Why my thread doesn't stop after function finished? - python

So I wrote this script, which counts income packets on certain port, and in case if there are to many packets script has to do something. On the first received packet is has to start timer, and if timer reaches 60 sec, packet count should start from 0 again. It works, but only for first timer call, in any case, if script has to start timer again I get the error:
raise RuntimeError("threads can only be started once")
RuntimeError: threads can only be started once"`
It's clear, that this thread still running, but i don't understand why. I mean, in case if timer reaches 60 secs, timer loop is finished, and function should be finished too, so i can use timer again? Clearly i don't understand something here, can you guys explain it? Thanks for answers
My code:
from scapy.all import *
from threading import Thread
import time
global count
count = 0
def timer():
global count
i = 0
while i < 60:
if count > 0:
i = i + 1
print("count is 0, timer turning off...")
count = 0
print("60 seconds, timer is off")
background_thread = Thread(target=timer)
def pkt_callback(pkt):
global count
packet_limit = 10
if pkt.haslayer(UDP) and pkt.getlayer(UDP).dport == 5160 and pkt.haslayer(Raw):
raw = pkt.getlayer(Raw).load
s = str(raw)
if 'REGISTER' in s:
count += 1
if count == 1:
if background_thread.is_alive() is False:
print("Register packet detected, timer is on")
if count >= packet_limit:
print("PACKETLIMIT reached, do smth")
count = 0
sniff(iface='ens160', filter="", prn=pkt_callback)

I think you have to use the return function not break, and either way you have only used it once, also you can change your code a bit, try this:
def timer():
global count
i = 0
while i < 60:
if count != 0:
i += 1
return "count is 0, timer turning off..."
count = 0
return "60 seconds, timer is off"


User input to stop while loop

I'm currently making a stopwatch function, where the user has to input 1 to start and 2 to stop the stopwatch. I'm wondering how to implement the stop function when the while loop is going on as whatever I tried didn't work.
This is the stopwatch code I'm working on:
second = 0
minute = 0
hour = 0
millisecond = 0
start = input("Press 1 to start and 2 to stop: ")
while True:
if start == "2":
print("%02d : %02d : %02d "%(hour, minute, second,))
second += 1
if second == 60:
minute += 1
second -= 60
if minute == 60:
hour += 1
minute -= 60
input is blocking until the user types something (and hit enters).
So if you put it in your while loop, the user will get asked repeatedly if he wants to stop, each time pausing the clock, it is not what is expected.
But if you put the input outside the loop (it is strange that you do that), then the user is never asked to type something until the loop ends (which is never).
It means that in your case, input is not a solution.
There is a very similar question which has an accepted answer (slightly adapted to your case) :
while True:
print("%02d : %02d : %02d "%(hour, minute, second,))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# here the loop has definitely stopped
which works with Ctrl+C, being a standard way to signal the program to stop something.
If you want to use something other than Ctrl+C, there are other questions here on StackOverflow that could fit your needs :
detecting any keypress in a terminal : How to break this loop in Python by detecting key press
How to kill a while loop with a keystroke?
Your question is thus a duplicate of one of these.
Here's a threading example that does what you describe.
import time
import threading
thread_live = False
def countdown():
seconds = 0;
while thread_live:
hour = seconds // 3600
minute = (seconds // 60) % 60
second = seconds % 60
print("%02d:%02d:%02d "%(hour, minute, second))
seconds += 1
while True:
start = input("Press 1 to start and 2 to stop, 3 to exit: ")
if start == "1" and not thread_live:
cd = threading.Thread(target=countdown)
thread_live = True
elif start == "2" and thread_live:
thread_live = False
elif start == "3":
Here's a version that uses a timedelta to store and format the time:
import time
import datetime
import threading
thread_live = False
def countdown():
t = datetime.timedelta(0)
one = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
while thread_live:
t += one
while True:
start = input("Press 1 to start and 2 to stop, 3 to exit: ")
if start == "1" and not thread_live:
cd = threading.Thread(target=countdown)
thread_live = True
elif start == "2" and thread_live:
thread_live = False
elif start == "3":

Logging rainfall with Python

First post and I am at a dead end with this problem.
(some background)
I have a raspberry PiZero which I am developing a weather station with, so far it logs temp, humidity and pressure as well as sending the data to the windy.com API. Recently I added a tipping bucket rain gauge.
This has 2 wires which connect to the GPIO, when the bucket tips it momentarily competes the circuit, essentially a button press!
The goal here is to count the tips every hour, then reset. before resetting, send this data to log file + Windy API. This is the part I am struggling with.
I am pretty good with python but I am at a true writers block moment, here is a small program I cobbled together from snippets which counts the tips for testing
import requests
from gpiozero import Button
import time
rain_sensor = Button(27)
bucket_size = 0.2794
count = 0
def bucket_tipped():
global count
count = count + 1
print(count * bucket_size)
def reset_rainfall():
global count
count = 0
#display and log results
def timed_loop():
timeout = time.monotonic() + 3600 # 1 hour from now
while True:
if time.monotonic() > timeout: # break if timeout time is reached
rain_sensor.when_pressed = bucket_tipped
time.sleep(1) # Short sleep so loop can be interupted
print count
# close the log file and exit nicely
It looks like you are continuously setting your rain to 0 in your while True: loop.
Try something like this for your loop.
def timed_loop():
rain = 0
timeout = time.monotonic() + 3600 # 1 hour from now
while True:
if time.monotonic() > timeout: # break if timeout time is reached
# You place your code here that you want to run every hour.
# After that the loop restarts
rain = 1
time.sleep(1) # Short sleep so loop can be interupted
Edit 3:
With the following code you can record button presses over a specified amount of time.
import time
def bucket_tip_counter():
recording_time_timeout = 3600 # Amount of seconds you want to have the timer run
recording_time = time.monotonic() + recording_time_timeout
button_timeout = 1 # This timeout is here so the button doesnt trigger the count more then once for each trigger
# You have to modify this to your needs. If the button stays activated for a few seconds you need to set the timer accordingly.
count = 0 # Sets the counter to 0 at the start
button = 0 # Here you need to replace the 0 with the GPIO pin that returns True if the button is pressed
while True: # starts the loop
if button: # if button gets pressed/bucket tipped
count += 1 # up count by one
time.sleep(button_timeout) # wait specified timeout to make sure button isnt pressed anymore
if time.monotonic() > recording_time: # If the recording_time is reached the loop triggers this if condition
print(count) # print count
# Here you can also place code that you want to run when the hour is over
# Note that the counter wont start back up until that code is finished.
count = 0 # set count back to 0
recording_time = time.monotonic() + recording_time_timeout # Set a new timer so the hour can start anew
continue # restart the loop
time.sleep(1) # small sleep to stop CPU hogging.

How to let If-loop running all the time

i would like to know how i let my program to check the if-statement all the time while the others functions still running.
def back():
counter = 0
while counter <= 1:
if statement == True:
counter += 1
Here the statement has to be True before the function back can be executed, but I want it all at the same time to run
Is this what you're looking for? This will trigger back() to run in the background every time statement is True and it will store a reference to the background process in background_processes
import multiprocessing
def back():
counter = 0
background_processes = []
while counter <= 1:
if statement == True:
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=back)
p1.start() # back() will run in the background and this loop will keep going
counter += 1

Creating a counter which resets itself every 30 seconds

I want to create a function that counts till 30, but when it reaches 30 I want to reset it to starting point.
def countdown():
global countDown
countDown = int(time.time() - start_time)
return countDown % 30
And then I want to print it like that.
print("You have " + str(30 - countdown()) + " time")
It works but when it reaches 0, it keeps counting below 0 like -1,-2 and it is not doing modula operation. So it doesn't reset itself. What can I do in this case ?
Desired case: 30 29.... 3 2 1 0 30 29 28
Recent case: 30 29 ... 2 1 0 -1 -2
The counter is not being reset using the modulo operator (countDown % 30). Try,
import time
def countdown(i):
counter = i
while True:
if (counter == i):
counter = 0
counter = counter + 1
What I got from your code
import time
start_time = time.time()
def countdown():
global countDown
countDown = int(time.time() - start_time)
return countDown % 30
print("You have " + str(30 - countdown()) + " time")
is working perfectly on https://www.python.org/shell/
Can't reproduce your problem. Or it's not with the code in your question!
Try to avoid using global variables. Also, use 4 space indentations.
I would use length of time as an input.
from time import time
def do_something():
def get_time(start_time):
# returns how much time did it pass from event that started at start_time
return time() - start_time
def countdown(countDown):
start_time = time()
# this is counter that attains consecutive values [0, 1, ..., countDown]
current_count = 0
while current_count < countDown:
print(countDown - current_count, end=' ')
while get_time(start_time) - current_count < 1:
#warning: if do_something takes significant anount of
#time forthcoming print won't be correct
current_count += 1
print(countDown - current_count, end=' ')
return current_count
Also the purpose of
print("You have " + str(30 - countdown()) + " time")
is not clear to me. Use it wherever you want in your script.
Due to the question being quite unclear, it is hard to create exactly what you're looking for. However, this code should work for you no matter how you intend it to be used.
This code allows you to:
Make a timer
Get the time left
Run code while the timer is counting down
Run code once the timer has ended.
You can also reset the timer
import time
class countdown():
def start(self):
self.t = time.time()
def remaining(self):
return 30 - int(time.time()-self.t)
timer = countdown()
while True:
print(30 - countdown(), "seconds remaining") #Still time left code
if timer.remaining() <= 0:
pass #30 seconds over code
timer.reset() #Starts timer again
As others pointed out, your function is not resetting your counter.
Try the following little modification:
def countdown():
global countDown
countDown = int(time.time() - start_time) % 30
return countDown
Firstly, I want to apologize from everyone for not explaining my question clearly because this is my first question. Secondly, as shown in example , I saw that I did not made any mistake about my code. First part is correct but when it prints ("You have " + str(5 - countdown()) + " time") showing me the negative ones because of I take the modula of 30 but showing it in print func " 5 - countdown()" . So when it becomes 15 it will return 15 but 5 - 15 = -10. Thanks for everyone who tried to help.

Causing a thread to stop while stuck within a while loop?

Is is possible to stop a thread prematurely when it is stuck inside a while loop? Below is my sample code, which runs correctly, since each time it calls loop_thread it will check to see if the threading.Event() flag is set. When attempting to run the code for a file that processes information much longer than each second, there is no way to stop the entire function from continuing its execution until the next iteration. For example, if I run dld_img_thread, it takes about 5 minutes to complete its execution and recheck the while loop to see if should proceed. What I want to have happen is kill the dld_img_thread at a time shorter than 5 minutes (e.g. 1 minute). I don't care if the data is lost, just that the thread stops before the function finishes execution. Thank you
import threading, time, pythoncom, read_mt0
import powerfail_debugport_reader as pf_dbg_rdr
import powerfail_firmware_downloader as pf_fwdld
def loop_thread(thread_name, thread_event):
loopCnt = 0
print "\nstarting {}".format(thread_name)
print "is {0} alive? {1}\n".format(thread_name, L00P_thread.is_alive())
while not thread_event.is_set():
print("value of loopCnt = {}".format(loopCnt))
loopCnt += 1
print('stopping {}\n'.format(thread_name))
def image_dld(thread_name, thread_event):
print "\nstarting {}".format(thread_name)
print "is {0} alive? {1}\n".format(thread_name, dld_img_thread.is_alive())
while not thread_event.is_set():
print('stopping {}'.format(thread_name))
def debug_port_thread(thread_name, thread_event):
print "\nstarting {}".format(thread_name)
print "is {0} alive? {1}\n".format(thread_name, debug_thread.is_alive())
print('\nstopping {}'.format(thread_name))
def main():
global L00P_thread, debug_thread
pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event = threading.Event()
L00P_thread = threading.Thread(target=loop_thread, \
args=('L00P_thread', pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event))
dld_img_thread = threading.Thread(target=image_dld, \
args=('image_download', pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event))
debug_thread = threading.Thread(target=debug_port_thread, \
args=('debug_port_reader', pf_dbg_rdr.samurai_event))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('processes stopped')
print "Exiting Main Thread"
Use a second variable in your while condition that you can change once your timeout is reached.
For example:
shouldRun = True
while not thread_event.is_set() and shouldRun:
print("value of loopCnt = {}".format(loopCnt))
loopCnt += 1
if loopCnt > 60: shouldRun = False
would stop after 60 iterations (about 60 seconds given you sleep for 1 second on each iteration).

