Is is possible to stop a thread prematurely when it is stuck inside a while loop? Below is my sample code, which runs correctly, since each time it calls loop_thread it will check to see if the threading.Event() flag is set. When attempting to run the code for a file that processes information much longer than each second, there is no way to stop the entire function from continuing its execution until the next iteration. For example, if I run dld_img_thread, it takes about 5 minutes to complete its execution and recheck the while loop to see if should proceed. What I want to have happen is kill the dld_img_thread at a time shorter than 5 minutes (e.g. 1 minute). I don't care if the data is lost, just that the thread stops before the function finishes execution. Thank you
import threading, time, pythoncom, read_mt0
import powerfail_debugport_reader as pf_dbg_rdr
import powerfail_firmware_downloader as pf_fwdld
def loop_thread(thread_name, thread_event):
loopCnt = 0
print "\nstarting {}".format(thread_name)
print "is {0} alive? {1}\n".format(thread_name, L00P_thread.is_alive())
while not thread_event.is_set():
print("value of loopCnt = {}".format(loopCnt))
loopCnt += 1
print('stopping {}\n'.format(thread_name))
def image_dld(thread_name, thread_event):
print "\nstarting {}".format(thread_name)
print "is {0} alive? {1}\n".format(thread_name, dld_img_thread.is_alive())
while not thread_event.is_set():
print('stopping {}'.format(thread_name))
def debug_port_thread(thread_name, thread_event):
print "\nstarting {}".format(thread_name)
print "is {0} alive? {1}\n".format(thread_name, debug_thread.is_alive())
print('\nstopping {}'.format(thread_name))
def main():
global L00P_thread, debug_thread
pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event = threading.Event()
L00P_thread = threading.Thread(target=loop_thread, \
args=('L00P_thread', pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event))
dld_img_thread = threading.Thread(target=image_dld, \
args=('image_download', pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event))
debug_thread = threading.Thread(target=debug_port_thread, \
args=('debug_port_reader', pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('processes stopped')
print "Exiting Main Thread"
Use a second variable in your while condition that you can change once your timeout is reached.
For example:
shouldRun = True
while not thread_event.is_set() and shouldRun:
print("value of loopCnt = {}".format(loopCnt))
loopCnt += 1
if loopCnt > 60: shouldRun = False
would stop after 60 iterations (about 60 seconds given you sleep for 1 second on each iteration).
So I wrote this script, which counts income packets on certain port, and in case if there are to many packets script has to do something. On the first received packet is has to start timer, and if timer reaches 60 sec, packet count should start from 0 again. It works, but only for first timer call, in any case, if script has to start timer again I get the error:
raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once")
RuntimeError: threads can only be started once"`
It's clear, that this thread still running, but i don't understand why. I mean, in case if timer reaches 60 secs, timer loop is finished, and function should be finished too, so i can use timer again? Clearly i don't understand something here, can you guys explain it? Thanks for answers
My code:
from scapy.all import *
from threading import Thread
import time
global count
count = 0
def timer():
global count
i = 0
while i < 60:
if count > 0:
i = i + 1
print("count is 0, timer turning off...")
count = 0
print("60 seconds, timer is off")
background_thread = Thread(target=timer)
def pkt_callback(pkt):
global count
packet_limit = 10
if pkt.haslayer(UDP) and pkt.getlayer(UDP).dport == 5160 and pkt.haslayer(Raw):
raw = pkt.getlayer(Raw).load
s = str(raw)
if 'REGISTER' in s:
count += 1
if count == 1:
if background_thread.is_alive() is False:
print("Register packet detected, timer is on")
if count >= packet_limit:
print("PACKETLIMIT reached, do smth")
count = 0
sniff(iface='ens160', filter="", prn=pkt_callback)
I think you have to use the return function not break, and either way you have only used it once, also you can change your code a bit, try this:
def timer():
global count
i = 0
while i < 60:
if count != 0:
i += 1
return "count is 0, timer turning off..."
count = 0
return "60 seconds, timer is off"
I am getting headache, trying to figure out how to deal with 2 threads in Python.
My Idea was to create one thread for blinking LEDs, that have infinite while loop, and when global variable changes to True,it starts to blink etc, but it is always in infinite loop.
other main thread, will be waiting for signal to blink, but also if the signal is while blinking, it will reset global blinking timer, so it has to be in separate thread.
Problem I am having, when I start LEDs thread from main thread, because LED thread has infinite loop, it stops main thread from running any further than flashThread.start()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print('starting main...')
flashThread = threading.Thread(name='SFlashing', daemon = True, target=Flash)
print('running main...')
it never gets to running main...
Flash() is just infinite while loop and depending on global variables it does stuff...
Here is an example of a main thread printing running main... + a parallel thread incrementing a variable count, based on your explanations. Your code should work, maybe could you give us more information about the Flash loop so we can help you ?
import threading
import time
def Flash():
count = 0
while True:
print("count", count)
count += 1
print('starting main...')
flashThread = threading.Thread(name='SFlashing', daemon = True, target=Flash)
print('running main...')
starting main...
count 0
running main...
count 1
running main...
count 2
count 3
running main...
** EDIT **
Here there is no more time.sleep()in Flash, until the global variable totois changed in the main loop.
import threading
import time
global toto
toto = 0
def Flash():
global toto
count = 0
while True:
print("count", count)
count += 1
if toto == 2:
print('starting main...')
flashThread = threading.Thread(name='SFlashing', daemon = True, target=Flash)
print('running main...')
toto = 2
I am creating a program that counts down after a time, and asks for input of seconds to add to the countdown. (Not really, just an example).
Kind of like this:
mytime = 10
while True:
mytime -= 1
mytime += int(input('add > '))
There is 2 problems.
I want the time to still tick down after a second, but don't want to have to wait the second before inputting. Similar to this. I think I need to use threading.
I don't want to wait for input either! I just want it to tick down without waiting for input, and when I want I can input things.
Thanks for your help.
There is an easier way than making your own thread from 0. Timer thread prepared for you:
import threading
timer = None
def wuf ():
global timer
print "Wuf-wuf!"
timer = threading.Timer(5, wuf)
timer = threading.Timer(5, wuf)
input() # Don't exit the program
This code will wait 5 seconds and then start printing "Wuf-wuf!" every 5 seconds.
If you want to stop it from main thread do:
But if you are writing a GUI application using event driven GUI system like wxPython or PyQT, then you should use theirs event managed timers. Especially if you are changing some GUI status from the timer callback.
Oh, all right, here is your full answer:
import threading
seconds = 1 # Initial time must be the time+1 (now 0+1)
timer = None
def tick ():
global seconds, timer
seconds -= 1
if seconds==0:
print("%i seconds left" % seconds)
print("Timer expired!")
# printing here will mess up your stdout in conjunction with input()
print("%i second(s) left" % seconds)
timer = threading.Timer(1, tick)
seconds += int(input("Initial countdown interval: "))
while 1:
seconds += int(input("Add: "))
if not timer.is_alive():
print("Restarting the timer!")
seconds += 1
Or easy version with thread (but a little clumsyer then using threading.Thread):
from thread import start_new_thread as thread
from time import sleep
seconds = 1 # Initial time+1
alive = 0
def _tick ():
global seconds, alive
alive = 1
while 1:
seconds -= 1
if seconds==0:
print("%i seconds left" % seconds)
print("Timer expired!")
alive = 0
# printing here will mess up your stdout in conjunction with input()
print("%i second(s) left" % seconds)
except: alive = 0
def tick ():
# Then same as above:
seconds += int(input("Initial countdown interval: "))
while 1:
seconds += int(input("Add: "))
if not alive:
print("Restarting the timer!")
seconds += 1
You must realize that using the stdout within a thread will insert the printed text after the prompt message outputed by input().
This will be confusing. If you want to avoid this then you will have to write another thread that will get messages from a queue and output them.
If a last message was prompt message, then you will have to remove it from screen, write the new message, then return the prompt message, and position the cursor accordingly.
You could do it by implementing the file-like interface within the subclass of threading.Thread, then substituting sys.stdout with it. Perhaps overriding input() as well to indicate when a prompt message is out and stdin being read.
You'll need to use threading to do so. All you have to do is create a subclass of threading.Thread override the run() method and add some external control methods over the thread.
Here is a simple example you can try and tweak according to your own taste.
import threading
import time
class SleepingThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, sleep_for):
super(SleepingThread, self).__init__()
self.sleep_for = sleep_for
def run(self):
while self.sleep_for != 0:
self.sleep_for -= 1
print("Done sleeping")
def add_seconds(self, seconds):
self.sleep_for += seconds
def get_sleep_for(self):
return self.sleep_for
sleeping_thread = SleepingThread(10)
while True:
sleeping_thread.add_seconds(int(input('add > ')))
Don't forget to join() if you want to go serious about it.
Can anyone please give me a small and simple example on how to use threading with pyserial communication.
I am googling for over three days and I am still illeterate and I dont even have a working piece of code which integrate both of them
Basically I am aiming to use threading in this scenario:
Have a serial communication continuously go on in the back ground to attain certain value (say A) from an MCU.
Stop attaining value A - then attain value B...and start continuously attaining value A again.
You can find some basic code here.
import threading
import time
import sys
import serial
import os
import time
def Task1(ser):
while 1:
print "Inside Thread 1"
ser.write('\x5A\x03\x02\x02\x02\x09') # Byte ArrayTo Control a MicroProcessing Unit
b =
print b.encode('hex')
print "Thread 1 still going on"
def Task2(ser):
print "Inside Thread 2"
print "I stopped Task 1 to start and execute Thread 2"
c =
print c.encode('hex')
print "Thread 2 complete"
def Main():
ser = serial.Serial(3, 11520)
t1 = threading.Thread(target = Task1, args=[ser])
t2 = threading.Thread(target = Task2, args=[ser])
print "Starting Thread 1"
print "Starting Thread 2"
print "=== exiting ==="
if __name__ == '__main__':
There's no factual basis for the claim by Task2:
print "I stopped Task 1 to start and execute Thread 2"
Your implementation starts one thread then immediately starts the other without stopping the first. This means that the and ser.write commands could interfere with each other.
The simplest thing you could do to address this is to introduce variables that allow communication:
import sys
import os
import time
import threading
thread_flag = None
def Report(s):
print s
sys.stdout.flush() # helps to ensure messages from different threads appear in the right order
def Stop():
global thread_flag
thread_flag = 'stop'
def Task1(ser):
Report("Inside Thread 1")
global thread_flag
thread_flag = 'go'
while True:
Report("Thread 1 waiting for permission to read")
while thread_flag != 'go': time.sleep( 0.001 )
while thread_flag == 'go':
Report("Thread 1 is reading")
#ser.write('\x5A\x03\x02\x02\x02\x09') # Byte ArrayTo Control a MicroProcessing Unit
#b =
if thread_flag == 'stop': break
else: thread_flag = 'paused' # signals that the inner loop is done
Report("Thread 1 complete")
def Task2(ser):
Report("Inside Thread 2")
global thread_flag
thread_flag = 'pause' # signals Task1 to pause
while thread_flag != 'paused': time.sleep(0.001) # waits for Task1 inner loop to exit
Report("I stopped Task 1 to start and execute Thread 2")
#c =
thread_flag = 'go' # signals Thread 1 to resume
Report("Thread 2 complete")
def Main():
ser = None # serial.Serial(3, 11520)
t1 = threading.Thread(target = Task1, args=[ser])
t2 = threading.Thread(target = Task2, args=[ser])
Report("Starting Thread 1")
Report("Starting Thread 2")
if __name__ == '__main__':
That approach uses a global variable, which is often frowned upon. You could instead make Task1 and Task2 methods of an object self that carries both self.ser and self.thread_flag as attributes.
For any inter-thread communication more complex than this, you need to investigate locks, mutexes and semaphores (e.g. threading.Lock)
I'm trying to check a list of answers like so:
def checkAns(File, answer):
answer = bytes(answer, "UTF-8")
print("[+] Correct Answer: " + answer.decode("UTF-8") + "\n")
def main():
File = zipfile.ZipFile("")
ansFile = open("answers.txt")
for line in ansFile.readlines():
answer = line.strip("\n")
t = Thread(target=extractFile, args=(File, answer))
Assume the correct answer is 4 and your list contains values 1 through 1000000.
How do I get it to stop after it gets to 4 and not run through the remaining numbers in the list?
I have tried it several different ways:
print("[+] Correct Answer: " + answer.decode("UTF-8") + "\n")
and also
print("[+] Correct Answer: " + answer.decode("UTF-8") + "\n")
How do I get all the threads to stop after the correct answer is found?
Strangely in Python you can't kill threads:
Python’s Thread class supports a subset of the behavior of Java’s
Thread class; currently, there are no priorities, no thread groups,
and threads cannot be destroyed, stopped, suspended, resumed, or
This sample creates a thread that will run for 10 seconds. The parent then waits a second, then is "done", and waits (ie: join()s) the outstanding threads before exiting cleanly.
import sys, threading, time
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
for _ in range(10):
print 'ding'
print 'joining threads'
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if thread is not threading.current_thread():
print 'done'