Python: Gibbs sampler for regression model - python

I am trying to write a function for Gibbs sampler in the Bayesian framework. I got the code from this [website][1], which is a straightforward regression model. However, I am tackling a more complicated model which is: y= beta0 + beta1* x + x^gamma * sigma * epsilon where sigma is the variance of the model. That means I need to estimate p(beta0|y,x,beta1,sigma,gamma) and so on(in the Gibbs sampler method). my question is how should I modify the code to sample beta0, beta1 and other variables as there are extra variables to condition on.
My codes are:
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 5)
conda install -c conda-forge pymc3=3.0
def sample_beta_0(y, x, beta_1, sigma, gamma, mu_0, tau_0):
N = len(y)
assert len(x) == N
tau_i = 1/((x**gamma)*sigma)**2
precision = tau_0 + sum(tau_i)
mean = tau_0 * mu_0 + np.sum((y - beta_1 * x)*tau_i)
mean /= precision
return np.random.normal(mean, 1 / np.sqrt(precision))
def sample_beta_1(y, x, beta_0, sigma, mu_1, sigma_1):
N = len(y)
assert len(x) == N
precision = sigma_1 + sigma * np.sum(x * x)
mean = sigma_1 * mu_1 + sigma * np.sum( (y - beta_0) * x)
mean /= precision
return np.random.normal(mean, 1 / np.sqrt(precision))
def sample_sigma(y, x, beta_0, beta_1, alpha, beta):
N = len(y)
alpha_new = alpha + N / 2
resid = y - beta_0 - beta_1 * x
beta_new = beta + np.sum(resid * resid) / 2
return np.random.gamma(alpha_new, 1 / beta_new)
beta_0_true = -1
beta_1_true = 2
sigma_true = 1
N = 50
x = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=4, size=N)
y = np.random.normal(beta_0_true + beta_1_true * x, 1 / np.sqrt(sigma_true))
synth_plot = plt.plot(x, y, "o")
# print('Y are', y)
# print('X are', x)
"""GIBBS Sampler"""
# specify initial values
init = {"beta_0": 0,
"beta_1": 0,
"sigma": 2}
# specify hyper parameters
hypers = {"mu_0": 0,
"sigma_0": 1,
"mu_1": 0,
"sigma_1": 1,
"alpha": 2,
"beta": 1}
def gibbs(y, x, iters, init, hypers):
assert len(y) == len(x)
beta_0 = init["beta_0"]
beta_1 = init["beta_1"]
sigma = init["sigma"]
trace = np.zeros((iters, 3)) # trace to store values of beta_0, beta_1, sigma
for it in range(iters):
beta_0 = sample_beta_0(y, x, beta_1, sigma, hypers["mu_0"], hypers["sigma_0"])
beta_1 = sample_beta_1(y, x, beta_0, sigma, hypers["mu_1"], hypers["sigma_1"])
sigma = sample_sigma(y, x, beta_0, beta_1, hypers["alpha"], hypers["beta"])
trace[it, :] = np.array((beta_0, beta_1, sigma))
trace = pd.DataFrame(trace)
trace.columns = ['beta_0', 'beta_1', 'sigma']
return trace
iters = 1000
trace = gibbs(y, x, iters, init, hypers)
traceplot = trace.plot()
traceplot.set_ylabel("Parameter value")
trace_burnt = trace[500:999]
hist_plot = trace_burnt.hist(bins = 30, layout = (1,3))
I know is really long but please help!


Add cross-entropy loss plot with focal loss

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import special
class FocalLoss:
def __init__(self, gamma, alpha=None):
self.alpha = alpha
self.gamma = gamma
def at(self, y):
if self.alpha is None:
return np.ones_like(y)
return np.where(y, self.alpha, 1 - self.alpha)
def pt(self, y, p):
p = np.clip(p, 1e-15, 1 - 1e-15)
return np.where(y, p, 1 - p)
def __call__(self, y_true, y_pred):
at =
pt =, y_pred)
return -at * (1 - pt) ** self.gamma * np.log(pt)
def grad(self, y_true, y_pred):
y = 2 * y_true - 1 # {0, 1} -> {-1, 1}
at =
pt =, y_pred)
g = self.gamma
return at * y * (1 - pt) ** g * (g * pt * np.log(pt) + pt - 1)
def hess(self, y_true, y_pred):
y = 2 * y_true - 1 # {0, 1} -> {-1, 1}
at =
pt =, y_pred)
g = self.gamma
u = at * y * (1 - pt) ** g
du = -at * y * g * (1 - pt) ** (g - 1)
v = g * pt * np.log(pt) + pt - 1
dv = g * np.log(pt) + g + 1
return (du * v + u * dv) * y * (pt * (1 - pt))
def init_score(self, y_true):
res = optimize.minimize_scalar(
lambda p: self(y_true, p).sum(),
bounds=(0, 1),
p = res.x
log_odds = np.log(p / (1 - p))
return log_odds
def lgb_obj(self, preds, train_data):
y = train_data.get_label()
p = special.expit(preds)
return self.grad(y, p), self.hess(y, p)
def lgb_eval(self, preds, train_data):
y = train_data.get_label()
p = special.expit(preds)
is_higher_better = False
return 'focal_loss', self(y, p).mean(), is_higher_better
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import special
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))
matplotlib.rc('font', size=14)
y = np.random.randint(2, size=500) # random 0s and 1s
for alpha in [.1, 0.25, .5, 0.65,.7]:
for gamma in [2]:
fl = FocalLoss(alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma)
ps = np.linspace(5e-2, 1 - 5e-2, 100)
ls = [fl(y, p).sum() for p in ps]
curve = ax.plot(ps, ls, label=r'$\alpha$ = %s, $\gamma$ = %s' % (alpha, gamma))[0]
p = special.expit(fl.init_score(y))
ax.axvline(p, color=curve.get_color(), linestyle='--')
ax.set_title('Obtained initialization constants')
ax.set_ylabel('Focal loss value')
which gives me
I wanted to add cross-entropy loss as well in the same plot. But I couldn't find a way to add this. I have so far:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Hypothesis Function - Sigmoid function
def sigmoid(z):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-z))
yHat represents the predicted value / probability value calculated as output of hypothesis / sigmoid function
y represents the actual label
def cross_entropy_loss(yHat, y):
if y == 1:
return -np.log(yHat)
return -np.log(1 - yHat)
How can I add cross entropy loss plot with focal loss plot? I am interested to compare them visually. Thanks!

Uncertanty of regression constants using scipy.odr

I am trying to use scipy.odr to create a regression of data with uncertanty in both the x-data and the y-data. I have read that i need to use the attribute output.sd_beta. However i seem to get some weird results.
The following code shows that sd_beta returns zero if the uncertanty of the data is zero even though the data is noisy. However np.sqrt(np.diag(regression.cov_beta)) does the excact opposite. I think i have to add the uncertanty from a noisy signal to the uncertanty of the data as follows uPopt = np.sqrt(np.diag(regression.cov_beta)) + output.sd_beta., but i am unsure. Can anyone please confirm or deny my gutfeeling?
import numpy as np
import scipy.odr as odr
def lin(B, x):
b = B[0]
return b + 0 * x
def odrWrapper(description, x, y, sx, sy):
# Function to create a regression using ODR and print the output
data = odr.RealData(x, y, sx, sy)
regression = odr.ODR(data, odr.Model(lin), beta0=[1])
regression =
popt = regression.beta
cov_beta = np.sqrt(np.diag(regression.cov_beta))
sd_beta = regression.sd_beta
print(description, popt, sd_beta, cov_beta)
# constants
b = 50
n = 10000
noiseScale = 10
uncert = 1
# no noise no uncertanty
x = np.linspace(0, 100, n)
y = np.ones(n) * b
sx = [1e-10] * n # very smalle value as the uncertanty can not be zero
sy = [1e-10] * n # very smalle value as the uncertanty can not be zero
odrWrapper('No noise no uncertanty: ', x, y, sx, sy)
>> No noise no uncertanty: [50.] [0.] [1.e-12]
# noise but no uncertanty
x = np.linspace(0, 100, n)
y = np.ones(n) * b
y += noiseScale * (2 * np.random.rand(n) - 1)
sx = [1e-10] * n
sy = [1e-10] * n
odrWrapper('Noise but no uncertanty: ', x, y, sx, sy)
>> Noise but no uncertanty: [49.92917783] [0.05792112] [1.e-12]
# no noise but uncertanty
x = np.linspace(0, 100, n)
y = np.ones(n) * b
sx = [1e-10] * n
sy = [uncert] * n
odrWrapper('No noise but uncertanty: ', x, y, sx, sy)
>> No noise but uncertanty: [50.] [0.] [0.01]
# noise and uncertanty
x = np.linspace(0, 100, n)
y = np.ones(n) * b
y += noiseScale * (2 * np.random.rand(n) - 1)
sx = [1e-10] * n
sy = [1] * n
odrWrapper('Noise and uncertanty: ', x, y, sx, sy)
>> Noise and uncertanty: [49.90479242] [0.05826096] [0.01]

Nullcline Plot for Nonlinear System of ODEs

I am attempting to plot the nullcline (steady state) curves of the Oregonator model to assert the existence of a limit cycle by applying the Poincare-Bendixson Theorem. I am close, but for some reason the plot that is produced shows two straight lines. I think it has something to do with the plotting stage. Any ideas?
Also any hints for how to construct a quadrilateral to apply the theorem with would be most appreciated.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Dimensionless parameters
eps = 0.04
q = 0.0008
f = 1
# Oregonator model as numpy array
def Sys(Y, t = 0):
return np.array((Y[0] * (1 - Y[0] - ((Y[0] - q) * f * Y[1]) / (Y[0] + q)) / eps, Y[0] - Y[1] ))
# Oregonator model steady states
def g(x,z):
return (x * (1 - x) + ((q - x) * f * z) / (q + x)) / eps
def h(x,z):
return x - z
# Initial lists containing values
x = []
z = []
def sys(iv1, iv2, dt, time):
# initial values:
# Compute and fill lists
for i in range(time):
x.append(x[i] + (g(x[i],z[i])) * dt)
z.append(z[i] + (h(x[i],z[i])) * dt)
return x, z
sys(1, 0.5, 0.01, 30)
# Locate and find equilibrium points
eqp = []
def find_fixed_points(r):
for x in range(r):
for z in range(r):
if ((g(x, z) == 0) and (h(x, z) == 0)):
return eqp
# Plot nullclines
plt.plot([0,2],[2,0], 'r-', lw=2, label='x-nullcline')
plt.plot([1,1],[0,2], 'b-', lw=2, label='z-nullcline')
# Plot equilibrium points
for point in eqp:
plt.plot(point[0],point[1],"red", marker = "o", markersize = 10.0)
x = np.linspace(0, 2, 20)
z = np.linspace(0, 2, 20)
X1 , Z1 = np.meshgrid(x, z) # Create a grid
DX1, DZ1 = Sys([X1, Z1]) # Compute reaction rate on the grid
M = (np.hypot(DX1, DZ1)) # Norm reaction rate
M[ M == 0] = 1. # Avoid zero division errors
DX1 /= M # Normalise each arrows
DZ1 /= M
plt.quiver(X1, Z1, DX1, DZ1, M, pivot='mid')

Why is tempered mcmc fit not convering well?

I am trying to fit a simple straight line y=mx+c type to some synthetic data using parallel-tempered mcmc. My goal is to just be able to understand how to use it, so that I can apply to some more complex models later. The example I am trying is the replica of what has already been done in a simple emcee code :
but instead of using mcmc, I want to use parallel-tempered mcmc:
Here is a working code:
import numpy as np
from emcee import PTSampler
import emcee
# Choose the "true" parameters.
m_true = -0.9594
b_true = 4.294
f_true = 0.534
# Generate some synthetic data from the model.
N = 50
x = np.sort(10*np.random.rand(N))
yerr = 0.1+0.5*np.random.rand(N)
y = m_true*x+b_true
y += np.abs(f_true*y) * np.random.randn(N)
y += yerr * np.random.randn(N)
def lnlike(theta, x, y, yerr):
m, b, lnf = theta
model = m * x + b
inv_sigma2 = 1.0/(yerr**2 + model**2*np.exp(2*lnf))
return -0.5*(np.sum((y-model)**2*inv_sigma2 - np.log(inv_sigma2)))
def lnprior(theta):
m, b, lnf = theta
if -5.0 < m < 0.5 and 0.0 < b < 10.0 and -10.0 < lnf < 1.0:
return 0.0
return -np.inf
def lnprob(theta, x, y, yerr):
lp = lnprior(theta)
if not np.isfinite(lp):
return -np.inf
return lp + lnlike(theta, x, y, yerr)
import scipy.optimize as op
nll = lambda *args: -lnlike(*args)
result = op.minimize(nll, [m_true, b_true, np.log(f_true)], args=(x, y, yerr))
m_ml, b_ml, lnf_ml = result["x"]
init = [0.5, m_ml, b_ml, lnf_ml]
ntemps = 10
nwalkers = 100
ndim = 3
from multiprocessing import Pool
pos = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim))
for i in range(ntemps):
#initialize parameters near scipy optima
pos[i:,] = np.array([result["x"] + 1e-4*np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)])
pool = Pool(processes=4)
sampler=PTSampler(ntemps,nwalkers, ndim, lnlike, lnprior, loglargs=(x, y, yerr), pool=pool)# args=(x, y, yerr))
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 1000)
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 10000, thin=10)
samples = sampler.chain.reshape((-1, ndim))
print('Number of posterior samples is {}'.format(samples.shape[0]))
#print best fit value together with errors
print(map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]),
zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84],
import corner
fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=["$m$", "$b$", "$\ln\,f$"],
truths=[m_true, b_true, np.log(f_true)])
The only problem when running this code is I get optimal parameters value which are way off the true values. And increasing the number of walkers or samples is not helping in any sense. Can anyone please advice why tempered-mcmc is not working here?
I found out a useful package called ptemcee (, although the documentation of this package is non-existent. It seems that this package might be useful, any help on how to implement the same linear fitting with this package would also be highly appreciated.
I have modified some lines
import time
import numpy as np
from emcee import PTSampler
import corner
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as op
t1 = time.time()
np.random.seed(6) # To reproduce results
# Choose the "true" parameters.
m_true = -0.9594
b_true = 4.294
f_true = 0.534
# Generate some synthetic data from the model.
N = 50
x = np.sort(10 * np.random.rand(N))
yerr = 0.1 + 0.5 * np.random.rand(N)
y_1 = m_true * x + b_true
y = np.abs(f_true * y_1) * np.random.randn(N) + y_1
y += yerr * np.random.randn(N)
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
# With emcee
def lnlike(theta, x, y, yerr):
m, b, lnf = theta
model = m * x + b
inv_sigma2 = 1.0/(yerr**2 + model**2*np.exp(2*lnf))
return -0.5*(np.sum((y-model)**2*inv_sigma2 - np.log(inv_sigma2)))
def lnprior(theta):
m, b, lnf = theta
if -5.0 < m < 0.5 and 0.0 < b < 10.0 and -10.0 < lnf < 1.0:
return 0.0
return -np.inf
def lnprob(theta, x, y, yerr):
lp = lnprior(theta)
if not np.isfinite(lp):
return -np.inf
return lp + lnlike(theta, x, y, yerr)
nll = lambda *args: -lnlike(*args)
result = op.minimize(nll, [m_true, b_true, np.log(f_true)], args=(x, y, yerr))
m_ml, b_ml, lnf_ml = result["x"]
init = [0.5, m_ml, b_ml, lnf_ml]
ntemps = 10
nwalkers = 100
ndim = 3
pos = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim))
for i in range(ntemps):
pos[i:, :] = np.array([result["x"] + 1e-4*np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)])
sampler = PTSampler(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim, lnlike, lnprior, loglargs=(x, y, yerr), threads=4) # args=(x, y, yerr))
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 100)
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 5000, thin=10)
samples = sampler.chain.reshape((-1, ndim))
print('Number of posterior samples is {}'.format(samples.shape[0]))
#print best fit value together with errors
p1, p2, p3 = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]),
zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84],
print(p1, '\n', p2, '\n', p3)
fig = corner.corner(samples, labels=["$m$", "$b$", "$\ln\,f$"],
truths=[m_true, b_true, np.log(f_true)])
t2 = time.time()
print('It took {:.3f} s'.format(t2 - t1))
The figure I get with corner is:
The important line is
sampler = PTSampler(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim, lnlike, lnprior, loglargs=(x, y, yerr), threads=4)
I have used threads=4 instead of Pool.
Look closely at this line print(p1, '\n', p2, '\n', p3), it prints the values of m_true, b_true and f_true you get:
(-1.277782877669762, 0.5745273177144817, 2.0813620981463297)
(4.800481378230051, 3.1747356851201163, 2.245189235990341)
(-0.9391847529845194, 1.1196053087321716, 3.6017609114364273)
For f, you need np.exp(-0.93918), which is 0.3909, which is close to 0.534. The values you get are close (-1.277 compared to -0.9594 and 4.8 compared to 4.294), although the errors are not bad (except for f). I mean, are you expecting to get the exact numbers? With this method, in my computer, it takes 111 s to complete, is that normal?
Let's try something different. Let's be clear: the problem is not easy when f_true is added. I will use pymc3 (you don't need to know how to use pymc3, I want to check the results found by emcee).
import time
import numpy as np
import corner
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc3 as pm
t1 = time.time()
# Choose the "true" parameters.
m_true = -0.9594
b_true = 4.294
f_true = 0.534
# Generate some synthetic data from the model.
N = 50
x = np.sort(10 * np.random.rand(N))
yerr = 0.1 + 0.5 * np.random.rand(N)
y_1 = m_true * x + b_true
y = np.abs(f_true * y_1) * np.random.randn(N) + y_1
y += yerr * np.random.randn(N)
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
with pm.Model() as model: # model specifications in PyMC3 are wrapped in a with-statement
# Define priors
f = pm.HalfCauchy('f', beta=5)
m = pm.Normal('m', 0, sd=20)
b = pm.Normal('b', 0, sd=20)
mu2 = b + m * x
sigma2 = yerr**2 + f**2 * (y_1)**2
post = pm.Normal('y', mu=mu2, sd=pm.math.sqrt(sigma2), observed=y)
with model:
trace = pm.sample(2000, tune=2000)
all_values = np.stack([trace.get_values('b'), trace.get_values('m'), trace.get_values('f')], axis=1)
fig2 = corner.corner(all_values, labels=["$b$", "$m$", "$f$"],
truths=[b_true, m_true, f_true])
t2 = time.time()
print('It took {:.3f} s'.format(t2 - t1))
The summary is
mean sd mc_error hpd_2.5 hpd_97.5 n_eff Rhat
m -0.995545 0.067818 0.001174 -1.123187 -0.857653 2685.610018 1.000121
b 4.398158 0.332526 0.005585 3.767336 5.057909 2746.736563 1.000201
f 0.425442 0.063884 0.000904 0.311037 0.554446 4195.591204 1.000309
The important part is the column mean, you see that the values found by pymc3 are close to the true values. The columns hpd_2.5 and hpd_97.5 are the errors for f, b and m. And it took 14 s.
The figure I get with corner is
You will say that the results of emcee are not quite good, but if you really want more accuracy, you have to modify this function:
def lnprior(theta):
m, b, lnf = theta
if -5.0 < m < 0.5 and 0.0 < b < 10.0 and -10.0 < lnf < 1.0:
return 0.0
return -np.inf
The famous prior. In this case, it is flat, and since there are a lot of priors...

radial basis network derivatives are pushing means together

I am trying to make my own implementation of a simple neural network to classify points. I heard about a specific type of activation function that I am interested in testing, the Gaussian. I do not just want to use relus or sigmoids, I am trying to build a network that takes as input about 300 x and y values, then in the first layer computes the Gaussian function on these values with about 50 neurons which each have a separate x and y value as their means (I will keep the sigma constant). Mathematically I anticipate this to look like
exp(- [(x-Mx)^2 + (y-My)^2] / (2 * sigma^2) ) / (sqrt(2*pi*sigma))
then I will perform a weighted sum of these terms over all the neurons in the first layer, add a bias, and pass it through a sigmoid to get my prediction. I will perform this step for each training example and get a list of predictions. I think that I do the forward propagation but I will include the code for that in case someone can spot an obvious error in my implementation. Then I perform the back-propogation. I have tested my updating of the weights and bias, and I believe that they are not the problem. I think that there is something wrong with my implementation of the gradient for the means however because they always cluster to a single point which clearly does not maximize the cost function. I have already tried using a couple of different data sets, and varying some hyper parameters, all to no avail. Can anyone figure out what the problem is?
Here is my code.
# libraries
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pdb
# functions
def gaussian(sq_error, sigma):
return ((1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2))) * np.exp(-(sq_error)/(2*sigma**2))
def calc_X1(X0, Mx, My, m, sigma):
X1 = [] # shape will be (10, m)
for ex in range(0, m):
sq_error = (X0[0][ex] - Mx) **2 + (X0[1][ex] - My) **2
X1.append(gaussian(sq_error, sigma))
X1 = np.array(X1)
return X1.T
def sigmoid(Z):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-Z))
def calc_X2(W2, X1, b2):
return sigmoid(, X1) + b2)
def cost(X2, Y, m):
return -1/m * (, np.log(X2.T)) +, np.log(1-X2.T))) [0]
def calc_dZ2(X2, Y):
return X2 - Y
def calc_dM(dZ2, W2, X1, sigma, M, m, xOrY, X0):
cur_dM = np.zeros(M.shape)
for i in range(0, m):
# pdb.set_trace()
cur_dM += dZ2[0][i] * float(, X1.T[i])) * 1/sigma**2 * (X0[xOrY][i] - M)
return cur_dM / m
def train_correct(X2, Y, m):
ct = 0
for i in range(0, m):
if np.round(X2[0][i]) == Y[i]:
ct += 1
return ct / m
# graphing functions
def plot_train_data(X, Y, m, ax):
for ex in range(0, m):
xCur = X[0][ex]
yCur = X[1][ex]
if Y[ex] == 1:
color=(1, 0, 0)
ax.scatter(xCur, yCur, c=color)
def probability_hash(pr):
return (float(pr), float(np.round(pr)), float(1-pr))
def probability_hash_1d(pr):
return float(pr)
def plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, ax):
boundsx = [-5, 5]
boundsy = [-5, 5]
samples = [10, 10]
width = (boundsx[1] - boundsx[0]) / samples[0]
height = (boundsy[1] - boundsy[0]) / samples[1]
pt = np.zeros((2,1))
for x in np.linspace(boundsx[0], boundsx[1], samples[0]):
for y in np.linspace(boundsy[0], boundsy[1], samples[1]):
pt[0][0] = x
pt[1][0] = y
X1_cur = calc_X1(pt, Mx, My, 1, sigma)
X2_cur = calc_X2(W2, X1_cur, b2)
# ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((x, y), width, height, facecolor=probability_hash(X2_cur)))
ax.scatter(x, y, c=probability_hash(X2_cur))
def cool_plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, ax):
boundsx = [-2, 2]
boundsy = [-2, 2]
samples = [50, 50]
width = (boundsx[1] - boundsx[0]) / samples[0]
height = (boundsy[1] - boundsy[0]) / samples[1]
pt = np.zeros((2,1))
heats = []
xs = np.linspace(boundsx[0], boundsx[1], samples[0])
ys = np.linspace(boundsy[0], boundsy[1], samples[1])
for x in xs:
for y in ys:
pt[0][0] = x
pt[1][0] = y
X1_cur = calc_X1(pt, Mx, My, 1, sigma)
X2_cur = calc_X2(W2, X1_cur, b2)
# xticks = []
# yticks = []
# for i in range(0, len(xs)):
# if i % 3 == 0:
# xticks.append(round(xs[i], 2))
# for i in range(0, len(ys)):
# if i % 3 == 0:
# yticks.append(round(ys[i], 2))
xticks = []
yticks = []
sns.heatmap(heats, ax=ax, cbar=True, xticklabels=xticks, yticklabels=yticks)
def plot_m(Mx, My, n1, ax):
for i in range(0, n1):
ax.scatter(Mx[i], My[i], c="k")
# initialize parameters
file = "data/disk2.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(file)
sigma = 2
itterations = 10000
learning_rate = 0.9
n0 = 2 # DO NOT CHANGE, formality
X0 = np.row_stack((df["0"], df["1"])) # shape is (2, m)
Y = np.array(df["2"])
m = len(Y)
n1 = 50
Mx = np.random.randn(n1)
My = np.random.randn(n1)
X1 = calc_X1(X0, Mx, My, m, sigma)
n2 = 1 # DO NOT CHANGE, formality
small_number = 0.01
W2 = np.random.randn(1, n1) * small_number
b2 = 0
X2 = calc_X2(W2, X1, b2)
J = cost(X2, Y, m)
Js = []
itters = []
fig = plt.figure()
plotGap = 200
for i in range(0, itterations):
# forward propogation
X1 = calc_X1(X0, Mx, My, m, sigma)
X2 = calc_X2(W2, X1, b2)
J = cost(X2, Y, m)
if i % plotGap == 0:
costAx = fig.add_subplot(311)
plotAx = fig.add_subplot(312)
pointsAx = fig.add_subplot(313)
cool_plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, plotAx)
# plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, plotAx)
plot_train_data(X0, Y, m, pointsAx)
costAx.plot(itters, Js, c="k")
print("cost = " + str(J) + "\ttraining correct = " + str(train_correct(X2, Y, m)))
plot_m(Mx, My, n1, pointsAx)
# back propogation
dZ2 = calc_dZ2(X2, Y)
dW2 =, X1.T) / m
db2 = np.sum(dZ2) / m
dMx = calc_dM(dZ2, W2, X1, sigma, Mx, m, 0, X0)
dMy = calc_dM(dZ2, W2, X1, sigma, My, m, 1, X0)
b2 -= learning_rate * db2
W2 -= learning_rate * dW2
Mx -= learning_rate * dMx
My -= learning_rate * dMy
For data I have a csv with a bunch of point locations and labels. You can use this code to generate a similar csv. (Make sure you have a folder called data in the folder you run this from).
# makes data in R2 to learn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
n = 2
# number of exaples
m = 300
X = []
Y = []
# hyperparamers for data
rApprox = 1
error = 0.4
noise = 0.1
name = "data/disk2"
for ex in range(0, m):
xCur = np.random.randn(2)
if abs(np.linalg.norm(xCur) + np.random.randn()*noise - rApprox) < error:
plt.scatter(xCur[0], xCur[1], c=color)
if abs(np.random.randn()) < 0.01:
plt.savefig(name + ".png")
X = np.array(X)
Y = np.array(Y)
df = pd.DataFrame(X)
df[2] = Y
df.to_csv(name + ".csv", index=False)
Thanks for your help.
Substitute this function for the calculate dm function. You must be careful when multiplying, it is not just enough that the dimensions work out.
def calculuate_dMs(X0, X1, X2, Mx, My, W2, dZ2, sigma, m, n1):
# pdb.set_trace()
X0x_big =, 1)), X0[0].reshape(1, m))
X0y_big =, 1)), X0[1].reshape(1, m))
Mx_big =, 1), np.ones((1, m)))
My_big =, 1), np.ones((1, m)))
W2_big =, 1), np.ones((1, m)))
dZ2_big =, 1)), dZ2.reshape(1, m))
dxTemp = np.multiply(np.multiply(np.multiply((X0x_big - Mx_big), X1), W2_big), dZ2_big)
dyTemp = np.multiply(np.multiply(np.multiply((X0y_big - My_big), X1), W2_big), dZ2_big)
return (np.sum(dxTemp, axis=1)/m, np.sum(dyTemp, axis=1)/m)

