I am trying to get information on retweeters for a specific tweet using Tweepy and fetch the in_reply_to_status_id from the returned Tweepy response.
Here is the code
retweets_list = api.get_retweets(id=tweetid)
for retweet in retweets_list:
retweet_json = json.dumps(retweet._json, indent=2)
retweet_json = json.loads(retweet_json)
The code about above produces the data response below
{'created_at': 'Sat Jun 18 06:38:49 +0000 2022', 'id': 1538048568782688256, 'id_str': '1538048568782688256', 'text': 'RT #gyfboxAI: #isle_mcelroy Some mentioned items in thread \n\n#AllisonPDavis The Governesses => httpsurl The Ob…', 'truncated': False, 'entities': {'hashtags': [], 'symbols': [], 'user_mentions': [{'screen_name': 'gyfboxAI', 'name': 'Gyfbox', 'id': 1521109812032978946, 'id_str': '1521109812032978946', 'indices': [3, 12]}, {'screen_name': 'isle_mcelroy', 'name': 'Isle McElroy', 'id': 868462820, 'id_str': '868462820', 'indices': [14, 27]}, {'screen_name': 'AllisonPDavis', 'name': 'Allison P Davis', 'id': 15088579, 'id_str': '15088579', 'indices': [61, 75]}, {'screen_name': 'kvargs93', 'name': 'Katherine Varga', 'id': 885284552897429504, 'id_str': '885284552897429504', 'indices': [125, 134]}], 'urls': [{'url': 'httpsurl', 'expanded_url': 'httpsurlamzn.to/3MUM0mI', 'display_url': 'amzn.to/3MUM0mI', 'indices': [100, 123]}]}, 'source': 'Twitter for iPhone', 'in_reply_to_status_id': None, 'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None, 'in_reply_to_user_id': None, 'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None, 'in_reply_to_screen_name': None, 'user': {'id': 1003173584, 'id_str': '1003173584', 'name': 'Elaine Showalter', 'screen_name': 'ecshowalter', 'location': 'Washington, D.C./London', 'description': 'Professor Emerita Princeton U; Anglophile, feminist, theatre fanatic, “The Civil Wars of Julia Ward Howe.” watercolor by Vanessa Bell, “The Queen’s Tea Party”', 'url': None, 'entities': {'description': {'urls': []}}, 'protected': False, 'followers_count': 8142, 'friends_count': 1049, 'listed_count': 104, 'created_at': 'Tue Dec 11 03:08:17 +0000 2012', 'favourites_count': 24912, 'utc_offset': None, 'time_zone': None, 'geo_enabled': True, 'verified': False, 'statuses_count': 26489, 'lang': None, 'contributors_enabled': False, 'is_translator': False, 'is_translation_enabled': False, 'profile_background_color': 'C0DEED', 'profile_background_image_url': 'http://abs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme1/bg.png', 'profile_background_image_url_https': 'httpsurlabs.twimg.com/images/themes/theme1/bg.png', 'profile_background_tile': True, 'profile_image_url': 'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/968862619699425281/CKzdSRf6_normal.jpg', 'profile_image_url_https': 'httpsurlpbs.twimg.com/profile_images/968862619699425281/CKzdSRf6_normal.jpg', 'profile_banner_url': 'httpsurlpbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/1003173584/1569562029', 'profile_link_color': '0084B4', 'profile_sidebar_border_color': 'FFFFFF', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'DDEEF6', 'profile_text_color': '333333', 'profile_use_background_image': True, 'has_extended_profile': False, 'default_profile': False, 'default_profile_image': False, 'following': False, 'follow_request_sent': False, 'notifications': False, 'translator_type': 'none', 'withheld_in_countries': []}, 'geo': None, 'coordinates': None, 'place': None, 'contributors': None, 'retweeted_status': {'created_at': 'Fri Jun 17 17:55:18 +0000 2022', 'id': 1537856423740198913, 'id_str': '1537856423740198913', 'text': '#isle_mcelroy Some mentioned items in thread \n\n#AllisonPDavis The Governesses => httpsurl… httpsurl', 'truncated': True, 'entities': {'hashtags': [], 'symbols': [], 'user_mentions': [{'screen_name': 'isle_mcelroy', 'name': 'Isle McElroy', 'id': 868462820, 'id_str': '868462820', 'indices': [0, 13]}, {'screen_name': 'AllisonPDavis', 'name': 'Allison P Davis', 'id': 15088579, 'id_str': '15088579', 'indices': [47, 61]}], 'urls': [{'url': 'httpsurl', 'expanded_url': 'httpsurlamzn.to/3MUM0mI', 'display_url': 'amzn.to/3MUM0mI', 'indices': [86, 109]}, {'url': 'httpsurl’, 'expanded_url': 'httpsurltwitter.com/i/web/status/1537856423740198913', 'display_url': 'twitter.com/i/web/status/1…', 'indices': [111, 134]}]}, 'source': 'gyfbox', 'in_reply_to_status_id': 1537835837542604801, 'in_reply_to_status_id_str': '1537835837542604801', 'in_reply_to_user_id': 868462820, 'in_reply_to_user_id_str': '868462820', 'in_reply_to_screen_name': 'isle_mcelroy', 'user': {'id': 1521109812032978946, 'id_str': '1521109812032978946', 'name': 'Gyfbox', 'screen_name': 'gyfboxAI', 'location': '', 'description': 'Tag "#GyfboxAI find item" \n\n#GyfboxAI will reply with link for items mentioned in the thread\n\nCOMING SOON !', 'url': 'httpsurlt.co/u7fGrxh24Y', 'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'url': 'httpsurlt.co/u7fGrxh24Y', 'expanded_url': 'httpsurlwww.gyfbox.com', 'display_url': 'gyfbox.com', 'indices': [0, 23]}]}, 'description': {'urls': []}}, 'protected': False, 'followers_count': 1, 'friends_count': 6, 'listed_count': 0, 'created_at': 'Mon May 02 12:50:32 +0000 2022', 'favourites_count': 1, 'utc_offset': None, 'time_zone': None, 'geo_enabled': False, 'verified': False, 'statuses_count': 49, 'lang': None, 'contributors_enabled': False, 'is_translator': False, 'is_translation_enabled': False, 'profile_background_color': 'F5F8FA', 'profile_background_image_url': None, 'profile_background_image_url_https': None, 'profile_background_tile': False, 'profile_image_url': 'http://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1521109885827661824/iTrlR67U_normal.png', 'profile_image_url_https': 'httpsurlpbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1521109885827661824/iTrlR67U_normal.png', 'profile_link_color': '1DA1F2', 'profile_sidebar_border_color': 'C0DEED', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'DDEEF6', 'profile_text_color': '333333', 'profile_use_background_image': True, 'has_extended_profile': True, 'default_profile': True, 'default_profile_image': False, 'following': False, 'follow_request_sent': False, 'notifications': False, 'translator_type': 'none', 'withheld_in_countries': []}, 'geo': None, 'coordinates': None, 'place': None, 'contributors': None, 'is_quote_status': False, 'retweet_count': 1, 'favorite_count': 0, 'favorited': False, 'retweeted': False, 'possibly_sensitive': False, 'lang': 'en'}, 'is_quote_status': False, 'retweet_count': 1, 'favorite_count': 0, 'favorited': False, 'retweeted': False, 'possibly_sensitive': False, 'lang': 'en'}
Multiple attempts to extract the in_reply_to_status_id always return "None"
Sample attempt that returned none
The data return above shows
'in_reply_to_status_id': 1537835837542604801,
so I should be getting 1537835837542604801 for in_reply_to_status_id
what am i doing wrong and how can I obtain the in_reply_to_status_id ?
According to your Json structure,
the in_reply_status_id is None, the id is in retweeted_status so based on the Json structure
should give
So, I am trying to work with a rest API, and it is giving me the following data:
{'sports': [{'id': '20',
'uid': 's:20',
'name': 'Football',
'slug': 'football',
'leagues': [{'id': '28',
'uid': 's:20~l:28',
'name': 'National Football League',
'abbreviation': 'NFL',
'shortName': 'NFL',
'slug': 'nfl',
'teams': [{'team': {'id': '22',
'uid': 's:20~l:28~t:22',
'slug': 'arizona-cardinals',
'location': 'Arizona',
'name': 'Cardinals',
'nickname': 'Cardinals',
'abbreviation': 'ARI',
'displayName': 'Arizona Cardinals',
'shortDisplayName': 'Cardinals',
'color': 'A40227',
'alternateColor': '000000',
'isActive': True,
'isAllStar': False,
'logos': [{'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/ari.png',
'width': 500,
'height': 500,
'alt': '',
'rel': ['full', 'default'],
'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'},
{'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500-dark/ari.png',
'width': 500,
'height': 500,
'alt': '',
'rel': ['full', 'dark'],
'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'},
{'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/scoreboard/ari.png',
'width': 500,
'height': 500,
'alt': '',
'rel': ['full', 'scoreboard'],
'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'},
I'm just interested in the teams data. However, I try to slice the pie, I'm having trouble extracting the desired information into the dataframe properly.
Here is my code:
url = 'http://site.api.espn.com/apis/site/v2/sports/football/nfl/teams'
r = requests.get(url)
teams_json = r.json()
nfl = []
for teams in teams_json.items():
for x in teams:
for row in x:
I keep getting errors.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
I'd suggest looking into how to navigate lists and dictionaries in python (that's all that json files are). It's just a matter of knowing the path, or how to iterate through those.
To get into a dataframe, pandas has a nice .json_normalize() method. I'm not sure what data you want exactly, as the root teams key data is also nested. So depending what you are after, you may need to do a little extra work to extract what you want. But this is the general dataframe for teams.
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = 'http://site.api.espn.com/apis/site/v2/sports/football/nfl/teams'
jsonData = requests.get(url).json()
teams_json = jsonData['sports'][0]['leagues'][0]['teams']
df = pd.json_normalize(teams_json)
team.id team.uid team.slug team.location team.name team.nickname team.abbreviation team.displayName team.shortDisplayName team.color team.alternateColor team.isActive team.isAllStar team.logos team.record.items team.links
0 22 s:20~l:28~t:22 arizona-cardinals Arizona Cardinals Cardinals ARI Arizona Cardinals Cardinals A40227 000000 True False [{'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/ari.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'default'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500-dark/ari.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'dark'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/scoreboard/ari.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'scoreboard'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500-dark/scoreboard/ari.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'scoreboard', 'dark'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}] [{'summary': '11-6', 'stats': [{'name': 'playoffSeed', 'value': 5.0}, {'name': 'wins', 'value': 11.0}, {'name': 'losses', 'value': 6.0}, {'name': 'winPercent', 'value': 0.6470588445663452}, {'name': 'gamesBehind', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'ties', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'OTWins', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'OTLosses', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'gamesPlayed', 'value': 17.0}, {'name': 'pointsFor', 'value': 449.0}, {'name': 'pointsAgainst', 'value': 366.0}, {'name': 'avgPointsFor', 'value': 26.41176414489746}, {'name': 'avgPointsAgainst', 'value': 21.52941131591797}, {'name': 'points', 'value': 2.5}, {'name': 'differential', 'value': 83.0}, {'name': 'streak', 'value': -1.0}, {'name': 'clincher', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionWinPercent', 'value': 0.6666666865348816}, {'name': 'leagueWinPercent', 'value': 0.5833333134651184}, {'name': 'divisionRecord', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionWins', 'value': 4.0}, {'name': 'divisionTies', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionLosses', 'value': 2.0}]}] [{'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['clubhouse', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/_/name/ari/arizona-cardinals', 'text': 'Clubhouse', 'shortText': 'Clubhouse', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['roster', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/roster/_/name/ari/arizona-cardinals', 'text': 'Roster', 'shortText': 'Roster', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['stats', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/stats/_/name/ari/arizona-cardinals', 'text': 'Statistics', 'shortText': 'Statistics', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['schedule', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/schedule/_/name/ari', 'text': 'Schedule', 'shortText': 'Schedule', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['photos', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/photos/_/name/ari', 'text': 'photos', 'shortText': 'photos', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['scores', 'sportscenter', 'app', 'team'], 'href': 'sportscenter://x-callback-url/showClubhouse?uid=s:20~l:28~t:22§ion=scores', 'text': 'Scores', 'shortText': 'Scores', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['draftpicks', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/draft/teams/_/name/ari/arizona-cardinals', 'text': 'Draft Picks', 'shortText': 'Draft Picks', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': True}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['transactions', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/transactions/_/name/ari', 'text': 'Transactions', 'shortText': 'Transactions', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['injuries', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/injuries/_/name/ari', 'text': 'Injuries', 'shortText': 'Injuries', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['depthchart', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/depth/_/name/ari', 'text': 'Depth Chart', 'shortText': 'Depth Chart', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en', 'rel': ['tickets', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.vividseats.com/nfl-football/arizona-cardinals-tickets.html?wsUser=717', 'text': 'Tickets', 'isExternal': True, 'isPremium': False}]
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3 3 s:20~l:28~t:3 chicago-bears Chicago Bears Bears CHI Chicago Bears Bears 152644 0b162a True False [{'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/chi.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'default'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500-dark/chi.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'dark'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/scoreboard/chi.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'scoreboard'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500-dark/scoreboard/chi.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'scoreboard', 'dark'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}] [{'summary': '6-11', 'stats': [{'name': 'playoffSeed', 'value': 13.0}, {'name': 'wins', 'value': 6.0}, {'name': 'losses', 'value': 11.0}, {'name': 'winPercent', 'value': 0.3529411852359772}, {'name': 'gamesBehind', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'ties', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'OTWins', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'OTLosses', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'gamesPlayed', 'value': 17.0}, {'name': 'pointsFor', 'value': 311.0}, {'name': 'pointsAgainst', 'value': 407.0}, {'name': 'avgPointsFor', 'value': 18.294116973876953}, {'name': 'avgPointsAgainst', 'value': 23.941177368164062}, {'name': 'points', 'value': -2.5}, {'name': 'differential', 'value': -96.0}, {'name': 'streak', 'value': -1.0}, {'name': 'clincher', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionWinPercent', 'value': 0.3333333432674408}, {'name': 'leagueWinPercent', 'value': 0.3333333432674408}, {'name': 'divisionRecord', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionWins', 'value': 2.0}, {'name': 'divisionTies', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionLosses', 'value': 4.0}]}] [{'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['clubhouse', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/_/name/chi/chicago-bears', 'text': 'Clubhouse', 'shortText': 'Clubhouse', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['roster', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/roster/_/name/chi/chicago-bears', 'text': 'Roster', 'shortText': 'Roster', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['stats', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/stats/_/name/chi/chicago-bears', 'text': 'Statistics', 'shortText': 'Statistics', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['schedule', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/schedule/_/name/chi', 'text': 'Schedule', 'shortText': 'Schedule', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['photos', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/photos/_/name/chi', 'text': 'photos', 'shortText': 'photos', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['scores', 'sportscenter', 'app', 'team'], 'href': 'sportscenter://x-callback-url/showClubhouse?uid=s:20~l:28~t:3§ion=scores', 'text': 'Scores', 'shortText': 'Scores', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['draftpicks', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/draft/teams/_/name/chi/chicago-bears', 'text': 'Draft Picks', 'shortText': 'Draft Picks', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': True}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['transactions', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/transactions/_/name/chi', 'text': 'Transactions', 'shortText': 'Transactions', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['injuries', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/injuries/_/name/chi', 'text': 'Injuries', 'shortText': 'Injuries', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['depthchart', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/depth/_/name/chi', 'text': 'Depth Chart', 'shortText': 'Depth Chart', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en', 'rel': ['tickets', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.vividseats.com/nfl-football/chicago-bears-tickets.html?wsUser=717', 'text': 'Tickets', 'isExternal': True, 'isPremium': False}]
4 4 s:20~l:28~t:4 cincinnati-bengals Cincinnati Bengals Bengals CIN Cincinnati Bengals Bengals FF2700 000000 True False [{'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/cin.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'default'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500-dark/cin.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'dark'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500/scoreboard/cin.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'scoreboard'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}, {'href': 'https://a.espncdn.com/i/teamlogos/nfl/500-dark/scoreboard/cin.png', 'width': 500, 'height': 500, 'alt': '', 'rel': ['full', 'scoreboard', 'dark'], 'lastUpdated': '2018-06-05T12:11Z'}] [{'summary': '10-7', 'stats': [{'name': 'playoffSeed', 'value': 4.0}, {'name': 'wins', 'value': 10.0}, {'name': 'losses', 'value': 7.0}, {'name': 'winPercent', 'value': 0.5882353186607361}, {'name': 'gamesBehind', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'ties', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'OTWins', 'value': 1.0}, {'name': 'OTLosses', 'value': 2.0}, {'name': 'gamesPlayed', 'value': 17.0}, {'name': 'pointsFor', 'value': 460.0}, {'name': 'pointsAgainst', 'value': 376.0}, {'name': 'avgPointsFor', 'value': 27.058822631835938}, {'name': 'avgPointsAgainst', 'value': 22.117647171020508}, {'name': 'points', 'value': 1.5}, {'name': 'differential', 'value': 84.0}, {'name': 'streak', 'value': -1.0}, {'name': 'clincher', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionWinPercent', 'value': 0.6666666865348816}, {'name': 'leagueWinPercent', 'value': 0.6666666865348816}, {'name': 'divisionRecord', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionWins', 'value': 4.0}, {'name': 'divisionTies', 'value': 0.0}, {'name': 'divisionLosses', 'value': 2.0}]}] [{'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['clubhouse', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/_/name/cin/cincinnati-bengals', 'text': 'Clubhouse', 'shortText': 'Clubhouse', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['roster', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/roster/_/name/cin/cincinnati-bengals', 'text': 'Roster', 'shortText': 'Roster', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['stats', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/team/stats/_/name/cin/cincinnati-bengals', 'text': 'Statistics', 'shortText': 'Statistics', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['schedule', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/schedule/_/name/cin', 'text': 'Schedule', 'shortText': 'Schedule', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['photos', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/photos/_/name/cin', 'text': 'photos', 'shortText': 'photos', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['scores', 'sportscenter', 'app', 'team'], 'href': 'sportscenter://x-callback-url/showClubhouse?uid=s:20~l:28~t:4§ion=scores', 'text': 'Scores', 'shortText': 'Scores', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['draftpicks', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'http://www.espn.com/nfl/draft/teams/_/name/cin/cincinnati-bengals', 'text': 'Draft Picks', 'shortText': 'Draft Picks', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': True}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['transactions', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/transactions/_/name/cin', 'text': 'Transactions', 'shortText': 'Transactions', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['injuries', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/injuries/_/name/cin', 'text': 'Injuries', 'shortText': 'Injuries', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en-US', 'rel': ['depthchart', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.espn.com/nfl/team/depth/_/name/cin', 'text': 'Depth Chart', 'shortText': 'Depth Chart', 'isExternal': False, 'isPremium': False}, {'language': 'en', 'rel': ['tickets', 'desktop', 'team'], 'href': 'https://www.vividseats.com/nfl-football/cincinnati-bengals-tickets.html?wsUser=717', 'text': 'Tickets', 'isExternal': True, 'isPremium': False}]
[25 rows x 16 columns]
json.items() returns not just the values but the keys also, meaning that the first value in teams is the string "sports" and the second value is what you are looking for, the list. That's what is causing the error.
Edit: You want to do for key, teams in teams_json.items() not for teams in teams_json.items()
Python Newbie here. I am using http://myjson.com/api to host a json file store and am having trouble using Python to PUT using their API.
I have a dict called budget that I would like to PUT to a specific API endpoint. It says to "Send updated JSON as String".
This the response when I type budget which I believe is a dict?:
{'spend': [{'isTransfer': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'rbal': 0.0, 'st'
1, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Auto Insurance',
'amt': 150.0, 'date': '02/01/2016', 'aamt': 0.0, 'bgt': 150.0, 'type': 1, 'tbgt
: 1800.0, 'islast': False, 'id': 65369859, 'ramt': 0, 'period': 12, 'pid': 14},
{'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -929.44, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True,
'cat': 'Auto Payment', 'amt': 1816.44, 'bgt': 887.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': Fal
e, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369856, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 14}, {'isTran
fer': False, 'rbal': 183.31, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'G
s & Fuel', 'amt': 266.69, 'bgt': 450.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeF
lter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369851, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 14}, {'roll': True, 'isTra
sfer': False, 'rbal': -188.32, 'st': 3, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False, 'isExpe
se': True, 'cat': 'Service & Parts', 'amt': 238.32, 'bgt': 50.0, 'type': 0, 'ca
TypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369855, 'ramt': 238.32, 'pid': 14}, {'isTransf
r': False, 'rbal': -14.99, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Int
rnet', 'amt': 49.99, 'bgt': 35.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter'
'Personal', 'id': 65369845, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 13}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal
: -88.04, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Mobile Phone', 'amt'
245.04, 'bgt': 157.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal
, 'id': 65369858, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 13}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 80.63, '
t': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Utilities', 'amt': 74.37, 'bgt':
155.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 6536985
, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 13}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 74.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': Fal
e, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Life Insurance', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 74.0, 'type': 0
'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369843, 'ramt': 0, 'pi
': 11}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -31.55, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense'
True, 'cat': 'Groceries', 'amt': 831.55, 'bgt': 800.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome':
alse, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369842, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 7}, {'isTr
nsfer': False, 'rbal': 6.73, 'st': 2, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'R
staurants', 'amt': 93.27, 'bgt': 100.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeF
lter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369840, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 7}, {'isTransfer': False,
rbal': 38.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Charity', 'amt':
, 'bgt': 38.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id':
65369860, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 8}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 60.0, 'st': 1, 'e
': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Gift', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 60.0, 'type': 0, '
sIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369857, 'ramt': 0, 'pid':
8}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 560.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': Tru
, 'cat': 'Tithes and Offerings', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 560.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome':
False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369846, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 8}, {'isT
ansfer': False, 'rbal': -12.0, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat':
Unknown', 'amt': 112, 'bgt': 100.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilte
': 'Personal', 'id': 65369853, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}, {'roll': True, 'isTrans
er': False, 'rbal': 1150.0, 'st': 1, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False, 'isExpense
: True, 'cat': 'Home Insurance', 'amt': -1100.0, 'bgt': 50.0, 'type': 0, 'catTy
eFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369848, 'ramt': -1100.0, 'pid': 12}, {'isTransfer
: False, 'rbal': 12.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Home Se
vices', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 12.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': '
ersonal', 'id': 65369849, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 12}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal':
.09, 'st': 2, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Mortgage & Rent', 'amt':
395.91, 'bgt': 2400.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal
, 'id': 65369854, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 12}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -35.97,
st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Unknown', 'amt': 185.97, 'bgt':
150.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 6536984
, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}, {'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 75.0, 'st': 1, 'ex': F
lse, 'isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Hair', 'amt': 0, 'bgt': 75.0, 'type': 0, 'isInc
me': False, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369861, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': 4},
'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': -15.57, 'st': 3, 'ex': False, 'isExpense': True, '
at': 'Unknown', 'amt': 165.57, 'bgt': 150.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncome': False, 'cat
ypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369844, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}, {'roll': True,
'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 14122.0, 'st': 1, 'isIncome': False, 'ex': False,
isExpense': True, 'cat': 'Property Tax', 'amt': -13508.0, 'bgt': 614.0, 'type':
0, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369841, 'ramt': -13508.0, 'pid': 19}],
income': [{'isTransfer': False, 'rbal': 1319.87, 'st': 1, 'ex': False, 'isExpen
e': False, 'cat': 'Unknown', 'amt': 6680.13, 'bgt': 8000.0, 'type': 0, 'isIncom
': True, 'catTypeFilter': 'Personal', 'id': 65369852, 'ramt': 0, 'pid': None}]}
This is my script:
requests.put('https://api.myjson.com/bins/1quvq', data=str(budget))
But I keep getting a 500 Error:
b'{"status":500,"message":"Internal Server Error","more_info":"undefined method`string\' for #\\u003cPhusionPassenger::Utils::TeeInput:0x007f83edc7eac0\\u003e"}'
What am I doing wrong?
Ok this works for me: -
import requests
budget = {'s': 'd'}
r = requests.put('https://api.myjson.com/bins/1quvq', json=budget)
print r.content
If you are still having a problem with your data you need to include your full data in the question. Your dict seems to have been truncated at the edges.