='table',append=True, data_columns=True,dropna=False) And it throws: ValueError: invalid combinate of [values_axes] on appending data [name->Ordereingangsdatum,cname->Ordereingangsdatum,dtype->float64,kind->float,shape->(1, 176345)] vs current table [name->Ordereingangsdatum,cname->Ordereingangsdatum,dtype->bytes128,kind->string,shape->None] I get that it tells me i want to append different data type for a column but what buffles me is that i have wrote the same CSV file before with some other CSV Files from a Dataframe to that HDF5 file. I'm doing analysis in the forwarding industry and the data there is very inconsistent - more often than not there are missing values or mixed dtypes in columns or other 'data dirt'. Im looking for a way to append data to HDF5 file no matter what is inside the column as long as the column names are the same. It would be beautiful to enforce appending data in HDF store independant of datatypes or another simple solution for my problem. The goal is to have an automation later on for the analysis therefore id not like to change datatypes everytime i have a missing value in a column of the total 62 columns i have. Another question in my question is: My file access for read_hdf consumes more time than my read_csv i have around 1.5 million rows with 62 columns. Is this because i have no SSD drive? Because i have read that the file access for read_hdf should be faster. I question myself if I rather should stick with CSV files or with HDF5? Help would be greatly appreciated.
Okay for anyone having the same issue with appending data where the dtype is not always secured to be the same: I finally found a solution. First convert every column to object with li = list(frame) frame[li] = frame[li].astype(object) then try the method df.to_hdf(key,value, append=True) and wait for its error message. The error message TypeError: Cannot serialize the column [not_one_datatype] because its data contents are [mixed] object dtype will tell the columns it still doesnt like. Converting those columns to float worked for me! After that the error convert the mentioned column with df['not_one_datatype'].astype(float) only use integer if you are sure that a float will never occur in this column otherwise append method will bug again. I decided to work parallel with CSV and HDF5 Files. If i get a problem with HDF5 where i have no workaround for i will simply change to CSV - this is what i can recommend personally. Update: Okay it seems that the creators of this format have not thought about the reality when considering the HDF API: HDF5 min_itemsize error: ValueError: Trying to store a string with len [##] in [y] column but this column has a limit of [##]! occurs when trying to append data to an already existing file if some column happens to be longer than the initial write to HDF file. Now the joke here is that the creators of this API expecting me to know the max column length of each possible data in a column at the first write? really? Another inconsistency is that df.to_hdf(append=True) do not have the parameter min_itemsize={'column1':1000}. This format is at best suited for storing self created data only but definately not for data where the dtypes and length of the entries in each column are NOT set in stone. The only solution left when you want to append data from pandas dataframes independent of the stubborn HDF5 API in Python is to insert in every dataframe before appending a row with very long strings except for the numeric columns. Just to be sure that you will always be able to append the data no matter how possible long it will get. When doing this write process will take ages and slurp gigantic sizes of disc drive for saving the huge HDF5 file. CSV definately wins against HDF5 in terms of performance, integration and especially usability.