Python: Spawn New Minimized Shell - python

I am attempting to to launch a python script from within another python script, but in a minimized console, then return control to the original shell.
I am able to open the required script in a new shell below, but it's not minimized:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import subprocess
print "Testing: Open New Console"
subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, pyTivoPath], creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
Further, I will need to be able to later remotely KILL this shell from the original script, so I suspect I'll need to be explicit in naming the new process. Correct?
Looking for pointers, please. Thanks!
Note: python27 is mandatory for this application. Eventually will also need to work on Mac and Linux.

Do you need to have the other console open? If you now the commands to be sent, then I'd recommend using Popen.communicate(input="Shell commands") and it will automate the process for you.
So you could write something along the lines of:
# Commands to pass into subprocess (each command is separated by a newline)
commands = (
"command1\n" +
# Your process
py_process = subprocess.Popen(*yourprocess_here*, stdin=PIPE, shell=True)
# Feed process the needed input
# Terminate when finished
The code above will execute the process you specify and even send commands but it won't open a new console.


Python: Keep processes started by subprocess.Popen alive after exiting

I am making a virtual assistant that can start several programs using subprocess.Popen("path/to/app.exe"). But when I exit the python program, all of processes are killed. I want the processes (the applications started with Popen) to be independent and remain alive after main process is killed.
I have tried adding start_new_session=True as argument in subprocess.Popen() as some posts have suggested, but it's still not working.
I don't think showing the code is necessary, but still, here you go.
app_path = r'C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\Discord\app-1.0.9001\discord.exe'
subprocess.Popen(app_path) # also tried adding start_new_session=True as argument
Since you're on Windows, you can call the start command, which exists for this very purpose: to run another program independently of the one that starts it.
The start command is provided by the command-line interpreter cmd.exe. It is not an executable: there is no start.exe. It is a "shell command" (in Linux terminology), which is why shell=True must be passed when creating the subprocess.
You won't be able to communicate with the subprocess started in this way, that is, not via the pipe mechanism provided by the subprocess module. So instead of Popen, you may just use the convenience function run:
from subprocess import run
app = 'notepad'
run(['start', app], shell=True)
The example starts the Notepad editor (instead of Discord in the question) in order to make it easier to reproduce.
In cases where the full path to the app contains spaces, we can either call start like so
app = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe'
run(f'start "" "{app}"', shell=True)
using the Edge browser in this example, or pass the directory separately:
folder = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application'
app = 'msedge.exe'
run(['start', '/d', folder, app], shell=True)
This is needed because start treats a single argument as the window title if that argument is in quotes. And only if not does it treat it as the command. See "Can I use the start command with spaces in the path?" (on SuperUser) for more details.
Answered here:
subprocess.Popen(full_command, shell=True, close_fds=True)
(In my linux system I have to put shell=True if I'm passing a full command as string instead of a split-up array of arguments. In windows it may differ, idk)

Python C Program not working

I am trying to write the codes to run a C executable using Python.
The C program can be run in the terminal just by calling ./myprogram and it will prompt a selection menu, as shown below:
1. Login
2. Register
Now, using Python and subprocess, I write the following codes:
import subprocess["./myprogram"])
The Python program runs but it shows nothing (No errors too!). Any ideas why it is happening?
When I tried:
import subprocess["ls"])
All the files in that particular directory are showing. So I assume this is right.
You have to open the subprocess like this:
import subprocess
cmd = subprocess.Popen(['./myprogram'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
This means that cmd will have a .stdin you can write to; print by default sends output to your Python script's stdout, which has no connection with the subprocess' stdin. So do that:
cmd.stdin.write('1\n') # tell myprogram to select 1
and then quite probably you should:
cmd.stdin.flush() # don't let your input stay in in-memory-buffers
cmd.stdin.close() # if you're done with writing to the subprocess.
PS If your Python script is a long-running process on a *nix system and you notice your subprocess has ended but is still displayed as a Z (zombie) process, please check that answer.
Maybe flush stdout?
print("", flush=True,end="")

How to use Python subprocess to write multiple inputs into custom exe program

I am trying to open a executable that opens a HEC .dss database file. However, I can only seem to get it to read one argument after opening the exe and then it doesn't read anything else. Is there any way to force it to keep inserting commands.
This exe has some unique features to it, which include that the first command asks what DSS file you are going to read. Then you can input a command to create the output txt file that it will write to for the rest of the commands. What I've been able to do so far is to start the program and run one command into the exe (the mydss variable). However, after that first command is read, none of the other commands are used in the command prompt. I feel like I'm missing something here. Here is the code:
##Testing on how to run and use the DSSUTL program
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
DSSUTL = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\DSSUTL.exe"
mydss = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\\forecast.dss"
firstLine = "WR.T TO=PythonTextOutput.txt"
myList = [firstLine, commandLine]
ps = subprocess.Popen([DSSUTL, mydss, myList[1], myList[0]], shell=True)
I've also tried including stdin=subprocess.PIPE, but that only leads to the exe opening and it is blank (when I open it with the code above I can read it and see that the mydss variable was read correctly). When I used stdout or sterr, the program only opens and closes.
I've also tried using the code when the stdin=PIPE was turned on with:
However, it did not read anything in the program. This program runs like a command prompt, however, it's not the typical cmd as it was made to read the DSS filetype and produce a text file with the list from searches like in the commandLine variable
It would be nice to know what I could do to fix the code so that I could input the extra commands. Any help to know how to event check if the commands were being sent or processed by this exe. Eventually, I will be adding many more commands to the exe file to print to the text file, so if there is any way to get python to write to the exe that would help.
#tdelaney, #eryksun Thank you for commenting, your comments about the pipes and delay really helped. I was able to fix the problem by using this code:
##Testing on how to run and use the DSSUTL program
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
import time
DSSUTL = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\DSSUTL.exe"
mydss = "C:\Users\sduncan\Documents\HEC-DSS\HEC-DSSVue-2_0_1\FromSivaSel\\forecast.dss"
location = "WR.T TO=PythonTextOutput.txt" + " WR.T B=SHAVER RESERVOIR-POOL C=FLOW-IN E=1HOUR F=10203040" + "\n"
filecontent1 = "WR.T B=FLORENCE RESERVOIR-POOL C=FLOW-IN E=1HOUR F=10203040" + "\n"
filecontent2 = "WR.T B=HUNTINGTON LAKE-POOL C=FLOW-IN E=1HOUR F=10203040" + "\n"
filecontentList = [filecontent1, filecontent2]
myList = [DSSUTL, mydss] # commandLine, location
ps = subprocess.Popen(myList , shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
# input into stdin
print ps.communicate()[0]
# End Script
By using the pipes to talk to the program and putting a time delay seemed to fix the problem and allowed me to talk to the console. Even though the console display is blank, by printing the communicate() command, it outputs what the console did and produce the text file with the wanted series.
Thanks for pushing me in the right direction!

automation of processes by python

I'm trying to write a python script that start a process and do some operations atferward.
The commands that I want to automate by script are circled as red in the picture.
The problem is that after performing first command, qemu environment will be run and the other commands should be executed on the qemu environment. So I want to know how can I do these commands by an script in python? Because as I know I can do the first command but I do not know how can I do those commands when I am going to qemu environment.
Could you help me how can I do this process?
First thing that came to mind was pexpect, a quick search on google turned up this blog post automatically-testing-vms-using-pexpect-and-qemu which seems to be pretty much along the lines of what you are doing:
import pexpect
image = "fedora-20.img"
user = "root"
password = "changeme"
# Define the qemu cmd to run
# The important bit is to redirect the serial to stdio
cmd = "qemu-kvm"
cmd += " -m 1024 -serial stdio -net user -net nic"
cmd += " -snapshot -hda %s" % image
cmd += " -watchdog-action poweroff"
# Spawn the qemu process and log to stdout
child = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
child.logfile = sys.stdout
# Now wait for the login
# And login with the credentials from above
child.expect('# ')
# Now shutdown the machine and end the process
if child.isalive():
child.sendline('init 0')
if child.isalive():
print('Child did not exit gracefully.')
print('Child exited gracefully.')
You could do it with subprocess.Popen also, checking the stdout for the (qemu) lines and writing to stdin. Something roughly like this:
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
# pass initial command as list of individual args
p = Popen(["./tracecap/temu","-monitor",.....],stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
# store all the next arguments to pass
args = iter([arg1,arg2,arg3])
# iterate over stdout so we can check where we are
for line in iter(p.stdout.readline,""):
# if (qemu) is at the prompt, enter a command
if line.startswith("(qemu)"):
arg = next(args,"")
# if we have used all args break
if not arg:
# else we write the arg with a newline
print(line)# just use to see the output
Where args contains all the next commands.
Don't forget that Python has batteries included. Take a look of the Suprocess module in the standard lib. There a lot of pitfalls managing processes, and the module take care of them all.
You probably want to start a qemu process and send the next commands writing to its standard input (stdin). Subprocess module will allow you to do it. See that qemu has command line options to connect to stdi: -chardev stdio ,id=id

Run multiple programs sequentially in one Windows command prompt?

I need to run multiple programs one after the other and they each run in a console window.
I want the console window to be visible, but a new window is created for each program. This is annoying because each window is opened in a new position from where the other is closed and steals focus when working in Eclipse.
This is the initial code I was using:
def runCommand( self, cmd, instream=None, outstream=None, errstream=None ):
proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=instream, stdout=outstream, stderr=errstream )
while True:
retcode = proc.poll()
if retcode == None:
if mAbortBuild:
return False
if retcode == 0:
return True
return False
I switched to opening a command prompt using 'cmd' when calling subprocess.Popen and then calling proc.stdin.write( b'program.exe\r\n' ).
This seems to solve the one command window problem but now I can't tell when the first program is done and I can start the second. I want to stop and interrogate the log file from the first program before running the second program.
Any tips on how I can achieve this? Is there another option for running the programs in one window I haven't found yet?
Since you're using Windows, you could just create a batch file listing each program you want to run which will all execute in a single console window. Since it's a batch script you can do things like put conditional statements in it as shown in the example.
import os
import subprocess
import textwrap
# create a batch file with some commands in it
batch_filename = 'commands.bat'
with open(batch_filename, "wt") as batchfile:
if errorlevel 1 (
#echo non-zero exit code: %errorlevel% - terminating
time /t
date /t
# execute the batch file as a separate process and echo its output
kwargs = dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
with subprocess.Popen(batch_filename, **kwargs).stdout as output:
for line in output:
print line,
try: os.remove(batch_filename) # clean up
except os.error: pass
In section Constants in the subprocess module documentation there's description of subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE constant:
The new process has a new console, instead of inheriting its parent’s
console (the default).
As we see, by default, new process inherits its parent's console. The reason you observe multiple consoles being opened is the fact that you call your scripts from within Eclipse, which itself does not have console so each subprocess creates its own console as there's no console it could inherit. If someone would like to simulate this behavior it's enough to run Python script which creates subprocesses using pythonw.exe instead of python.exe. The difference between the two is that the former does not open a console whereas the latter does.
The solution is to have helper script — let's call it launcher — which, by default, creates console and runs your programs in subprocesses. This way each program inherits one and the same console from its parent — the launcher. To run programs sequentially we use Popen.wait() method.
--- ---
import subprocess
import sys
subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, ''])
--- ---
import subprocess
programs = ['first_program.exe', 'second_program.exe']
for program in programs:
if input('Do you want to continue? (y/n): ').upper() == 'N':

