Access Nested Python Object returns None - python

I'am struggling to access the nested 'is_bot' attribute inside 'from' of the update object down below:
{'message': {'caption_entities': [],
'channel_chat_created': False,
'chat': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
'id': 446924384,
'type': 'private',
'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
'date': 1516040454,
'delete_chat_photo': False,
'entities': [{'length': 7, 'offset': 0, 'type': 'bot_command'}],
'from': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
'id': 446924384,
'is_bot': False,
'language_code': 'pt-BR',
'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
'group_chat_created': False,
'message_id': 145,
'new_chat_member': None,
'new_chat_members': [],
'new_chat_photo': [],
'photo': [],
'supergroup_chat_created': False,
'text': '/invite'},
'update_id': 241263441}
What I have Tried:
This up returns AttributeError: 'Message' object has no attribute 'get'
This last returns TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
Don't know what to do anymore. Any help?

Try this:
d = {'message': {'caption_entities': [],
'channel_chat_created': False,
'chat': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
'id': 446924384,
'type': 'private',
'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
'date': 1516040454,
'delete_chat_photo': False,
'entities': [{'length': 7, 'offset': 0, 'type': 'bot_command'}],
'from': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
'id': 446924384,
'is_bot': False,
'language_code': 'pt-BR',
'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
'group_chat_created': False,
'message_id': 145,
'new_chat_member': None,
'new_chat_members': [],
'new_chat_photo': [],
'photo': [],
'supergroup_chat_created': False,
'text': '/invite'},
'update_id': 241263441}
is_bot = d.get('message').get('from').get('is_bot')
print (is_bot) # False

When I or my students struggle with getting to a deeply nested value, I often step through it to ensure that I am getting, seeing what I expect. As several commenters noted, your second version works fine, as is, so there must be some nuance in the original code that we don't see. Here is a step down to the key you care about:
In [45]: update = {'message': {'caption_entities': [],
...: 'channel_chat_created': False,
...: 'chat': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
...: 'id': 446924384,
...: 'type': 'private',
...: 'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
...: 'date': 1516040454,
...: 'delete_chat_photo': False,
...: 'entities': [{'length': 7, 'offset': 0, 'type': 'bot_command'}],
...: 'from': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
...: 'id': 446924384,
...: 'is_bot': False,
...: 'language_code': 'pt-BR',
...: 'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
...: 'group_chat_created': False,
...: 'message_id': 145,
...: 'new_chat_member': None,
...: 'new_chat_members': [],
...: 'new_chat_photo': [],
...: 'photo': [],
...: 'supergroup_chat_created': False,
...: 'text': '/invite'},
...: 'update_id': 241263441}
In [46]: update['message']
{'caption_entities': [],
'channel_chat_created': False,
'chat': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
'id': 446924384,
'type': 'private',
'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
'date': 1516040454,
'delete_chat_photo': False,
'entities': [{'length': 7, 'offset': 0, 'type': 'bot_command'}],
'from': {'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
'id': 446924384,
'is_bot': False,
'language_code': 'pt-BR',
'username': 'rodrigoformi'},
'group_chat_created': False,
'message_id': 145,
'new_chat_member': None,
'new_chat_members': [],
'new_chat_photo': [],
'photo': [],
'supergroup_chat_created': False,
'text': '/invite'}
In [47]: update['message']['from']
{'first_name': 'Rodrigo Formighieri',
'id': 446924384,
'is_bot': False,
'language_code': 'pt-BR',
'username': 'rodrigoformi'}
In [48]: update['message']['from']['is_bot']
Out[48]: False

update = ast.literal_eval(str(update))
update["message"]["from"]["is_bot"] #false
Had to transform cast string and then ast.literal_eval the got damn update object.


reading Tweepy data value from tweepy.models.Status object in python is not working

I am trying to get information on retweeters for a specific tweet using Tweepy and fetch the in_reply_to_status_id from the returned Tweepy response.
Here is the code
retweets_list = api.get_retweets(id=tweetid)
for retweet in retweets_list:
retweet_json = json.dumps(retweet._json, indent=2)
retweet_json = json.loads(retweet_json)
The code about above produces the data response below
{'created_at': 'Sat Jun 18 06:38:49 +0000 2022', 'id': 1538048568782688256, 'id_str': '1538048568782688256', 'text': 'RT #gyfboxAI: #isle_mcelroy Some mentioned items in thread \n\n#AllisonPDavis The Governesses => httpsurl The Ob…', 'truncated': False, 'entities': {'hashtags': [], 'symbols': [], 'user_mentions': [{'screen_name': 'gyfboxAI', 'name': 'Gyfbox', 'id': 1521109812032978946, 'id_str': '1521109812032978946', 'indices': [3, 12]}, {'screen_name': 'isle_mcelroy', 'name': 'Isle McElroy', 'id': 868462820, 'id_str': '868462820', 'indices': [14, 27]}, {'screen_name': 'AllisonPDavis', 'name': 'Allison P Davis', 'id': 15088579, 'id_str': '15088579', 'indices': [61, 75]}, {'screen_name': 'kvargs93', 'name': 'Katherine Varga', 'id': 885284552897429504, 'id_str': '885284552897429504', 'indices': [125, 134]}], 'urls': [{'url': 'httpsurl', 'expanded_url': '', 'display_url': '', 'indices': [100, 123]}]}, 'source': 'Twitter for iPhone', 'in_reply_to_status_id': None, 'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None, 'in_reply_to_user_id': None, 'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None, 'in_reply_to_screen_name': None, 'user': {'id': 1003173584, 'id_str': '1003173584', 'name': 'Elaine Showalter', 'screen_name': 'ecshowalter', 'location': 'Washington, D.C./London', 'description': 'Professor Emerita Princeton U; Anglophile, feminist, theatre fanatic, “The Civil Wars of Julia Ward Howe.” watercolor by Vanessa Bell, “The Queen’s Tea Party”', 'url': None, 'entities': {'description': {'urls': []}}, 'protected': False, 'followers_count': 8142, 'friends_count': 1049, 'listed_count': 104, 'created_at': 'Tue Dec 11 03:08:17 +0000 2012', 'favourites_count': 24912, 'utc_offset': None, 'time_zone': None, 'geo_enabled': True, 'verified': False, 'statuses_count': 26489, 'lang': None, 'contributors_enabled': False, 'is_translator': False, 'is_translation_enabled': False, 'profile_background_color': 'C0DEED', 'profile_background_image_url': '', 'profile_background_image_url_https': '', 'profile_background_tile': True, 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_image_url_https': '', 'profile_banner_url': '', 'profile_link_color': '0084B4', 'profile_sidebar_border_color': 'FFFFFF', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'DDEEF6', 'profile_text_color': '333333', 'profile_use_background_image': True, 'has_extended_profile': False, 'default_profile': False, 'default_profile_image': False, 'following': False, 'follow_request_sent': False, 'notifications': False, 'translator_type': 'none', 'withheld_in_countries': []}, 'geo': None, 'coordinates': None, 'place': None, 'contributors': None, 'retweeted_status': {'created_at': 'Fri Jun 17 17:55:18 +0000 2022', 'id': 1537856423740198913, 'id_str': '1537856423740198913', 'text': '#isle_mcelroy Some mentioned items in thread \n\n#AllisonPDavis The Governesses => httpsurl… httpsurl', 'truncated': True, 'entities': {'hashtags': [], 'symbols': [], 'user_mentions': [{'screen_name': 'isle_mcelroy', 'name': 'Isle McElroy', 'id': 868462820, 'id_str': '868462820', 'indices': [0, 13]}, {'screen_name': 'AllisonPDavis', 'name': 'Allison P Davis', 'id': 15088579, 'id_str': '15088579', 'indices': [47, 61]}], 'urls': [{'url': 'httpsurl', 'expanded_url': '', 'display_url': '', 'indices': [86, 109]}, {'url': 'httpsurl’, 'expanded_url': '', 'display_url': '…', 'indices': [111, 134]}]}, 'source': 'gyfbox', 'in_reply_to_status_id': 1537835837542604801, 'in_reply_to_status_id_str': '1537835837542604801', 'in_reply_to_user_id': 868462820, 'in_reply_to_user_id_str': '868462820', 'in_reply_to_screen_name': 'isle_mcelroy', 'user': {'id': 1521109812032978946, 'id_str': '1521109812032978946', 'name': 'Gyfbox', 'screen_name': 'gyfboxAI', 'location': '', 'description': 'Tag "#GyfboxAI find item" \n\n#GyfboxAI will reply with link for items mentioned in the thread\n\nCOMING SOON !', 'url': '', 'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'url': '', 'expanded_url': '', 'display_url': '', 'indices': [0, 23]}]}, 'description': {'urls': []}}, 'protected': False, 'followers_count': 1, 'friends_count': 6, 'listed_count': 0, 'created_at': 'Mon May 02 12:50:32 +0000 2022', 'favourites_count': 1, 'utc_offset': None, 'time_zone': None, 'geo_enabled': False, 'verified': False, 'statuses_count': 49, 'lang': None, 'contributors_enabled': False, 'is_translator': False, 'is_translation_enabled': False, 'profile_background_color': 'F5F8FA', 'profile_background_image_url': None, 'profile_background_image_url_https': None, 'profile_background_tile': False, 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_image_url_https': '', 'profile_link_color': '1DA1F2', 'profile_sidebar_border_color': 'C0DEED', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'DDEEF6', 'profile_text_color': '333333', 'profile_use_background_image': True, 'has_extended_profile': True, 'default_profile': True, 'default_profile_image': False, 'following': False, 'follow_request_sent': False, 'notifications': False, 'translator_type': 'none', 'withheld_in_countries': []}, 'geo': None, 'coordinates': None, 'place': None, 'contributors': None, 'is_quote_status': False, 'retweet_count': 1, 'favorite_count': 0, 'favorited': False, 'retweeted': False, 'possibly_sensitive': False, 'lang': 'en'}, 'is_quote_status': False, 'retweet_count': 1, 'favorite_count': 0, 'favorited': False, 'retweeted': False, 'possibly_sensitive': False, 'lang': 'en'}
Multiple attempts to extract the in_reply_to_status_id always return "None"
Sample attempt that returned none
The data return above shows
'in_reply_to_status_id': 1537835837542604801,
so I should be getting 1537835837542604801 for in_reply_to_status_id
what am i doing wrong and how can I obtain the in_reply_to_status_id ?
According to your Json structure,
the in_reply_status_id is None, the id is in retweeted_status so based on the Json structure
should give

How to Transform data in a nested json?

I have the following data, and when I used json_flatten i was able to extract most of the data except for deliveryMethod.items and languages.items.
I also tried to use pd.json_normalize(a, record_path= 'deliveryMethod.items') but it doesn't seem to be working.
a = {'ID': '1', 'Name': 'ABC', 'Center': 'Center For Education', 'providerNameAr': 'ABC', 'city': {'id': 1, 'cityEn': 'LA', 'regionId': 0, 'region': None}, 'cityName': None, 'LevelNumber': 'ABCD', 'activityStartDate': '09/01/2020', 'activityEndDate': '09/02/2020', 'activityType': {'lookUpId': 2, 'lookUpEn': 'Course', 'code': None, 'parent': None, 'hasParent': False}, 'deliveryMethod': {'items': [{'lookUpId': 2, 'lookUpEn': 'online' 'code': None, 'parent': None, 'hasParent': False}]}, 'languages': {'items': [{'lookUpId': 1, 'lookUpEn': 'English', 'code': None, 'parent': None, 'hasParent': False}]}, 'activityCategory': {'lookUpId': 1, 'lookUpEn': 'Regular', 'code': None, 'parent': None, 'hasParent': False}, 'address': 'LA', 'phoneNumber': '-11111', 'emailAddress': '', 'isAllSpeciality': True, 'requestId': 23, 'parentActivityId': None, 'sppData': None}

how do I check the complete array?

I am trying to check for the data-id is equal or not from the given list array
how do I check the complete array to know where the id is found or not?
order_id= 121553197332
inf = {data of array given below}
if inf[n]["id"] == order_id:
info = inf[n]["info"]
do someting here
return (info)
the array in need to check?
[{'amount': 0.3,
'id': '121553197332',
'info': {'avgFillPrice': None,
'id': '121553197332',
'ioc': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market': 'FTT/USD',
'postOnly': True,
'price': '40.0',
'reduceOnly': False,
'remainingSize': '0.3',
'side': 'buy',
'size': '0.3',
'status': 'open',
'type': 'limit'},
'side': 'buy',
'status': 'open',
'stopPrice': None,
'symbol': 'FTT/USD',
'trades': [],
'type': 'limit'},
{'amount': 0.3,
'id': '121553197726',
'info': {'avgFillPrice': None,
'future': None,
'id': '121553197726',
'ioc': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market': 'FTT/USD',
'postOnly': True,
'price': '40.062',
'side': 'buy',
'size': '0.3',
'status': 'open',
'type': 'limit'},
'postOnly': True,
'price': 40.062,
'remaining': 0.3,
'side': 'buy',
'status': 'open',
'stopPrice': None,
'symbol': 'FTT/USD',
'trades': [],
'type': 'limit'}]
I need to return the info of the array at last.
You Can try use a for loop
like this:
inf = [{ 'amount': 0.3,
'id': '121553197332',
'info': { 'avgFillPrice': None,
'id': '121553197332',
'ioc': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market': 'FTT/USD',
'postOnly': True,
'price': '40.0',
'reduceOnly': False,
'remainingSize': '0.3',
'side': 'buy',
'size': '0.3',
'status': 'open',
'type': 'limit' },
'side': 'buy',
'status': 'open',
'stopPrice': None,
'symbol': 'FTT/USD',
'trades': [],
'type': 'limit' },
{ 'amount': 0.3,
'id': '121553197726',
'info': { 'avgFillPrice': None,
'future': None,
'id': '121553197726',
'ioc': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market': 'FTT/USD',
'postOnly': True,
'price': '40.062',
'side': 'buy',
'size': '0.3',
'status': 'open',
'type': 'limit' },
'postOnly': True,
'price': 40.062,
'remaining': 0.3,
'side': 'buy',
'status': 'open',
'stopPrice': None,
'symbol': 'FTT/USD',
'trades': [],
'type': 'limit' }]
order_id= 121553197332
for inner_data in inf:
if inner_data['id'] == order_id:
info = inner_data["info"]
Use next:
# Sample data (reduced)
orders = [{
'id': '121553197332',
'info': { 'id': '121553197332' },
}, {
'id': '121553197726',
'info': { 'id': '121553197726' },
# The order to find
order_id = 121553197332
# Find it
found = next((d for d in orders if int(d["id"]) == order_id), None)
Here is the snippet that is ready to run. target variable is the one you are searching for in the records.
data = [{'amount': 0.3,
'id': '121553197332',
'info': {'avgFillPrice': None,
'id': '121553197332',
'ioc': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market': 'FTT/USD',
'postOnly': True,
'price': '40.0',
'reduceOnly': False,
'remainingSize': '0.3',
'side': 'buy',
'size': '0.3',
'status': 'open',
'type': 'limit'},
'side': 'buy',
'status': 'open',
'stopPrice': None,
'symbol': 'FTT/USD',
'trades': [],
'type': 'limit'},
{'amount': 0.3,
'id': '121553197726',
'info': {'avgFillPrice': None,
'future': None,
'id': '121553197726',
'ioc': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market': 'FTT/USD',
'postOnly': True,
'price': '40.062',
'side': 'buy',
'size': '0.3',
'status': 'open',
'type': 'limit'},
'postOnly': True,
'price': 40.062,
'remaining': 0.3,
'side': 'buy',
'status': 'open',
'stopPrice': None,
'symbol': 'FTT/USD',
'trades': [],
'type': 'limit'}]
target= '121553197726'
for d in data:
if d['id']==target:
info = d["info"]

Python Beautifulsoup retrieving json

I'm trying to retrieve the 'inStockQty' json key/value pair using beautifulsoup but am having trouble.
Here's my code so far:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ",default,pd.html?cgid=D2M1G10C13"
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/602.2.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.1 Safari/602.2.14'
headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent,
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'}
page = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html5lib")
script = soup.select_one('script:contains("window.priceAvailabilityJSON")')
How do I then find 'inStockQty'? I thought about trying to parse all the JSON, but i don't know how to strip out all the HTML crap.
Many Thanks
Try this:
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ",default,pd.html?cgid=D2M1G10C13"
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/602.2.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.1 Safari/602.2.14'
headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent,
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8'}
page = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html5lib")
script = soup.find(id='main-content').find('script').string
data = script.split('window.priceAvailabilityJSON = ')[1].split(';\nlet product')[0]
json_data = json.loads(data)
# Output
for product in json_data['productAvailability'].values():
Try Selenium for that job
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'C:\Program Files\ChromeDriver\chromedriver.exe')
URL = ',default,pd.html?cgid=D2M1G10C13'
driver.implicitly_wait(5) # wait until content is loaded
Call the variable and you can access it´s content:
jsonData = driver.execute_script('return priceAvailabilityJSON')
{'G006386138': {'availability': {'backorderable': False, 'inStockQty': 6, 'instock': True, 'isBackorder': False, 'level': 'instock'}, 'badgesInformation': {'backorderInformation': {'backorderMessage': '', 'backorderableMessage': '', 'displayBackorderMessage': False}, 'displayLowStockBadge': False}, 'price': {'available': True, 'list': {'currency': 'EUR', 'decimalPrice': '27.0', 'formatted': '€ 27.00', 'value': 27}, 'vat': 16}}, 'G006386139': {'availability': {'backorderable': False, 'inStockQty': 2, 'instock': True, 'isBackorder': False, 'level': 'instock'}, 'badgesInformation': {'backorderInformation': {'backorderMessage': '', 'backorderableMessage': '', 'displayBackorderMessage': False}, 'displayLowStockBadge': False}, 'price': {'available': True, 'list': {'currency': 'EUR', 'decimalPrice': '27.0', 'formatted': '€ 27.00', 'value': 27}, 'vat': 16}}, 'G006386140': {'availability': {'backorderable': False, 'inStockQty': 9, 'instock': True, 'isBackorder': False, 'level': 'instock'}, 'badgesInformation': {'backorderInformation': {'backorderMessage': '', 'backorderableMessage': '', 'displayBackorderMessage': False}, 'displayLowStockBadge': False}, 'price': {'available': True, 'list': {'currency': 'EUR', 'decimalPrice': '27.0', 'formatted': '€ 27.00', 'value': 27}, 'vat': 16}}, 'G006386141': {'availability': {'backorderable': False, 'inStockQty': 5, 'instock': True, 'isBackorder': False, 'level': 'instock'}, 'badgesInformation': {'backorderInformation': {'backorderMessage': '', 'backorderableMessage': '', 'displayBackorderMessage': False}, 'displayLowStockBadge': False}, 'price': {'available': True, 'list': {'currency': 'EUR', 'decimalPrice': '27.0', 'formatted': '€ 27.00', 'value': 27}, 'vat': 16}}, 'G006386142': {'availability': {'backorderable': False, 'inStockQty': 2, 'instock': True, 'isBackorder': False, 'level': 'instock'}, 'badgesInformation': {'backorderInformation': {'backorderMessage': '', 'backorderableMessage': '', 'displayBackorderMessage': False}, 'displayLowStockBadge': False}, 'price': {'available': True, 'list': {'currency': 'EUR', 'decimalPrice': '27.0', 'formatted': '€ 27.00', 'value': 27}, 'vat': 16}}, 'G006386143': {'availability': {'backorderable': False, 'inStockQty': 28, 'instock': True, 'isBackorder': False, 'level': 'instock'}, 'badgesInformation': {'backorderInformation': {'backorderMessage': '', 'backorderableMessage': '', 'displayBackorderMessage': False}, 'displayLowStockBadge': False}, 'price': {'available': True, 'list': {'currency': 'EUR', 'decimalPrice': '27.0', 'formatted': '€ 27.00', 'value': 27}, 'vat': 16}}, 'G006386144': {'availability': {'backorderable': False, 'inStockQty': 7, 'instock': True, 'isBackorder': False, 'level': 'instock'}, 'badgesInformation': {'backorderInformation': {'backorderMessage': '', 'backorderableMessage': '', 'displayBackorderMessage': False}, 'displayLowStockBadge': False}, 'price': {'available': True, 'list': {'currency': 'EUR', 'decimalPrice': '27.0', 'formatted': '€ 27.00', 'value': 27}, 'vat': 16}}}

Getting 500 Server Error when using Python Requests.put on API

Python Newbie here. I am using to host a json file store and am having trouble using Python to PUT using their API.
I have a dict called budget that I would like to PUT to a specific API endpoint. It says to "Send updated JSON as String".
This the response when I type budget which I believe is a dict?:
{'spend': [{'isTransfer': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'rbal': 0.0, 'st'
1, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Auto Insurance',
'amt': 150.0, 'date': '02/01/2016', 'aamt': 0.0, 'bgt': 150.0, 'type': 1, 'tbgt
: 1800.0, 'islast': False, 'id': 65369859, 'ramt': 0, 'period': 12, 'pid': 14},
{'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -929.44, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True,
'cat': 'Auto Payment', 'amt': 1816.44, 'bgt': 887.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': Fal
e, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369856, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 14}, {'isTran
fer': False, 'rbal': 183.31, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'G
s & Fuel', 'amt': 266.69, 'bgt': 450.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeF
lter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369851, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 14}, {'roll': True, 'isTra
sfer': False, 'rbal': -188.32, 'st': 3, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False, 'isExpe
se': True, 'cat': 'Service & Parts', 'amt': 238.32, 'bgt': 50.0, 'type': 0, 'ca
TypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369855, 'ramt': 238.32, 'pid': 14}, {'isTransf
r': False, 'rbal': -14.99, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Int
rnet', 'amt': 49.99, 'bgt': 35.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter'
'Personal', 'id': 65369845, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 13}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal
: -88.04, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Mobile Phone', 'amt'
245.04, 'bgt': 157.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal
, 'id': 65369858, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 13}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 80.63, '
t': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Utilities', 'amt': 74.37, 'bgt':
155.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 6536985
, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 13}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 74.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': Fal
e, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Life Insurance', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 74.0, 'type': 0
'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369843, 'ramt': 0, 'pi
': 11}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -31.55, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense'
True, 'cat': 'Groceries', 'amt': 831.55, 'bgt': 800.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome':
alse, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369842, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 7}, {'isTr
nsfer': False, 'rbal': 6.73, 'st': 2, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'R
staurants', 'amt': 93.27, 'bgt': 100.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeF
lter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369840, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 7}, {'isTransfer': False,
rbal': 38.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Charity', 'amt':
, 'bgt': 38.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id':
65369860, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 8}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 60.0, 'st': 1, 'e
': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Gift', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 60.0, 'type': 0, '
sIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369857, 'ramt': 0, 'pid':
8}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 560.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': Tru
, 'cat': 'Tithes and Offerings', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 560.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome':
False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369846, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 8}, {'isT
ansfer': False, 'rbal': -12.0, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat':
Unknown', 'amt': 112, 'bgt': 100.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilte
': 'Personal', 'id': 65369853, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}, {'roll': True, 'isTrans
er': False, 'rbal': 1150.0, 'st': 1, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False, 'isExpense
: True, 'cat': 'Home Insurance', 'amt': -1100.0, 'bgt': 50.0, 'type': 0, 'catTy
eFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369848, 'ramt': -1100.0, 'pid': 12}, {'isTransfer
: False, 'rbal': 12.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Home Se
vices', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 12.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': '
ersonal', 'id': 65369849, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 12}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal':
.09, 'st': 2, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Mortgage & Rent', 'amt':
395.91, 'bgt': 2400.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal
, 'id': 65369854, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 12}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -35.97,
st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Unknown', 'amt': 185.97, 'bgt':
150.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 6536984
, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 75.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': F
lse, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Hair', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 75.0, 'type': 0, 'isInc
me': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369861, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 4},
'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -15.57, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, '
at': 'Unknown', 'amt': 165.57, 'bgt': 150.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'cat
ypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369844, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}, {'roll': True,
'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 14122.0, 'st': 1, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False,
isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Property Tax', 'amt': -13508.0, 'bgt': 614.0, 'type':
0, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369841, 'ramt': -13508.0, 'pid': 19}],
income': [{'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 1319.87, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpen
e': False, 'cat': 'Unknown', 'amt': 6680.13, 'bgt': 8000.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncom
': True, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369852, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}]}
This is my script:
requests.put('', data=str(budget))
But I keep getting a 500 Error:
b'{"status":500,"message":"Internal Server Error","more_info":"undefined method`string\' for #\\u003cPhusionPassenger::Utils::TeeInput:0x007f83edc7eac0\\u003e"}'
What am I doing wrong?
Ok this works for me: -
import requests
budget = {'s': 'd'}
r = requests.put('', json=budget)
print r.content
If you are still having a problem with your data you need to include your full data in the question. Your dict seems to have been truncated at the edges.

