Can't I run file in temporary folder using subprocess? - python

I was trying to using this code below...
**subprocess.Popen('%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\AdobeARM - Copy.log').communicate()**
but I got an error message.
Is there anyone can help this?

Since there's an environment variable in the path you can add shell=True to force running a batch process which will evaluate env. vars:
subprocess.Popen('"%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\AdobeARM - Copy.log"',shell=True).communicate()
Note the protection with quotes since there are spaces. You can also drop the quotes if you pass a list containing one element to Popen, which is cleaner:
subprocess.Popen(['%USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\AdobeARM - Copy.log'],shell=True).communicate()
alternately if you just want to activate the default editor for your logfile, there's a simpler way (which does not block the executing script, so it's slightly different):
p = os.path.join(os.getenv('USERPROFILE'),r"AppData\Local\Temp\AdobeARM - Copy.log")
Maybe it can be even simpler since that may be the temporary directory you're trying to reach:
p = os.path.join(os.getenv('TEMP'),r"AdobeARM - Copy.log")


subprocess.Popen and relative directories

I am writing a script to open notepad.exe using subprocess.Popen()
import subprocess
command = '%windir%\system32\\notepad.exe'
process = subprocess.Popen(command)
output = process.communicate()
This throws a FileNotFoundError
Is it possible to change/add to the above code to make it work with relative paths?
I did try to run the script from C:\Windows> after moving it there, which again failed. Also set the shell=True, but failed as well.
Writing a similar script using os.popen() works ok with relative paths, regardless which directory the script is run from, but as far as I understand popen is not the way forward..
Early steps in the world of programming/Python. Any input much appreciated.
Use os.path.expandvars to expand %windir%:
command = os.path.expandvars('%windir%\\system32\\notepad.exe')
The result is a path that then can be passed to subprocess.Popen.
subprocess.Popen does not expand environment variables such as %windir%. The shell might but you really should not depend on shell=True to do that.
Pro tip: whenever you get an error asking the system to execute a command, print the command (and, if applicable, the current working directory). The results will often surprise you.
In your case, I suspect you're just missing a backslash. Use this instead:
command = '%windir%\\system32\\notepad.exe'
Before you make that change, try printing the value of command immediately after assignment. I think you'll find the leading "s" in "system" is missing, and that the mistake is obvious.
You could use raw strings to avoid having to double-up your backslashes.
command = r'%windir%\system32\notepad.exe'

Command copied from the command line not running when called with subprocss.Popen in Python

Scratching my head... this curl command will work fine from the command line when I copy it from here and paste it in my Windows 7 command line, but I can't get it to execute in my Python 2.7.9 script. Says the system cannot find the specified file. Popen using 'ping' or something like that works just fine, so I'm sure this is a goober typo that I'm just not seeing. I would appreciate a separate set of eyes and any comments as to what is wrong.
proc = subprocess.Popen("curl --ntlm -u : --upload-file c:\\temp\\test.xlsx")
Have a look at second two paragraphs of the subprocess.Popen documentation if you haven't already:
args should be a sequence of program arguments or else a single string. By default, the program to execute is the first item in args if args is a sequence. If args is a string, the interpretation is platform-dependent and described below. See the shell and executable arguments for additional differences from the default behavior. Unless otherwise stated, it is recommended to pass args as a sequence.
On Unix, if args is a string, the string is interpreted as the name or path of the program to execute. However, this can only be done if not passing arguments to the program. [emphasis mine]
Instead you should pass in a list in which each argument to the program (including the executable name itself) is given as a separate item in the list. This is generally going to be safer in a cross-platform context anyways.
Update: I see now that you're using Windows in which case the advice on UNIX doesn't apply. On Windows though things are even more hairy. The best advice remains to use a list :)
Update 2: Another possible issue (and in fact the OP's issue as reported in the comments on this answer) is that because the full path to the curl executable was not given, it may not be found if the Python interpreter is running in an environment with a different PATH environment variable.

Running Another program from python

I want to call a program multiple times from a python code, and save the output of that program in a text file. My first problem right now is just calling the other code. I have to redirect to a different directory and call ./rank on output.txt. This is how Im trying to do it:
TheCommand = "~/src/rank-8-9-2011/rank output.txt"
but im getting a parsing error.
[Parsing error on line ]Unknown error: 0
Im running python2.7 on Mac OS 10.5.8. Im not sure what the problem is. I also tried using subprocess:["~/src/rank-8-9-2011/rank", "output.txt"])
This does not find the directory (I have a feeling Im using the subprocess incorrectly), but I dont know what is wrong with the os.system.
the name of the program in the first argument to subprocess.Popen must not contain ~ as it doesn't pass the string to the shell for processing (which like always using parameterized queries in sql, protects one from string injection attacks, e.g. if instead of output.text one had ;rm -rf /, the system version would run rank and then run rm -rf . but the subprocess.Popen would only have rank open a file named ;rm -rf .), so one should expand it by calling os.path.expanduser:
subprocess.Popen([os.path.expanduser('~/src/rank-8-9-2011/rank'), "output.txt"])
although it is possible to turn shell processing on by passing shell=True, it is not recommended for the aforementioned reason.
you should try
import os.path[os.path.expanduser("~/src/rank-8-9-2011/rank"), "output.txt"])
I'm fairly certain your parsing error is coming from rank, not from your os.system command, as nothing there looks weird. What happens if you run rank manually?
subprocess seems to have a problem with '~', although I'm not immediately sure why. Put the full path and it should work (although you'll likely get that parsing error if it is indeed a problem with rank).

What is the easiest way in python to modify linux config file?

I have some python scripts that configure linux computers. One of the tasks is to modify a configuration file for subversion. This file, ~/.subversion/servers is very simple and looks like this:
# store-passwords = no
# store-plaintext-passwords = no
# store-ssl-client-cert-pp = no
# store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext = no
... lots of other options ...
The task of my script is to find a required option, for example store-plaintext-passwords and to set it to specified value, for example yes. The problem is: the script can run multiple times on same machine, so if it is run first time this option can be just commented, if it is run second time it can be uncommented and set to yes, third run can point out that it is uncommented - but set to no etc. Currently i have a rather complex code that search file for the string, splits it for comment/name/value, uncomments it if needed, changes value if needed and replaces it. Maybe it's an easier way possible?
The ~/.subversion/servers file is in INI format.
So you can use the ConfigParser for implementing whatever you need.

Python Popen difficulties: File not found

I'm trying to use python to run a program.
from subprocess import Popen
sa_proc = Popen(['C:\\sa\\sa.exe','--?'])
Running this small snippit gives the error:
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
The program exists and I have copy and pasted directly from explorer the absolute path to the exe. I have tried other things and have found that if I put the EXE in the source folder with the python script and use './sa.exe' then it works. The only thing I can think of is that I'm running the python script (and python) from a separate partition (F:).
Any ideas?
As the docs say, "On Windows: the Popen class uses CreateProcess() to execute the child program, which operates on strings. If args is a sequence, it will be converted to a string using the list2cmdline() method.". Maybe that method is messing things up, so why not try the simpler approach of:
sa_proc = Popen('C:\\sa\\sa.exe --?')
If this still fails, then: what's os.environ['COMSPEC'] just before you try this? What happens if you add , shell=True to Popen's arguments?
Edit: turns out apparently to be a case of simple mis-spellling, as 'sa' was actually the program spelled SpamAssassin -- double s twice -- and what the OP was writing was spamassasin -- one double s but a single one the second time.
You may not have permission to execute C:\sa\sa.exe. Have you tried running the program manually?

