I'm trying to come up with a program where you can calculate the admission price based on age. The prices are: 14 and under ($5.00), 15 to 64 ($9.00), and 65 and over ($7.50). The customer may also have a coupon that will take a dollar off of their price. So far I have come up with:
print ("Hello, welcome to Hopper's Computer Museum! To determine your enterance fee, please enter the following:")
print ('Your Date of Birth (mm dd yyyy)')
Date_of_Birth = input("--->")
print ('Todays Date: (mm dd yyyy)')
Todays_Date = input("--->")
age = (tYear-bYear)
if (bMonth > tMonth):
age == age-1
if (bMonth == tMonth and
bDay > tDay):
age == age-1
price = -1
while price == -1:
age = int(input('age:'))
excpet ValueError:
print("Not a number, try again.")
if age <= 14:
elif age > 15 and age < 64:
else age > 65:
print ('Do you have a coupon (y/n)?')
Discount = input("--->")
if Discount == "y" or Discount == "Y":
price = price-1
elif Discount == "n" or Discount == "N":
price = price
print ('Your admission fee is '+str(price)')
One thing that I am confused on would be how to get Python to take the dates that the user inputs and put it into the age calculation that I set up.
you can specify the format in which you want to take date and then split it like ...
import datetime
date_entry = input('Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format')
year, month, day = map(int, date_entry.split('-'))
date1 = datetime.date(year, month, day)
Or you can refer the following links for more info...
If you want to have a fixed format in which user will provide the date like dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy
Then you can simply use:
import datetime
date_time_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_provided, date_format)
#date_provided = '12/01/1995'
#date_format = '%d/%m/%Y'
curr_time = datetime.datetime.now()
time_diff = curr_time - date_time_object
print time_diff
age_days = time_diff.days
age_years = age_days / 326.25
print age_years
My code right here emits a strange output, it gives me the second part of inp_a even though I didn`t ask for it. couldn't find the reason why.
Thanks in advance for the help
inp_a = input("What`s the time you want to start from? ")
military_time = input("is it AM or PM: ").upper()
inp_b = input("How long would you like to wait? ")
day = input("What`s the day today?\nThe day must be one of the weekdays ")
inp_a = inp_a.split(":")
inp_b = inp_b.split(":")
day = day.lower()
if military_time == "AM":
inp_a[0] = inp_a[0]
elif military_time == "PM":
inp_a[0] = int(inp_a[0]) + 12
inp_a[0] = str(inp_a[0])
convert_a1 = int(inp_a[0])
convert_a2 = int(inp_a[1])
convert_b1 = int(inp_b[0])
convert_b2 = int(inp_b[1])
print("One of the inputs is incorrect, try again")
while True:
if day == "sunday":
elif day == "monday":
elif day == "tuesday":
elif day == "wednsday":
elif day == "thursday":
elif day == "friday":
elif day == "saturday":
print(day,"is not one of the weekdays try again")
rl_time = int(inp_a[0])*60 + int(input(inp_a[1]))
time2add = int(inp_b[0]*60) + int(input(inp_b[1]))
result = rl_time + time2add
hh = result // 60
mm = result % hh
The error is in this part of the code:
rl_time = int(inp_a[0])*60 + int(input(inp_a[1]))
time2add = int(inp_b[0]*60) + int(input(inp_b[1]))
You're calling input again for no reason, and input prompts the user with its argument (in this case inp_a[1], which is the extra output you're seeing). If you enter something it'll do the same thing on the next line with inp_b[1].
Here's a fixed version of the full thing -- you can simplify a lot by just doing the int conversion once, rather than converting to int, converting back to str, back to int, etc. You also had your while loop in the wrong spot if the intent is to re-prompt the user for new values when something is incorrect.
while True:
inp_a = input("What`s the time you want to start from? ")
military_time = input("is it AM or PM: ").upper()
inp_b = input("How long would you like to wait? ")
day = input("What`s the day today?\n"
"The day must be one of the weekdays"
ah, am = map(int, inp_a.split(":"))
bh, bm = map(int, inp_b.split(":"))
except (TypeError, ValueError):
print("Time must be entered as HH:MM")
if day not in ("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday"):
print(f"{day.title()} is not one of the weekdays, try again.")
if military_time == "PM":
ah += 12
rl_time = ah * 60 + am
time2add = bh * 60 + bm
result = rl_time + time2add
hh, mm = divmod(result, 60)
After it validates the date and time for the appointment I need to make sure it doesn't overlap with a pre-existing appointment in the appontmentList[] and I'm stuck as to where to start.
I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of:
for x in appointmentList:
if start <= x:
print('invalid, overlapping appointment! ')
See my full code below:
appointmentList = []
def add_sort():
choice = input ('Add item to diary (a) or sort (s)')
if choice == 's':
print ('sorting')
elif choice == 'a':
print ('adding')
def add_record():
while True:
Priority = input ('What is the priority of your appointment? ')
if 'low' != Priority != 'Low' and 'high' != Priority != 'High':
print('invalid, must be low or high! ')
# is_valid_date():
while True:
dt = input('enter date of appointment in dd/mm/yyyy format. ')
day_string, month_string, year_string = dt.split('/')
day = int(day_string)
month = int(month_string)
year = int(year_string)
if month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
elif month in [4, 6, 9 ,11]:
elif year%4==0 and year%100!=0 or year%400==0:
if month<1 or month>12:
print('invalid, enter a number between 1 - 12')
elif day<1 or day>max_days:
print('invalid, check day')
elif 10000 > year <2022:
print('invalid, enter a year greater than 2021')
# is_valid_time():
Start = int(input('What is the starting time of your appointment? '))
if Start < 7 or Start > 22:
print('invalid, enter a time between 7 - 22. ')
End = int(input('What is the ending time of your appointment? '))
if End < Start or End > 22:
print('invalid, please choose a time after starting time. ')
# def is_concurrent():
from datetime import datetime
start = datetime.combine(datetime.strptime(dt, '%d/%m/%Y'), datetime.strptime(str(Start), '%H').time())
end = datetime.combine(datetime.strptime(dt, '%d/%m/%Y'), datetime.strptime(str(End), '%H').time())
current = datetime.now()
if start < current:
print('invalid, enter a time & date in the future! ')
elif end < start:
print('invalid, enter an end time after the start time! ')
Subject = input ('What is the subject of your appointment?')
appointment = ['{}; {}; {}; {}; {};'.format(Priority, dt, Start, End, Subject)]
def sortRecords():
choice = input ('Do you want to sort by priority or time or END. ')
if choice.lower() == 'priority':
print ('priority')
plist = sorted(appointmentList, key = lambda x: x[0])
elif choice.lower() == 'time':
tlist = sorted(appointmentList, key = lambda x: x[1])
elif choice.lower() != 'end':
print ('invalid')
for x in appointmentList:
print (x)
the idea is the user inputs an appointment with priority, date, start time, end time and subject, it first prints like this '[['high; 15/7/2022; 8; 9; Hello;']]' and then saves it to the appointment list, I need to find out how to see if a previously made appointment overlaps with the appointment the user is currently trying to enter.
I am want to get the last year that someone celebrated his birthday
with his date of birth.
if my date of birth is 12/12/1971
and the date know is 4/12/2021
so my last birthday was in 12/12/2020
so the year is equal to 2020
if my date of birth is 04/04/2005
and the date know is 4/12/2021
so my last birthday was in 04/04/2021
so the year is equal to 2021
this is my code:
def selfYear(birthdate):
today = date.today()
birthday = birthdate[0]
birthmonth = birthdate[1]
birthyear = birthdate[2]
currentDate = today.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
someone can help me figer this out
Compute the current year birthday date, and check if it's already done or not, then return the good year value
def last_birthday(birthdate):
today = date.today()
if birthdate.replace(year=today.year) <= today:
return today.year
return today.year - 1
print(last_birthday(date(1971, 12, 12))) # 2020
print(last_birthday(date(2005, 4, 4))) # 2021
With the auto conversion True -> 1, False -> 0 you could do
def last_birthday(birthdate):
today = date.today()
return today.year - (birthdate.replace(year=today.year) > today)
You can use the date.replace method.
def last_birthday(birthday:date):
current_year = date.today().year
if birthday > date.today():
return birthday.year
I am attempting to create a code where the user is asked for their date of birth and today's date in order to determine their age. What I have written so far is:
print("Your date of birth (mm dd yyyy)")
Date_of_birth = input("--->")
print("Today's date: (mm dd yyyy)")
Todays_date = input("--->")
from datetime import date
def calculate_age(born):
today = date.today()
return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (born.month, born.day))
age = calculate_age(Date_of_birth)
However it is not running like I would hope. Could someone explain to me what I am doing wrong?
So close!
You need to convert the string into a datetime object before you can do calculations on it - see datetime.datetime.strptime().
For your date input, you need to do:
datetime.strptime(input_text, "%d %m %Y")
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime, date
print("Your date of birth (dd mm yyyy)")
date_of_birth = datetime.strptime(input("--->"), "%d %m %Y")
def calculate_age(born):
today = date.today()
return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (born.month, born.day))
age = calculate_age(date_of_birth)
PS: I urge you to use a sensible order of input - dd mm yyyy or the ISO standard yyyy mm dd
This should work :)
from datetime import date
def ask_for_date(name):
data = raw_input('Enter ' + name + ' (yyyy mm dd): ').split(' ')
return date(int(data[0]), int(data[1]), int(data[2]))
except Exception as e:
print('Invalid input. Follow the given format')
def calculate_age():
born = ask_for_date('your date of birth')
today = date.today()
extra_year = 1 if ((today.month, today.day) < (born.month, born.day)) else 0
return today.year - born.year - extra_year
You can also use date time library in this manner. This calculates the age in years and removes the logical error that returns wrong age due to the month and day properties
Like a person born on 31 July 1999 is a 17 year old till 30 July 2017
So here's the code :
import datetime
#asking the user to input their birthdate
birthDate = input("Enter your birth date (dd/mm/yyyy)\n>>> ")
birthDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(birthDate, "%d/%m/%Y").date()
print("Your birthday is on "+ birthDate.strftime("%d") + " of " + birthDate.strftime("%B, %Y"))
currentDate = datetime.datetime.today().date()
#some calculations here
age = currentDate.year - birthDate.year
monthVeri = currentDate.month - birthDate.month
dateVeri = currentDate.day - birthDate.day
#Type conversion here
age = int(age)
monthVeri = int(monthVeri)
dateVeri = int(dateVeri)
# some decisions
if monthVeri < 0 :
age = age-1
elif dateVeri < 0 and monthVeri == 0:
age = age-1
#lets print the age now
print("Your age is {0:d}".format(age))
from datetime import datetime, date
def calculateAge(birthDate):
today = date.today()
age = today.year - birthDate.year - ((today.month, today.day) < (birthDate.month, birthDate.day))
return age
if int(month)<=0 or int(month)>12:
elif int(day)<=0 or int(day)>31:
elif int(month)==2 and int(day)>29:
elif int(month) == 4 or int(month) == 6 or int(month) == 9 or int(month) ==11 and int(day) > 30:
This code will work correctly for every date.
This program is intended to ask for the date as dd/mm/yyyy. It should then check to see if the user inputted the date in the correct format (dd/mm/yyyy). My program is not able to recognize the format correctly. This is my program:
date = (input("enter the date as dd/mm/yyyy: "))
date = day, month, year = date.split("/")
if date == (day + '/' + month + '/' + year):
print (date)
if len(day) == 1 or len(day) == 2:
if len(month) == 1 or len(month) == 2:
if len(year) == 4:
print ("3")
if len(day) == 1 or len(day) == 2:
if len(month) == 1 or len(month) == 2:
if len(year) == 4:
print ("6")
The numbers being printed currently have no other purpose than to just check the validity of the date. So far, only 4,5, and 6 are being printed, meaning my program is not recognizing the formatting of the date.
Your solution doesn't work because date=day, month, year = date.split("/") sets date to a list, then you're comparing it to a string (day + '/' + month + '/' + year). However, your solution is a solved problem, do instead:
import datetime
date = (input("enter the date as dd/mm/yyyy: "))
try: datetime.datetime.strptime(date,"%d/%m/%Y")
except ValueError: # incorrect format
In addition, you probably are turning this into a datetime object later on anyway, so you can do so in the try block!
As a further optimization, be aware that many users won't WANT to enter their dates using / as a datesep! Do some introspection on your input, and adjust your datesep appropriately.
date = input("enter the date: ")
if "-" in date: datesep = "-"
elif "/" in date: datesep = "/"
elif "." in date: datesep = "."
else: datesep = ""
if len(date) < 6: yeartype = "%y"
elif date[-4:-2] not in ("19","20"): yeartype = "%y"
else: yeartype = "%Y"
try: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date,"%d{0}%m{0}{1}".format(datesep,yeartype))
except ValueError: # invalid date
Now your code will end up with a valid datetime object of Feb 2nd 2014 for:
etc etc etc
You can use the datetime module:
import datetime
def checkdate(date):
datelist = date.split('/')
datetime.datetime(year=int(datelist[2]), month=int(datelist[1]),day=int(datelist[0]))
return True
return False