Online calculation for Pandas' exponential moving average - python

Generally, we calculate exponential moving averages as the following:
y_t = (1 - alpha) * y_tminus1 + alpha * x_t
where alpha is the alpha specified for the exponential moving average, y_t is the resulting moving average, and x_t is the new inputted data.
This seems to be confirmed in the methodology behind Pandas' implementation of the exponentially weighted moving average as well.
So I wrote an online algorithm for calculating the exponentially weighted moving average of a dataset:
def update_stats_exp(new, mean):
mean = (1 - ALPHA) * mean + ALPHA* new
return mean
However, this returns a different moving average compared to that of Pandas' implementation, called by the following two lines of code:
exponential_window = df['price'].ewm(alpha=ALPHA, min_periods=LOOKBACK,
adjust=False, ignore_na=True)
df['exp_ma'] = exponential_window.mean()
In both of the above pieces of code, I kept ALPHA the same, yet they resulted in different moving averages, even though the documentation that Pandas provided on exponentially weighted windows seems to match the methodology I had in mind.
Can someone elucidate the differences between the online function I've provided for calculating moving average and Pandas' implementation for the same thing? Also, is there an easy way of formulating Pandas' implementation into an online algorithm?
Thanks so much!


why alpha = 2/(span + 1) in pandas.DataFrame.ewm

In the document of pandas.DataFrame.ewm, it says alpha = 2/(span + 1). Don't understand why such formula exists between alpha and span.
Is it a convention or any sources to explain the formula?
Is it only an assumption/setting in pandas? actually it can be other formats, e.g. alpha = 4/(span + 3)?
Googled but there is no clue on that.
Grateful if someone could help! Thx.
Is it a convention or any sources to explain the formula?
The span parameter is intended to roughly correspond to an N-period rolling average. Here's what Wikipedia says about this:
Note that there is no "accepted" value that should be chosen for alpha, although there are some recommended values based on the application. A commonly used value for alpha is alpha = 2/(N + 1). This is because the weights of an SMA and EMA have the same "center of mass" when alpha_EMA = 2/(N_SMA + 1).
So, the Pandas project did not come up with this formula - many others have used it.
Is it only an assumption/setting in pandas? actually it can be other formats, e.g. alpha = 4/(span + 3)?
But would other ways of calculating alpha work too? You suggest 4/(N + 1), for example.
It's possible to do this - but it means that it approximates the N-period rolling average less well. Here's a practical example.
Below is a graph of US unemployment rate between 2005-2008. (Black line) Imagine you wanted to remove noise from this time-series. One way I could do that is to take a rolling 12-month average of the unemployment rate. (Blue line) Another possible approach would be to use an exponential weighted average. But how should alpha be chosen, in order get approximately a 12-month average?
Here are some formulas for alpha that you could use. There are three: the one Pandas uses, the one you suggested, and one I made up.
Below is a plot of what each looks like after smoothing.
You'll see that the green line ends up being similar to the blue rolling average, but is a bit more wiggly. The yellow line has a lower alpha, so it tends to put less emphasis on new pieces of data. It stays above the rolling average until 2008, then is the slowest to update when unemployment spikes. The red line tends to follow the original time series closely - it's pretty strongly influenced by new data points.
So, which of these alpha values is best? Well, it depends. High values of alpha are good at incorporating new data. Low values of alpha are good at rejecting noise. You'll have to decide what is best for your application.

Curve_fit for a function that returns a numpy array

I know the library curve_fit of scipy and its power to fitting curves. I have read many examples here and in the documentation, but I cannot solve my problem.
For example, I have 10 files (chemical structers but it does not matter) and ten experimental energy values. I have a function inside a class that calculates for each structure the theoretical energy for some parameters and it returns a numpy array with the theoretical energy values.
I want to find the best parameters to have the theoretical values nearest to the experimental ones. I will furnish here the minimum exemple of my code
This is the class function that reads the experimental energy files, extracts the correct substring and returns the values as a numpy array. The self.path is just the directory and self.nPoints = 10. It is not so important, but I furnish for the sake of completeness
def experimentalValues(self):
energy = np.zeros(self.nPoints)
for i in range(1, self.nPoints):
f = open("p_" + str(i + 1) + ".xyz", "r")
energy[i] = float(f.readlines()[1].split()[1])
return energy
I calculate the theoretical value with this class function that takes two numpy arrays as arguments, lets say
sigma = np.full(nSubstrate, 2.)
epsilon = np.full(nSubstrate, 0.15)
where nSubstrate = 9
Here there is the class function. It reads files and does two nested loops to calculate for each file the theoretical value and return it to a numpy array.
def theoreticalEnergy(self, epsilon, sigma):
cE = np.zeros(self.nPoints)
for n in range(0, self.nPoints):
filenameXYZ = "p_" + str(n + 1) + ""
allCoordinates = np.loadtxt(filenameXYZ, skiprows = 0, usecols = (1, 2, 3))
substrate = allCoordinates[0:self.nSubstrate]
surface = allCoordinates[self.nSubstrate:]
for i in range(0, substrate.shape[0]):
positionAtomI = np.array(substrate[i][:])
for j in range(0, surface.shape[0]):
positionAtomJ = np.array(surface[j][:])
distanceIJ = self.distance(positionAtomI, positionAtomJ)
cE[n] += self.LennardJones(distanceIJ, epsilon[i], sigma[i])
return cE
Again, for the sake of completeness the Lennard Jones class function is defined as
def LennardJones(self, distance, epsilon, sigma):
repulsive = (sigma/distance) ** 12.
attractive = (sigma/distance) ** 6.
potential = 4. * epsilon* (repulsive - attractive)
return potential
where in this case all the arguments are scalar as the return value.
To conclude the problem presentation I have 3 ingredients:
a numpy array with the experimental data
two numpy arrays with a guess for the parameters sigma and epsilon
a function that takes the last parameters and returns a numpy vector with the values to be fitted.
How can I solve this problem like the approach described in the documentation
Curve fitting
The curve_fit fits a function f(w, x[i]) to points y[i] by finding w that minimizes sum((f(w, x[i] - y[i])**2 for i in range(n)). As you will read in the first line after the function definition
[It uses] non-linear least squares to fit a function, f, to data.
It refers to least_squares where it states
Given the residuals f(x) (an m-D real function of n real variables) and the loss function rho(s) (a scalar function), least_squares finds a local minimum of the cost function F(x):
Curve fitting is a kind of convex-cost multi-objective optimization. Since the each individual cost is convex, you can add all of them and that will still be a convex function. Notice that the decision variables (the parameters to be optimized) are the same in every point.
Your problem
In my understanding for each energy level you have a different set of parameters, if you write it as a curve fitting problem, the objective function could be expressed as sum((f(w[i], x[i]) - y[i])**2 ...), where y[i]is determined by the energy level. Since each of the terms in the sum is independent on the other terms, this is equivalent to finding each group of parametersw[i]separately minimizing(f(w[i], x[i]) - y[i])**2`.
Convexity is a very convenient property for optimization because it ensures that you will have only one minimum in the parameter space. I am not doing a detailed analysis but have reasonable doubts about the convexity of your energy function.
The Lennard Jones function has the difference of a repulsive and an attractive force both with negative even exponent on the distance this alone is very unlikely to be convex.
The sum of multiple local functions centered at different positions has no defined convexity.
Molecular energy, or crystal energy, or protein folding are well known to be non-convex.
A few days ago (on a bike ride) I was thinking about this, how the molecules will be configured in a global minimum energy, and I was wondering if it finds that configuration so rapidly because of quantum tunneling effects.
Non-convex optimization
The non-convex (global) optimization is different from (non-linear) least-squares, in the sense that when a local minimum is found the process don't return immediately, it start making new attempts in different regions of the search spaces. If the function is smooth you can still take advantage of a gradient based local optimization method, but the complexity is still NP.
A classic global optimization method is the Simulated annenaling, if you have a chemical background I think you will have some insights reading about it. Once upon a time, simulated annealing was provided in scipy.optimize.
You will find a few global optimization methods in scipy.optimize. I would encourage you to try Basin hopping, since it was successfully applied to similar problems, as you can read in the references.
I hope this drop you on the right way to your solution. But, be aware that you will probably need to spend, learning how to use the function and will need to make some decisions. You will need to find a balance of accuracy, simplicity, efficiency.
If you want better solution take the time to derive the gradient of the cost function (you can return two values f, and df, where df is the gradient of f with respect to the decision variables).

Simulated annealing, normalized temperature

I have a problem that I need to maximize the value X of the given function:
This is the python code for the formula: 2 ** (-2 *((((x-0.1) / 0.9)) ** 2)) * ((math.sin(5*math.pi*x)) ** 6).
I'm using the simulated annealing algorithm to this job, but I'm having a problem.
probability = pow(math.e, (actual_cost - best_cost) / temperature)
My "cost" (what I'm trying to optimize) is a very short number, most often between 0 and 0.1, but my temperature, in the other side, is like 100.
So, when I apply the probability function, my result is always something like 99%, which makes my algorithm accept negative values in all iterations, instead of decreasing this probability throughout the iterations.
How can I adapt the value of my temperature to change the probability through the iterations?
The solution to this can be found in the docs for scipy.optimize.basinhopping:
Choosing T: The parameter T is the “temperature” used in the
Metropolis criterion. Basinhopping steps are always accepted if
func(xnew) < func(xold). Otherwise, they are accepted with
exp( -(func(xnew) - func(xold)) / T )
So, for best results, T should to be comparable to the typical
difference (in function values) between local minima. (The height of
“walls” between local minima is irrelevant.)
If T is 0, the algorithm becomes Monotonic Basin-Hopping, in which all
steps that increase energy are rejected.

What is sigma clipping? How do you know when to apply it?

I'm reading a book on Data Science for Python and the author applies 'sigma-clipping operation' to remove outliers due to typos. However the process isn't explained at all.
What is sigma clipping? Is it only applicable for certain data (eg. in the book it's used towards birth rates in US)?
As per the text:
quartiles = np.percentile(births['births'], [25, 50, 75]) #so we find the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles
mu = quartiles[1] #we set mu = 50th percentile
sig = 0.74 * (quartiles[2] - quartiles[0]) #???
This final line is a robust estimate of the sample mean, where the 0.74 comes
from the interquartile range of a Gaussian distribution.
Why 0.74? Is there a proof for this?
This final line is a robust estimate of the sample mean, where the 0.74 comes
from the interquartile range of a Gaussian distribution.
That's it, really...
The code tries to estimate sigma using the interquartile range to make it robust against outliers. 0.74 is a correction factor. Here is how to calculate it:
p1 = sp.stats.norm.ppf(0.25) # first quartile of standard normal distribution
p2 = sp.stats.norm.ppf(0.75) # third quartile
print(p2 - p1) # 1.3489795003921634
sig = 1 # standard deviation of the standard normal distribution
factor = sig / (p2 - p1)
print(factor) # 0.74130110925280102
In the standard normal distribution sig==1 and the interquartile range is 1.35. So 0.74 is the correction factor to turn the interquartile range into sigma. Of course, this is only true for the normal distribution.
Suppose you have a set of data. Compute its median m and its standard deviation sigma. Keep only the data that falls in the range (m-a*sigma,m+a*sigma) for some value of a, and discard everything else. This is one iteration of sigma clipping. Continue to iterate a predetermined number of times, and/or stop when the relative reduction in the value of sigma is small.
Sigma clipping is geared toward removing outliers, to allow for a more robust (i.e. resistant to outliers) estimation of, say, the mean of the distribution. So it's applicable to data where you expect to find outliers.
As for the 0.74, it comes from the interquartile range of the Gaussian distribution, as per the text.
The answers here are accurate and reasonable, but don't quite get to the heart of your question:
What is sigma clipping? Is it only applicable for certain data?
If we want to use mean (mu) and standard deviation (sigma) to figure out a threshold for ejecting extreme values in situations where we have a reason to suspect that those extreme values are mistakes (and not just very high/low values), we don't want to calculate mu/sigma using the dataset which includes these mistakes.
Sample problem: you need to compute a threshold for a temperature sensor to indicate when the temperature is "High" - but sometimes the sensor gives readings that are impossible, like "surface of the sun" high.
Imagine a series that looks like this:
thisSeries = np.array([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,3, 500, 1000])
Those last two values look like obvious mistakes - but if we use a typical stats function like a Normal PPF, it's going to implicitly assume that those outliers belong in the distribution, and perform its calculation accordingly:
st.norm.ppf(.975, thisSeries.mean(), thisSeries.std())
So using a two-sided 5% outlier threshold (meaning we will reject the lower and upper 2.5%), it's telling me that 500 is not an outlier. Even if I use a one-sided threshold of .95 (reject the upper 5%), it will give me 546 as the outlier limit, so again, 500 is regarded as non-outlier.
Sigma-clipping works by focusing on the inter-quartile range and using median instead of mean, so the thresholds won't be calculated under the influence of the extreme values.
thisDF = pd.DataFrame(thisSeries, columns=["value"])
quartiles = np.percentile(thisSeries, [25, 50, 75])
mu, sig = quartiles[1], 0.74 * (quartiles[2] - quartiles[0])
queryString = '({} < #mu - {} * #sig) | ({} > #mu + {} * #sig)'.format(intermed, factor, intermed, factor)
print(mu + 5 * sig)
At factor=5, both outliers are correctly isolated, and the threshold is at a reasonable 10.4 - reasonable, given that the 'clean' part of the series is [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,3]. ('factor' in this context is a scalar applied to the thresholds)
To answer the question, then: sigma clipping is a method of identifying outliers which is immune from the deforming effects of the outliers themselves, and though it can be used in many contexts, it excels in situations where you suspect that the extreme values are not merely high/low values that should be considered part of the dataset, but rather that they are errors.
Here's an illustration of the difference between extreme values that are part of a distribution, and extreme values that are possibly errors, or just so extreme as to deform analysis of the rest of the data.
The data above was generated synthetically, but you can see that the highest values in this set are not deforming the statistics.
Now here's a set generated the same way, but this time with some artificial outliers injected (above 40):
If I sigma-clip this, I can get back to the original histogram and statistics, and apply them usefully to the dataset.
But where sigma-clipping really shines is in real world scenarios, in which faulty data is common. Here's an example that uses real data - historical observations of my heart-rate monitor. Let's look at the histogram without sigma-clipping:
I'm a pretty chill dude, but I know for a fact that my heart rate is never zero. Sigma-clipping handles this easily, and we can now look at the real distribution of heart-rate observations:
Now, you may have some domain knowledge that would enable you to manually assert outlier thresholds or filters. This is one final nuance to why we might use sigma-clipping - in situations where data is being handled entirely by automation, or we have no domain knowledge relating to the measurement or how it's taken, then we don't have any informed basis for filter or threshold statements.
It's easy to say that a heart rate of 0 is not a valid measurement - but what about 10? What about 200? And what if heart-rate is one of thousands of different measurements we're taking. In such cases, maintaining sets of manually defined thresholds and filters would be overly cumbersome.
I think there is a small typo to the sentence that "this final line is a strong estimate of the sample average". From the previous proof, I think the final line is a solid estimate of 1 Sigma for births if the normal distribution is followed.

Tracking down the assumptions made by SciPy's `ttest_ind()` function

I'm trying to write my own Python code to compute t-statistics and p-values for one and two tailed independent t tests. I can use the normal approximation, but for the moment I am trying to just use the t-distribution. I've been unsuccessful in matching the results of SciPy's stats library on my test data. I could use a fresh pair of eyes to see if I'm just making a dumb mistake somewhere.
Note, this is cross-posted from Cross-Validated because it's been up for a while over there with no responses, so I thought it can't hurt to also get some software developer opinions. I'm trying to understand if there's an error in the algorithm I'm using, which should reproduce SciPy's result. This is a simple algorithm, so it's puzzling why I can't locate the mistake.
My code:
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
def compute_t_stat(pop1,pop2):
num1 = pop1.shape[0]; num2 = pop2.shape[0];
# The formula for t-stat when population variances differ.
t_stat = (np.mean(pop1) - np.mean(pop2))/np.sqrt( np.var(pop1)/num1 + np.var(pop2)/num2 )
# ADDED: The Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom.
df = ((np.var(pop1)/num1 + np.var(pop2)/num2)**(2.0))/( (np.var(pop1)/num1)**(2.0)/(num1-1) + (np.var(pop2)/num2)**(2.0)/(num2-1) )
# Am I computing this wrong?
# It should just come from the CDF like this, right?
# The extra parameter is the degrees of freedom.
one_tailed_p_value = 1.0 - st.t.cdf(t_stat,df)
two_tailed_p_value = 1.0 - ( st.t.cdf(np.abs(t_stat),df) - st.t.cdf(-np.abs(t_stat),df) )
# Computing with SciPy's built-ins
# My results don't match theirs.
t_ind, p_ind = st.ttest_ind(pop1, pop2)
return t_stat, one_tailed_p_value, two_tailed_p_value, t_ind, p_ind
After reading a bit more on the Welch's t-test, I saw that I should be using the Welch-Satterthwaite formula to calculate degrees of freedom. I updated the code above to reflect this.
With the new degrees of freedom, I get a closer result. My two-sided p-value is off by about 0.008 from the SciPy version's... but this is still much too big an error so I must still be doing something incorrect (or SciPy distribution functions are very bad, but it's hard to believe they are only accurate to 2 decimal places).
Second update:
While continuing to try things, I thought maybe SciPy's version automatically computes the Normal approximation to the t-distribution when the degrees of freedom are high enough (roughly > 30). So I re-ran my code using the Normal distribution instead, and the computed results are actually further away from SciPy's than when I use the t-distribution.
Bonus question :)
(More statistical theory related; feel free to ignore)
Also, the t-statistic is negative. I was just wondering what this means for the one-sided t-test. Does this typically mean that I should be looking in the negative axis direction for the test? In my test data, population 1 is a control group who did not receive a certain employment training program. Population 2 did receive it, and the measured data are wage differences before/after treatment.
So I have some reason to think that the mean for population 2 will be larger. But from a statistical theory point of view, it doesn't seem right to concoct a test this way. How could I have known to check (for the one-sided test) in the negative direction without relying on subjective knowledge about the data? Or is this just one of those frequentist things that, while not philosophically rigorous, needs to be done in practice?
By using the SciPy built-in function source(), I could see a printout of the source code for the function ttest_ind(). Based on the source code, the SciPy built-in is performing the t-test assuming that the variances of the two samples are equal. It is not using the Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom. SciPy assumes equal variances but does not state this assumption.
I just want to point out that, crucially, this is why you should not just trust library functions. In my case, I actually do need the t-test for populations of unequal variances, and the degrees of freedom adjustment might matter for some of the smaller data sets I will run this on.
As I mentioned in some comments, the discrepancy between my code and SciPy's is about 0.008 for sample sizes between 30 and 400, and then slowly goes to zero for larger sample sizes. This is an effect of the extra (1/n1 + 1/n2) term in the equal-variances t-statistic denominator. Accuracy-wise, this is pretty important, especially for small sample sizes. It definitely confirms to me that I need to write my own function. (Possibly there are other, better Python libraries, but this at least should be known. Frankly, it's surprising this isn't anywhere up front and center in the SciPy documentation for ttest_ind()).
You are not calculating the sample variance, but instead you are using population variances. Sample variance divides by n-1, instead of n. np.var has an optional argument called ddof for reasons similar to this.
This should give you your expected result:
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
def compute_t_stat(pop1,pop2):
num1 = pop1.shape[0]
num2 = pop2.shape[0];
var1 = np.var(pop1, ddof=1)
var2 = np.var(pop2, ddof=1)
# The formula for t-stat when population variances differ.
t_stat = (np.mean(pop1) - np.mean(pop2)) / np.sqrt(var1/num1 + var2/num2)
# ADDED: The Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom.
df = ((var1/num1 + var2/num2)**(2.0))/((var1/num1)**(2.0)/(num1-1) + (var2/num2)**(2.0)/(num2-1))
# Am I computing this wrong?
# It should just come from the CDF like this, right?
# The extra parameter is the degrees of freedom.
one_tailed_p_value = 1.0 - st.t.cdf(t_stat,df)
two_tailed_p_value = 1.0 - ( st.t.cdf(np.abs(t_stat),df) - st.t.cdf(-np.abs(t_stat),df) )
# Computing with SciPy's built-ins
# My results don't match theirs.
t_ind, p_ind = st.ttest_ind(pop1, pop2)
return t_stat, one_tailed_p_value, two_tailed_p_value, t_ind, p_ind
PS: SciPy is open source and mostly implemented with Python. You could have checked the source code for ttest_ind and find out your mistake yourself.
For the bonus side: You don't decide on the side of the one-tail test by looking at your t-value. You decide it beforehand with your hypothesis. If your null hypothesis is that the means are equal and your alternative hypothesis is that the second mean is larger, then your tail should be on the left (negative) side. Because sufficiently small (negative) values of your t-value would indicate that the alternative hypothesis is more likely to be true instead of the null hypothesis.
Looks like you forgot **2 to the numerator of your df. The Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom.
df = (np.var(pop1)/num1 + np.var(pop2)/num2)/( (np.var(pop1)/num1)**(2.0)/(num1-1) + (np.var(pop2)/num2)**(2.0)/(num2-1) )
should be:
df = (np.var(pop1)/num1 + np.var(pop2)/num2)**2/( (np.var(pop1)/num1)**(2.0)/(num1-1) + (np.var(pop2)/num2)**(2.0)/(num2-1) )

