I have a dictionary that is being used to query the database for a match. I have one single query line that isn't working for me. If i have a list like this:
user['names']= [Alice, Bob, John]
Since this is a list I tried to use something like this:
q.filter(UserTable.firstname in user['firstnames'])
But for whatever reason this doesn't work. However, I know that Bob is in the database. When I manually pull down all the queries I can see the name is there in one of the rows. If I do this instead:
q.filter(UserTable.firstname == user['firstnames'][1]) #Only does Bob
It works. And when I pull all the queries manually, convert each row to a dictionary, and then do a
row[#row_that_matches].firstname in user['names']
that also works. But for some reason using the "in" keyword in sqlalchemy doesn't work as expected. Does anyone know an alternative that can make an sqlalchemy query for something in a list of values?
Use the in_() column method to test a column against a sequence:
See the Common Filter Operations section of the Object Relational tutorial:
query.filter(User.name.in_(['ed', 'wendy', 'jack']))
# works with query objects too:
New to SQLAlchemy and having some problems constructing a query that casts the data type for a column from one to another and doing a NOT LIKE query afterwards.
This is what I have currently:
not_like_result = MrTS.query.filter(cast(MrTS.rules, String), not_(MrTS.rules.like(search_keyword))).all()
From what I understand this is because above code inserts an AND inbetween there because of the comma, when I just want NOT LIKE. Just not sure how to chain it together properly.
You can try this one-
not_like_result = session.query(MrTS).filter(cast(MrTS.rules, String()).notlike(search_keyword))
I would like to search my database for a value. I know you can do this for a key with db.search() but there does not seem to be any kind of similar function for searching for a value
I've tried using the contains() function but I have the same issue. It checks if the key is contained in the database. I would like to know if a certain value is contained in the database.
I would like to do something like this that would search for values in tinydb
If I was able to execute the above command and get the value(if it does exist) or Nothing if it doesn't that would be ideal. Alternatively, if the able returned True or False accordingly, that would be fine as well
I don't know if this is what you are looking for but which the following command you can check for a specific field value:
from tinydb import Query
User = Query()
db.search(User.field_name == 'value')
I'm new here (doing some reading to see if TinyDB would even be applicable for my use case) so perhaps wrong, and also aware that this question is a little old. But I wonder if you can't address this by iterating over each field and searching within for your value. Then, you couldget the key or field wherein a value match was located.
I have the query:
q = Session.query(func.array_agg(Order.col))
The compiled query will be:
SELECT array_agg(order.col) FROM orders
I want dynamically replace the existing column. After replacing query have to be:
SELECT group_concat(orders.col) FROM orders
I have to use Session and model. I don't have to use SQLAlchemy core. I don't have to use subqueries. And, of course, there can be some other columns, but I need to replace only one. I tried to replace objects in column_descriptions property, I tried to use q.selectable.replace (or something like this, sorry, but I don't remember right names) and I didn't get right result.
The right method:
q = Session.query(func.array_agg(Order.col))
SELECT group_concat(orders.col) FROM orders
I use peewee orm in python.
I have a query that :
userOrganizations = (UserOrganization
I want to get length of userOrganizations variable. Is there any method like userOrganizations.length() ?
According to the peewee documentation you can use the count() function, i.e.:
If you're worried about maybe running extra DB queries, you can convert your result to a list and get the length, like:
Source for second technique: this question.
I'm trying to get some query performance improved, but the generated query does not look the way I expect it to.
The results are retrieved using:
query = session.query(SomeModel).
What I want to do is filter on the table joined via 'first', but this way doesn't work:
query = query.filter(FooModel.address == '')
It results in a clause like this attached to the query:
WHERE foos.address = ''
Which doesn't do the filtering in a proper way, since the generated joins attach tables foos_1 and foos_2. If I try that query manually but change the filtering clause to:
WHERE foos_1.address = '' AND foos_2.address = ''
It works fine. The question is of course - how can I achieve this with sqlalchemy itself?
If you want to filter on joins, you use join():
joinedload() and joinedload_all() are used only as a means to load related collections in one pass, not used for filtering/ordering!. Please read:
http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/tutorial.html#joined-load - the note on "joinedload() is not a replacement for join()", as well as :