I am trying to find the control points and handles of a Cubic Bezier curve from a series of points. My current code is below (credit to Zero Zero on the Python Discord). The Cubic Spline is creating the desired fit, but the handles (in orange) are incorrect. How may I find the handles of this curve?
Thank you!
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
def fit_curve(points):
# Fit a cubic bezier curve to the points
curve = sp.interpolate.CubicSpline(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], bc_type=((1, 0.0), (1, 0.0)))
# Get 4 control points for the curve
p = np.zeros((4, 2))
p[0, :] = points[0, :]
p[3, :] = points[-1, :]
p[1, :] = points[0, :] + 0.3 * (points[-1, :] - points[0, :])
p[2, :] = points[-1, :] - 0.3 * (points[-1, :] - points[0, :])
return p, curve
ypoints = [0.0, 0.03771681353260319, 0.20421680080883106, 0.49896111463402026, 0.7183501026981503, 0.8481517096346528, 0.9256128196832564, 0.9705404287079152, 0.9933297674379904, 1.0]
xpoints = [x for x in range(len(ypoints))]
points = np.array([xpoints, ypoints]).T
from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev
tck, u = splprep([xpoints, ypoints], s=0)
#print(tck, u)
xnew, ynew = splev(np.linspace(0, 1, 100), tck)
# Plot the original points and the Bézier curve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints, 'x', xnew, ynew, xpoints, ypoints, 'b')
plt.axis([0, 10, -0.05, 1.05])
plt.legend(['Points', 'Bézier curve', 'True curve'])
plt.title('Bézier curve fitting')
# Get the curve
p, curve = fit_curve(points)
# Plot the points and the curve
plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'o')
plt.plot(p[:, 0], p[:, 1], 'o')
plt.plot(np.linspace(0, 9, 100), curve(np.linspace(0, 9, 100)))
The answer for my case was a Bezier best fit function that accepts an input of point values, fits the points to a Cubic Spline, and outputs the Bézier handles of the curve by finding their coefficients.
Here is one such script, fitCurves, which can be used like so:
import numpy as np
from fitCurve import fitCurve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y = [0.0,
x = np.linspace(0, 1, len(y))
pts = np.array([x,y]).T
bezier_handles = fitCurve(points=pts , maxError=20)
x_bez = []
y_bez = []
for bez in bezier_handles:
for pt in bez:
plt.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], 'bo-', label='Points')
plt.plot(x_bez[:2], y_bez[:2], 'ro--', label='Handle') # handle 1
plt.plot(x_bez[2:4], y_bez[2:4], 'ro--') # handle 2
from numpy import *
""" Python implementation of
Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves
by Philip J. Schneider
"Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
# evaluates cubic bezier at t, return point
def q(ctrlPoly, t):
return (1.0-t)**3 * ctrlPoly[0] + 3*(1.0-t)**2 * t * ctrlPoly[1] + 3*(1.0-t)* t**2 * ctrlPoly[2] + t**3 * ctrlPoly[3]
# evaluates cubic bezier first derivative at t, return point
def qprime(ctrlPoly, t):
return 3*(1.0-t)**2 * (ctrlPoly[1]-ctrlPoly[0]) + 6*(1.0-t) * t * (ctrlPoly[2]-ctrlPoly[1]) + 3*t**2 * (ctrlPoly[3]-ctrlPoly[2])
# evaluates cubic bezier second derivative at t, return point
def qprimeprime(ctrlPoly, t):
return 6*(1.0-t) * (ctrlPoly[2]-2*ctrlPoly[1]+ctrlPoly[0]) + 6*(t) * (ctrlPoly[3]-2*ctrlPoly[2]+ctrlPoly[1])
# Fit one (ore more) Bezier curves to a set of points
def fitCurve(points, maxError):
leftTangent = normalize(points[1] - points[0])
rightTangent = normalize(points[-2] - points[-1])
return fitCubic(points, leftTangent, rightTangent, maxError)
def fitCubic(points, leftTangent, rightTangent, error):
# Use heuristic if region only has two points in it
if (len(points) == 2):
dist = linalg.norm(points[0] - points[1]) / 3.0
bezCurve = [points[0], points[0] + leftTangent * dist, points[1] + rightTangent * dist, points[1]]
return [bezCurve]
# Parameterize points, and attempt to fit curve
u = chordLengthParameterize(points)
bezCurve = generateBezier(points, u, leftTangent, rightTangent)
# Find max deviation of points to fitted curve
maxError, splitPoint = computeMaxError(points, bezCurve, u)
if maxError < error:
return [bezCurve]
# If error not too large, try some reparameterization and iteration
if maxError < error**2:
for i in range(20):
uPrime = reparameterize(bezCurve, points, u)
bezCurve = generateBezier(points, uPrime, leftTangent, rightTangent)
maxError, splitPoint = computeMaxError(points, bezCurve, uPrime)
if maxError < error:
return [bezCurve]
u = uPrime
# Fitting failed -- split at max error point and fit recursively
beziers = []
centerTangent = normalize(points[splitPoint-1] - points[splitPoint+1])
beziers += fitCubic(points[:splitPoint+1], leftTangent, centerTangent, error)
beziers += fitCubic(points[splitPoint:], -centerTangent, rightTangent, error)
return beziers
def generateBezier(points, parameters, leftTangent, rightTangent):
bezCurve = [points[0], None, None, points[-1]]
# compute the A's
A = zeros((len(parameters), 2, 2))
for i, u in enumerate(parameters):
A[i][0] = leftTangent * 3*(1-u)**2 * u
A[i][1] = rightTangent * 3*(1-u) * u**2
# Create the C and X matrices
C = zeros((2, 2))
X = zeros(2)
for i, (point, u) in enumerate(zip(points, parameters)):
C[0][0] += dot(A[i][0], A[i][0])
C[0][1] += dot(A[i][0], A[i][1])
C[1][0] += dot(A[i][0], A[i][1])
C[1][1] += dot(A[i][1], A[i][1])
tmp = point - q([points[0], points[0], points[-1], points[-1]], u)
X[0] += dot(A[i][0], tmp)
X[1] += dot(A[i][1], tmp)
# Compute the determinants of C and X
det_C0_C1 = C[0][0] * C[1][1] - C[1][0] * C[0][1]
det_C0_X = C[0][0] * X[1] - C[1][0] * X[0]
det_X_C1 = X[0] * C[1][1] - X[1] * C[0][1]
# Finally, derive alpha values
alpha_l = 0.0 if det_C0_C1 == 0 else det_X_C1 / det_C0_C1
alpha_r = 0.0 if det_C0_C1 == 0 else det_C0_X / det_C0_C1
# If alpha negative, use the Wu/Barsky heuristic (see text) */
# (if alpha is 0, you get coincident control points that lead to
# divide by zero in any subsequent NewtonRaphsonRootFind() call. */
segLength = linalg.norm(points[0] - points[-1])
epsilon = 1.0e-6 * segLength
if alpha_l < epsilon or alpha_r < epsilon:
# fall back on standard (probably inaccurate) formula, and subdivide further if needed.
bezCurve[1] = bezCurve[0] + leftTangent * (segLength / 3.0)
bezCurve[2] = bezCurve[3] + rightTangent * (segLength / 3.0)
# First and last control points of the Bezier curve are
# positioned exactly at the first and last data points
# Control points 1 and 2 are positioned an alpha distance out
# on the tangent vectors, left and right, respectively
bezCurve[1] = bezCurve[0] + leftTangent * alpha_l
bezCurve[2] = bezCurve[3] + rightTangent * alpha_r
return bezCurve
def reparameterize(bezier, points, parameters):
return [newtonRaphsonRootFind(bezier, point, u) for point, u in zip(points, parameters)]
def newtonRaphsonRootFind(bez, point, u):
Newton's root finding algorithm calculates f(x)=0 by reiterating
x_n+1 = x_n - f(x_n)/f'(x_n)
We are trying to find curve parameter u for some point p that minimizes
the distance from that point to the curve. Distance point to curve is d=q(u)-p.
At minimum distance the point is perpendicular to the curve.
We are solving
f = q(u)-p * q'(u) = 0
f' = q'(u) * q'(u) + q(u)-p * q''(u)
u_n+1 = u_n - |q(u_n)-p * q'(u_n)| / |q'(u_n)**2 + q(u_n)-p * q''(u_n)|
d = q(bez, u)-point
numerator = (d * qprime(bez, u)).sum()
denominator = (qprime(bez, u)**2 + d * qprimeprime(bez, u)).sum()
if denominator == 0.0:
return u
return u - numerator/denominator
def chordLengthParameterize(points):
u = [0.0]
for i in range(1, len(points)):
u.append(u[i-1] + linalg.norm(points[i] - points[i-1]))
for i, _ in enumerate(u):
u[i] = u[i] / u[-1]
return u
def computeMaxError(points, bez, parameters):
maxDist = 0.0
splitPoint = len(points)/2
for i, (point, u) in enumerate(zip(points, parameters)):
dist = linalg.norm(q(bez, u)-point)**2
if dist > maxDist:
maxDist = dist
splitPoint = i
return maxDist, splitPoint
def normalize(v):
return v / linalg.norm(v)
I'd like to move points in X & Y with 1D Noise. To further clarify, I don't want each point to move by a unique random number, but rather a larger noise over the whole line with gradients moving the points. The Noise would serve as a multiplier for a move amount and would be a value between -1 and 1. For example, if the Noise value was 0.8, it would multiply the X & Y of points by the amount.
How would I go about this?
This is what I have so far (the black line is the original line). I think it's wrong, because the frequency is 1 but there appears to be multiple waves in the noise.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import math
from enum import Enum
#PerlinNoise by alexandr-gnrk
class Interp(Enum):
class PerlinNoise():
def __init__(self,
seed, amplitude=1, frequency=1,
octaves=1, interp=Interp.COSINE, use_fade=False):
self.seed = random.Random(seed).random()
self.amplitude = amplitude
self.frequency = frequency
self.octaves = octaves
self.interp = interp
self.use_fade = use_fade
self.mem_x = dict()
def __noise(self, x):
# made for improve performance
if x not in self.mem_x:
self.mem_x[x] = random.Random(self.seed + x).uniform(-1, 1)
return self.mem_x[x]
def __interpolated_noise(self, x):
prev_x = int(x) # previous integer
next_x = prev_x + 1 # next integer
frac_x = x - prev_x # fractional of x
if self.use_fade:
frac_x = self.__fade(frac_x)
# intepolate x
if self.interp is Interp.LINEAR:
res = self.__linear_interp(
elif self.interp is Interp.COSINE:
res = self.__cosine_interp(
res = self.__cubic_interp(
self.__noise(prev_x - 1),
self.__noise(next_x + 1),
return res
def get(self, x):
frequency = self.frequency
amplitude = self.amplitude
result = 0
for _ in range(self.octaves):
result += self.__interpolated_noise(x * frequency) * amplitude
frequency *= 2
amplitude /= 2
return result
def __linear_interp(self, a, b, x):
return a + x * (b - a)
def __cosine_interp(self, a, b, x):
x2 = (1 - math.cos(x * math.pi)) / 2
return a * (1 - x2) + b * x2
def __cubic_interp(self, v0, v1, v2, v3, x):
p = (v3 - v2) - (v0 - v1)
q = (v0 - v1) - p
r = v2 - v0
s = v1
return p * x**3 + q * x**2 + r * x + s
def __fade(self, x):
# useful only for linear interpolation
return (6 * x**5) - (15 * x**4) + (10 * x**3)
x = np.linspace(10, 10, 20)
y = np.linspace(0, 10, 20)
seed = 10
gen_x = PerlinNoise(seed=seed, amplitude=5, frequency=1, octaves=1, interp=Interp.CUBIC, use_fade=True)
noise_x = np.array([gen_x.get(pos) for pos in y])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=2, color="k")
ax.scatter(x, y, s=20, zorder=4, color="k")
ax.plot(x+noise_x, y, linewidth=2, color="blue")
ax.scatter(x+noise_x, y, s=80, zorder=4, color="red")
Thank you!
I am trying to solve a system of three coupled PDEs and two ODEs (coupled) in 2D. The problem tries to solve for a case of a particle moving in a medium. The medium is given by the fields- velocity components vx, vy, and density m and there is one particle moving in this medium with position Rx, Ry.
It runs fine for a while but then throws up errors:
"Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow.
Current thread 0x00007fe155915700 (most recent call first):"
Here is the code:
from fipy import (CellVariable, PeriodicGrid2D, Viewer, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm,
UniformNoiseVariable, LinearLUSolver, numerix,
ImplicitSourceTerm, ExponentialConvectionTerm, VanLeerConvectionTerm,
PowerLawConvectionTerm, Variable)
import sys
import inspect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.signal import correlate
from scipy.stats import kurtosis
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
def run_simulation(f0, Total_time):
# Define mesh size and number of points
nx = 50
ny = nx
L = 50
dx = L / nx
dy = dx
mesh = PeriodicGrid2D(dx, dy, nx, ny)
# Variables to use
vx = CellVariable(name='vx', mesh=mesh, hasOld=1)
vy = CellVariable(name='vy', mesh=mesh, hasOld=1)
m = CellVariable(name='m', mesh=mesh, hasOld=1)
# Initial condition
m.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0.6215, maximum=0.6225))
vx.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0, maximum=0.00001))
vy.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0, maximum=0.00001))
#particle position
# create grids for grad function
# parameters ------------------------------
## save the initial positions in Rx,Ry
theta=Variable(value=0.0) # n-hat = cos(theta) x-hat + sin(theta) y-hat
sigma = 1
dt = 0.05
x_hat = [1.0, 0.0]
y_hat = [0.0, 1.0]
#------------- dirac delta function --------------
def delta_func(x, y, epsilon):
return ((x < epsilon) & (x > -epsilon) & (y < epsilon) & (y > -epsilon)) * \
(1 + numerix.cos(numerix.pi * x / epsilon) * numerix.cos(numerix.pi * y / epsilon)) / 2 / epsilon
############## equations #############
# renormalized parameters by Gamma
# fields : velocity vector, density scalar
# Gamma * v = -B rho(grad(rho)) + f* n-cap* delta(r-R), B>0, f>0, Gamma>0
# dot(rho) + del.(v rho) = 0
# particle
# dot(R) = (f/gamma)*(n-cap) - (C/gamma) * rho(grad(rho)) C>0
# Gamma=gamma=1, B' = B/Gamma, C'=C/gamma, f'=f/Gamma
eq_m = (TransientTerm(var=m) + ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff=x_hat * vx + y_hat * vy, var=m) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=Dm, var=m) )
eq_vx = (ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=1., var=vx) == -(B/Gamma)**(m) + (f0/Gamma)*numerix.cos(theta)* delta_func(mesh.x-Rx,mesh.y-Ry,sigma) )
eq_vy = (ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=1., var=vy) == -(B/Gamma)**(m) + (f0/Gamma)*numerix.sin(theta)* delta_func(mesh.x-Rx,mesh.y-Ry,sigma) )
eq = eq_m & eq_vx & eq_vy
viewer = Viewer(vars=(m))
elapsed = 0.0
ms = []
vxs = []
vys = []
xs = []
ys = []
while elapsed < Total_time:
# Old values are used for sweeping when solving nonlinear values
print(elapsed, Rx, Ry)
# gradient cal, dydx[0][x,y], dydx[1][x,y] -> x derivative, y derivative at x,y
# impose periodic boundary on gradient
# solve ode
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(xgrid - Rx))
idy = np.argmin(np.abs(ygrid - Ry))
x0=x0+ ((f0/gamma)*np.cos(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[0][idx,idy])*dt
y0=y0+ ((f0/gamma)*np.sin(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[1][idx,idy])*dt
Rx.setValue(x0) # element-wise assignment did not work
elapsed += dt
res = 1e5
old_res = res * 2
step = 0
while res > 1e-5 and step < 5 and old_res / res > 1.01:
old_res = res
res = eq.sweep(dt=dt)
step += 1
# The variable values are just numpy arrays so easy to use!
# save velocity & density
# save x and y positions
return ms, vxs, vys, xs, ys
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = 'result/'
Total_time= 50 #40
f0 = 2
ms, vxs, vys, xs, ys = run_simulation(f0,Total_time)
name = 'f0_{:.4f}'.format(f0)
y = np.array([ms, vxs, vys])
xx = np.reshape(xs,(50,50))
yy = np.reshape(ys,(50,50))
vx = np.reshape(vxs[800][:],(50,50))
vy = np.reshape(vys[800][:],(50,50))
print(np.shape(xx), np.shape(xs), np.shape(vx)) + name, y)
plt.imshow(np.reshape(ms[800][:],(50,50)), aspect='auto', interpolation='bicubic', cmap='jet', extent=[0, 50, 50, 0])
plt.colorbar(label='density m')
plt.xlabel(r'$x $')
plt.ylabel(r'$y $')
plt.gcf().savefig(path + 'rho_'+name+'.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.imshow(np.reshape(vxs[800][:],(50,50)), aspect='auto', interpolation='bicubic', cmap='jet', extent=[0, 50, 50, 0])
plt.colorbar(label='velocity vx')
plt.xlabel(r'$x $')
plt.ylabel(r'$y $')
plt.gcf().savefig(path + 'vel_'+name+'.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.xlabel(r'$x $')
plt.ylabel(r'$y $')
plt.gcf().savefig(path + 'v_'+name+'.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
What can cause this error? I am not defining the equation inside the loop (this caused a similar problem before). Thank you in advance for your help.
I changed the function calling for x.mesh as
delta_func(xp,yp,sigma) where xp and yp are xp=Variable(value=mesh.x-Rx) and yp=Variable(value=mesh.y-Ry). Directly calling the x.mesh might have caused the problem according to an answer to my old question. But that did not help, I am still getting the overflow error. Here is the new version of the code:
from fipy import (CellVariable, PeriodicGrid2D, Viewer, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm,
UniformNoiseVariable, LinearLUSolver, numerix,
ImplicitSourceTerm, ExponentialConvectionTerm, VanLeerConvectionTerm,
PowerLawConvectionTerm, Variable)
import sys
import inspect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.signal import correlate
from scipy.stats import kurtosis
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
def run_simulation(f0, Total_time):
# Define mesh size and number of points
nx = 50
ny = nx
L = 50
dx = L / nx
dy = dx
mesh = PeriodicGrid2D(dx, dy, nx, ny)
# Variables to use
vx = CellVariable(name='vx', mesh=mesh, hasOld=1)
vy = CellVariable(name='vy', mesh=mesh, hasOld=1)
m = CellVariable(name='m', mesh=mesh, hasOld=1)
# Initial condition
m.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0.6215, maximum=0.6225))
vx.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0, maximum=0.00001))
vy.setValue(UniformNoiseVariable(mesh=mesh, minimum=0, maximum=0.00001))
#particle position
# create grids for grad function
# parameters ------------------------------
## save the initial positions in Rx,Ry
theta=Variable(value=0.0) # n-hat = cos(theta) x-hat + sin(theta) y-hat
sigma = 1
dt = 0.05
x_hat = [1.0, 0.0]
y_hat = [0.0, 1.0]
#------------- dirac delta function --------------
def delta_func(x, y, epsilon):
return ((x < epsilon) & (x > -epsilon) & (y < epsilon) & (y > -epsilon)) * \
(1 + numerix.cos(numerix.pi * x / epsilon) * numerix.cos(numerix.pi * y / epsilon)) / 2 / epsilon
############## equations #############
# renormalized parameters by Gamma
# fields : velocity vector, density scalar
# Gamma * v = -B rho(grad(rho)) + f* n-cap* delta(r-R), B>0, f>0, Gamma>0
# dot(rho) + del.(v rho) = 0
# particle
# dot(R) = (f/gamma)*(n-cap) - (C/gamma) * rho(grad(rho)) C>0
# Gamma=gamma=1, B' = B/Gamma, C'=C/gamma, f'=f/Gamma
eq_m = (TransientTerm(var=m) + ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff=x_hat * vx + y_hat * vy, var=m) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=Dm, var=m) )
eq_vx = (ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=1., var=vx) == -(B/Gamma)**(m) + (f0/Gamma)*numerix.cos(theta)* delta_func(xp,yp,sigma) )
eq_vy = (ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=1., var=vy) == -(B/Gamma)**(m) + (f0/Gamma)*numerix.sin(theta)* delta_func(xp,yp,sigma) )
eq = eq_m & eq_vx & eq_vy
viewer = Viewer(vars=(m))
elapsed = 0.0
ms = []
vxs = []
vys = []
xs = []
ys = []
while elapsed < Total_time:
# Old values are used for sweeping when solving nonlinear values
print(elapsed, Rx, Ry)
# gradient cal, dydx[0][x,y], dydx[1][x,y] -> x derivative, y derivative at x,y
# impose periodic boundary on gradient
# solve ode
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(xgrid - Rx))
idy = np.argmin(np.abs(ygrid - Ry))
x0=x0+ ((f0/gamma)*np.cos(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[0][idx,idy])*dt
y0=y0+ ((f0/gamma)*np.sin(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[1][idx,idy])*dt
Rx.setValue(x0) # element-wise assignment did not work
elapsed += dt
res = 1e5
old_res = res * 2
step = 0
while res > 1e-5 and step < 5 and old_res / res > 1.01:
old_res = res
res = eq.sweep(dt=dt)
step += 1
# The variable values are just numpy arrays so easy to use!
# save velocity & density
# save x and y positions
return ms, vxs, vys, xs, ys
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = 'result/'
Total_time= 100 #40
f0 = 2
ms, vxs, vys, xs, ys = run_simulation(f0,Total_time)
name = 'f0_{:.4f}'.format(f0)
y = np.array([ms, vxs, vys])
xx = np.reshape(xs,(50,50))
yy = np.reshape(ys,(50,50))
vx = np.reshape(vxs[380][:],(50,50))
vy = np.reshape(vys[380][:],(50,50))
print(np.shape(xx), np.shape(xs), np.shape(vx)) + name, y)
plt.imshow(np.reshape(ms[380][:],(50,50)), aspect='auto', interpolation='bicubic', cmap='jet', extent=[0, 50, 50, 0])
plt.colorbar(label='density m')
plt.xlabel(r'$x $')
plt.ylabel(r'$y $')
plt.gcf().savefig(path + 'rho_'+name+'.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.imshow(np.reshape(vxs[380][:],(50,50)), aspect='auto', interpolation='bicubic', cmap='jet', extent=[0, 50, 50, 0])
plt.colorbar(label='velocity vx')
plt.xlabel(r'$x $')
plt.ylabel(r'$y $')
plt.gcf().savefig(path + 'vel_'+name+'.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
plt.xlabel(r'$x $')
plt.ylabel(r'$y $')
plt.gcf().savefig(path + 'v_'+name+'.png', format='png', bbox_inches='tight')
I must confess that I ran out of patience before getting the stack overflow error, but I was able to identify the problem.
It's a similar (although more subtle) issue to what you reported before. Because theta is declared as a Variable,
x0=x0+ ((f0/gamma)*np.cos(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[0][idx,idy])*dt
y0=y0+ ((f0/gamma)*np.sin(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[1][idx,idy])*dt
result in longer and longer Variable expressions (and longer and longer step times). I.e., x0 = (((x0_0 + dx0_1) + dx0_2) + dx0_3) + dx0_4 + ...
Changing these to
x0=x0+ (((f0/gamma)*np.cos(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[0][idx,idy])*dt).value
y0=y0+ (((f0/gamma)*np.sin(theta) - C*mgrid[idx,idy]*dydx[1][idx,idy])*dt).value
resolves this issue.
Addressing the warning following the question edit
The warning in the comments about "...has been cast to a constant CellVariable" is due to:
This is definitely not recommended. This takes the MeshVariable objects mesh.x and mesh.y and then throws away the mesh. When the result is later associated with a mesh, e.g., by multiplying by another MeshVariable or using as a SourceTerm, FiPy warns because it looks like it could fit on the mesh, but it's not on a mesh. Just use
I am trying to make my own implementation of a simple neural network to classify points. I heard about a specific type of activation function that I am interested in testing, the Gaussian. I do not just want to use relus or sigmoids, I am trying to build a network that takes as input about 300 x and y values, then in the first layer computes the Gaussian function on these values with about 50 neurons which each have a separate x and y value as their means (I will keep the sigma constant). Mathematically I anticipate this to look like
exp(- [(x-Mx)^2 + (y-My)^2] / (2 * sigma^2) ) / (sqrt(2*pi*sigma))
then I will perform a weighted sum of these terms over all the neurons in the first layer, add a bias, and pass it through a sigmoid to get my prediction. I will perform this step for each training example and get a list of predictions. I think that I do the forward propagation but I will include the code for that in case someone can spot an obvious error in my implementation. Then I perform the back-propogation. I have tested my updating of the weights and bias, and I believe that they are not the problem. I think that there is something wrong with my implementation of the gradient for the means however because they always cluster to a single point which clearly does not maximize the cost function. I have already tried using a couple of different data sets, and varying some hyper parameters, all to no avail. Can anyone figure out what the problem is?
Here is my code.
# libraries
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import seaborn as sns; sns.set()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pdb
# functions
def gaussian(sq_error, sigma):
return ((1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2))) * np.exp(-(sq_error)/(2*sigma**2))
def calc_X1(X0, Mx, My, m, sigma):
X1 = [] # shape will be (10, m)
for ex in range(0, m):
sq_error = (X0[0][ex] - Mx) **2 + (X0[1][ex] - My) **2
X1.append(gaussian(sq_error, sigma))
X1 = np.array(X1)
return X1.T
def sigmoid(Z):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-Z))
def calc_X2(W2, X1, b2):
return sigmoid(, X1) + b2)
def cost(X2, Y, m):
return -1/m * (, np.log(X2.T)) +, np.log(1-X2.T))) [0]
def calc_dZ2(X2, Y):
return X2 - Y
def calc_dM(dZ2, W2, X1, sigma, M, m, xOrY, X0):
cur_dM = np.zeros(M.shape)
for i in range(0, m):
# pdb.set_trace()
cur_dM += dZ2[0][i] * float(, X1.T[i])) * 1/sigma**2 * (X0[xOrY][i] - M)
return cur_dM / m
def train_correct(X2, Y, m):
ct = 0
for i in range(0, m):
if np.round(X2[0][i]) == Y[i]:
ct += 1
return ct / m
# graphing functions
def plot_train_data(X, Y, m, ax):
for ex in range(0, m):
xCur = X[0][ex]
yCur = X[1][ex]
if Y[ex] == 1:
color=(1, 0, 0)
ax.scatter(xCur, yCur, c=color)
def probability_hash(pr):
return (float(pr), float(np.round(pr)), float(1-pr))
def probability_hash_1d(pr):
return float(pr)
def plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, ax):
boundsx = [-5, 5]
boundsy = [-5, 5]
samples = [10, 10]
width = (boundsx[1] - boundsx[0]) / samples[0]
height = (boundsy[1] - boundsy[0]) / samples[1]
pt = np.zeros((2,1))
for x in np.linspace(boundsx[0], boundsx[1], samples[0]):
for y in np.linspace(boundsy[0], boundsy[1], samples[1]):
pt[0][0] = x
pt[1][0] = y
X1_cur = calc_X1(pt, Mx, My, 1, sigma)
X2_cur = calc_X2(W2, X1_cur, b2)
# ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((x, y), width, height, facecolor=probability_hash(X2_cur)))
ax.scatter(x, y, c=probability_hash(X2_cur))
def cool_plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, ax):
boundsx = [-2, 2]
boundsy = [-2, 2]
samples = [50, 50]
width = (boundsx[1] - boundsx[0]) / samples[0]
height = (boundsy[1] - boundsy[0]) / samples[1]
pt = np.zeros((2,1))
heats = []
xs = np.linspace(boundsx[0], boundsx[1], samples[0])
ys = np.linspace(boundsy[0], boundsy[1], samples[1])
for x in xs:
for y in ys:
pt[0][0] = x
pt[1][0] = y
X1_cur = calc_X1(pt, Mx, My, 1, sigma)
X2_cur = calc_X2(W2, X1_cur, b2)
# xticks = []
# yticks = []
# for i in range(0, len(xs)):
# if i % 3 == 0:
# xticks.append(round(xs[i], 2))
# for i in range(0, len(ys)):
# if i % 3 == 0:
# yticks.append(round(ys[i], 2))
xticks = []
yticks = []
sns.heatmap(heats, ax=ax, cbar=True, xticklabels=xticks, yticklabels=yticks)
def plot_m(Mx, My, n1, ax):
for i in range(0, n1):
ax.scatter(Mx[i], My[i], c="k")
# initialize parameters
file = "data/disk2.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(file)
sigma = 2
itterations = 10000
learning_rate = 0.9
n0 = 2 # DO NOT CHANGE, formality
X0 = np.row_stack((df["0"], df["1"])) # shape is (2, m)
Y = np.array(df["2"])
m = len(Y)
n1 = 50
Mx = np.random.randn(n1)
My = np.random.randn(n1)
X1 = calc_X1(X0, Mx, My, m, sigma)
n2 = 1 # DO NOT CHANGE, formality
small_number = 0.01
W2 = np.random.randn(1, n1) * small_number
b2 = 0
X2 = calc_X2(W2, X1, b2)
J = cost(X2, Y, m)
Js = []
itters = []
fig = plt.figure()
plotGap = 200
for i in range(0, itterations):
# forward propogation
X1 = calc_X1(X0, Mx, My, m, sigma)
X2 = calc_X2(W2, X1, b2)
J = cost(X2, Y, m)
if i % plotGap == 0:
costAx = fig.add_subplot(311)
plotAx = fig.add_subplot(312)
pointsAx = fig.add_subplot(313)
cool_plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, plotAx)
# plot_boundary(Mx, My, sigma, W2, b2, plotAx)
plot_train_data(X0, Y, m, pointsAx)
costAx.plot(itters, Js, c="k")
print("cost = " + str(J) + "\ttraining correct = " + str(train_correct(X2, Y, m)))
plot_m(Mx, My, n1, pointsAx)
# back propogation
dZ2 = calc_dZ2(X2, Y)
dW2 =, X1.T) / m
db2 = np.sum(dZ2) / m
dMx = calc_dM(dZ2, W2, X1, sigma, Mx, m, 0, X0)
dMy = calc_dM(dZ2, W2, X1, sigma, My, m, 1, X0)
b2 -= learning_rate * db2
W2 -= learning_rate * dW2
Mx -= learning_rate * dMx
My -= learning_rate * dMy
For data I have a csv with a bunch of point locations and labels. You can use this code to generate a similar csv. (Make sure you have a folder called data in the folder you run this from).
# makes data in R2 to learn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
n = 2
# number of exaples
m = 300
X = []
Y = []
# hyperparamers for data
rApprox = 1
error = 0.4
noise = 0.1
name = "data/disk2"
for ex in range(0, m):
xCur = np.random.randn(2)
if abs(np.linalg.norm(xCur) + np.random.randn()*noise - rApprox) < error:
plt.scatter(xCur[0], xCur[1], c=color)
if abs(np.random.randn()) < 0.01:
plt.savefig(name + ".png")
X = np.array(X)
Y = np.array(Y)
df = pd.DataFrame(X)
df[2] = Y
df.to_csv(name + ".csv", index=False)
Thanks for your help.
Substitute this function for the calculate dm function. You must be careful when multiplying, it is not just enough that the dimensions work out.
def calculuate_dMs(X0, X1, X2, Mx, My, W2, dZ2, sigma, m, n1):
# pdb.set_trace()
X0x_big =, 1)), X0[0].reshape(1, m))
X0y_big =, 1)), X0[1].reshape(1, m))
Mx_big =, 1), np.ones((1, m)))
My_big =, 1), np.ones((1, m)))
W2_big =, 1), np.ones((1, m)))
dZ2_big =, 1)), dZ2.reshape(1, m))
dxTemp = np.multiply(np.multiply(np.multiply((X0x_big - Mx_big), X1), W2_big), dZ2_big)
dyTemp = np.multiply(np.multiply(np.multiply((X0y_big - My_big), X1), W2_big), dZ2_big)
return (np.sum(dxTemp, axis=1)/m, np.sum(dyTemp, axis=1)/m)
My goal is to make a density heat map plot of sphere in 2D. The plotting code below the line works when I use rectangular domains. However, I am trying to use the code for a circular domain. The radius of sphere is 1. The code I have so far is:
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import LightSource
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss, legval
xi = 0.0
xf = 1.0
numx = 500
yi = 0.0
yf = 1.0
numy = 500
def f(x):
if 0 <= x <= 1:
return 100
if -1 <= x <= 0:
return 0
deg = 1000
xx, w = leggauss(deg)
L = np.polynomial.legendre.legval(xx, np.identity(deg))
integral = (L * (f(x) * w)[None,:]).sum(axis = 1)
c = (np.arange(1, 500) + 0.5) * integral[1:500]
def r(x, y):
return np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
x, y = np.linspace(0, 1, 500000)
def T(x, y):
return (sum(r(x, y) ** l * c[:,None] *
np.polynomial.legendre.legval(xx, identity(deg)) for l in range(1, 500)))
T(x, y) should equal the sum of c the coefficients times the radius as a function of x and y to the l power times the legendre polynomial where the argument is of the legendre polynomial is cos(theta).
In python: integrating a piecewise function, I learned how to use the Legendre polynomials in a summation but that method is slightly different, and for the plotting, I need a function T(x, y).
This is the plotting code.
densityinterpolation = 'bilinear'
densitycolormap = cm.jet
densityshadedflag = False
densitybarflag = True
gridflag = True
plotfilename = 'laplacesphere.eps'
x = arange(xi, xf, (xf - xi) / (numx - 1))
y = arange(yi, yf, (yf - yi) / (numy - 1))
X, Y = meshgrid(x, y)
z = T(X, Y)
if densityshadedflag:
ls = LightSource(azdeg = 120, altdeg = 65)
rgb = ls.shade(z, densitycolormap)
im = imshow(rgb, extent = [xi, xf, yi, yf], cmap = densitycolormap)
im = imshow(z, extent = [xi, xf, yi, yf], cmap = densitycolormap)
if densitybarflag:
I made the plot in Mathematica for reference of what my end goal is
If you set the values outside of the disk domain (or whichever domain you want) to float('nan'), those points will be ignored when plotting (leaving them in white color).