Python dict.fromkeys return same id element - python

When i do this on python i update all keys in one time.
>>> base = {}
>>> keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> base.update(dict.fromkeys(keys, {}))
>>> base.get('a')['d'] = {}
>>> base
{'a': {'d': {}}, 'c': {'d': {}}, 'b': {'d': {}}}
>>> map(id, base.values())
[140536040273352, 140536040273352, 140536040273352]
If instead of .get i use [] operator this not happen:
>>> base['a']['d'] = {}
>>> base
{'a': {'d': {}}, 'c': {}, 'b': {}}

When you initialize the value for the new keys as {} a new dictionary is created and a reference to this dictionary is becoming the values. There is only one dictionary and so if you change one, you will change "all".

I tried it with both Python 2.7.6 and 3.4.3. I get the same answer when either get('a') or ['a'] is used. Appreciate if you can verify this at your end. Python does object reuse. Thus, dict.fromkeys() reuses the same empty dict is to initialize. To make each one a separate object, you can do this:
base.update(zip(keys, ({} for _ in keys)))


What does defaultdict(list, {}) or dict({}) do?

I saw this online and I'm confused on what the second argument would do:
defaultdict(list, {})
Looking at what I get on the console, it seems to simply create a defaultdict where values are lists by default. If so, is this exactly equivalent to running defaultdict(list)?
From I read online:
The first argument provides the initial value for the default_factory attribute; it defaults to None. All remaining arguments are treated the same as if they were passed to the dict constructor, including keyword arguments.
which also makes me wonder about the difference between:
my_dict = dict({})
my_dict = dict()
the argument to the dict class in python is the instantiation values.. so passing an {} creates an empty dictionary.
Its the same case with defaultdict, except that the first argument is the default type of the values for every key.
dict({...}) just makes a dict:
>>> dict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
Which is equal to this:
>>> dict(a=1, b=2)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
The same applies for defualtdict.

Having trouble defining a function that will make creating a dictionary easier

I am trying to create a player_def function that will make creating a dictionary a little easier.
Looking at it now, this is probably kind of dumb because I can just do players["betts"]["avg"]=340, right? Anyway, to understand how Python works I would be grateful if any of you can explain why the following code is returning a key error instead of creating a nested dictionary.
def player_def(x,y,z):
The easiest solution would be to use a collections.defaultdict:
from collections import defaultdict
players = defaultdict(dict)
def player_def(x,y,z):
players[x][y] = z
# {'avg': 340}
We define players as a defaultdict of dict. When we do:
players["betts"]["avg"] = 340
if players doesn't yet have a betts key, a new one is created on the fly with an empty dict as value. So, we can add "avg": 340 to this new dict.
Do you mean this? I'm sorry, but my query does not respond to your problem in a comment, so I had to put it as a possible solution / explanation.
>>> d={}
>>> d
>>> d['a'] = {'b' : {'c','d','e'} }
>>> d
{'a': {'b': {'c', 'e', 'd'}}}
>>> d['a']['b']
{'c', 'e', 'd'}
///EDIT: So when the dictionary already exists, then you can change its contents. However, if you want to add a new pair (to the right side of an existing key), you must add to the existing key, a non-existent, just above syntax. I guess I explain that complicated, sorry.
>>> d['a']['b'] = "4"
>>> d
{'a': {'b': '4'}}
>>> d['a']['b'] = ["4","test","hello"]
>>> d
{'a': {'b': ['4', 'test', 'hello']}}
>>> d['a']['b'] = (1,2,3,4)
>>> d
{'a': {'b': (1, 2, 3, 4)}}
Another example from Python console:
>>> test = {}
>>> test['betts']['avg'] = 300
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'betts'
>>> test['betts'] = {}
>>> test['betts']['avg'] = 300
>>> test
{'betts': {'avg': 300}}

Using a loop to .setdefault on Dict Creates Nested Dict

I'm trying to understand why
tree = {}
def add_to_tree(root, value_string):
"""Given a string of characters `value_string`, create or update a
series of dictionaries where the value at each level is a dictionary of
the characters that have been seen following the current character.
for character in value_string:
root = root.setdefault(character, {})
add_to_tree(tree, 'abc')
creates {'a': {'b': {'c': {}}}}
root = {}
root.setdefault('a', {})
root.setdefault('b', {})
root.setdefault('c', {})
creates {'a': {}, 'b': {}, 'c': {}}
What is putting us into the assigned dict value on each iteration of the loop?
root.setdefault(character, {}) returns root[character] if character is a key in root or it returns the empty dict {}. It is the same as root.get(character, {}) except that it also assigns root[character] = {} if character is not already a key in root.
root = root.setdefault(character, {})
reassigns root to a new dict if character is not already a key in the original root.
In [4]: root = dict()
In [5]: newroot = root.setdefault('a', {})
In [6]: root
Out[6]: {'a': {}}
In [7]: newroot
Out[7]: {}
In contrast, using root.setdefault('a', {}) without reassigning its return value to root works:
tree = {}
def add_to_tree(root, value_string):
"""Given a string of characters `value_string`, create or update a
series of dictionaries where the value at each level is a dictionary of
the characters that have been seen following the current character.
for character in value_string:
root.setdefault(character, {})
add_to_tree(tree, 'abc')
# {'a': {}, 'c': {}, 'b': {}}
For anyone else who is as slow as me. The answer to, "Why does the (above) function produce {'a': {'b': {'c': {}, 'd': {}}}} and not {'a': {}, 'b': {}, 'c': {}}?" is:
Because we’re looping within a function and reassigning the the result to root each time, it’s kind of like in the TV infomercials where they keep saying, “but wait! there’s more!”. So when .setdefault gets called on 'a', before that gets returned, it’s result, {'a': {}} is held {inside the loop} while it’s run on 'b', which yields {'b': {}}, within {'a': {}} and that is held to the side and {'a': {}} is run, then the whole thing is returned from the loop and applied to tree. Note that each time, what is actually returned by .setdefault IS the default, which in this case is {}. Here is a Python Visualizer illustration of the process.

Python dictionary.keys() error

I am trying to use the .keys() and instead of getting a list of the keys like
always have in the past. However I get this.
b = { 'video':0, 'music':23 }
k = b.keys()
print( k[0] )
>>>TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing
print( k )
dict_keys(['music', 'video'])
it should just print ['music', 'video'] unless I'm going crazy.
What's going on?
Python 3 changed the behavior of dict.keys such that it now returns a dict_keys object, which is iterable but not indexable (it's like the old dict.iterkeys, which is gone now). You can get the Python 2 result back with an explicit call to list:
>>> b = { 'video':0, 'music':23 }
>>> k = list(b.keys())
>>> k
['music', 'video']
or just
>>> list(b)
['music', 'video']
If you assigned k like so:
k = list(b.keys())
your code will work.
As the error says, the dict_keys type does not support indexing.
This is one of the breaking changes between Python 2 and 3.
In Python 2:
>>> help(dict.keys)
D.keys() -> list of D's keys
In Python 3:
>>> help(dict.keys)
D.keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
This change in behavior makes a lot of sense since a dict is semantically unordered and its keys are unique - just like a set.
This change means that you don't have to create a new list of keys every time you want to do some kind of set comparison with a dict's keys.
Getting the same behavior in 2 and 3
To help transition to Python 3, Python 2.7 has another dict method, viewkeys. The viewkeys method is most similar to Python 3's dict.keys method:
>>> d
{'a': None, 'c': None, 'b': None, 'd': None}
>>> for k in d.viewkeys(): print k
>>> d.viewkeys() & set('abc')
set(['a', 'c', 'b'])
In Python 3, the closest analog to the old behavior is to pass dict.keys() to list:
>>> d
{'d': None, 'a': None, 'c': None, 'b': None}
>>> list(d.keys())
['d', 'a', 'c', 'b']
Or just pass the dict to list, since a dict will iterate over its keys anyways:
>>> list(d)
['d', 'a', 'c', 'b']
You could create a utility functions to abstract the behavior over 2 and 3:
if hasattr(dict, 'viewkeys'): # Python 2.7
def keys(d):
return d.viewkeys()
else: # Python 3
def keys(d):
return d.keys()
And pass a dict to list to get the list form, and in both 2 and 3, you'll get the same output:
>>> d
{'b': None, 'a': None, 'c': None, 'd': None}
>>> keys(d)
dict_keys(['b', 'a', 'c', 'd'])
>>> list(d)
['b', 'a', 'c', 'd']
If you simply want a list of keys from a dictionary you can directly do like this:
b = {"name": "xyz", "class":"abc", "college": "qwert"}
key_list = list(b)
key_list will contain all the key names as a list, though, this will not repeats a key, if found more than once. Duplicate keys will be counted as one.
import random
b = { 'video':0, 'music':23,"picture":12 }
# Returns a random dictionary entry as a tuple:
# ('music', 23)

Setting a value to a dictionary's dictionary value

The code:
>>> mydict = {}
>>> keylist = ['a','b','c']
>>> mydict=dict.fromkeys(keylist,{})
>>> mydict['a']['sample'] = 1
>>> mydict
{'a': {'sample': 1}, 'c': {'sample': 1}, 'b': {'sample': 1}}
I was expecting mydict['a']['sample'] = 1 would set the value just for a's dictionary value and would get this: {'a': {'sample': 1}, 'c': {}, 'b': {}}.
What am I missing here? What should I have to do to get the expected output?
The problem is that you added the same dictionary to mydict for every key. You want to add different dictionaries, like so:
mydict = dict((key, {}) for key in keylist)
In the above code, you create a new dictionary to pair with each key. In your original code, the function fromkeys took the argument (the empty dictionary you provided) and added that exact argument - that single empty dictionary you created to pass in to the function - to each of the keys. When that one dictionary was changed, then, that change showed up everywhere.

