I'm trying to pip install accepts, but the code fails. Before the red text of the error (which just says the path of the error pretty much), there is:
"TypeError: 'package' must be a string (dot-separated), list, or tuple"
I have already pip installed this on a different computer but for some reason this error pops up in my home computer. Does anyone know how to solve this?
Note: I have pip installed other modules on my computer, this specific module returns the error.
Image for cmd error: Error
Edit: I've been trying at this for a while, even went to the creator's github (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/accepts/0.0.2). At this point I tried manually downloading the library which also didn't yield a result. It'd be really helpful if someone could pinpoint me in a direction. Thanks.
I already fixed this, but I will post the question anyways and answer it so if there are other people having this issue they may find this.
I installed blender a while ago and did some stuff using python. I can't recall what exactly I did, it was for a school project. However, when I recently tried to use pip to install something I got the following message:
Error in launcher: Unable to create process when using "path to python my blender folder"
Even if you get this answer due to another situation my solution might still help you.
This worked for me:
First I uninstalled Blender.
Then I uninstalled python and reinstalled the newest version.
I deleted every environment variable path I could find leading to an old python version.
In the Terminal I entered where pip and still got some paths leading to old python versions, I went to these locations and deleted every folder labeled with an old python version, in my case these locations were C:\Python37and C:\Users\myusername\Appdata\Roaming\Python
And that's it. After that pip worked as it should.
Please consider not to flag this question as duplicate since it differs from the problem and solutions given in all these:
Error installing with pip - Please check proxy URL. It is malformed and could be missing the host
Please check proxy URL. It is malformed and could be missing the host
Error during pip install -Please check proxy URL
The thing is that I recently installed Python 3.9.2 x64 on Windows 10, and I tried to use this command:
python.exe -m pip install -U "telegram-upload"
And I get this error message:
ERROR: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: Please
check proxy URL. It is malformed and could be missing the host.
But I'm NOT using a proxy. So it is a strange error for me, I don't understand why I get this error message.
How can I pass through this error in order to install the package I need with PIP?.
I finally solved it by creating a new environment variable with name "NO_PROXY":
(it seems the value is irrelevant, maybe pip only checks for the existence of this variable name)
Just by reading and trying random things from the docs: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/user_guide/
And this issue on their GitHub repo: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/2440
My question now is: how is supposed a Windows user or a beginner python user would figure out all this????.
I mean, I don't think that this problem only occurs to me, because I just did a fresh Python install on a fresh Windows 10 O.S with a home network with no proxy no vpn not anything strange, and on this fresh scenario I had no way to install a package using pip because it falsely detected me behind a proxy when I'm really not... so why Python devs team provide a Python installer for Windows if it does not try to figure network settings to avoid weird errors and to make the end-user experience good, clear and easier?.
If a proxy or no_proxy environment variable must be specified always in order to use pip correctly then the Python installer should at least advise about it since installing modules is one of the most common things a programmer will do when using python. I'm very dissappointed with all the time and effort that Python wasted my time just for having a weird, false positive error in the very basic and very early usage of this programming language.
Things should be clear and automated by the Python installer, not expecting that the beginner user to go to the pip docs to figure out how to solve unexpected errors in their very first usage.
Anyways, problem solved, now I can install any package having set the NO_PROXY environment variable.
Hello Everyone,
I have an issue I have to immediately deal with it. I installed mlxtend and used the library for apriori(market research). In my first attempt it worked then next day I tried to update it with new data but it gives exactly this error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mlxtend'. And I read everywhere to find where my mistake is? Sadly, I couldn't find it. I updated my mlxtend to current version however, again I faced with the exact, same problem. When I try to install mlxtend I got this as it is expected "Requirement already satisfied". I would appreciate and be glad if you have any suggestions? By the way, thanks to everyone who read this.
Are you installing it in the Conda shell or somewhere else? To ensure it gets installed in the correct environment type
%pip install mlxtend
from within the Jupyter notebook (in a cell at the top) that you are working in and execute that cell.
If it installs successfully you can comment out that cell or remove it.
I am trying to update Theanos module from github using pip installer. But, I'm getting an cmd error saying that 'cannot find git command.' Here's what I've tried and the photo below shows it. I read that the problem occurs when git isn't in the Windows path, so I tried doing it to my best knowledge. But, I'm still running into a trouble here. Let me know what you all think. Thanks.
I was trying out the HTML5 Game Engine Turbulenz, which requires Python to be installed on the machine. I downloaded and installed Python, and then I downloaded the installer for Turbulenz. In the middle of the installation, I get an error that says "Cannot find python.dll". After clicking ok, the installation continued, so I thought it was fine. When I tried to start Turbulenz, I got a new error, saying "env/Scripts/activate.bat" is missing. I Googled the error and found nothing relevant. I remembered the first error, and I went looking for python.dll. Turns out that it is in C:Python27/, where my Python installation is. Can anyone explain what is going on?
my honest guess is that you need to make sure that C:\Python27 is set up in your PATH variable. There's a video link on the official python docs that helps you get there
or other StackOverflow answers
How do I run a python program in the Command Prompt in Windows 7?
once your python folder is added to the path, you should have no problem