Curve Fitting For 3 dimensional data in python - python

I have X and Y data with (7,360,720) dimension (global grid cells with 0.5 resolution) as input data and I want to fit Sigmoid curve with below code and obtaining curve parameters in the same shape as X and Y:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import as ma
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def sigmoid(x,a,b, c):
y = a+(b*(1 - np.exp(-c*(x**2))))
return y
for i in range(360):
for j in range(720):
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid, xdata, ydata)
print popt
Now this code write and sore fitting result in .csv file with 3 columns(a,b,c), but I want o write and store fitting result in the file with (360,720) shape as grid cells. also this code show me below error:
RuntimeError: Optimal parameters not found: Number of calls to function has reached maxfev = 800.

The dimensionality of your data (referenced in the title to the question) is not the cause of the problem you are seeing. What you are trying to do is run 360*720 (~260,000) separate fits to your sigmoidal function, with inputs derived from your arrays x and y. It should work, but it might be slow simply because you are doing so many fits.
If you haven't already, you should definitely start by fitting a couple arrays to your function -- if you can't get 3 to work, there's no point in trying 260,000, right? So, start with 1, then try 3, then 360, then all of them.
I suspect the problem you are seeing is because curve_fit() stupidly allows you to not explicitly specify starting values for your parameters, and even-more-stupidly assigns unspecified starting values to the arbitrary value of 1. This encourages new users to not think more carefully about the problem they are trying to solve, and then gives cryptic error messages like the one you seeing that do not explicitly say "you need better starting values". The message says the fit took many iterations, which probably means the fit "got lost" trying to find optimal values. That "getting lost" is probably because it started "too far from home".
In general, curve fitting is sensitive to the starting values of the parameters. And you probably do know better starting values than a=1, b=1, c=1. I suspect that you also know that exponentiation can get huge or tiny very quickly. Because of this, and depending on the scale of your x, there are probably ranges of values for c that are not really sensible -- it might be that c should be positive, and smaller than 10, for example. Again, you probably sort of know these ranges.
Let me suggest using lmfit ( for this work. It provides an alternative approach to curve-fitting, with many useful improvements over curve_fit. For your problem, a single fit might look like this:
import numpy as np
from lmfit import Model
def sigmoid(x, offset, scale, decay):
return offset + scale*(1 - np.exp(-decay*(x**2)))
## set up the model and parameters from your model function
# note that parameters will be *named* using the names of the
# arguments to your model function.
model = Model(sigmoid)
# make parameters (OrderedDict-like) with initial values
params = model.make_params(offset=0, scale=1, decay=0.25)
# you may want to set bounds on some of the parameters
params['scale'].min = 0
params['decay'].min = 0
params['decay'].max = 5
# you can also fix some parameters if desired
# params['offset'].vary = False
## set up data
# pick arbitrary data to fit, and make sure data use np arrays.
# but also: (0, 0) isn't in your data -- do you need to assert it?
# won't that drive `offset` to 0?
i, j = 7, 12
xdata = np.array([0] + x[:, i, j])
ydata = np.array([0] + y[:, i, j])
# now fit model to data, get results
result =, ydata, x=xdata)
This will print out a report with fit statistics, best-fit parameter values, and uncertainties. You can read the docs for all the components of results, but results.params holds best-fit parameters and uncertainties.
For use in a loop, this approach has the convenient feature that result is unique for each data set, while the starting params are not altered by the fit and can be re-used as starting values for all your fits. A test loop might look like
results = []
for i in (50, 150, 250):
for j in (200, 400, 600):
xdata = np.array([0] + x[:, i, j])
ydata = np.array([0] + y[:, i, j])
result =, ydata, x=xdata)
results.append([i, j, result.params, result.chisqr])
It will still be possible that some of the 260,000 fits will not succeed, but I think that lmfit will give you better tools to avoid and identify these cases.


scipy.stats.chisquare isn't giving the results expected from the input data

I have some data which I want to apply a fit to and then perform a chi-squared test to get the goodness of the fit. It is obvious that the fit I'm applying doesn't fit the data very well (that in of itself isn't a problem, I'm not necessarily expecting it to) but the values scipy.stats.chisquare is returning would suggest an almost perfect fit which is clearly wrong.
What I've done so far is define a function describing the fit I'm applying (a sinusoidal fit), then using scipy.optimize.curve_fit to fit this function to my data by getting the fit parameters from popt then using them in the previously defined function to generate a fit.
I'm then taking the measured data and the fitted data and putting them into scipy.stats.chisquare in an attempt to get a fit but that is returning a p-value of 1.0 which cannot be right. My assumption is that there is some problem with using the values generated by scipy.optimize.curve_fit in scipy.stats.chisquare but if that is the case I don't understand why that's a problem or how to work around it.
I have my measured data in two lists which I'm calling "time" and "rate" below
import numpy as np
import math
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statistics import stdev
import scipy
time =[309.6666666666667, 326.3333333333333, 334.6666666666667, 399.9166666666667, 416.5833333333333, 433.25, 449.91666666666663, 466.58333333333337, 483.25, 499.91666666666663,]
rate = [0.298168, 0.29317, 0.306496, 0.249861, 0.241532, 0.241532, 0.206552, 0.249861, 0.253193, 0.239867]
def oscillation(t,A,C):
t0 = 365.25
A = 0.35/2
x0 = 152.5
C = 0.475
popt, pcov = curve_fit(oscillation, time, rate, p0=[A,C])
rate_fit = []
for t in time:
r = oscillation(t, popt[0],popt[1])
print(scipy.stats.chisquare(rate, f_exp=rate_fit))
plt.plot(time,rate, '.')
The output of the above is a fit which does look like the best fit to the data when plotted but is clearly not a perfect fit, making the other output of a p value of 0.99999999999458533 which is clearly wrong
You are only fitting for two parameters, A and C, thus forcing the phase and period.
If you also fit for the phase and period, you get a much better fit:
Also in this case, my p-value is 1.0.
The reason why your p-value is 1.0 when x0 and t0 are fixed, is that your result is the best fit that can be made with those values for x0 and t0. Forcing those values, will very likely produce an overall worse fit. For comparison, with x0 and t0 free, I get
A = -3.45840427e-02
C = 2.65142203e-01
x0 = 1.88838771e+02
t0 = 2.61112538e+02
Compare that to t0 = 365.25 and x0 = 152.5.
Of course, there are (physical) reasons that you want to fix e.g. t0 to a year, but in such a case, you should worry less that the plot looks bad; your p-value still takes this into account.
The more likely reason, however, is that you are also forgetting the ddof parameter in scipy.stats.chisquare. It's default is ddof=0, which is not what you have: in your case it's len(rate) - 2, in my above case, it would be len(rate) - 4.
For your fit (t0 and x0 fixed), that results in p = 0.902. With all parameters free, it results in 0.999887 (i.e., 1 again).
Bonus: output when I fix the period t0 to 365.25:
A = -4.05218922e-02
C = 2.74772524e-01
x0 = 8.69008279e+01
p = 0.997
and the plotted fit:

Getting more refined results from Python SciPy curve_fit

I've got the following bit of Python (v2.7.14) code, which uses curve_fit from SciPy (v1.0.1) to find parameters for an exponential decay function. Most of the time, I get reasonable results. Occasionally though, I'll get some results which are completely out of my expected range, even though the found parameters will look fine when plotted against the original graph.
First, my understanding of the exponential decay formula comes from which I've translated to Python as:
y = a * numpy.exp(-b * x) + c
Where by:
a is the initial value of the data
b is the decay rate, which is the inverse of when the signal gets to 1/e from initial value
c is an offset, as I am dealing with non-negative values in my data which never reach zero
x is the current time
The script takes into account that non-negative data is being fitted and offsets the initial guess appropriately. But even without guessing, not offsetting, using max/min (instead of first/last values) and other random things I've tried, I cannot seem to get curve_fit to produce sensible values on the troublesome datasets.
My hypothesis is that the troublesome datasets don't have enough of a curve that can be fit without going way outside the realm of the data. I've looked at the bounds argument for curve_fit, and thought that might be a reasonable option. I'm unsure as to what would make good lower and upper bounds for the calculation, or if it is actually the option I am looking for.
Here is the code. Commented out code are things I've tried.
import numpy as numpy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
def exponential_decay(x, a, b, c):
return a * numpy.exp(-b * x) + c
def fit_exponential(decay_data, time_data, decay_time):
# The start of the curve is offset by the last point, so subtract
guess_a = decay_data[0] - decay_data[-1]
#guess_a = max(decay_data) - min(decay_data)
# The time that it takes for the signal to reach 1/e becomes guess_b
guess_b = 1/decay_time
# Since this is non-negative data, above 0, we use the last data point as the baseline (c)
guess_c = decay_data[-1]
#guess_c = min(decay_data)
guess=[guess_a, guess_b, guess_c]
print "guess: {0}".format(guess)
#popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponential_decay, time_data, decay_data, maxfev=20000)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponential_decay, time_data, decay_data, p0=guess, maxfev=20000)
#bound_lower = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
#bound_upper = [decay_data[0]*2, guess_b * 10, decay_data[-1]]
#print "bound_lower: {0}".format(bound_lower)
#print "bound_upper: {0}".format(bound_upper)
#popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponential_decay, time_data, decay_data, p0=guess, bounds=[bound_lower, bound_upper], maxfev=20000)
a, b, c = popt
print "a: {0}".format(a)
print "b: {0}".format(b)
print "c: {0}".format(c)
plot_fit = exponential_decay(time_data, a, b, c)
pyplot.plot(time_data, decay_data, 'g', label='Data')
pyplot.plot(time_data, plot_fit, 'r', label='Fit')
print "Gives reasonable results"
time_data = numpy.array([0.0,0.040000000000000036,0.08100000000000018,0.12200000000000011,0.16200000000000014,0.20300000000000007,0.2430000000000001,0.28400000000000003,0.32400000000000007,0.365,0.405,0.44599999999999995,0.486,0.5269999999999999,0.567,0.6079999999999999,0.6490000000000002,0.6889999999999998,0.7300000000000002,0.7700000000000002,0.8110000000000002,0.8510000000000002,0.8920000000000001,0.9320000000000002,0.9730000000000001])
decay_data = numpy.array([1.342146870531986,1.405586070225509,1.3439802492549762,1.3567811728250267,1.2666276377825874,1.1686375326985337,1.216119360088685,1.2022841507836042,1.1926979408026064,1.1544395213303447,1.1904416926531907,1.1054720201415882,1.112100683833435,1.0811434035632939,1.1221671794680403,1.0673295063196415,1.0036146509494743,0.9984005680821595,1.0134498134883763,0.9996920772051201,0.929782730581616,0.9646581154122312,0.9290690593684447,0.8907360533169936,0.9121560047238627])
fit_exponential(decay_data, time_data, 0.567)
print "Gives results that are way outside my expectations"
time_data = numpy.array([0.0,0.040000000000000036,0.08099999999999996,0.121,0.16199999999999992,0.20199999999999996,0.24300000000000033,0.28300000000000036,0.32399999999999984,0.3650000000000002,0.40500000000000025,0.44599999999999973,0.48599999999999977,0.5270000000000001,0.5670000000000002,0.6079999999999997,0.6479999999999997,0.6890000000000001,0.7290000000000001,0.7700000000000005,0.8100000000000005,0.851,0.8920000000000003,0.9320000000000004,0.9729999999999999,1.013,1.0540000000000003])
decay_data = numpy.array([1.4401611921948776,1.3720688158534153,1.3793465463227048,1.2939909686762128,1.3376345321949346,1.3352710161631154,1.3413634841956348,1.248705138603995,1.2914294791901497,1.2581763134585313,1.246975264018646,1.2006447776495062,1.188232179689515,1.1032789127515186,1.163294324147017,1.1686263160765304,1.1434009568472243,1.0511578409946472,1.0814520440570896,1.1035953824496334,1.0626893599266163,1.0645580326776076,0.994855722989818,0.9959891485338087,0.9394584009825916,0.949504060086646,0.9278639431146273])
fit_exponential(decay_data, time_data, 0.6890000000000001)
And here is the text output:
Gives reasonable results
guess: [0.4299908658081232, 1.7636684303350971, 0.9121560047238627]
a: 1.10498934435
b: 0.583046565885
c: 0.274503681044
Gives results that are way outside my expectations
guess: [0.5122972490802503, 1.4513788098693758, 0.9278639431146273]
a: 742.824622191
b: 0.000606308344957
c: -741.41398516
Most notably, with the second set of results, the value for a is very high, with the value for c being equally low on the negative scale, and b being a very small decimal number.
Here is the graph of the first dataset, which gives reasonable results.
Here is the graph of the second dataset, which does not give good results.
Note that the graph itself plots correctly, though the line does not really have a good curve to it.
My questions:
Is my implementation of the exponential decay algorithm with curve_fit correct?
Are my initial guess parameters good enough?
Is the bounds parameter the correct solution for this problem? If so, what is a good way to determine lower and upper bounds?
Have I missed something here?
Again, thank you!
When you say that the second fit gives results that are "way outside" of your expectations and that although the second graph "plots correctly" the line does not really "have a good curve fit" you are on the right track to understanding what is going on. I think you are just missing a piece of the puzzle.
The second graph is fit pretty well by a curve that does look linear. That probably means that you don't really have enough change in your data (well, perhaps below the noise level) to detect that it is an exponential decay.
I would bet that if you printed out not only the best-fit values but also the uncertainties and correlations for the variables that you would see that the uncertainties are huge and some of the correlations are very close to 1. That may mean that taking into account the uncertainties (and measurements always have uncertainties) the results might actually fit with your expectation. And that may also tell you that the data you have does not support an exponential decay very well.
You might also try other models for this data ("linear" comes to mind ;)) and compare goodness-of-fit statistics such as chi-square and Akaike information criterion.
scipy.curve_fit does return the covariance matrix -- the pcov that you did not use in your example. Unfortunately, scipy.curve_fit does not convert these values into uncertainties and correlation values, and it does not attempt to return any goodness-of-fit statistics at all.
To fully explain any fit to data, you need not only the best-fit values but also an estimate of the uncertainties for the variable parameters. And you need the goodness-of-fit statistics in order to determine if a fit is good, or at least whether one fit is better than another.

applying "tighter" bounds in scipy.optimize.curve_fit

I have a dataset that I am trying to fit with parameters (a,b,c,d) that are within +/- 5% of the true fitting parameters. However, when I do this with scipy.optimize.curve_fit I get the error "ValueError: 'x0' is infeasible." inside the least squares package.
If I relax my bounds, then optimize.curve_fit seems to work as desired. I have also noticed that my parameters that are larger seem to be more flexible in applying bounds (i.e. I can get these to work with tighter constraints, but never below 20%). The following code is an MWE and has two sets of bounds (variable B), one that works and one that returns an error.
# %% import modules
import IPython as IP
IP.get_ipython().magic('reset -sf')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os as os
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import as sio
#%% Load the data
capacity = np.array([1.0,9.896265560165975472e-01,9.854771784232364551e-01,9.823651452282157193e-01,9.797717842323651061e-01,9.776970954356846155e-01,9.751037344398340023e-01,9.735477178423235234e-01,9.714730290456431439e-01,9.699170124481327759e-01,9.683609958506222970e-01,9.668049792531120401e-01,9.652489626556015612e-01,9.636929460580913043e-01,9.621369294605808253e-01,9.610995850622406911e-01,9.595435684647302121e-01,9.585062240663900779e-01,9.574688796680497216e-01,9.559128630705394647e-01,9.548755186721991084e-01,9.538381742738588631e-01,9.528008298755185068e-01,9.517634854771783726e-01,9.507261410788381273e-01,9.496887966804978820e-01,9.486514522821576367e-01,9.476141078838172804e-01,9.460580912863070235e-01,9.450207468879666672e-01,9.439834024896265330e-01,9.429460580912862877e-01,9.419087136929459314e-01,9.408713692946057972e-01,9.393153526970953182e-01,9.382780082987551840e-01,9.372406639004148277e-01,9.356846473029045708e-01,9.346473029045642145e-01,9.330912863070539576e-01,9.320539419087136013e-01,9.304979253112033444e-01,9.289419087136928654e-01,9.273858921161826085e-01,9.258298755186721296e-01,9.242738589211617617e-01,9.227178423236513938e-01,9.211618257261410259e-01,9.196058091286306579e-01,9.180497925311202900e-01,9.159751037344397995e-01,9.144190871369294316e-01,9.123443983402489410e-01,9.107883817427384621e-01,9.087136929460579715e-01,9.071576763485477146e-01,9.050829875518671130e-01,9.030082987551866225e-01,9.009336099585061319e-01,8.988589211618257524e-01,8.967842323651451508e-01,8.947095435684646603e-01,8.926348547717841697e-01,8.905601659751035681e-01,8.884854771784231886e-01,8.864107883817426980e-01,8.843360995850622075e-01,8.817427385892115943e-01,8.796680497925309927e-01,8.775933609958505022e-01,8.749999999999998890e-01,8.729253112033195094e-01,8.708506224066390189e-01,8.682572614107884057e-01,8.661825726141078041e-01,8.635892116182571909e-01,8.615145228215767004e-01,8.589211618257260872e-01,8.563278008298754740e-01,8.542531120331948724e-01,8.516597510373442592e-01,8.490663900414936460e-01,8.469917012448132665e-01,8.443983402489626533e-01,8.418049792531120401e-01,8.397302904564315496e-01,8.371369294605809364e-01,8.345435684647303232e-01,8.324688796680497216e-01,8.298755186721991084e-01,8.272821576763484952e-01,8.246887966804978820e-01,8.226141078838173915e-01,8.200207468879667783e-01,8.174273858921160540e-01,8.153526970954355635e-01,8.127593360995849503e-01,8.101659751037343371e-01,8.075726141078837239e-01,8.054979253112033444e-01,8.029045643153527312e-01,8.003112033195021180e-01,7.977178423236515048e-01,7.956431535269707922e-01,7.930497925311201790e-01,7.904564315352695658e-01,7.883817427385891863e-01,7.857883817427385731e-01,7.831950207468879599e-01,7.811203319502073583e-01,7.785269709543567451e-01,7.759336099585061319e-01,7.738589211618256414e-01,7.712655601659750282e-01,7.686721991701244150e-01,7.665975103734440355e-01,7.640041493775934223e-01,7.619294605809127097e-01,7.593360995850620965e-01,7.567427385892114833e-01,7.546680497925311037e-01,7.520746887966804906e-01,7.499999999999998890e-01,7.474066390041492758e-01,7.453319502074687852e-01,7.427385892116181720e-01,7.406639004149377925e-01,7.380705394190871793e-01,7.359958506224064667e-01,7.339211618257260872e-01,7.313278008298754740e-01,7.292531120331949834e-01,7.266597510373443702e-01,7.245850622406637687e-01,7.225103734439833891e-01,7.199170124481327759e-01,7.178423236514521744e-01,7.157676348547717948e-01,7.136929460580911933e-01,7.110995850622405801e-01,7.090248962655600895e-01,7.069502074688797100e-01,7.048755186721989974e-01,7.022821576763483842e-01,7.002074688796680046e-01,6.981327800829875141e-01,6.960580912863069125e-01,6.939834024896265330e-01,6.919087136929459314e-01,6.898340248962655519e-01,6.877593360995849503e-01])
cycles = np.arange(0,151)
#%% fit the capacity data
# define the empicrial model to be fitted
def He_model(k,a,b,c,d):
return a*np.exp(b*k)+c*np.exp(d*k)
# Fit the entire data set with the function
P0 = [-40,0.005,40,-0.005]
fit, tmp = sp.optimize.curve_fit(He_model, cycles,capacity, p0=P0,maxfev=10000000)
capacity_fit = He_model(cycles, fit[0], fit[1],fit[2], fit[3])
# track all four data points with a 5% bound from the best fit
b_lim = np.zeros((4,2))
for i in range(4):
b_lim[i,0] = fit[i]-np.abs(0.2*fit[i]) # these should be 0.05
b_lim[i,1] = fit[i]+np.abs(0.2*fit[i])
# bounds that work
B = ([b_lim[0,0],-np.inf,b_lim[2,0],-np.inf],[b_lim[0,1], np.inf, b_lim[2,1], np.inf])
# bounds that do not work, but are closer to what I want.
#B = ([b_lim[0,0],b_lim[1,0],b_lim[2,0],b_lim[3,0]],[b_lim[0,1], b_lim[1,1], b_lim[2,1], b_lim[3,1]])
fit_4_5per, tmp = sp.optimize.curve_fit(He_model, cycles,capacity , p0=P0,bounds=B)
capacity_4_5per = He_model(cycles, fit_4_5per[0], fit_4_5per[1], fit_4_5per[2], fit_4_5per[3])
#%% plot the results
plt.plot(cycles,capacity_fit,'--',label='best fit')
plt.plot(cycles,capacity_4_5per,'-.',label='5 percent bounds')
plt.xlabel('charge cycles')
I understand that optimize.curve_fit may need some space to explore the data set to find the optimum spot, however, I feel that 5% should be enough for it. Maybe I am wrong? Is there maybe a better way to apply bounds to a parameter?
The ValueError of "x0 is infeasible" is coming because your initial values violate the bounds. Printing out the parameters values and bounds will show this.
Basically, you're setting the bounds too cleverly, based on the first refined values. But the refined values are different enough from your starting values that the bounds for the second call to curve_fit mean the initial values fall outside the bounds.
More importantly, what leads you to "feel that 5% should be enough"? Primarily, you should apply bounds to make sure the model makes sense, and secondarily to help the fit avoid false solutions. You're calculating the bounds based on an initial fit, so I doubt there's a strong physical justification for those bounds. Why not let the fit do its job?

Numerical Accuracy with scipy.optimize.curve_fit in Python

I am having issues with the numerical accuracy of scipy.optimize.curve_fit function in python. It seems to me that I can only get ~ 8 digits of accuracy when I desire ~ 15 digits. I have some data (at this point artificially created) made from the following data creation:
where term 1 ~ 10^-3, term 2 ~ 10^-6, and term 3 is ~ 10^-11. In the data, I vary A randomly (it is a Gaussian error). I then try to fit this to a model:
where lambda is a constant, and I only fit alpha (it is a parameter in the function). Now what I would expect is to see a linear relationship between alpha and A because terms 1 and 2 in the data creation are also in the model, so they should cancel perfectly;
However, what happens is for small A (~10^-11 and below), alpha does not scale with A, that is to say, as A gets smaller and smaller, alpha levels out and remains constant.
For reference, I call the following:
op, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(model, xdata, ydata, p0=None, sigma=sig)
My first thought was that I was not using double precision, but I am pretty sure that python automatically creates numbers in double precision. Then I thought it was an issue with the documentation perhaps that cuts off the digits? Anyways, I could put my code in here but it is sort of complicated. Is there a way to ensure that the curve fitting function saves my digits?
Thank you so much for your help!
EDIT: The below is my code:
# Import proper packages
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import scipy as sp
import scipy.constants as spc
import scipy.optimize as spo
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import ndarray as nda
from decimal import *
# Declare global variables
AU = 149597871000.0
test_lambda = 20*AU
M_Sun = (1.98855*(sp.power(10.0,30.0)))
M_Jupiter = (M_Sun/1047.3486)
test_jupiter_mass = M_Jupiter
test_sun_mass = M_Sun
rad_jup = 5.2*AU
ran = np.linspace(AU, 100*AU, num=100)
delta_a = np.power(10.0, -11.0)
chi_limit = 118.498
# Model acceleration of the spacecraft from the sun (with Yukawa term)
def model1(distance, A):
return (spc.G)*(M_Sun/(distance**2.0))*(1 +A*(np.exp(-distance/test_lambda))) + (spc.G)*(M_Jupiter*distance)/((distance**2.0 + rad_jup**2.0)**(3.0/2.0))
# Function that creates a data point for test 1
def data1(distance, dela):
return (spc.G)*(M_Sun/(distance**2.0) + (M_Jupiter*distance)/((distance**2.0 + rad_jup**2.0)**(3.0/2.0))) + dela
# Generates a list of 100 data sets varying by ~&a for test 1
def generate_data1():
data_list = []
for i in range(100):
acc_lst = []
for dist in ran:
x = data1(dist, npr.normal(0, delta_a))
return data_list
# Generates a list of standard deviations at each distance from the sun. Since &a is constant, the standard deviation of each point is constant
def generate_sig():
sig = []
for i in range(100):
return sig
# Finds alpha for test 1, since we vary &a in test 1, we need to generate new data for each time we find alpha
def find_alpha1(data_list, sig):
alphas = []
for data in data_list:
op, pcov = spo.curve_fit(model1, ran, data, p0=None, sigma=sig)
return alphas
# Tests the dependence of alpha on &a and plots the dependence
def test1():
global delta_a
global test_lambda
test_lambda = 20*AU
delta_a = 10.0**-20.0
alphas = []
delta_as = []
for i in range(20):
print i
data_list = generate_data1()
print np.array(data_list[0])
sig = generate_sig()
alpha = find_alpha1(data_list, sig)
delas = []
for alp in alpha:
if alp < 0:
x = 0
plt.loglog(delta_a, abs(alp), '.' 'r')
x = 0
plt.loglog(delta_a, alp, '.' 'b')
delta_a *= 10
plt.xlabel('Delta A')
plt.ylabel('Alpha (at Lambda = 5 AU)')
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
I believe this is to do with the minimisation algorithm used here, and the maximum obtainable precision.
I remember reading about it in numerical recipes a few years ago, I'll see if i can dig up a reference for you.
link to numerical recipes here - skip down to page 394 and then read that chapter. Note the third paragraph on page 404:
"Indulge us a final reminder that tol should generally be no smaller
than the square root of your machine’s floating-point precision."
And mathematica mention that if you want accuracy, then you need to go for a different method, and that they don't infact use LMA unless the problem is recognised as being a sum of squares problem.
Given that you're just doing a one dimensional fit, it might be a good exercise to try just implementing one of the fitting algorithms they mention in that chapter.
What are you actually trying to achieve though? From what i understand about it, you're essentially trying to work out the amount of random noise you've added to the curve. But then that's not really what you're doing - unless i've understood wrong...
So after reading how you generate the data, there's an issue with the data and the model you're applying.
You're essentially fitting the two sides of this:
You're essentially trying to fit the height of a gaussian to random numbers. You're not fitting the gaussian to the frequency of those numbers.
Looking at your code, and judging from what you've said, this isn't you end goal, and you're just wanting to get used to the optimise method?
It would make more sense if you randomly adjusted the distance from the sun, and then fit to the data and see if you can minimise to find the distance which generated the data set?

Why does scipy.optimize.curve_fit produce parameters which are barely different from the guess?

I've been trying to fit some histogram data with scipy.optimize.curve_fit, but so far I haven't once been able to produce fit parameters that differ significantly from my guess parameters.
I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find that the more arcane parameters in my fit get stuck in local minima, but even linear coefficients won't move from my initial guesses!
If you've seen anything like this before, I'd love some advice. Do least-squared minimization routines just not work for certain classes of functions?
I try this,
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def grating_hist(x,frac,xmax,x0):
# model data to be turned into a histogram
dx = x[1]-x[0]
z = np.linspace(0,1,20000,endpoint=True)
grating = np.cos(frac*np.pi*z)
norm_grating = xmax*(grating-grating[-1])/(1-grating[-1])+x0
# produce the histogram
bin_edges = np.append(x,x[-1]+x[1]-x[0])
hist,bin_edges = np.histogram(norm_grating,bins=bin_edges)
return hist
x = np.linspace(0,5,512)
p_data = [0.7,1.1,0.8]
pct = grating_hist(x,*p_data)
p_guess = [1,1,1]
p_fit,pcov = curve_fit(grating_hist,x,pct,p0=p_guess)
print 'Data Parameters:', p_data
print 'Guess Parameters:', p_guess
print 'Fit Parameters:', p_fit
print 'Covariance:',pcov
and I see this: (I'm new here, so I can't post images)
Data Parameters: [0.7, 1.1, 0.8]
Guess Parameters: [1, 1, 1]
Fit Parameters: [ 0.97600854 0.99458336 1.00366634]
Covariance: [[ 3.50047574e-06 -5.34574971e-07 2.99306123e-07]
[ -5.34574971e-07 9.78688795e-07 -6.94780671e-07]
[ 2.99306123e-07 -6.94780671e-07 7.17068753e-07]]
Whaaa? I'm pretty sure this isn't a local minimum for variations in xmax and x0, and it's a long way from the global minimum best fit. The fit parameters still don't change, even with better guesses. Different choices for curve functions (e.g. the sum of two normal distributions) do produce new parameters for the same data, so I know it's not the data itself. I also tried the same thing with scipy.optimize.leastsq itself just in case, but no dice; the parameters still don't move. If you have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them!
The problem you're facing is actually not due to curve_fit (or leastsq). It is due to the landscape of the objective of your optimisation problem. In your case the objective is the sum of residuals' squares, which you are trying to minimise. Now, if you look closely at your objective in a close surrounding of your initial conditions, for example using the code below, which only focuses on the first parameter:
p_ind = 0
eps = 1e-6
n_points = 100
frac_surroundings = np.linspace(p_guess[p_ind] - eps, p_guess[p_ind] + eps, n_points)
obj = []
temp_guess = p_guess.copy()
for p in frac_surroundings:
temp_guess[0] = p
obj.append(((grating_hist(x, *p_data) - grating_hist(x, *temp_guess))**2.0).sum())
py.plot(frac_surroundings, obj)
you will notice that the landscape is piecewise constant (you can easily check that the situation is the same for other parameters. The problem with that is that these pieces are of the order of 10^-6, whereas the initial step of the fitting procedure is somewhere around 10^-8, hence the procedure ends quickly concluding that you cannot improve from the given initial condition. You could try to fix it by changing epsfcn parameter in curve_fit, but you would quickly notice that the landscape, on top of being piecewise constant, is also very "rugged". In other words, curve_fit is simply not well suited for such a problem, which is simply difficult for gradient based methods, as it is highly non-convex. Probably, some stochastic optimisation methods could do a better job. That is, however, a different question/problem.
I think it is a local minimum, or the algorith fails for a non trivial reason. It is far easier to fit the data to the input, instead of fitting the statistical description of the data to the statistical description of the input.
Here's a modified version of the code doing so:
z = np.linspace(0,1,20000,endpoint=True)
def grating_hist_indicator(x,frac,xmax,x0):
# model data to be turned into a histogram
dx = x[1]-x[0]
grating = np.cos(frac*np.pi*z)
norm_grating = xmax*(grating-grating[-1])/(1-grating[-1])+x0
return norm_grating
x = np.linspace(0,5,512)
p_data = [0.7,1.1,0.8]
pct = grating_hist(x,*p_data)
pct_indicator = grating_hist_indicator(x,*p_data)
p_guess = [1,1,1]
p_fit,pcov = curve_fit(grating_hist_indicator,x,pct_indicator,p0=p_guess)

