applying "tighter" bounds in scipy.optimize.curve_fit - python

I have a dataset that I am trying to fit with parameters (a,b,c,d) that are within +/- 5% of the true fitting parameters. However, when I do this with scipy.optimize.curve_fit I get the error "ValueError: 'x0' is infeasible." inside the least squares package.
If I relax my bounds, then optimize.curve_fit seems to work as desired. I have also noticed that my parameters that are larger seem to be more flexible in applying bounds (i.e. I can get these to work with tighter constraints, but never below 20%). The following code is an MWE and has two sets of bounds (variable B), one that works and one that returns an error.
# %% import modules
import IPython as IP
IP.get_ipython().magic('reset -sf')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os as os
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import as sio
#%% Load the data
capacity = np.array([1.0,9.896265560165975472e-01,9.854771784232364551e-01,9.823651452282157193e-01,9.797717842323651061e-01,9.776970954356846155e-01,9.751037344398340023e-01,9.735477178423235234e-01,9.714730290456431439e-01,9.699170124481327759e-01,9.683609958506222970e-01,9.668049792531120401e-01,9.652489626556015612e-01,9.636929460580913043e-01,9.621369294605808253e-01,9.610995850622406911e-01,9.595435684647302121e-01,9.585062240663900779e-01,9.574688796680497216e-01,9.559128630705394647e-01,9.548755186721991084e-01,9.538381742738588631e-01,9.528008298755185068e-01,9.517634854771783726e-01,9.507261410788381273e-01,9.496887966804978820e-01,9.486514522821576367e-01,9.476141078838172804e-01,9.460580912863070235e-01,9.450207468879666672e-01,9.439834024896265330e-01,9.429460580912862877e-01,9.419087136929459314e-01,9.408713692946057972e-01,9.393153526970953182e-01,9.382780082987551840e-01,9.372406639004148277e-01,9.356846473029045708e-01,9.346473029045642145e-01,9.330912863070539576e-01,9.320539419087136013e-01,9.304979253112033444e-01,9.289419087136928654e-01,9.273858921161826085e-01,9.258298755186721296e-01,9.242738589211617617e-01,9.227178423236513938e-01,9.211618257261410259e-01,9.196058091286306579e-01,9.180497925311202900e-01,9.159751037344397995e-01,9.144190871369294316e-01,9.123443983402489410e-01,9.107883817427384621e-01,9.087136929460579715e-01,9.071576763485477146e-01,9.050829875518671130e-01,9.030082987551866225e-01,9.009336099585061319e-01,8.988589211618257524e-01,8.967842323651451508e-01,8.947095435684646603e-01,8.926348547717841697e-01,8.905601659751035681e-01,8.884854771784231886e-01,8.864107883817426980e-01,8.843360995850622075e-01,8.817427385892115943e-01,8.796680497925309927e-01,8.775933609958505022e-01,8.749999999999998890e-01,8.729253112033195094e-01,8.708506224066390189e-01,8.682572614107884057e-01,8.661825726141078041e-01,8.635892116182571909e-01,8.615145228215767004e-01,8.589211618257260872e-01,8.563278008298754740e-01,8.542531120331948724e-01,8.516597510373442592e-01,8.490663900414936460e-01,8.469917012448132665e-01,8.443983402489626533e-01,8.418049792531120401e-01,8.397302904564315496e-01,8.371369294605809364e-01,8.345435684647303232e-01,8.324688796680497216e-01,8.298755186721991084e-01,8.272821576763484952e-01,8.246887966804978820e-01,8.226141078838173915e-01,8.200207468879667783e-01,8.174273858921160540e-01,8.153526970954355635e-01,8.127593360995849503e-01,8.101659751037343371e-01,8.075726141078837239e-01,8.054979253112033444e-01,8.029045643153527312e-01,8.003112033195021180e-01,7.977178423236515048e-01,7.956431535269707922e-01,7.930497925311201790e-01,7.904564315352695658e-01,7.883817427385891863e-01,7.857883817427385731e-01,7.831950207468879599e-01,7.811203319502073583e-01,7.785269709543567451e-01,7.759336099585061319e-01,7.738589211618256414e-01,7.712655601659750282e-01,7.686721991701244150e-01,7.665975103734440355e-01,7.640041493775934223e-01,7.619294605809127097e-01,7.593360995850620965e-01,7.567427385892114833e-01,7.546680497925311037e-01,7.520746887966804906e-01,7.499999999999998890e-01,7.474066390041492758e-01,7.453319502074687852e-01,7.427385892116181720e-01,7.406639004149377925e-01,7.380705394190871793e-01,7.359958506224064667e-01,7.339211618257260872e-01,7.313278008298754740e-01,7.292531120331949834e-01,7.266597510373443702e-01,7.245850622406637687e-01,7.225103734439833891e-01,7.199170124481327759e-01,7.178423236514521744e-01,7.157676348547717948e-01,7.136929460580911933e-01,7.110995850622405801e-01,7.090248962655600895e-01,7.069502074688797100e-01,7.048755186721989974e-01,7.022821576763483842e-01,7.002074688796680046e-01,6.981327800829875141e-01,6.960580912863069125e-01,6.939834024896265330e-01,6.919087136929459314e-01,6.898340248962655519e-01,6.877593360995849503e-01])
cycles = np.arange(0,151)
#%% fit the capacity data
# define the empicrial model to be fitted
def He_model(k,a,b,c,d):
return a*np.exp(b*k)+c*np.exp(d*k)
# Fit the entire data set with the function
P0 = [-40,0.005,40,-0.005]
fit, tmp = sp.optimize.curve_fit(He_model, cycles,capacity, p0=P0,maxfev=10000000)
capacity_fit = He_model(cycles, fit[0], fit[1],fit[2], fit[3])
# track all four data points with a 5% bound from the best fit
b_lim = np.zeros((4,2))
for i in range(4):
b_lim[i,0] = fit[i]-np.abs(0.2*fit[i]) # these should be 0.05
b_lim[i,1] = fit[i]+np.abs(0.2*fit[i])
# bounds that work
B = ([b_lim[0,0],-np.inf,b_lim[2,0],-np.inf],[b_lim[0,1], np.inf, b_lim[2,1], np.inf])
# bounds that do not work, but are closer to what I want.
#B = ([b_lim[0,0],b_lim[1,0],b_lim[2,0],b_lim[3,0]],[b_lim[0,1], b_lim[1,1], b_lim[2,1], b_lim[3,1]])
fit_4_5per, tmp = sp.optimize.curve_fit(He_model, cycles,capacity , p0=P0,bounds=B)
capacity_4_5per = He_model(cycles, fit_4_5per[0], fit_4_5per[1], fit_4_5per[2], fit_4_5per[3])
#%% plot the results
plt.plot(cycles,capacity_fit,'--',label='best fit')
plt.plot(cycles,capacity_4_5per,'-.',label='5 percent bounds')
plt.xlabel('charge cycles')
I understand that optimize.curve_fit may need some space to explore the data set to find the optimum spot, however, I feel that 5% should be enough for it. Maybe I am wrong? Is there maybe a better way to apply bounds to a parameter?

The ValueError of "x0 is infeasible" is coming because your initial values violate the bounds. Printing out the parameters values and bounds will show this.
Basically, you're setting the bounds too cleverly, based on the first refined values. But the refined values are different enough from your starting values that the bounds for the second call to curve_fit mean the initial values fall outside the bounds.
More importantly, what leads you to "feel that 5% should be enough"? Primarily, you should apply bounds to make sure the model makes sense, and secondarily to help the fit avoid false solutions. You're calculating the bounds based on an initial fit, so I doubt there's a strong physical justification for those bounds. Why not let the fit do its job?


Function diverging at boundaries: Schrödinger 2D, explicit method

I'm trying to simulate the 2D Schrödinger equation using the explicit algorithm proposed by Askar and Cakmak (1977). I define a 100x100 grid with a complex function u+iv, null at the boundaries. The problem is, after just a few iterations the absolute value of the complex function explodes near the boundaries.
I post here the code so, if interested, you can check it:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
#Initial Gaussian wavepacket centered in (5,5)
#For the simple scenario, null potential
#Boundary conditions
#Evolution with Askar-Cakmak algorithm
for n in range(1,Ntsteps):
#For the first iteration, simple Euler method: without this I cannot have the two steps backwards wavefunction at the second iteration
#I use ucopy to make sure that for example u[i,j] is calculated not using the already modified version of u[i-1,j] and u[i,j-1]
for i in range(1,len(x)-1):
for j in range(1,len(y)-1):
#Calculate absolute value and plot
As you can see the code is extremely simple: I cannot see where this error is coming from (I don't think is a stability problem because alpha<1/2). Have you ever encountered anything similar in your past simulations?
I'd try setting your dt to a smaller value (e.g. 0.001) and increase the number of integration steps (e.g fivefold).
The wavefunction looks in shape also at Ntsteps=150 and well beyond when trying out your code with dt=0.001.
Checking integrals of the motion (e.g. kinetic energy here?) should also confirm that things are going OK (or not) for different choices of dt.

implementation of linear regression, values of weights increases to Inf

I am implementing a program that performs linear regression on the following dataset:
My program is as follows:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def abline(X,theta,Y):
plt.xlim(0, 5000)
plt.ylim(0, 2000000)
plt.gca().set_aspect(0.001, adjustable='box')
plt.plot(X,Y,'.',X, yValues, '-')
def openFile(fileR):
def calcH(X,theta):,theta)
return h
def calcC(X,Y,theta):
return d
def gradientDescent(learningRate,itera, Y, X):
for i in range(itera):
if (i%10==0):
print ("iteration ",i,"cost ",j,"theta ",theta)
The problem that I have is that when I got my results the values of theta ends up to Inf. I have tested with only 3 iterations and some values are as follows:
iteration 0 cost 9.948977633931098e+21 theta [-2.47365759e+04 -6.10382173e+07]
iteration 1 cost 7.094545903263138e+32 theta [-6.46495395e+09 -1.62995849e+13]
iteration 2 cost 5.059070733255204e+43 theta [-1.72638812e+15 -4.35260862e+18]
I would like to predict the price based on the variable sqft. I am basically following the formulas given by Andrew Ng in its Coursera ML course:
By deriving the term I got the update rule:
Update: I have added a function to plot my data and, strange, I got the following plots which are not correct:
Because it seems that my predictions are going up.
but when I plot the relationship is clearly lineal:
What am I doing wrong?
I replicated your results. Besides some stylistic issues and the reversing of (Y-h_theta) and (h_theta - Y) (as pointed out in one of the comments), the actual code is correct. It's just that the numbers are massive and it easily causes the results to overdo the gradient every iteration and oscillate between extremes, each time trying to "counteract" the last step with an even bigger step to the other direction. A very low learning rate could work. In real world applications, you could also normalize your data to address some of these issues.

Understading hyperopt's TPE algorithm

I am illustrating hyperopt's TPE algorithm for my master project and cant seem to get the algorithm to converge. From what i understand from the original paper and youtube lecture the TPE algorithm works in the following steps:
(in the following, x=hyperparameters and y=loss)
Start by creating a search history of [x,y], say 10 points.
Sort the hyperparameters according to their loss and divide them into two sets using some quantile γ (γ = 0.5 means the sets will be equally sized)
Make a kernel density estimation for both the poor hyperparameter group (g(x)) and good hyperparameter group (l(x))
Good estimations will have low probability in g(x) and high probability in l(x), so we propose to evaluate the function at argmin(g(x)/l(x))
Evaluate (x,y) pair at the proposed point and repeat steps 2-5.
I have implemented this in python on the objective function f(x) = x^2, but the algorithm fails to converge to the minimum.
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
def objective_func(x):
return x**2
def measure(x):
noise = np.random.randn(len(x))*0
return x**2+noise
def split_meassures(x_obs,y_obs,gamma=1/2):
#split x and y observations into two sets and return a seperation threshold (y_star)
size = int(len(x_obs)//(1/gamma))
l = {'x':x_obs[:size],'y':y_obs[:size]}
g = {'x':x_obs[size:],'y':y_obs[size:]}
y_star = (l['y'][-1]+g['y'][0])/2
return l,g,y_star
#sample objective function values for ilustration
x_obj = np.linspace(-5,5,10000)
y_obj = objective_func(x_obj)
#start by sampling a parameter search history
x_obs = np.linspace(-5,5,10)
y_obs = measure(x_obs)
nr_iterations = 100
for i in range(nr_iterations):
#sort observations according to loss
sort_idx = y_obs.argsort()
x_obs,y_obs = x_obs[sort_idx],y_obs[sort_idx]
#split sorted observations in two groups (l and g)
l,g,y_star = split_meassures(x_obs,y_obs)
#aproximate distributions for both groups using kernel density estimation
kde_l = gaussian_kde(l['x']).evaluate(x_obj)
kde_g = gaussian_kde(g['x']).evaluate(x_obj)
#define our evaluation measure for sampling a new point
eval_measure = kde_g/kde_l
if i%10==0:
#find point to evaluate and add the new observation
best_search = x_obj[np.argmin(eval_measure)]
x_obs = np.append(x_obs,[best_search])
y_obs = np.append(y_obs,[measure(np.asarray([best_search]))])
I suspect this happens because we keep sampling where we are most certain, thus making l(x) more and more narrow around this point, which doesn't change where we sample at all. So where is my understanding lacking?
So, I am still learning about TPE as well. But here's are the two problems in this code:
This code will only evaluate a few unique point. Because the best location is calculated based on the best recommended by the kernel density functions but there is no way for the code to do exploration of the search space. For example, what acquisition functions do.
Because this code is simply appending new observations to the list of x and y. It adds a whole lot of duplicates. The duplicates lead to a skewed set of observations and that leads to a very weird split and you can easily see that in the later plots. The eval_measure starts as something similar to the objective function but diverges later on.
If you remove the duplicates in x_obs and y_obs you can remove the problem no. 2. However, the first problem can only be removed through the addition of some way of exploring the search space.

Curve Fitting For 3 dimensional data in python

I have X and Y data with (7,360,720) dimension (global grid cells with 0.5 resolution) as input data and I want to fit Sigmoid curve with below code and obtaining curve parameters in the same shape as X and Y:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import as ma
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def sigmoid(x,a,b, c):
y = a+(b*(1 - np.exp(-c*(x**2))))
return y
for i in range(360):
for j in range(720):
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid, xdata, ydata)
print popt
Now this code write and sore fitting result in .csv file with 3 columns(a,b,c), but I want o write and store fitting result in the file with (360,720) shape as grid cells. also this code show me below error:
RuntimeError: Optimal parameters not found: Number of calls to function has reached maxfev = 800.
The dimensionality of your data (referenced in the title to the question) is not the cause of the problem you are seeing. What you are trying to do is run 360*720 (~260,000) separate fits to your sigmoidal function, with inputs derived from your arrays x and y. It should work, but it might be slow simply because you are doing so many fits.
If you haven't already, you should definitely start by fitting a couple arrays to your function -- if you can't get 3 to work, there's no point in trying 260,000, right? So, start with 1, then try 3, then 360, then all of them.
I suspect the problem you are seeing is because curve_fit() stupidly allows you to not explicitly specify starting values for your parameters, and even-more-stupidly assigns unspecified starting values to the arbitrary value of 1. This encourages new users to not think more carefully about the problem they are trying to solve, and then gives cryptic error messages like the one you seeing that do not explicitly say "you need better starting values". The message says the fit took many iterations, which probably means the fit "got lost" trying to find optimal values. That "getting lost" is probably because it started "too far from home".
In general, curve fitting is sensitive to the starting values of the parameters. And you probably do know better starting values than a=1, b=1, c=1. I suspect that you also know that exponentiation can get huge or tiny very quickly. Because of this, and depending on the scale of your x, there are probably ranges of values for c that are not really sensible -- it might be that c should be positive, and smaller than 10, for example. Again, you probably sort of know these ranges.
Let me suggest using lmfit ( for this work. It provides an alternative approach to curve-fitting, with many useful improvements over curve_fit. For your problem, a single fit might look like this:
import numpy as np
from lmfit import Model
def sigmoid(x, offset, scale, decay):
return offset + scale*(1 - np.exp(-decay*(x**2)))
## set up the model and parameters from your model function
# note that parameters will be *named* using the names of the
# arguments to your model function.
model = Model(sigmoid)
# make parameters (OrderedDict-like) with initial values
params = model.make_params(offset=0, scale=1, decay=0.25)
# you may want to set bounds on some of the parameters
params['scale'].min = 0
params['decay'].min = 0
params['decay'].max = 5
# you can also fix some parameters if desired
# params['offset'].vary = False
## set up data
# pick arbitrary data to fit, and make sure data use np arrays.
# but also: (0, 0) isn't in your data -- do you need to assert it?
# won't that drive `offset` to 0?
i, j = 7, 12
xdata = np.array([0] + x[:, i, j])
ydata = np.array([0] + y[:, i, j])
# now fit model to data, get results
result =, ydata, x=xdata)
This will print out a report with fit statistics, best-fit parameter values, and uncertainties. You can read the docs for all the components of results, but results.params holds best-fit parameters and uncertainties.
For use in a loop, this approach has the convenient feature that result is unique for each data set, while the starting params are not altered by the fit and can be re-used as starting values for all your fits. A test loop might look like
results = []
for i in (50, 150, 250):
for j in (200, 400, 600):
xdata = np.array([0] + x[:, i, j])
ydata = np.array([0] + y[:, i, j])
result =, ydata, x=xdata)
results.append([i, j, result.params, result.chisqr])
It will still be possible that some of the 260,000 fits will not succeed, but I think that lmfit will give you better tools to avoid and identify these cases.

Why does scipy.optimize.curve_fit produce parameters which are barely different from the guess?

I've been trying to fit some histogram data with scipy.optimize.curve_fit, but so far I haven't once been able to produce fit parameters that differ significantly from my guess parameters.
I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find that the more arcane parameters in my fit get stuck in local minima, but even linear coefficients won't move from my initial guesses!
If you've seen anything like this before, I'd love some advice. Do least-squared minimization routines just not work for certain classes of functions?
I try this,
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def grating_hist(x,frac,xmax,x0):
# model data to be turned into a histogram
dx = x[1]-x[0]
z = np.linspace(0,1,20000,endpoint=True)
grating = np.cos(frac*np.pi*z)
norm_grating = xmax*(grating-grating[-1])/(1-grating[-1])+x0
# produce the histogram
bin_edges = np.append(x,x[-1]+x[1]-x[0])
hist,bin_edges = np.histogram(norm_grating,bins=bin_edges)
return hist
x = np.linspace(0,5,512)
p_data = [0.7,1.1,0.8]
pct = grating_hist(x,*p_data)
p_guess = [1,1,1]
p_fit,pcov = curve_fit(grating_hist,x,pct,p0=p_guess)
print 'Data Parameters:', p_data
print 'Guess Parameters:', p_guess
print 'Fit Parameters:', p_fit
print 'Covariance:',pcov
and I see this: (I'm new here, so I can't post images)
Data Parameters: [0.7, 1.1, 0.8]
Guess Parameters: [1, 1, 1]
Fit Parameters: [ 0.97600854 0.99458336 1.00366634]
Covariance: [[ 3.50047574e-06 -5.34574971e-07 2.99306123e-07]
[ -5.34574971e-07 9.78688795e-07 -6.94780671e-07]
[ 2.99306123e-07 -6.94780671e-07 7.17068753e-07]]
Whaaa? I'm pretty sure this isn't a local minimum for variations in xmax and x0, and it's a long way from the global minimum best fit. The fit parameters still don't change, even with better guesses. Different choices for curve functions (e.g. the sum of two normal distributions) do produce new parameters for the same data, so I know it's not the data itself. I also tried the same thing with scipy.optimize.leastsq itself just in case, but no dice; the parameters still don't move. If you have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them!
The problem you're facing is actually not due to curve_fit (or leastsq). It is due to the landscape of the objective of your optimisation problem. In your case the objective is the sum of residuals' squares, which you are trying to minimise. Now, if you look closely at your objective in a close surrounding of your initial conditions, for example using the code below, which only focuses on the first parameter:
p_ind = 0
eps = 1e-6
n_points = 100
frac_surroundings = np.linspace(p_guess[p_ind] - eps, p_guess[p_ind] + eps, n_points)
obj = []
temp_guess = p_guess.copy()
for p in frac_surroundings:
temp_guess[0] = p
obj.append(((grating_hist(x, *p_data) - grating_hist(x, *temp_guess))**2.0).sum())
py.plot(frac_surroundings, obj)
you will notice that the landscape is piecewise constant (you can easily check that the situation is the same for other parameters. The problem with that is that these pieces are of the order of 10^-6, whereas the initial step of the fitting procedure is somewhere around 10^-8, hence the procedure ends quickly concluding that you cannot improve from the given initial condition. You could try to fix it by changing epsfcn parameter in curve_fit, but you would quickly notice that the landscape, on top of being piecewise constant, is also very "rugged". In other words, curve_fit is simply not well suited for such a problem, which is simply difficult for gradient based methods, as it is highly non-convex. Probably, some stochastic optimisation methods could do a better job. That is, however, a different question/problem.
I think it is a local minimum, or the algorith fails for a non trivial reason. It is far easier to fit the data to the input, instead of fitting the statistical description of the data to the statistical description of the input.
Here's a modified version of the code doing so:
z = np.linspace(0,1,20000,endpoint=True)
def grating_hist_indicator(x,frac,xmax,x0):
# model data to be turned into a histogram
dx = x[1]-x[0]
grating = np.cos(frac*np.pi*z)
norm_grating = xmax*(grating-grating[-1])/(1-grating[-1])+x0
return norm_grating
x = np.linspace(0,5,512)
p_data = [0.7,1.1,0.8]
pct = grating_hist(x,*p_data)
pct_indicator = grating_hist_indicator(x,*p_data)
p_guess = [1,1,1]
p_fit,pcov = curve_fit(grating_hist_indicator,x,pct_indicator,p0=p_guess)

