I'm trying to control multiple canvases widths with the mouse wheel. What I have so far is this:
import tkinter as tk
class App(tk.Frame):
row_amount = 3
def __init__(self, root):
super(App, self).__init__(root)
self.root = root
self.main_frame = tk.Frame(root)
self.main_frame.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
self.row_collection = RowCollection(root, self.main_frame)
for i in range(App.row_amount): self.row_collection.row()
window_height = App.row_amount * 100
window_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() - 30
self.row_collection.right_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.row_collection.left_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
class RowCollection:
"""Collection of rows"""
def __init__(self, root, frame):
self.row_list = []
self.root = root
self.frame = frame
self.right_frame = tk.Frame(self.frame, bg='red')
self.right_frame.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH)
self.left_frame = tk.Frame(self.frame)
self.left_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.Y)
self.scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self.right_frame, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)
def row(self):
row = Row(self)
return row
def scroll_x(self, *args):
for row in self.row_list:
def zoomer(self, event=None):
for row in self.row_list:
scale_factor = 0.1
curr_width = row.canvas.winfo_reqwidth()
print(f'event delta={event.delta}')
if event.delta > 0:
row.canvas.config(width=curr_width * (1 + scale_factor))
elif event.delta < 0:
row.canvas.config(width=curr_width * (1 - scale_factor))
class Row:
"""Every row consists of a label on the left side and a canvas with a line on the right side"""
row_count = 0
label_width = 15
line_weight = 3
line_yoffset = 3
padx = 20
def __init__(self, collection):
self.frame = collection.frame
self.root = collection.root
self.collection = collection
self.canvas = None
self.label = None
self.text = f'Canvas {Row.row_count}'
self.height = 100
self.label = tk.Label(self.collection.left_frame,
self.label.grid(row=Row.row_count, column=0, sticky='ns')
# configure row size to match future canvas height
self.collection.left_frame.grid_rowconfigure(Row.row_count, minsize=self.height)
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.collection.right_frame,
self.canvas.grid(row=Row.row_count, column=0, sticky=tk.W)
# draw line
self.line = self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.padx,
self.canvas.winfo_height() - Row.line_yoffset,
self.canvas.winfo_width() - self.padx,
self.canvas.winfo_height() - Row.line_yoffset + Row.line_weight,
fill='#000000', width=0, tags='line')
# config canvas
self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', lambda event: self.canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.canvas.bbox('all')))
self.canvas.bind('<MouseWheel>', self.collection.zoomer)
# Create point at canvas edge to prevent scrolling from removing padding
self.bounding_point = self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0, width=0)
self.bounding_point = self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.canvas.winfo_width(), self.canvas.winfo_width(),
self.canvas.winfo_width(), self.canvas.winfo_width(),
Row.row_count += 1
self.collection.scrollbar.grid(row=Row.row_count, column=0, sticky='ew')
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
app = App(root)
The canvases themselves are inside right_frame, and the number of canvases is given by row_amount. The left_frame contains labels for each of the canvases. The canvases should be allowed to be pretty wide, so I initially set a width value of 10000. Because of that, they start partially visible, with the rest being accessible via a scrollbar.
What I would like is for the mouse wheel to control the size of the canvas as a whole (that is, both what is currently visible and what could be viewed using the scrollbar), similar to what would happen in an audio or video editing software timeline.
Right now, when I use the mouse wheel, what seems to get resized is not the whole canvas, but only the 'visible' portion. Resize it to be small enough and you can start to see it's frame background on the right portion of the window.
What am I missing here?
What am I missing here?
I think what you're missing is that the drawable area of the canvas is not at all related to the physical size of the canvas widget. You do not need to resize the canvas once it has been created. You can draw well past the borders of the widget.
If you want to be able to scroll elements into view that are not part of the visible canvas, you must configure the scrollregion to define the area of the virtual canvas that should be visible.
You said in a comment you're trying to create a timeline. Here's an example of a canvas widget that "grows" by adding a tickmark every second. Notice that the canvas is only 500,100, but the drawable area gets extended every second.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=500, height=100, bg="black")
vsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview)
hsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="horizontal", command=canvas.xview)
canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=vsb.set, xscrollcommand=hsb.set)
canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
vsb.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="ns")
hsb.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="ew")
root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
counter = 0
def add_tick():
global counter
# get the current state of the scrollbar. We'll use this later
# to determine if we should auto-scroll
xview = canvas.xview()
# draw a new tickmark
counter += 1
x = counter * 50
canvas.create_text(x, 52, anchor="n", text=counter, fill="white")
canvas.create_line(x, 40, x, 50, width=3, fill="red")
# update the scrollable region to include the new tickmark
# autoscroll, only if the widget was already scrolled
# as far to the right as possible
if int(xview[1]) == 1:
canvas.after(1000, add_tick)
So, I am trying to make a database program for my needs, and to make it more visible attractive I want the plus sign to follow indentation from the files and folders it reads from a database? This is going to be a parent/child kind of view.
Here is what I want:
The open and closing +/- symbol follows the filename
The code for this I found during researching into this exact problem, but I cant differentiate the code to figure out what I am doing wrong.
Here is what I currently have:
Not following, and it seems to be appearing on its separate columns.
I've tried to add and remove columns, because to me, it seems like the problem is that they are being printed to their own column.
Here is my code (The code I found when searching is pasted at the bottom, I'm sorry to the author, I didnt make a not of where I found it.) (If you run it the scrollbar is way off btw..):
class FiletreeInfoApp(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.root = parent
width = self.root.winfo_screenwidth()
height = self.root.winfo_screenheight()
self.root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (width, height))
# Window Title
app_title = "File Structure Info"
# Upper and lower Frames
self.upper_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root, relief="sunken", height=120)
self.upper_frame.pack(fill="x", pady=15, padx=30)
self.lower_frame = ttk.Frame(self.root, relief="sunken")
self.lower_frame.pack(fill="both", padx=15, pady=15, expand=True)
# Lower frames' Treeview
self.db_reader = ttk.Treeview(self.lower_frame, columns=("#0"), height=8)
ysb = ttk.Scrollbar(self.db_reader, orient='vertical', command=self.db_reader.yview)
xsb = ttk.Scrollbar(self.db_reader, orient='horizontal', command=self.db_reader.xview)
self.db_reader.configure(yscroll=ysb.set, xscroll=xsb.set)
self.db_reader.heading('#0', text='Path', anchor='w')
self.db_reader.column('#0', minwidth=25, width=70)
self.db_reader.pack(padx=30, pady=30, fill="both", side="left", expand=True)
ysb.pack(fill="y", anchor="e")
xsb.pack(fill="x", anchor="s")
self.info_entry = ttk.Entry(self.lower_frame)
self.info_entry.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=True)
If I also try to remove the "columns="#0"" from the creation of the Treeview widget, I get what I want, but then nothing show up. Every entry is blank.
Every entry is blank, but indentation seems fine, just need the text in there
Here is the code I found:
import os
# Python2
import Tkinter as tk
import ttk
except ImportError:
# Python3
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
class DirectoryBrowser(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master, path):
self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
self.entries = {"": self.path}
self.root = None
# setup treeview and scrollbars
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self)
ysb = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.tree.yview)
xsb = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient='horizontal', command=self.tree.xview)
self.tree.configure(yscroll=ysb.set, xscroll=xsb.set)
self.tree.heading('#0', text='Path', anchor='w')
self.tree.bind("<<TreeviewSelect>>", self.update_subtree)
# fill treeview with root dir and the subdirs
iid = self.insert("", "end", self.path)
self.process_directory(iid, self.path)
# add tree and scrollbars to frame
self.tree.grid(in_=self, row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
ysb.grid(in_=self, row=0, column=1, sticky="ns")
xsb.grid(in_=self, row=1, column=0, sticky="ew")
self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=tk.Y)
# testing ...
# returns a list of children belonging to last iid
def insert(self, parent, index, path, name="", **kwargs):
add new element to TreeView
if "text" in kwargs:
err = "arg 'text' not available"
raise ValueError(err)
kwargs["text"] = path
if name:
kwargs["text"] = name
iid = self.tree.insert(parent, index, **kwargs)
self.entries[iid] = path
return iid
def process_directory(self, parent, path, depth=3):
if depth == 0:
for p in os.listdir(path):
abspath = os.path.join(path, p)
if os.path.isdir(abspath):
iid = self.insert(parent,
self.process_directory(iid, abspath, depth-1)
# Callbacks
def update_subtree(self, event):
iid = self.tree.focus()
path = self.entries[iid]
print("%s: %s" % (iid, path))
print(iid in self.entries.keys())
#self.process_directory(iid, path)
def test():
root = tk.Tk()
mypath = "F:\\Github_bittib010"
app = DirectoryBrowser(root, path=mypath)
# testing ...
print(app.tree.get_children()) # returns root children
if __name__ == "__main__":
Edit as answer to a question.
I used a for loop in its own function to open, add, commit and close. Here is the for-loop and the sqlite statement:
# Execute command
c.execute("SELECT * FROM Windows10")
records = c.fetchall()
# Add data to ttk treeview
counter = 0
for record in records:
self.db_reader.insert('', tk.END, values=record[1], iid=record[0], open=False)
if counter != 0:
self.db_reader.move(record[0], record[5], counter)'''
My objective is to add a vertical scroll bar to a frame which has several labels in it. The scroll bar should automatically enabled as soon as the labels inside the frame exceed the height of the frame. After searching through, I found this useful post. Based on that post I understand that in order to achieve what i want, (correct me if I am wrong, I am a beginner) I have to create a Frame first, then create a Canvas inside that frame and stick the scroll bar to that frame as well. After that, create another frame and put it inside the canvas as a window object. So, I finally come up with this:
from Tkinter import *
def data():
for i in range(50):
Label(frame,text="my text"+str(i)).grid(row=i,column=1)
def myfunction(event):
sizex = 800
sizey = 600
posx = 100
posy = 100
root.wm_geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (sizex, sizey, posx, posy))
Am I doing it right? Is there better/smarter way to achieve the output this code gave me?
Why must I use grid method? (I tried place method, but none of the labels appear on the canvas.)
What so special about using anchor='nw' when creating window on canvas?
Please keep your answer simple, as I am a beginner.
Here's example code adapted from the VerticalScrolledFrame page on the now defunct Tkinter Wiki that's been modified to run on Python 2.7 and 3+.
try: # Python 2
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
from tkinter.constants import *
except ImportError: # Python 2
import Tkinter as tk
import ttk
from tkinter.constants import *
# Based on
# https://web.archive.org/web/20170514022131id_/http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/VerticalScrolledFrame
class VerticalScrolledFrame(ttk.Frame):
"""A pure Tkinter scrollable frame that actually works!
* Use the 'interior' attribute to place widgets inside the scrollable frame.
* Construct and pack/place/grid normally.
* This frame only allows vertical scrolling.
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw):
ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw)
# Create a canvas object and a vertical scrollbar for scrolling it.
vscrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient=VERTICAL)
vscrollbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT, expand=FALSE)
canvas = tk.Canvas(self, bd=0, highlightthickness=0,
canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=TRUE)
# Reset the view
# Create a frame inside the canvas which will be scrolled with it.
self.interior = interior = ttk.Frame(canvas)
interior_id = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=interior,
# Track changes to the canvas and frame width and sync them,
# also updating the scrollbar.
def _configure_interior(event):
# Update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame.
size = (interior.winfo_reqwidth(), interior.winfo_reqheight())
canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % size)
if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width():
# Update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame.
interior.bind('<Configure>', _configure_interior)
def _configure_canvas(event):
if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width():
# Update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas.
canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, width=canvas.winfo_width())
canvas.bind('<Configure>', _configure_canvas)
if __name__ == "__main__":
class SampleApp(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
root = tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.frame = VerticalScrolledFrame(root)
self.label = ttk.Label(self, text="Shrink the window to activate the scrollbar.")
buttons = []
for i in range(10):
buttons.append(ttk.Button(self.frame.interior, text="Button " + str(i)))
app = SampleApp()
It does not yet have the mouse wheel bound to the scrollbar but it is possible. Scrolling with the wheel can get a bit bumpy, though.
to 1)
IMHO scrolling frames is somewhat tricky in Tkinter and does not seem to be done a lot. It seems there is no elegant way to do it.
One problem with your code is that you have to set the canvas size manually - that's what the example code I posted solves.
to 2)
You are talking about the data function? Place works for me, too. (In general I prefer grid).
to 3)
Well, it positions the window on the canvas.
One thing I noticed is that your example handles mouse wheel scrolling by default while the one I posted does not. Will have to look at that some time.
"Am i doing it right?Is there better/smarter way to achieve the output this code gave me?"
Generally speaking, yes, you're doing it right. Tkinter has no native scrollable container other than the canvas. As you can see, it's really not that difficult to set up. As your example shows, it only takes 5 or 6 lines of code to make it work -- depending on how you count lines.
"Why must i use grid method?(i tried place method, but none of the labels appear on the canvas?)"
You ask about why you must use grid. There is no requirement to use grid. Place, grid and pack can all be used. It's simply that some are more naturally suited to particular types of problems. In this case it looks like you're creating an actual grid -- rows and columns of labels -- so grid is the natural choice.
"What so special about using anchor='nw' when creating window on canvas?"
The anchor tells you what part of the window is positioned at the coordinates you give. By default, the center of the window will be placed at the coordinate. In the case of your code above, you want the upper left ("northwest") corner to be at the coordinate.
Please see my class that is a scrollable frame. It's vertical scrollbar is binded to <Mousewheel> event as well. So, all you have to do is to create a frame, fill it with widgets the way you like, and then make this frame a child of my ScrolledWindow.scrollwindow. Feel free to ask if something is unclear.
Used a lot from # Brayan Oakley answers to close to this questions
class ScrolledWindow(tk.Frame):
1. Master widget gets scrollbars and a canvas. Scrollbars are connected
to canvas scrollregion.
2. self.scrollwindow is created and inserted into canvas
Usage Guideline:
Assign any widgets as children of <ScrolledWindow instance>.scrollwindow
to get them inserted into canvas
__init__(self, parent, canv_w = 400, canv_h = 400, *args, **kwargs)
Parent = master of scrolled window
canv_w - width of canvas
canv_h - height of canvas
def __init__(self, parent, canv_w = 400, canv_h = 400, *args, **kwargs):
"""Parent = master of scrolled window
canv_w - width of canvas
canv_h - height of canvas
super().__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.parent = parent
# creating a scrollbars
self.xscrlbr = ttk.Scrollbar(self.parent, orient = 'horizontal')
self.xscrlbr.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = 'ew', columnspan = 2)
self.yscrlbr = ttk.Scrollbar(self.parent)
self.yscrlbr.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = 'ns')
# creating a canvas
self.canv = tk.Canvas(self.parent)
self.canv.config(relief = 'flat',
width = 10,
heigh = 10, bd = 2)
# placing a canvas into frame
self.canv.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = 'nsew')
# accociating scrollbar comands to canvas scroling
self.xscrlbr.config(command = self.canv.xview)
self.yscrlbr.config(command = self.canv.yview)
# creating a frame to inserto to canvas
self.scrollwindow = ttk.Frame(self.parent)
self.canv.create_window(0, 0, window = self.scrollwindow, anchor = 'nw')
self.canv.config(xscrollcommand = self.xscrlbr.set,
yscrollcommand = self.yscrlbr.set,
scrollregion = (0, 0, 100, 100))
self.scrollwindow.bind('<Configure>', self._configure_window)
self.scrollwindow.bind('<Enter>', self._bound_to_mousewheel)
self.scrollwindow.bind('<Leave>', self._unbound_to_mousewheel)
def _bound_to_mousewheel(self, event):
self.canv.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", self._on_mousewheel)
def _unbound_to_mousewheel(self, event):
def _on_mousewheel(self, event):
self.canv.yview_scroll(int(-1*(event.delta/120)), "units")
def _configure_window(self, event):
# update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame
size = (self.scrollwindow.winfo_reqwidth(), self.scrollwindow.winfo_reqheight())
self.canv.config(scrollregion='0 0 %s %s' % size)
if self.scrollwindow.winfo_reqwidth() != self.canv.winfo_width():
# update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame
self.canv.config(width = self.scrollwindow.winfo_reqwidth())
if self.scrollwindow.winfo_reqheight() != self.canv.winfo_height():
# update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame
self.canv.config(height = self.scrollwindow.winfo_reqheight())
For anyone who stumbles across this (as it did when looking for my own gist) I maintain a gist for exactly this purpose at https://gist.github.com/mp035/9f2027c3ef9172264532fcd6262f3b01 It has scrollwheel support for various operating systems, is commented, and has a built-in demo in the file.
We can add scroll bar even without using Canvas. I have read it in many other post we can't add vertical scroll bar in frame directly etc etc. But after doing many experiment found out way to add vertical as well as horizontal scroll bar :). Please find below code which is used to create scroll bar in treeView and frame.
f = Tkinter.Frame(self.master,width=3)
f.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=8, rowspan=10, pady=30, padx=30)
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(f, selectmode="extended")
scbHDirSel =tk.Scrollbar(f, orient=Tkinter.HORIZONTAL, command=self.tree.xview)
scbVDirSel =tk.Scrollbar(f, orient=Tkinter.VERTICAL, command=self.tree.yview)
self.tree.configure(yscrollcommand=scbVDirSel.set, xscrollcommand=scbHDirSel.set)
self.tree["columns"] = (self.columnListOutput)
self.tree.column("#0", width=40)
self.tree.heading("#0", text='SrNo', anchor='w')
self.tree.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=Tkinter.NSEW,in_=f, columnspan=10, rowspan=10)
scbVDirSel.grid(row=2, column=10, rowspan=10, sticky=Tkinter.NS, in_=f)
scbHDirSel.grid(row=14, column=0, rowspan=2, sticky=Tkinter.EW,in_=f)
f.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
f.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
It is nessesery to configure Scrollbar in case of using with Canvas
by sending to Canvas xscrollcommand attribute Scrollbar.set method and
to Scrollbar command attribute Canvas.yview (xview) method.
Canvas.yview method after scrollbar was moved recieve *args in next formatting:
tuple('move_to', '<some_absolute_float_value_of_top_of_scrollbar_region>')
In case of implementing scrollability to widget,
Recieving region and translating scrollbar_region (whith element viewable and whith not) features must be created.
Region is `tuple(float, float)' representing open to see part of all elements.
Not ideal bechavior showed in this solution (without using tk.Canvas)
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
class ItemizeFrame(ttk.Frame, list):
def __init__(self,
scroll_upd_callback = lambda x: x,
visible_els: int = 10,
ttk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
ttk.Style().configure('Small.TButton', background='red', width=2, height=2, padx=3, pady=3)
ttk.Style().configure('Sep.TFrame', padx=3, pady=3)
self.scroll_upd_callback = scroll_upd_callback
self.visible_els = visible_els
self.visible_st_idx = 0
self.pseudo_scroll_element_cursor_line = 0.5*1/visible_els
def append(self, item: ttk.Widget, **kw):
e = item(self, **kw)
def _update_visable_id_callback(self):
for id_, entry_ in enumerate(self):
def pop(self, index=None):
e = super().pop(index)
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> ttk.Widget:
return list.__getitem__(self, idx)
# indicators computing and application
def visible_end_idx(self):
return self.visible_st_idx + self.visible_els -1
def visible_area_ratio(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
total = len(self)
st_val = 0.0
end_val = 1.0
if total > self.visible_els:
end_val = 1.0 - (total-self.visible_end_idx)/total
st_val = self.visible_st_idx / total
st_val = st_val + self.pseudo_scroll_element_cursor_line
end_val = end_val + self.pseudo_scroll_element_cursor_line
return (st_val, end_val)
def _update_scroll_widget(self):
def set_yview(self, move_to_ratio):
base_pseudo_ratio = 0.5*1/self.visible_els
total = len(self)
max_ratio = (total - self.visible_els)/total+base_pseudo_ratio
if move_to_ratio < 0:
possible_st_el_pseudo_part = base_pseudo_ratio
possible_st_el_idx = 0
if max_ratio < move_to_ratio:
possible_st_el_idx = total - self.visible_els
possible_st_el_pseudo_part = base_pseudo_ratio
else :
el_idx_raw = move_to_ratio * total
el_idx_round = round(el_idx_raw)
el_idx_pseudo = (el_idx_raw - el_idx_round)*1/self.visible_els
possible_st_el_idx = el_idx_round
possible_st_el_pseudo_part = el_idx_pseudo
self.visible_st_idx = possible_st_el_idx
self.pseudo_scroll_element_cursor_line = possible_st_el_pseudo_part
def _update_visible_els(self):
for el in self:
for num, el in enumerate(self):
if self.visible_st_idx <= num and num <= self.visible_end_idx:
class ScrollableFrame(ttk.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kw = dict(width=400, height=300)
super().__init__(*args, **kw)
self.scroll = ttk.Scrollbar(self, command=self.on_scroll)
self.scroll.pack(expand=True, fill='y', side='right')
self.view = ItemizeFrame(
self.view.pack(expand=True, fill='both')#, side='left')
def on_scroll(self, *args, **kwargs):
value_raw = float(args[1])
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.frame = ScrollableFrame(self)
def test_fill(self):
for i in range(15):
class Test:
def v2():
app = App()
After I watching many answers, I got it:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def onFrameConfigure(canvas):
'''Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame'''
'''When window size change, canvas size will change,
use this line to change its item size (width).'''
canvas.itemconfigure(wrapFrame, width=canvas.winfo_width())
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, highlightthickness=0)
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, background="#FFFFFF")
vsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview)
vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y")
canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=1, anchor="nw") #canvas size is relative to window size.
wrapFrame = canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor="nw")
# When the window size change, it will call this function
canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda event, canvas=canvas: onFrameConfigure(canvas))
L1 = tk.Label(frame, text="音樂編輯器", bg="#556644", font=("",25))
for i in range(100):
input = tk.Entry(frame)
Specifies the size of the scrollable frame by changing canvas and scrollbar position and size.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def onFrameConfigure(canvas):
'''Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame'''
canvas.itemconfigure(wrapFrame, width=canvas.winfo_width())
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, highlightthickness=0)
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, background="#FFFFFF")
vsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview)
vsb.place(relx=0.9, y=0, relwidth=0.1, relheight=0.5)
canvas.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=0.9, relheight=0.5)
wrapFrame = canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor="nw")
canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda event, canvas=canvas: onFrameConfigure(canvas))
L1 = tk.Label(frame, text="音樂編輯器", bg="#556644", font=("",25))
for i in range(100):
input = tk.Entry(frame)
Specifies the size of the scrollable frame by writing them to outerFrame.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def onFrameConfigure(canvas):
'''Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame'''
canvas.itemconfigure(wrapFrame, width=canvas.winfo_width())
outerFrame = tk.Frame(root)
canvas = tk.Canvas(outerFrame, highlightthickness=0)
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, background="#FFFFFF")
vsb = tk.Scrollbar(outerFrame, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview)
outerFrame.place(relx=0.25, rely=0.1, relwidth=0.5, relheight=0.5)
vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y")
canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=1, anchor="nw")
wrapFrame = canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor="nw")
canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda event, canvas=canvas: onFrameConfigure(canvas))
L1 = tk.Label(frame, text="音樂編輯器", bg="#556644", font=("",25))
for i in range(100):
input = tk.Entry(frame)
The items inner the frame can use pack or grid (only choose one), but place cannot be used alone. If you want to use place, you need to expand the layout(height) with pack or grid first.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def onFrameConfigure(canvas):
'''Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame'''
canvas.itemconfigure(wrapFrame, width=canvas.winfo_width())
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, highlightthickness=0)
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, background="#FFFFFF")
vsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview)
vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y")
canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=1, anchor="nw")
wrapFrame = canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor="nw")
canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda event, canvas=canvas: onFrameConfigure(canvas))
L1 = tk.Label(frame, text="音樂編輯器", bg="#556644", font=("",25))
for i in range(100):
input = tk.Entry(frame)
L1 = tk.Label(frame, text="我是Label")
L1.place(x=0, rely=0.5)
Use mouse wheel:
tkinter: binding mousewheel to scrollbar
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def onFrameConfigure(canvas):
canvas.itemconfigure(wrapFrame, width=canvas.winfo_width())
def on_mouse_wheel(event, scale=3):
#only care event.delta is - or +, scroll down or up
if event.delta<0:
canvas.yview_scroll(scale, "units")
canvas.yview_scroll(-scale, "units")
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, highlightthickness=0)
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, background="#FFFFFF")
vsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview)
vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y")
canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=1, anchor="nw")
wrapFrame = canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor="nw")
canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda event, canvas=canvas: onFrameConfigure(canvas))
canvas.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", on_mouse_wheel)) # on mouse enter
canvas.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: canvas.unbind_all("<MouseWheel>")) # on mouse leave
L1 = tk.Label(frame, text="音樂編輯器", bg="#556644", font=("",25))
for i in range(100):
input = tk.Entry(frame)
Export to class:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
class scrollFrame():
def __init__(self, **options):
outerFrame = tk.Frame(root)
canvas = tk.Canvas(outerFrame, highlightthickness=0)
vsb = tk.Scrollbar(outerFrame, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview)
vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y")
canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=1, anchor="nw")
frame = tk.Frame(canvas, **options)
wrapFrameId = canvas.create_window((0,0), window=frame, anchor="nw")
canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda event: self.onFrameConfigure())
canvas.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", self.on_mouse_wheel)) # on mouse enter
canvas.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: canvas.unbind_all("<MouseWheel>")) # on mouse leave
self.outerFrame, self.canvas, self.vsb, self.frame, self.wrapFrameId = outerFrame, canvas, vsb, frame, wrapFrameId
def onFrameConfigure(self):
canvas = self.canvas
'''Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame'''
canvas.itemconfigure(self.wrapFrameId, width=canvas.winfo_width())
def on_mouse_wheel(self, event, scale=3):
canvas = self.canvas
#only care event.delta is - or +, scroll down or up
if event.delta<0:
canvas.yview_scroll(scale, "units")
canvas.yview_scroll(-scale, "units")
frame = scrollFrame(background="#FFFFFF")
frame.outerFrame.place(relx=0.15, rely=0.1, relwidth=0.7, relheight=0.8)
L1 = tk.Label(frame.frame, text="音樂編輯器", bg="#556644", font=("",25))
for i in range(100):
input = tk.Entry(frame.frame)
Not 100% sure if this solution is on topic (since it explicitely asks for a scrollable FRAME), but the text widget is basically a scrollable Frame.
From documentation of the Text widget:
"Like canvas widgets, text widgets can contain images and any other Tk widgets (including frames containing many other widgets). In a sense, this allows the text widget to work as a geometry manager in its own right. "
Text widgets are very easy to use, and can be made scrollable. So instead of using a special Class like the Scrollable Frame, I think the Text widget is a great option.
Below my code, for a basic example of a scrollable text widget holding 100 buttons:
from tkinter import Tk, Button, Text,Scrollbar
class test:
def __init__(self):
self.win = Tk()
text = Text(self.win, width=40, height=10, wrap = "none")
ys = Scrollbar(self.win, orient = 'vertical', command = text.yview)
text['yscrollcommand'] = ys.set
text.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = 'nwes')
ys.grid(column = 1, row = 0, sticky = 'ns')
for x in range(1,100):
b = Button(text, text='Push Me')
text.window_create("end", window=b)
test = test()
This is at least the method I am going to use for my scrollable frames. Not sure if there is a better solution then the newline insertion to make the widgets organised vertically. But it works.
The following code creates a canvas with a frame inside. I am using the canvas to enable the addition of a vertical scrollbar, which appears as necessary. I have coloured the various sections - root, blue; window, green; canvas, red and frame, cyan. From this it can be seen that window completely fills root (no blue seen). However, canvas only fills window in the vertical direction (green visible to the rhs on expanding the window, and frame only fills canvas in the horizontal direction (red visible below cyan). I can't see what is causing the problem. Frame is bound to canvas and canvas has sticky='nsew' set so should be filling window.
import Tkinter as tk
import tkFileDialog
class AutoScrollbar(tk.Scrollbar):
# a scrollbar that hides itself if it's not needed. only
# works if you use the grid geometry manager.
def set(self, lo, hi):
if float(lo) <= 0.0 and float(hi) >= 1.0:
# grid_remove is currently missing from Tkinter!
self.tk.call("grid", "remove", self)
tk.Scrollbar.set(self, lo, hi)
def pack(self, **kw):
raise TclError, "cannot use pack with this widget"
def place(self, **kw):
raise TclError, "cannot use place with this widget"
class Window(tk.Frame):
def UserInput(self,status,name):
row = self.row
optionLabel = tk.Label(self.frame)
optionLabel["text"] = name
optionLabel.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='w')
var = tk.StringVar(root)
w = tk.Entry(self.frame, textvariable= var)
w.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky='ew')
self.row += 1
return w
def on_canvas_resize(self,event):
padding = 8
width = self.canvas.winfo_width() - padding
self.canvas.itemconfigure("frame", width=width)
def OnFrameConfigure(self, event):
def __init__(self,parent):
self.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.vscrollbar = AutoScrollbar(self,orient = tk.VERTICAL)
self.vscrollbar.grid(row = 0,column = 3, sticky = 'ns')
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, yscrollcommand = self.vscrollbar.set,bg='red')
self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
self.canvas.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
self.canvas.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
self.frame = tk.Frame(self.canvas, bg='cyan')
self.frame.bind("<Configure>", self.OnFrameConfigure)
self.frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.canvas.create_window(0, 0, anchor = tk.NW, window= self.frame, tags =["frame"])
self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.on_canvas_resize)
self.row = 0
for i in range(10):
self.Number = self.UserInput("1", "number")
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
window = Window(root)
You are putting the canvas in column 0 (zero), and you are properly giving that column a weight. However, you are also giving an equal weight to column 1 (one) (see line 29), which prevents the canvas from filling the window. Remove line 29, which is setting the weight of column 1 to 1.
Your frame fills the canvas horizontally because that is what you are telling it to do. If you want it to also be the same height you will need to set its height, too.