Apply a shared Embedding layer on a set of documents in keras - python

I am trying to create a model in which I want to predict the order of a certain set of documents given a certain query. My idea was basically to use a shared embedding layer for both the query and the documents, then merge the two "branches" using a cosine similarity between each document and the query (using a custom lambda). The loss function would then compute the difference between the expected position and the predicted similarity.
My question is: Is there a way to create Embeddings for a set of textual features (provided that they have the same length)?
I can properly transform my query in a "doc2vec-like embedding" by applying Embedding + Convolution1D + GlobalMaxPooling1D, but I had no luck using the same strategy on the sets of documents (and Reshaping + 2D convolutions don't really make sense to me given that I am working with textual data).
Note that a constraint I have is that I need to use the same Embedding layer for both my query and the set of documents (I am using the Keras' functional apis to do so).
[EDIT, adding sample code]
Q = Input(shape=(5, )) # each query is made of 5 words
T = Input(shape=(50, 50)) # each search result is made of 50 words and 50 docs
emb = Embedding(
left = emb(Q)
left = Convolution1D(nb_filter=5,
left = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(left)
right = emb(T) # <-- this is my problem, I don't really know what to do/apply here
def merger(vests):
x, y = vests
x = K.l2_normalize(x, axis=0) # Normalize rows
y = K.l2_normalize(y, axis=-1) # Normalize the vector
return tf.matmul(x, y) # obviously throws an error because of mismatching matrix ranks
def cos_dist_output_shape(shapes):
shape1, shape2 = shapes
return (50, 1)
merger_f = Lambda(merger)
predictions = merge([left, right], output_shape=cos_dist_output_shape, mode=merger_f)
model = Model(input=[Q, T], output=predictions)
def custom_objective(y_true, y_pred):
ordered_output = tf.cast(tf.nn.top_k(y_pred)[1], tf.float32) # returns the indices of the top values
return K.mean(K.square(ordered_output - y_true), axis=-1)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=custom_objective)
[SOLUTION] thanks to Nassim Ben, use TimeDistributed like this to apply recurrently a Layer to all the dimensions of a layer like this:
right = TimeDistributed(emb)(T)
right = TimeDistributed(Convolution1D(nb_filter=5,
right = TimeDistributed(GlobalMaxPooling1D())(right)

Alright. If I understand correctly the situation, you have 50 text snippets of length 50 that you want to embed.
After doing the word embeddings, you find yourself with a Tensor T of shape (50,50,emb_size).
Whay I would do is to use a LSTM layer in a TimeDistributed wrapper. Adding those lines after emb(T) :
right = TimeDistributed(LSTM(5))(right)
This will apply the same LSTM to each of the 50 documents and output a final state of length 5 at the end of each document processing. The shape of right after this step is (50,5). You have embedded each document in a length 5 vector.
The advantage of TimeDistributed is that the LSTM applied to each document will share the same weights so your documents will be 'treated' the same way. You can find documentation about LSTM here and about TimeDistributed here.
I hope this helps a bit.


Use three transformations (average, max, min) of pretrained embeddings to a single output layer in Pytorch

I have developed a trivial Feed Forward neural network with Pytorch.
The neural network uses GloVe pre-trained embeddings in a freezed nn.Embeddings layer.
Next, the embedding layer splits into three embeddings. Each split is a different transformation applied to the initial embedding layer. Then the embeddings layer feed three nn.Linear layers. And finally I have a single output layer for a binary classification target.
The shape of the embedding tensor is [64,150,50]
-> 64: sentences in the batch,
-> 150: words per sentence,
-> 50: vector-size of a single word (pre-trained GloVe vector)
So after the transformation, the embedding layer splits into three layers with shape [64,50], where 50 = either the torch.mean(), torch.max() or torch.min() of the 150 words per sentence.
My questions are:
How could I feed the output layer from three different nn.Linear layers to predict a single target value [0,1].
Is this efficient and helpful to the total predictive power of the model? Or just selecting the average of the embeddings is sufficient and no improvement will be observed.
The forward() method of my PyTorch model is:
def forward(self, text):
embedded = self.embedding(text)
if self.use_pretrained_embeddings:
embedded_average = torch.mean(embedded, dim=1)
embedded_max = torch.max(embedded, dim=1)[0]
embedded_min = torch.min(embedded, dim=1)[0]
embedded = self.flatten_layer(embedded)
input_layer = self.input_layer(embedded_average) #each Linear layer has the same value of hidden unit
input_layer = self.activation(input_layer)
input_layer_max = self.input_layer(embedded_max)
input_layer_max = self.activation(input_layer_max)
input_layer_min = self.input_layer(embedded_min)
input_layer_min = self.activation(input_layer_min)
#What should I do here? to exploit the weights of the 3 hidden layers
output_layer = self.output_layer(input_layer)
output_layer = self.activation_output(output_layer) #Sigmoid()
return output_layer
After the proposed answer the function is:
def forward(self, text):
embedded = self.embedding(text)
if self.use_pretrained_embeddings:
embedded_average = torch.mean(embedded, dim=1)
embedded_max = torch.max(embedded, dim=1)[0]
embedded_min = torch.min(embedded, dim=1)[0]
#use of average embeddings transformation
input_layer_average = self.input_layer(embedded_average)
input_layer_average = self.activation(input_layer_average)
#use of max embeddings transformation
input_layer_max = self.input_layer(embedded_max)
input_layer_max = self.activation(input_layer_max)
#use of min embeddings transformation
input_layer_min = self.input_layer(embedded_min)
input_layer_min = self.activation(input_layer_min)
embedded = self.flatten_layer(embedded)
input_layer = torch.concat([input_layer_average, input_layer_max, input_layer_min], dim=1)
input_layer = self.activation(input_layer)
print("3",input_layer.shape) #[192,1] vs [64,1] -> output layer
if self.n_layers !=0:
for layer in self.layers:
input_layer = layer(input_layer)
output_layer = self.output_layer(input_layer)
output_layer = self.activation_output(output_layer)
return output_layer
This generates the following error:
ValueError: Using a target size (torch.Size([64, 1])) that is different to the input size (torch.Size([192, 1])) is deprecated. Please ensure they have the same size.
Expected outcome since the concatenated layer is 3x the size of the sentences (64). Any fix that could resolve it?
Regarding 1: You can use torch.concat to concatenate the outputs along the appropriate dimension, and then e.g. map them to a single output using another linear layer.
Regarding 2: You will have to try it yourself and see whether this is useful.

Finding patterns in time series with PyTorch

I started PyTorch with image recognition. Now I want to test (very basically) with pure NumPy arrays. I struggle with getting the setup to work, so basically I have vectors with values between 0 and 1 (normalized curves). Those vectors are always of length 1500 and I want to find e.g. "high values at the beginning" or "sine wave-like function", "convex", "concave" etc. stuff like that, so just shapes of those curves.
My training set consists of many vectors with their classes; I have chosen 7 classes. The net should be trained to classify a vector into one or more of those 7 classes (not one hot).
I'm struggling with multiple issues, but first my very basic Net
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, layer_dim, output_dim):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
self.layer_dim = layer_dim
self.rnn = nn.RNN(input_dim, hidden_dim, layer_dim)
self.fc = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, output_dim)
def forward(self, x):
h0 = torch.zeros(self.layer_dim, x.size(1), self.hidden_dim).requires_grad_()
out, h0 = self.rnn(x, h0.detach())
out = out[:, -1, :]
out = self.fc(out)
return out
network = Net(1500, 70, 20, 7)
optimizer = optim.SGD(network.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum)
This is just a copy-paste from an RNN demo. Here is my first issue. Is an RNN the right choice? It is a time series, but then again it is an image recognition problem when plotting the curve.
Now, this here is an attempt to batch the data. The data object contains all training curves together with the correct classifiers.
def train(epoch):
batching = True
index = 0
# monitor the cummulative loss for an epoch
cummloss = []
# start batching some curves
while batching:
# here I start clustering come curves to a batch and normalize the curves
_input = []
batch_size = min(len(data)-1, index+batch_size_train) - index
for d in data[index:min(len(data)-1, index+batch_size_train)]:
y = np.array(d['data']['y'], dtype='d')
y = np.multiply(y, y.max())
y = y[0:1500]
y = np.pad(y, (0, max(1500-len(y), 0)), 'edge')
if len(_input) == 0:
_input = y
_input = np.vstack((_input, y))
input = torch.from_numpy(_input).float()
input = torch.reshape(input, (1, batch_size, len(y)))
target = np.zeros((1,7))
# the correct classes have indizes, to I create a vector with 1 at the correct locations
for _index in np.array(d['classifier']):
target[0,_index-1] = 1
target = torch.from_numpy(target)
# get the result form the network
output = network(input)
# is this a good loss function?
loss = F.l1_loss(output, target)
index = index + batch_size_train
if index > len(data):
batching = False
for e in range(1, n_epochs):
print('Epoch: ' + str(e))
The problem I'm facing right now is, the loss doesn't change very little, even with hundreds of epochs.
Are there existing examples of this kind of problem? I didn't find any, just pure png/jpg image recognition. When I convert the curves to png then I have a little issue to train a net, I took densenet and it worked just fine but it seems to be super overkill for this simple task.
This is just a copy-paste from an RNN demo. Here is my first issue. Is an RNN the right choice?
In theory what model you choose does not matter as much as "How" you formulate your problem.
But in your case the most obvious limitation you're going to face is your sequence length: 1500. RNN store information across steps and typically runs into trouble over long sequence with vanishing or exploding gradient.
LSTM net have been developed to circumvent this limitations with memory cell, but even then in the case of long sequence it will still be limited by the amount of information stored in the cell.
You could try using a CNN network as well and think of it as an image.
Are there existing examples of this kind of problem?
I don't know but I might have some suggestions : If I understood your problem correctly, you're going from a (1500, 1) input to a (7,1) output, where 6 of the 7 positions are 0 except for the corresponding class where it's 1.
I don't see any activation function, usually when dealing with multi class you don't use the output of the dense layer to compute the loss you apply a normalizing function like softmax and then you can compute the loss.
From your description of features you have in the form of sin like structures, the closes thing that comes to mind is frequency domain. As such, if you have and input image, just transform it to the frequency domain by a Fourier transform and use that as your feature input.
Might be best to look for such projects on the internet, one such project that you might want to read the research paper or video from this group (they have some jupyter notebooks for you to try) or any similar works. They use the furrier features, that go though a multi layer perceptron (MLP).
I am not sure what exactly you want to do, but seems like a classification task, you would use RNN if you want your neural network to work with a sequence. To me it seems like the 1500 dimensions are independent, and as such can be just treated as input.
Regarding the last layer, for a classification problem it usually is a probability distribution obtained by applying softmax (if only the classification is distinct - i.e. probability sums up to 1), in which, given an input, the net gives a probability of it being from each class. If we are predicting multiple classes we are going to use sigmoid as the last layer of the neural network.
Regarding your loss, there are many losses you can try and see if they are better. Once again, for different features you have to know what exactly is the measurement of distance (a.k.a. how different 2 things are). Check out this website, or just any loss function explanations on the net.
So you should try a simple MLP on top of fourier features as a starting point, assuming that is your feature vector.
Image Recognition is different from Time-Series data. In the imaging domain your data-set might have more similarity with problems like Activity-Recognition, Video-Recognition which have temporal component. So, I'd recommend looking into some models for those.
As for the current model, I'd recommend using LSTM instead of RNN. And also for classification you need to use an activation function in your final layer. This should softmax with cross entropy based loss or sigmoid with MSE loss.
Keras has a Timedistributed model which makes it easy to handle time components. You can use a similar approach with Pytorch by applying linear layers followed by LSTM.
Look into these for better undertsanding ::
Activity Recognition :
How to implement time-distributed dense (TDD) layer in PyTorch
Activation Function ::

Train autoencoder without looping

I have some data that is of shape 10000 x 1440 x 8 where 10000 is the number of days, 1440 the number of minutes and 8 is the number of features.
For each day, ie. each submatrix of size 1440 x 8 I wish to train an autoencoder and extract the weights from the second layer, such that my output will be a matrix output = 10000 x 8
I can do this in a loop with
import numpy as np
from keras.layers import Input, Dense
from keras import regularizers, models, optimizers
data = np.random.random(size=(10000,1440,8))
def AE(y, epochs=100,learning_rate = 1e-4, regularization = 5e-4, epochs=3):
input = Input(shape=(y.shape[1],))
encoded = Dense(1, activation='relu',
decoded = Dense(y.shape[1], activation='relu',
autoencoder = models.Model(input, decoded)
autoencoder.compile(optimizer=optimizers.Adam(lr=learning_rate), loss='mean_squared_error'), y, epochs=epochs, batch_size=10, shuffle=False)
return (w1,b1,w2,b2)
lst = []
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
y = data[i]
(_, _, w2, _) = AE(y)
output = np.array(lst)
However, this feels very stupid as surely I must be able to just pass the 3D data to the autoencoder and retrieve what I want. However, if I try modify the shape of input to be input = Input(shape=(y.shape[1],y.shape[2]))
I get an error
ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 1440 and 8 for '{{node
mean_squared_error/SquaredDifference}} =
IteratorGetNext:1)' with input shapes: [?,1440,1440], [?,1440,8].
Any pointers on how to get the shape right?
Simply reshape your your data like so and call the function.
data = data.reshape(data.shape[0]*data.shape[1], -1)
(w1, b1, w2, b2) = AE(data)
Your first layer of the NN is a Dense layer. You can only pass two dimensional data into it. One dimension will be batch size and the other dimension will be the feature vector. When you are using the data in the way you are using it, you are considering each data point independently. Which means that you can join the first two axes together and just pass it on to the NN. However, note that you would still need to modify the code so that you are not passing the entire dataset at once to the NN. You need to split the data into batches and loop over those before passing it on. And honestly, it's the same as what you are doing now. So your looping is not as bad as you think it is for what you are trying to do.
However, also note that you have a time series data and considering each datapoint as an independent point doesn't really make sense. You need an LSTM layer or something to learn the time series encoding.

Training on sequences of sentences using Keras

I am working on a project where I have to use a combination of numeric and text data in a neural network to make predictions of a system's availability for the next hour. Instead of trying to use separate neural networks and doing something weird/unclear (to me) at the end to produce the desired output, I decided to use Keras' merge layer with two networks (one for numeric data, one for text). The idea is that I feed the model a sequence of performance metrics for the previous 6 hours in the shape of (batch_size, 6hrs, num_features). Alongside the input I am giving to the network that handles numeric data, I am giving the second network another sequence of the size (batch_size, max_alerts_per_sequence, max_sentence length).
Any sequence of numeric data within a time range can have a variable number of events (text data) associated with it. For the sake of simplicity, I only allow a maximum of 50 events to accompany a sequence of performance data. Each event is hash encoded by word and padded. I have tried using a flatten layer to reduce the input shape from (50, 30) to (1500) so that the model can train on every event in these "sequences" (to clarify: I pass the model 50 sentences with 30 encoded elements each for every sequence of performance data).
My question is: Due to the fact that I need the NN to look at all events for a given sequence of performance metrics, how can I make the NN for text based data train on sequences of sentences?
My Model:
#LSTM Module for performance metrics
input = Input(shape=(shape[1], shape[2]))
lstm1 = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=lstm_layer_count, activation='tanh', return_sequences=True, input_shape=shape))(input)
dropout1 = Dropout(rate=0.2)(lstm1)
lstm2 = Bidirectional(LSTM(units=lstm_layer_count, activation='tanh', return_sequences=False))(dropout1)
dropout2 = Dropout(rate=0.2)(lstm2)
#LSTM Module for text based data
tInput = Input(shape=(50, 30))
flatten = Flatten()(tInput)
embed = Embedding(input_dim=vocabsize + 1, output_dim= 50 * 30, input_length=30*50)(flatten)
magic = Bidirectional(LSTM(100))(embed)
tOut = Dense(1, activation='relu')(magic)
#Merge the layers
concat = Concatenate()([dropout2, tOut])
output = Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid')(concat)
nn = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input, tInput], outputs = output)
opt = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.8, nesterov=True, decay=0.001)
nn.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='mse', metrics=['accuracy', coeff_determination])
So as far as I understood you have a sequence of max 50 events, which you want to make predictions for. These events have text data attached, which can be treated as another sequence of word embeddings. Here is an article about a similar architecture.
I would propose a solution which involves LSTMs for the text part an 1D-convolution for the "real" sequence part. Every LSTM layer is concatenated with the numerical data. This involves 50 LSTM layers, which can be time consuming to train, even if you use shared weights. It would be also possible to use only convolution layers for the text part, which is faster, but does not model long term dependencies. (I have the experience, that these long term dependencies are often not that important in text mining).
Text -> LSTM or 1DConv -> concat with numerical data -> 1DConv -> Output
Here is some exmaple code, which shows how to do use shard weights
numeric_input = Input(shape=(x_numeric_train.values.shape[1],), name='numeric_input')
nlp_seq = Input(shape=(number_of_messages ,seq_length,), name='nlp_input'+str(i))
# shared layers
emb = TimeDistributed(Embedding(input_dim=num_features, output_dim=embedding_size,
input_length=seq_length, mask_zero=True,
input_shape=(seq_length, )))(nlp_seq)
x = TimeDistributed(Bidirectional(LSTM(32, dropout=0.3, recurrent_dropout=0.3, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))))(emb)
c1 = Conv1D(filter_size, kernel1, padding='valid', activation='relu', strides=1, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(kernel_reg))(x)
p1 = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(c1)
c2 = Conv1D(filter_size, kernel2, padding='valid', activation='relu', strides=1, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(kernel_reg))(x)
p2 = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(c2)
c3 = Conv1D(filter_size, kernel3, padding='valid', activation='relu', strides=1, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(kernel_reg))(x)
p3 = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(c3)
x = concatenate([p1, p2, p3, numeric_input])
x = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
model = Model(inputs=[nlp_seq, meta_input] , outputs=[x])
model.compile('adam', 'binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
And training:[x_train, x_numeric_train], y_train)
# where x_train is a a array of num_samples * num_messages * seq_length
A complex model like this needs a lot of data to converge. For less data a simpler solution could be implemented by aggregating the events to have only one sequence. For example the text data of all events can be treated as one single text (with a separator token), instead of multiple texts, while the numerical data can be summed up, averaged or even combined into a fixed length list. But this depends on your data.
As I am working on something similar, I will update these answer with code later on.

Computing cosine similarity between two tensors in Keras

I have been following a tutorial that shows how to make a word2vec model.
This tutorial uses this piece of code:
similarity = merge([target, context], mode='cos', dot_axes=0) (no other info was given, but I suppose this comes from keras.layers)
Now, I've researched a bit on the merge method but I couldn't find much about it.
From what I understand, it has been replaced by a lot of functions like layers.Add(), layers.Concat()....
What should I use? There's .Dot(), which has an axis parameter (which seems to be correct) but no mode parameter.
What can I use in this case?
The Dot layer in Keras now supports built-in Cosine similarity using the normalize = True parameter.
From the Keras Docs:
keras.layers.Dot(axes, normalize=True)
normalize: Whether to L2-normalize samples along the dot product axis before taking the dot product. If set to True, then the output of the dot product is the cosine proximity between the two samples.
There are a few things that are unclear from the Keras documentation that I think are crucial to understanding:
For each function in the keras documentation for Merge, there is a lower case and upper case one defined i.e. add() and Add().
On Github, farizrahman4u outlines the differences:
Merge is a layer.
Merge takes layers as input
Merge is usually used with Sequential models
merge is a function.
merge takes tensors as input.
merge is a wrapper around Merge.
merge is used in Functional API
Using Merge:
left = Sequential()
right = Sequential()
model = Sequential()
model.add(Merge([left, right]))
using merge:
a = Input((10,))
b = Dense(10)(a)
c = Dense(10)(a)
d = merge([b, c])
model = Model(a, d)
To answer your question, since Merge has been deprecated, we have to define and build a layer ourselves for the cosine similarity. In general this will involve using those lowercase functions, which we wrap within a Lambda to create a layer that we can use within a model.
I found a solution here:
from keras import backend as K
def cosine_distance(vests):
x, y = vests
x = K.l2_normalize(x, axis=-1)
y = K.l2_normalize(y, axis=-1)
return -K.mean(x * y, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
def cos_dist_output_shape(shapes):
shape1, shape2 = shapes
return (shape1[0],1)
distance = Lambda(cosine_distance, output_shape=cos_dist_output_shape)([processed_a, processed_b])
Depending on your data, you may want to remove the L2 normalization. What is important to note about the solution is that it is built using the Keras function api e.g. K.mean() - I think this is necessary when defining custom layer or even loss functions.
Hope I was clear, this was my first SO answer!
Maybe this will help you
(I spent a lot of time to make sure that these are the same things)
import tensorflow as tf
with tf.device('/CPU:' + str(0)):
print([tf.Variable([[1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0]]),tf.Variable([[4.0,4.0,4.0,5.0]])], axes=1, normalize=True))
Output (Pay attention to the sign):
tf.Tensor(-0.40964404, shape=(), dtype=float32)
tf.Tensor([[0.40964404]], shape=(1, 1), dtype=float32)
If you alter the last code block of the tutorial as follows, you can see that the (average) loss is decreasing nicely with the Dot solution suggested by SantoshGuptaz7 (comment in the question above):
display_after_epoch = 10000
display_after_epoch_2 = 10 * display_after_epoch
loss_sum = 0
for cnt in range(epochs):
idx = np.random.randint(0, len(labels)-1)
arr_1[0,] = word_target[idx]
arr_2[0,] = word_context[idx]
arr_3[0,] = labels[idx]
loss = model.train_on_batch([arr_1, arr_2], arr_3)
loss_sum += loss
if cnt % display_after_epoch == 0 and cnt != 0:
print("\nIteration {}, loss={}".format(cnt, loss_sum / cnt))
loss_sum = 0
if cnt % display_after_epoch_2 == 0:

