I am building an application in Python, with a graphical user interface in PyQt5. I need to insert some sort of "Terminal Console" in the application. The user can start a batch file by clicking a button, and should see the output appear in a text field.
At this moment, I use the following approach. When the user presses a button, the program will start the batch script (say "myBat.bat"). The standard output gets extracted and written to a QTextEdit widget.
This works great, but there are two serious problems.
(PROBLEM 1) The output is shown at the end of the batch execution..
And that's sometimes really painful. Especially if the bat-file takes some time to execute, the user will get the impression that everything freezes.
(PROBLEM 2) The user cannot give commands..
Some bat-files require user input. I have no idea on how to do this.
(PROBLEM 3) When the batch file is finished, it's over..
Sometimes the user wants to keep giving commands to the terminal, even when the batch file has finished. For example a simple dir command, to list out the files in a directory. Anything should be possible.
To summarise everything, I just need to make a functional terminal console inside my application.
There is a guy who ported QTermWidget to PyQt4. This is the link:
https://sourceforge.net/projects/qtermwidget/?source=typ_redirect . Unfortunately his code is not compiled for Windows (I'm working on a Windows 10 machine). And his port is made for PyQt4. My entire application is written in PyQt5. There are reasons why I cannot go back to PyQt4.
Another guy made this software:
https://bitbucket.org/henning/pyqtermwidget/overview . Also very interesting, but no Windows support.
Please help..
This is the code I'm currently running:
### This function gets called when the user ###
### pushes the button ###
def myBatFunction(self):
# 1. Call the proper batch file
p = Popen("C:\\..\\myFolder\\myBat.bat" , cwd=r"C:\\..\\myFolder", stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode == 0:
# 2. Capture the standard out stream from the batch file
msg = stdout.decode("utf-8")
errMsg = stderr.decode("utf-8")
self.myTextArea.setText(msg + errMsg)
EDIT : If you think this is a duplicate question, please verify first if the other question offers a solution to Windows 10 users, and works with PyQt5 :-)
In your code p.wait() is the point of synchronization with the opened process. After that line the external process is finished. So you need to read p.stout in a loop before that line. Check the following example:
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
p = Popen(["C:\\..\\myFolder\\myBat.bat"], stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1)
with p.stdout:
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
print line,
p.wait() # wait for the subprocess to exit
Note that bufsize should be 1 to suppress buffering.
I'm trying to integrate l2ping with Python (2.7). l2ping is a tool from blueZ package, running on linux, that performs echo request to a bluetooth device.
I want to show (or store in a variable) the output of the echo request in real time.
I have read a lot of discussion in this community, but (in my case) all the solutions show the result only at the end of the pinging process.
This is my code:
import subprocess
mac_addr= 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX' //my real bluetooth mac address
process = subprocess.Popen(['unbuffer', 'l2ping', '-c', '3', mac_addr], bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
while True:
print "debug"
line = process.stdout.readline()
if not line:
print line
As I previously said, my code show the output but all in one time at the end of the process.
The program goes till the "debug" line and then it stops, wait the end of l2ping and prints out all the output.
I've also try to use bufsize=0, or stdout.flush() but no output are shown in real time. Also, communicate() nor check_output() don't work for me.
I think that l2ping command is quite different from some others, in fact it does not write immediately on stdout and this can cause the specific problem.
What I'm doing wrong? How can I read in real time the output of l2ping?
EDIT: I've found a solution that works fine for me. I use the command unbuffer when I call l2ping. I've edit the code.
I am trying to open a executable that opens a HEC .dss database file. However, I can only seem to get it to read one argument after opening the exe and then it doesn't read anything else. Is there any way to force it to keep inserting commands.
This exe has some unique features to it, which include that the first command asks what DSS file you are going to read. Then you can input a command to create the output txt file that it will write to for the rest of the commands. What I've been able to do so far is to start the program and run one command into the exe (the mydss variable). However, after that first command is read, none of the other commands are used in the command prompt. I feel like I'm missing something here. Here is the code:
##Testing on how to run and use the DSSUTL program
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
DSSUTL = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\DSSUTL.exe"
mydss = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\\forecast.dss"
firstLine = "WR.T TO=PythonTextOutput.txt"
myList = [firstLine, commandLine]
ps = subprocess.Popen([DSSUTL, mydss, myList[1], myList[0]], shell=True)
I've also tried including stdin=subprocess.PIPE, but that only leads to the exe opening and it is blank (when I open it with the code above I can read it and see that the mydss variable was read correctly). When I used stdout or sterr, the program only opens and closes.
I've also tried using the code when the stdin=PIPE was turned on with:
However, it did not read anything in the program. This program runs like a command prompt, however, it's not the typical cmd as it was made to read the DSS filetype and produce a text file with the list from searches like in the commandLine variable
It would be nice to know what I could do to fix the code so that I could input the extra commands. Any help to know how to event check if the commands were being sent or processed by this exe. Eventually, I will be adding many more commands to the exe file to print to the text file, so if there is any way to get python to write to the exe that would help.
#tdelaney, #eryksun Thank you for commenting, your comments about the pipes and delay really helped. I was able to fix the problem by using this code:
##Testing on how to run and use the DSSUTL program
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
import time
DSSUTL = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\DSSUTL.exe"
mydss = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\\forecast.dss"
location = "WR.T TO=PythonTextOutput.txt" + " WR.T B=SHAVER RESERVOIR-POOL C=FLOW-IN E=1HOUR F=10203040" + "\n"
filecontent1 = "WR.T B=FLORENCE RESERVOIR-POOL C=FLOW-IN E=1HOUR F=10203040" + "\n"
filecontent2 = "WR.T B=HUNTINGTON LAKE-POOL C=FLOW-IN E=1HOUR F=10203040" + "\n"
filecontentList = [filecontent1, filecontent2]
myList = [DSSUTL, mydss] # commandLine, location
ps = subprocess.Popen(myList , shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
# input into stdin
print ps.communicate()[0]
# End Script
By using the pipes to talk to the program and putting a time delay seemed to fix the problem and allowed me to talk to the console. Even though the console display is blank, by printing the communicate() command, it outputs what the console did and produce the text file with the wanted series.
Thanks for pushing me in the right direction!
I am attempting to to launch a python script from within another python script, but in a minimized console, then return control to the original shell.
I am able to open the required script in a new shell below, but it's not minimized:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import subprocess
print "Testing: Open New Console"
subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, pyTivoPath], creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
Further, I will need to be able to later remotely KILL this shell from the original script, so I suspect I'll need to be explicit in naming the new process. Correct?
Looking for pointers, please. Thanks!
Note: python27 is mandatory for this application. Eventually will also need to work on Mac and Linux.
Do you need to have the other console open? If you now the commands to be sent, then I'd recommend using Popen.communicate(input="Shell commands") and it will automate the process for you.
So you could write something along the lines of:
# Commands to pass into subprocess (each command is separated by a newline)
commands = (
"command1\n" +
# Your process
py_process = subprocess.Popen(*yourprocess_here*, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
# Feed process the needed input
# Terminate when finished
The code above will execute the process you specify and even send commands but it won't open a new console.
I just want to build a little python music client on my raspberry pi. I installed "mpg321" and it works great but now my problem. After sending the command
os.system("mpg321 -R testPlayer")
python waits for user input like play, pause or quit. If I write this in my terminal the player pause the music oder quits. Perfect but I want python to do that so I send the command
os.system("LOAD test.mp3")
where LOAD is the command for loading this mp3. But nothing happens. When I quit the player via terminal I get the error:
sh: 1: LOAD: not found
I think this means that
os.system("mpg321 -R testPlayer")
takes the whole process and after I quit it python tries to execute the comman LOAD. So how do I get these things work together?
My code:
import os
class PyMusic:
def __init__(self):
print "initial stuff later"
def playFile(self, fileName, directory = ""):
os.system("mpg321 -R testPlayer")
os.system("LOAD test.mp3")
if __name__ == "__main__":
pymusic = PyMusic()
Thanks for your help!
First, you should almost never be using os.system. See the subprocess module.
One major advantage of using subprocess is that you can choose whatever behavior you want—run it in the background, start it and wait for it to finish (and throw an exception if it returns non-zero), interact with its stdin and stdout explicitly, whatever makes sense.
Here, you're not trying to run another command "LOAD test.mp3", you're trying to pass that as input to the existing process. So:
p = subprocess.Popen(['mpg321', '-R', 'testPlayer'], stdin=PIPE)
Then you can do this:
p.stdin.write('LOAD test.mp3\n')
This is roughly equivalent to doing this from the shell:
echo -e 'LOAD test.mp3\n' | mpg321 -R testPlayer
However, you should probably read about communicate, because whenever it's possible to figure out how to make your code work with communicate, it's a lot simpler than trying to deal with generic I/O (especially if you've never coded with pipes, sockets, etc. before).
Or, if you're trying to interact with a command-line UI (e.g., you can't send the command until you get the right prompt), you may want to look at an "expect" library. There are a few of these to choose from, so you should search at PyPI to find the right one for you (although I can say that I've used pexpect successfully in the past, and the documentation is full of samples that get the ideas across a lot more quickly than most expect documentation does).
You are looking for a way to send data to stdin. Here is an example of this using Popen:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
p = Popen(['mpg321', '-R testPlayer'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
mpg123_stdout = p.communicate(input='LOAD test.mp3\n')[0]
You establish pointers to stdin and stdout, then after you start your process, you communicate with stdin and read from stdout. Be sure to send new lines (carriage returns)
I am using python 2.5 on Windows. I wish to interact with a console process via Popen. I currently have this small snippet of code:
p = Popen( ["console_app.exe"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE )
# issue command 1...
p.stdin.write( 'command1\n' )
result1 = p.stdout.read() # <---- we never return here
# issue command 2...
p.stdin.write( 'command2\n' )
result2 = p.stdout.read()
I can write to stdin but can not read from stdout. Have I missed a step? I don't want to use p.communicate( "command" )[0] as it terminates the process and I need to interact with the process dynamically over time.
Thanks in advance.
Your problem here is that you are trying to control an interactive application.
stdout.read() will continue reading until it has reached the end of the stream, file or pipe. Unfortunately, in case of an interactive program, the pipe is only closed then whe program exits; which is never, if the command you sent it was anything other than "quit".
You will have to revert to reading the output of the subprocess line-by-line using stdout.readline(), and you'd better have a way to tell when the program is ready to accept a command, and when the command you issued to the program is finished and you can supply a new one. In case of a program like cmd.exe, even readline() won't suffice as the line that indicates a new command can be sent is not terminated by a newline, so will have to analyze the output byte-by-byte. Here's a sample script that runs cmd.exe, looks for the prompt, then issues a dir and then an exit:
from subprocess import *
import re
class InteractiveCommand:
def __init__(self, process, prompt):
self.process = process
self.prompt = prompt
self.output = ""
def wait_for_prompt(self):
while not self.prompt.search(self.output):
c = self.process.stdout.read(1)
if c == "":
self.output += c
# Now we're at a prompt; clear the output buffer and return its contents
tmp = self.output
self.output = ""
return tmp
def command(self, command):
self.process.stdin.write(command + "\n")
return self.wait_for_prompt()
p = Popen( ["cmd.exe"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE )
prompt = re.compile(r"^C:\\.*>", re.M)
cmd = InteractiveCommand(p, prompt)
listing = cmd.command("dir")
print listing
If the timing isn't important, and interactivity for a user isn't required, it can be a lot simpler just to batch up the calls:
from subprocess import *
p = Popen( ["cmd.exe"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE )
print p.stdout.read()
Have you tried to force windows end lines?
p.stdin.write( 'command1 \r\n' )
I've just checked the solution on windows cmd.exe and it works with readline(). But it has one problem Popen's stdout.readline blocks. So if the app will ever return something without endline your app will stuck forever.
But there is a work around for that check out: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/440554/
I think you might want to try to use readline() instead?
Edit: sorry, misunderstoud.
Maybe this question can help you?
Is it possible that the console app is buffering its output in some way so that it is only being sent to stdout when the pipe is closed? If you have access to the code for the console app, maybe sticking a flush after a batch of output data might help?
Alternatively, is it actually writing to stderr and instead of stdout for some reason?
Just looked at your code again and thought of something else, I see you're sending in "command\n". Could the console app be simply waiting for a carriage return character instead of a new line? Maybe the console app is waiting for you to submit the command before it produces any output.
Had the exact same problem here. I dug into DrPython source code and stole wx.Execute() solution, which is working fine, especially if your script is already using wx. I never found correct solution on windows platform though...