I am trying to apply a simple optimization by using gradient descent. In particular, I want to calulate the vector of parameters (Theta) that minimize the cost function (Mean Squared Error).
The gradient descent function looks like this:
eta = 0.1 # learning rate
n_iterations = 1000
m = 100
theta = np.random.randn(2,1) # random initialization
for iteration in range(n_iterations):
gradients = 2/m * - y) #this is the partial derivate of the cost function
theta = theta - eta * gradients
Where X_b and y are respectively the input matrix and the target vector.
Now, if I take a look at my final theta, it is always equal to [[nan],
[nan]], while it should be equal to [[85.4575313 ],
[ 0.11802224]] (obtained by using both np.linalg and ScikitLearn LinearRegression).
In order to get a numeric result, I have to reduce the learning rate to 0.00001 and the number of iterations to 500. By appling these changes, the results are far away from the real theta.
My data, both X_b and y, are scaled using a StandardScaler.
If I try to print out theta at each iteration, I get the following (these are only few results):
[ inf]]
[ nan]]
How to solve the problem? Is it because of the function dominium?
I've found an error in the code. For the benefit of all the readers, the error was generated by the feature scaling part that isn't reported in the code above.
The initial theta (randomly assigned) had a completely different scale comparing to the dataset and this led to the impossibility to find valid parameters for the regression.
So by using the correct scaled inputs and targets, the function does its job and converges to the values that I know are correct, as reported in my question.
As Kuedsha suggested, I tried to apply a learning schedule in order to reduce the learning rate at each iteration, even if it is not necessary in this specific case. It works, but of course it takes more iterations to converge. I think that potentially this could be a useful thing to do in a random gradient descent algorithm.
Thanks for your support
In my personal experience, this is probably due to the learning rate you are using. If your result goes to infinity this might be because you are using a too big learning rate. Also, be sure to decrease the leaning rate (eta in your code) in each iteration as this will make sure that your solution converges. I am not sure about what would be the optimal way to do it for your particular problem but you could try something like:
Edit: in fact, as you can see in your results, the value for your parameter goes from negative to positive in each iteration and always increasing in modulus.
I think this is because when you calculate the gradient in the first iteration eta*gradient is so large that is goes to negative value which is higher in modulus. Then, in the second iteration the gradient is even greater and eta*gradient is therefore also greater which gives you a positive number which is also greater in modulus. This continious until you get infinity.
This is the reason why you normally have to be careful when tuning the value for the learning rate and decrease it with the iterations.
I have written a Monte Carlo program to integrate a function f(x).
I have now been asked to calculate the percentage error.
Having done a quick literature search, I found that this can be given with the equation %error = (sqrt(var[f(x)]/n))*100, where n is the number of random points I used to derive my answer.
However, when I run my integration code, my percentage error is greater than that given by this formula.
Do I have the correct formula?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks x
Here is quick example - estimate integral of linear function on the interval [0...1] using Monte-Carlo. To estimate error you have to collect second momentum (values squared), then compute variance, standard deviation, and (assuming CLT), error of the simulation in the original units as well as in %
Code, Python 3.7, Anaconda, Win10 64x
import numpy as np
def f(x): # linear function to integrate
return x
N = 100000
x = np.random.random(N)
q = f(x) # first momentum
q2 = q*q # second momentum
mean = np.sum(q) / float(N) # compute mean explicitly, not using np.mean
var = np.sum(q2) / float(N) - mean * mean # variance as E[X^2] - E[X]^2
sd = np.sqrt(var) # std.deviation
print(mean) # should be 1/2
print(var) # should be 1/12
print(sd) # should be 0.5/sqrt(3)
sigma = sd / np.sqrt(float(N)) # assuming CLT, error estimation in original units
print("result = {0} with error +- {1}".format(mean, sigma))
err_pct = sigma / mean * 100.0 # error estimate in percents
print("result = {0} with error +- {1}%".format(mean, err_pct))
Be aware, that we computed one sigma error and (even not talking about it being random value itself) true result is within printed mean+-error only for 68% of the runs. You could print mean+-2*error, and it would mean true result is inside that region for 95% cases, mean+-3*error true result is inside that region for 99.7% of the runs and so on and so forth.
For sampling variance estimate, there is known problem called Bias in the estimator. Basically, we underestimate a bit sampling variance, proper correction (Bessel's correction) shall be applied
var = np.sum(q2) / float(N) - mean * mean # variance as E[X^2] - E[X]^2
var *= float(N)/float(N-1)
In many cases (and many examples) it is omitted because N is very large, which makes correction pretty much invisible - f.e., if you have statistical error 1% but N is in millions, correction is of no practical use.
So the output of my network is a list of propabilities, which I then round using tf.round() to be either 0 or 1, this is crucial for this project.
I then found out that tf.round isn't differentiable so I'm kinda lost there.. :/
Something along the lines of x - sin(2pi x)/(2pi)?
I'm sure there's a way to squish the slope to be a bit steeper.
You can use the fact that tf.maximum() and tf.minimum() are differentiable, and the inputs are probabilities from 0 to 1
# round numbers less than 0.5 to zero;
# by making them negative and taking the maximum with 0
differentiable_round = tf.maximum(x-0.499,0)
# scale the remaining numbers (0 to 0.5) to greater than 1
# the other half (zeros) is not affected by multiplication
differentiable_round = differentiable_round * 10000
# take the minimum with 1
differentiable_round = tf.minimum(differentiable_round, 1)
[0.1, 0.5, 0.7]
[-0.0989, 0.001, 0.20099] # x - 0.499
[0, 0.001, 0.20099] # max(x-0.499, 0)
[0, 10, 2009.9] # max(x-0.499, 0) * 10000
[0, 1.0, 1.0] # min(max(x-0.499, 0) * 10000, 1)
This works for me:
x_rounded_NOT_differentiable = tf.round(x)
x_rounded_differentiable = x - tf.stop_gradient(x - x_rounded_NOT_differentiable)
Rounding is a fundamentally nondifferentiable function, so you're out of luck there. The normal procedure for this kind of situation is to find a way to either use the probabilities, say by using them to calculate an expected value, or by taking the maximum probability that is output and choose that one as the network's prediction. If you aren't using the output for calculating your loss function though, you can go ahead and just apply it to the result and it doesn't matter if it's differentiable. Now, if you want an informative loss function for the purpose of training the network, maybe you should consider whether keeping the output in the format of probabilities might actually be to your advantage (it will likely make your training process smoother)- that way you can just convert the probabilities to actual estimates outside of the network, after training.
Building on a previous answer, a way to get an arbitrarily good approximation is to approximate round() using a finite Fourier approximation and use as many terms as you need. Fundamentally, you can think of round(x) as adding a reverse (i. e. descending) sawtooth wave to x. So, using the Fourier expansion of the sawtooth wave we get
With N = 5, we get a pretty nice approximation:
Kind of an old question, but I just solved this problem for TensorFlow 2.0. I am using the following round function on in my audio auto-encoder project. I basically want to create a discrete representation of sound which is compressed in time. I use the round function to clamp the output of the encoder to integer values. It has been working well for me so far.
def round_with_gradients(x):
def grad(dy):
return dy
return tf.round(x), grad
In range 0 1, translating and scaling a sigmoid can be a solution:
slope = 1000
center = 0.5
e = tf.exp(slope*(x-center))
round_diff = e/(e+1)
In tensorflow 2.10, there is a function called soft_round which achieves exactly this.
Fortunately, for those who are using lower versions, the source code is really simple, so I just copy-pasted those lines, and it works like a charm:
def soft_round(x, alpha, eps=1e-3):
"""Differentiable approximation to `round`.
Larger alphas correspond to closer approximations of the round function.
If alpha is close to zero, this function reduces to the identity.
This is described in Sec. 4.1. in the paper
> "Universally Quantized Neural Compression"<br />
> Eirikur Agustsson & Lucas Theis<br />
x: `tf.Tensor`. Inputs to the rounding function.
alpha: Float or `tf.Tensor`. Controls smoothness of the approximation.
eps: Float. Threshold below which `soft_round` will return identity.
# This guards the gradient of tf.where below against NaNs, while maintaining
# correctness, as for alpha < eps the result is ignored.
alpha_bounded = tf.maximum(alpha, eps)
m = tf.floor(x) + .5
r = x - m
z = tf.tanh(alpha_bounded / 2.) * 2.
y = m + tf.tanh(alpha_bounded * r) / z
# For very low alphas, soft_round behaves like identity
return tf.where(alpha < eps, x, y, name="soft_round")
alpha sets how soft the function is. Greater values leads to better approximations of round function, but then it becomes harder to fit since gradients vanish:
x = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.arange(-2,2,.1).astype(np.float32))
for alpha in [ 3., 7., 15.]:
y = soft_round(x, alpha)
plt.plot(x.numpy(), y.numpy(), label=f'alpha={alpha}')
plt.title('Soft round function for different alphas')
In my case, I tried different values for alpha, and 3. looks like a good choice.
I'm reading a book on Data Science for Python and the author applies 'sigma-clipping operation' to remove outliers due to typos. However the process isn't explained at all.
What is sigma clipping? Is it only applicable for certain data (eg. in the book it's used towards birth rates in US)?
As per the text:
quartiles = np.percentile(births['births'], [25, 50, 75]) #so we find the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles
mu = quartiles[1] #we set mu = 50th percentile
sig = 0.74 * (quartiles[2] - quartiles[0]) #???
This final line is a robust estimate of the sample mean, where the 0.74 comes
from the interquartile range of a Gaussian distribution.
Why 0.74? Is there a proof for this?
This final line is a robust estimate of the sample mean, where the 0.74 comes
from the interquartile range of a Gaussian distribution.
That's it, really...
The code tries to estimate sigma using the interquartile range to make it robust against outliers. 0.74 is a correction factor. Here is how to calculate it:
p1 = sp.stats.norm.ppf(0.25) # first quartile of standard normal distribution
p2 = sp.stats.norm.ppf(0.75) # third quartile
print(p2 - p1) # 1.3489795003921634
sig = 1 # standard deviation of the standard normal distribution
factor = sig / (p2 - p1)
print(factor) # 0.74130110925280102
In the standard normal distribution sig==1 and the interquartile range is 1.35. So 0.74 is the correction factor to turn the interquartile range into sigma. Of course, this is only true for the normal distribution.
Suppose you have a set of data. Compute its median m and its standard deviation sigma. Keep only the data that falls in the range (m-a*sigma,m+a*sigma) for some value of a, and discard everything else. This is one iteration of sigma clipping. Continue to iterate a predetermined number of times, and/or stop when the relative reduction in the value of sigma is small.
Sigma clipping is geared toward removing outliers, to allow for a more robust (i.e. resistant to outliers) estimation of, say, the mean of the distribution. So it's applicable to data where you expect to find outliers.
As for the 0.74, it comes from the interquartile range of the Gaussian distribution, as per the text.
The answers here are accurate and reasonable, but don't quite get to the heart of your question:
What is sigma clipping? Is it only applicable for certain data?
If we want to use mean (mu) and standard deviation (sigma) to figure out a threshold for ejecting extreme values in situations where we have a reason to suspect that those extreme values are mistakes (and not just very high/low values), we don't want to calculate mu/sigma using the dataset which includes these mistakes.
Sample problem: you need to compute a threshold for a temperature sensor to indicate when the temperature is "High" - but sometimes the sensor gives readings that are impossible, like "surface of the sun" high.
Imagine a series that looks like this:
thisSeries = np.array([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,3, 500, 1000])
Those last two values look like obvious mistakes - but if we use a typical stats function like a Normal PPF, it's going to implicitly assume that those outliers belong in the distribution, and perform its calculation accordingly:
st.norm.ppf(.975, thisSeries.mean(), thisSeries.std())
So using a two-sided 5% outlier threshold (meaning we will reject the lower and upper 2.5%), it's telling me that 500 is not an outlier. Even if I use a one-sided threshold of .95 (reject the upper 5%), it will give me 546 as the outlier limit, so again, 500 is regarded as non-outlier.
Sigma-clipping works by focusing on the inter-quartile range and using median instead of mean, so the thresholds won't be calculated under the influence of the extreme values.
thisDF = pd.DataFrame(thisSeries, columns=["value"])
quartiles = np.percentile(thisSeries, [25, 50, 75])
mu, sig = quartiles[1], 0.74 * (quartiles[2] - quartiles[0])
queryString = '({} < #mu - {} * #sig) | ({} > #mu + {} * #sig)'.format(intermed, factor, intermed, factor)
print(mu + 5 * sig)
At factor=5, both outliers are correctly isolated, and the threshold is at a reasonable 10.4 - reasonable, given that the 'clean' part of the series is [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,3]. ('factor' in this context is a scalar applied to the thresholds)
To answer the question, then: sigma clipping is a method of identifying outliers which is immune from the deforming effects of the outliers themselves, and though it can be used in many contexts, it excels in situations where you suspect that the extreme values are not merely high/low values that should be considered part of the dataset, but rather that they are errors.
Here's an illustration of the difference between extreme values that are part of a distribution, and extreme values that are possibly errors, or just so extreme as to deform analysis of the rest of the data.
The data above was generated synthetically, but you can see that the highest values in this set are not deforming the statistics.
Now here's a set generated the same way, but this time with some artificial outliers injected (above 40):
If I sigma-clip this, I can get back to the original histogram and statistics, and apply them usefully to the dataset.
But where sigma-clipping really shines is in real world scenarios, in which faulty data is common. Here's an example that uses real data - historical observations of my heart-rate monitor. Let's look at the histogram without sigma-clipping:
I'm a pretty chill dude, but I know for a fact that my heart rate is never zero. Sigma-clipping handles this easily, and we can now look at the real distribution of heart-rate observations:
Now, you may have some domain knowledge that would enable you to manually assert outlier thresholds or filters. This is one final nuance to why we might use sigma-clipping - in situations where data is being handled entirely by automation, or we have no domain knowledge relating to the measurement or how it's taken, then we don't have any informed basis for filter or threshold statements.
It's easy to say that a heart rate of 0 is not a valid measurement - but what about 10? What about 200? And what if heart-rate is one of thousands of different measurements we're taking. In such cases, maintaining sets of manually defined thresholds and filters would be overly cumbersome.
I think there is a small typo to the sentence that "this final line is a strong estimate of the sample average". From the previous proof, I think the final line is a solid estimate of 1 Sigma for births if the normal distribution is followed.
I spent some time these days on a problem. I have a set of data:
y = f(t), where y is very small concentration (10^-7), and t is in second. t varies from 0 to around 12000.
The measurements follow an established model:
y = Vs * t - ((Vs - Vi) * (1 - np.exp(-k * t)) / k)
And I need to find Vs, Vi, and k. So I used curve_fit, which returns the best fitting parameters, and I plotted the curve.
And then I used a similar model:
y = (Vs * t/3600 - ((Vs - Vi) * (1 - np.exp(-k * t/3600)) / k)) * 10**7
By doing that, t is a number of hour, and y is a number between 0 and about 10. The parameters returned are of course different. But when I plot each curve, here is what I get:
The green fit is the first model, the blue one with the "normalized" model. And the red dots are the experimental values.
The fitting curves are different. I think it's not expected, and I don't understand why. Are the calculations more accurate if the numbers are "reasonnable" ?
The docstring for optimize.curve_fit says,
p0 : None, scalar, or M-length sequence
Initial guess for the parameters. If None, then the initial
values will all be 1 (if the number of parameters for the function
can be determined using introspection, otherwise a ValueError
is raised).
Thus, to begin with, the initial guess for the parameters is by default 1.
Moreover, curve fitting algorithms have to sample the function for various values of the parameters. The "various values" are initially chosen with an initial step size on the order of 1. The algorithm will work better if your data varies somewhat smoothly with changes in the parameter values that on the order of 1.
If the function varies wildly with parameter changes on the order of 1, then the algorithm may tend to miss the optimum parameter values.
Note that even if the algorithm uses an adaptive step size when it tweaks the parameter values, if the initial tweak is so far off the mark as to produce a big residual, and if tweaking in some other direction happens to produce a smaller residual, then the algorithm may wander off in the wrong direction and miss the local minimum. It may find some other (undesired) local minimum, or simply fail to converge. So using an algorithm with an adaptive step size won't necessarily save you.
The moral of the story is that scaling your data can improve the algorithm's chances of of finding the desired minimum.
Numerical algorithms in general all tend to work better when applied to data whose magnitude is on the order of 1. This bias enters into the algorithm in numerous ways. For instance, optimize.curve_fit relies on optimize.leastsq, and the call signature for optimize.leastsq is:
def leastsq(func, x0, args=(), Dfun=None, full_output=0,
col_deriv=0, ftol=1.49012e-8, xtol=1.49012e-8,
gtol=0.0, maxfev=0, epsfcn=None, factor=100, diag=None):
Thus, by default, the tolerances ftol and xtol are on the order of 1e-8. If finding the optimum parameter values require much smaller tolerances, then these hard-coded default numbers will cause optimize.curve_fit to miss the optimize parameter values.
To make this more concrete, suppose you were trying to minimize f(x) = 1e-100*x**2. The factor of 1e-100 squashes the y-values so much that a wide range of x-values (the parameter values mentioned above) will fit within the tolerance of 1e-8. So, with un-ideal scaling, leastsq will not do a good job of finding the minimum.
Another reason to use floats on the order of 1 is because there are many more (IEEE754) floats in the interval [-1,1] than there are far away from 1. For example,
import struct
def floats_between(x, y):
""" (jsbueno)
a = struct.pack("<dd", x, y)
b = struct.unpack("<qq", a)
return b[1] - b[0]
In [26]: floats_between(0,1) / float(floats_between(1e6,1e7))
Out[26]: 311.4397707054894
This shows there are over 300 times as many floats representing numbers between 0 and 1 than there are in the interval [1e6, 1e7].
Thus, all else being equal, you'll typically get a more accurate answer if working with small numbers than very large numbers.
I would imagine it has more to do with the initial parameter estimates you are passing to curve fit. If you are not passing any I believe they all default to 1. Normalizing your data makes those initial estimates closer to the truth. If you don't want to use normalized data just pass the initial estimates yourself and give them reasonable values.
Others have already mentioned that you probably need to have a good starting guess for your fit. In cases like this is, I usually try to find some quick and dirty tricks to get at least a ballpark estimate of the parameters. In your case, for large t, the exponential decays pretty quickly to zero, so for large t, you have
y == Vs * t - (Vs - Vi) / k
Doing a first-order linear fit like
[slope1, offset1] = polyfit(t[t > 2000], y[t > 2000], 1)
you will get slope1 == Vs and offset1 == (Vi - Vs) / k.
Subtracting this straight line from all the points you have, you get the exponential
residual == y - slope1 * t - offset1 == (Vs - Vi) * exp(-t * k)
Taking the log of both sides, you get
log(residual) == log(Vs - Vi) - t * k
So doing a second fit
[slope2, offset2] = polyfit(t, log(y - slope1 * t - offset1), 1)
will give you slope2 == -k and offset2 == log(Vs - Vi), which should be solvable for Vi since you already know Vs. You might have to limit the second fit to small values of t, otherwise you might be taking the log of negative numbers. Collect all the parameters you obtained with these fits and use them as the starting points for your curve_fit.
Finally, you might want to look into doing some sort of weighted fit. The information about the exponential part of your curve is contained in just the first few points, so maybe you should give those a higher weight. Doing this in a statistically correct way is not trivial.