How to extract exact frequencies from signal? - python

I have a 1D signal array. This array holds information about some features that I want to analyze with np.fft.
As an example I tried the following:
My function should be the simple sine wave lambda x : sin(x), in theory when I put an input array through this function I would get a signal array, which when transformed with an fft should tell me that the main component from that signal was (in pseudocode) signal = 1* sin(x).
So far I couldnt get any wiser from any of the answers here so I put this question up.
Now my question: How do I get the "raw" sine component weights from my signal ?
This is where I'm stuck:
>>> y = f(x)
>>> fqs = np.fft.fft(y)
>>> fqs
array([ 3.07768354+0.00000000e+00j, 3.68364588+8.32272378e-16j,
8.73514635-7.15951776e-15j, -7.34287625+1.04901868e-14j,
-2.15156054+5.10742080e-15j, -1.1755705 +4.87611209e-16j,
-0.78767676+3.40334406e-16j, -0.58990993+4.25167217e-16j,
-0.476018 -3.43242308e-16j, -0.40636656+1.13055751e-15j,
-0.36327126+1.55440604e-16j, -0.33804202-1.07128132e-16j,
-0.32634218+2.76861429e-16j, -0.32634218+8.99298797e-16j,
-0.33804202+5.02435797e-16j, -0.36327126-1.55440604e-16j,
-0.40636656-3.06536611e-16j, -0.476018 -4.57882679e-17j,
-0.58990993+4.31587904e-16j, -0.78767676+9.75500354e-16j,
-1.1755705 -4.87611209e-16j, -2.15156054-1.87113952e-15j,
-7.34287625+1.79193327e-15j, 8.73514635-6.76648711e-15j,
>>> np.abs(_)
array([3.07768354, 3.68364588, 8.73514635, 7.34287625, 2.15156054,
1.1755705 , 0.78767676, 0.58990993, 0.476018 , 0.40636656,
0.36327126, 0.33804202, 0.32634218, 0.32634218, 0.33804202,
0.36327126, 0.40636656, 0.476018 , 0.58990993, 0.78767676,
1.1755705 , 2.15156054, 7.34287625, 8.73514635, 3.68364588])
>>> where do I find my 1*sin(x) ?

Even though your x variable is know shown here, I think you're not generating a periodic function. This works fine for me:
import numpy as np
output is
The only no zero imaginary number is at mode 1.


StandardScaler.inverse_transform() return the same array as input :/ Is sklearn broken or am I?

Good evening,
I'm currently pursuing a PhD in chemistry and in this framework I'm trying to apply my few knowledge in python and stats to discriminate sample based on their IR spectrum.
After a few of weeks of data acquisition I'm finally able to build my data set and was about to see what PCA can offer (this was the easy part).
I was able to build my script and get the loadings, scores and everything else that I could possibly need or want. However I used the StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing to scale down my data so (correct my if i'm wrong) I should get back loadings in this "standard scaled" space.
As my data are actual IR spectra those loadings have a chemical meanings (even thought there are not real spectrum) e.g. if my PC1 loadings have a peak at XX cm-1 i know that samples with high PC1 are likely to contain compounds that absorb at this wavenumber .
So i want to reverse the StandardScaler transformation. I've tried to used StandardScaler.inverse_transform() however it appears to return me the same array that I gave him... which is very frustrating...
I'm trying to do the same thing with my samples spectrum but it gave me the same result again : here is the portion of my script where I tried this :
Wavenumbers = DFF.columns
#in fact this is a little more complicated but that's the spirit
Spectre = DFF.values.tolist()
#btw DFF is my pandas.dataframe containing spectrum with features = wavenumber
SS = StandardScaler(copy=True)
DFF = SS.fit_transform(DFF) #at this point I use SS for preprocessing before PCA
#I'm then trying to inverse SS and get back the 1rst spectrum of the dataset
D = SS.inverse_transform(DFF[0])
#However at this point DFF[0] and D are almost-exactly the same I'm sure because :
plt.plot(Wavenumbers,DFF[0]) #the curves are the sames, and :
for i,j in enumerate(D) :
if j==DFF[0][i] : pass
else : print("{}".format(j-DFF[0][i] )) #return nothing bigger than 10e-16
The problem is more than likely syntax or how i used StandardScaler, however i have no one around me to search for help with that . Can anyone tell me what i did wrong ? or give me an hint on how i could get back my loadings in the "actual real IR spectra" space ?
PS: sorry for the wacky English and i hope to be understandable
Good evening,
After putting the problem aside for a few days I finally re-coded the function I needed (as suggested by Robert Dodier).
For reminder, I wanted to have a function that could take my data from a pandas dataframe and mean-centered it in order to do PCA, but also that could reverse the preprocessing for latter uses.
Here is the code I ended up with :
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
class Scaler:
std =[]
mean = []
def fit(self,DF):
for c in DF.columns:
def transform(self,DF):
X = np.zeros(shape=DF.shape)
for i,c in enumerate(DF.columns):
for j in range(len(DF.index)):
X[j][i] = (DF[c][j] - self.mean[i]) / self.std[i]
return X
def reverse(self,X):
Y = np.zeros(shape=X.shape)
for i in range(len(X[0])):
for j in range(len(X)):
Y[j][i] = X[j][i] * self.std[i] + self.mean[i]
return Y
def fit_transform(self,DF):
X = self.transform(DF)
return X
It's pretty slow and surely very low-tech but it seems to do the job just fine. Hope it will save some time to other python beginners.
I designed it to be as close as I think sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler does it.
example :
S = Scaler() #create scaler object #fit the scaler to the dataframe (calculate mean and std for every columns in DF /!\ DF must be a pd.dataframe)
X=S.transform(DF) # return a np.array with mean centered data
Y = S.reverse(X) # reverse the transformation to get back original data
Again sorry for the fast tipped English. And thanks to Robert for taking the time to answer.

Problem in the plotted array, which is the dft of a signal

I have an array including the sample values of a signal (121 samples). However, when I want to plt the Discrete Fourier Transform of it, I take this plot:
This is the related part of my code:
sp = np.fft.fft(flow)
n = np.arange(len(flow))
timeStep = 1
freq = np.fft.fftfreq(n.shape[-1], d=1)
plt.plot(freq, sp.real)
According to the plot every time, the plotted figure has two values. But, this is not sensible and possible. When I print the arrays, everything looks OK. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot.
The real part of sp matrix is:
[ 4.62700000e+04 -2.64892524e+04 4.94317914e+03 8.58381182e+03
-2.05540197e+03 1.53516262e+03 -1.30716540e+04 1.74769311e+04
-1.13435074e+04 -3.79140600e+03 6.94722233e+03 -2.55937762e+03
2.62187832e+03 -7.91539720e+03 1.07849088e+04 -1.86067707e+02
-8.81467635e+03 5.39181241e+03 4.67386587e+03 -1.16464162e+04
2.25400000e+03 3.43226092e+02 -2.18100065e+03 -6.91513328e+03
7.67106151e+02 6.32196523e+03 -1.11715436e+04 3.84865629e+03
4.89120922e+03 -3.04642885e+03 -1.75000000e+02 2.98504637e+03
2.46837686e+03 -2.87114353e+03 -5.14905071e+02 4.95859846e+03
-2.79387832e+03 -3.71433195e+03 5.20579454e+03 3.77109275e+01
-1.31300000e+03 -2.36758839e+02 4.66440953e+03 4.50017683e+03
-8.51326995e+03 9.20006771e+03 3.47394048e+03 -7.50148888e+03
4.57289385e+03 2.52869599e+03 -3.16622233e+03 -2.08767047e+03
9.15962695e+02 1.44698611e+03 -8.07662141e+03 6.76627369e+03
-8.90969316e+03 6.48281486e+03 -3.46137363e+03 -3.44706367e+03
6.48400000e+03 -3.44706367e+03 -3.46137363e+03 6.48281486e+03
-8.90969316e+03 6.76627369e+03 -8.07662141e+03 1.44698611e+03
9.15962695e+02 -2.08767047e+03 -3.16622233e+03 2.52869599e+03
4.57289385e+03 -7.50148888e+03 3.47394048e+03 9.20006771e+03
-8.51326995e+03 4.50017683e+03 4.66440953e+03 -2.36758839e+02
-1.31300000e+03 3.77109275e+01 5.20579454e+03 -3.71433195e+03
-2.79387832e+03 4.95859846e+03 -5.14905071e+02 -2.87114353e+03
2.46837686e+03 2.98504637e+03 -1.75000000e+02 -3.04642885e+03
4.89120922e+03 3.84865629e+03 -1.11715436e+04 6.32196523e+03
7.67106151e+02 -6.91513328e+03 -2.18100065e+03 3.43226092e+02
2.25400000e+03 -1.16464162e+04 4.67386587e+03 5.39181241e+03
-8.81467635e+03 -1.86067707e+02 1.07849088e+04 -7.91539720e+03
2.62187832e+03 -2.55937762e+03 6.94722233e+03 -3.79140600e+03
-1.13435074e+04 1.74769311e+04 -1.30716540e+04 1.53516262e+03
-2.05540197e+03 8.58381182e+03 4.94317914e+03 -2.64892524e+04]
The flow is:
[ 0. 0. 0. ... 0. 2611. 2984.]

Problems using numpy.piecewise

1. The core problem and question
I will provide an executable example below, but let me first walk you through the problem first.
I am using solve_ivp from scipy.integrate to solve an initial value problem (see documentation). In fact I have to call the solver twice, to once integrate forward and once backward in time. (I would have to go unnecessarily deep into my concrete problem to explain why this is necessary, but please trust me here--it is!)
sol0 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0,-1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
sol1 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0, 1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
Here rhs is the right hand side function of the initial value problem y(t) = rhs(t,y). In my case, y has six components y[0] to y[5]. y0=y(0) is the initial condition. [0,±1e8] are the respective integration ranges, one forward and the other backward in time. rtol and atol are tolerances.
Importantly, you see that I flagged dense_output=True, which means that the solver does not only return the solutions on the numerical grids, but also as interpolation functions sol0.sol(t) and sol1.sol(t).
My main goal now is to define a piecewise function, say sol(t) which takes the value sol0.sol(t) for t<0 and the value sol1.sol(t) for t>=0. So the main question is: How do I do that?
I thought that numpy.piecewise should be tool of choice to do this for me. But I am having trouble using it, as you will see below, where I show you what I tried so far.
2. Example code
The code in the box below solves the initial value problem of my example. Most of the code is the definition of the rhs function, the details of which are not important to the question.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
# aux definitions and constants
sin=np.sin; cos=np.cos; tan=np.tan; sqrt=np.sqrt; pi=np.pi;
c = 299792458
Gm = 5.655090674872875e26
# define right hand side function of initial value problem, y'(t) = rhs(t,y)
def rhs(t,y):
p,e,i,Om,om,f = y
sinf=np.sin(f); cosf=np.cos(f); Q=sqrt(p/Gm); opecf=1+e*cosf;
R = Gm**2/(c**2*p**3)*opecf**2*(3*(e**2 + 1) + 2*e*cosf - 4*e**2*cosf**2)
S = Gm**2/(c**2*p**3)*4*opecf**3*e*sinf
rhs = np.zeros(6)
rhs[0] = 2*sqrt(p**3/Gm)/opecf*S
rhs[1] = Q*(sinf*R + (2*cosf + e*(1 + cosf**2))/opecf*S)
rhs[2] = 0
rhs[3] = 0
rhs[4] = Q/e*(-cosf*R + (2 + e*cosf)/opecf*sinf*S)
rhs[5] = sqrt(Gm/p**3)*opecf**2 + Q/e*(cosf*R - (2 + e*cosf)/opecf*sinf*S)
return rhs
# define initial values, y0
# integrate twice from t = 0, once backward in time (sol0) and once forward in time (sol1)
sol0 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0,-1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
sol1 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0, 1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
The solution functions can be addressed from here by sol0.sol and sol1.sol respectively. As an example, let's plot the 4th component:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
t0 = np.linspace(-1,0,500)*1e8
t1 = np.linspace( 0,1,500)*1e8
plt.title('plot 1')
3. Failing attempts to build piecewise function
3.1 Build vector valued piecewise function directly out of sol0.sol and sol1.sol
def sol(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol,sol1.sol])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)*1e8
This leads to the following error in piecewise in line 628 of .../numpy/lib/
TypeError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment requires a 0 or 1-dimensional input, input has 2 dimensions
I am not sure, but I do think this is because of the following: In the documentation of piecewise it says about the third argument:
funclistlist of callables, f(x,*args,**kw), or scalars
[...]. It should take a 1d array as input and give an 1d array or a scalar value as output. [...].
I suppose the problem is, that the solution in my case has six components. Hence, evaluated on a time grid the output would be a 2d array. Can someone confirm, that this is indeed the problem? Since I think this really limits the usefulness of piecewiseby a lot.
3.2 Try the same, but just for one component (e.g. for the 4th)
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol(t)[4],sol1.sol(t)[4]])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)*1e8
This results in this error in line 624 of the same file as above:
ValueError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment cannot assign 1000 input values to the 500 output values where the mask is true
Contrary to the previous error, unfortunately here I have so far no idea why it is not working.
3.3 Similar attempt, however first defining functions for the 4th components
def sol40(t): return sol0.sol(t)[4]
def sol41(t): return sol1.sol(t)[4]
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol40,sol41])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)
plt.title('plot 2')
Now this does not result in an error, and I can produce a plot, however this plot doesn't look like it should. It should look like plot 1 above. Also here, I so far have no clue what is going on.
Am thankful for help!
You can take a look to numpy.piecewise source code. There is nothing special in this function so I suggest to do everything manually.
def sol(t):
ans = np.empty((6, len(t)))
ans[:, t<0] = sol0.sol(t[t<0])
ans[:, t>=0] = sol1.sol(t[t>=0])
return ans
Regarding your failed attempts. Yes, piecewise excpect functions return 1d array. Your second attempt failed because documentation says that funclist argument should be list of functions or scalars but you send the list of arrays. Contrary to the documentation it works even with arrays, you just should use the arrays of the same size as t < 0 and t >= 0 like:
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol(t[t<0])[4],sol1.sol(t[t>=0])[4]])

Reading a wav file with scipy and librosa in python

I am trying to load a .wav file in Python using the scipy folder. My final objective is to create the spectrogram of that audio file. The code for reading the file could be summarized as follows:
import as wav
(sig, rate) =
For some .wav files I am receiving the following error:
WavFileWarning: Chunk (non-data) not understood, skipping it.
WavFileWarning) ** ValueError: Incomplete wav chunk.
Therefore, I decided to use librosa for reading the files using the:
import librosa
(sig, rate) = librosa.load(_wav_file_, sr=None)
That is working properly for all cases, however, I noticed a difference in the colors of the spectrogram. While it was the same exact figure, however, somehow the colors were inversed. More specifically, I noticed that when keeping the same function for calculation of the specs and changing only the way I am reading the .wav there was this difference. Any idea what can produce that thing? Is there a default difference between the way the two approaches read the .wav file?
(rate1, sig1) = # rate1 = 16000
sig, rate = librosa.load(spec_file) # rate 22050
sig = np.array(α*sig, dtype = "int16")
Something that almost worked is to multiple the result of sig with a constant α alpha that was the scale between the max values of the signal from scipy wavread and the signal derived from librosa. Still though the signal rates were different.
This sounds like a quantization problem. If samples in the wave file are stored as float and librosa is just performing a straight cast to an int, and value less than 1 will be truncated to 0. More than likely, this is why sig is an array of all zeros. The float must be scaled to map it into range of an int. For example,
>>> a = sp.randn(10)
>>> a
array([-0.04250369, 0.244113 , 0.64479281, -0.3665814 , -0.2836227 ,
-0.27808428, -0.07668698, -1.3104602 , 0.95253315, -0.56778205])
Convert a to type int without scaling
>>> a.astype(int)
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
Convert a to int with scaling for 16-bit integer
>>> b = (a* 32767).astype(int)
>>> b
array([ -1392, 7998, 21127, -12011, -9293, -9111, -2512, -42939,
31211, -18604])
Convert scaled int back to float
>>> c = b/32767.0
>>> c
array([-0.04248177, 0.24408704, 0.64476455, -0.36655782, -0.28360851,
-0.27805414, -0.0766625 , -1.31043428, 0.9525132 , -0.56776635])
c and b are only equal to about 3 or 4 decimal places due to quantization to int.
If librosa is returning a float, you can scale it by 2**15 and cast it to an int to get same range of values that scipy wave reader is returning. Since librosa is returning a float, chances are the values going to lie within a much smaller range, such as [-1, +1], than a 16-bit integer which will be in [-32768, +32767]. So you need to scale one to get the ranges to match. For example,
sig, rate = librosa.load(spec_file, mono=True)
sig = sig × 32767
If you yourself do not want to do the quantization, then you could use pylab using the pylab.specgram function, to do it for you. You can look inside the function and see how it uses vmin and vmax.
It is not completely clear from your post (at least for me) what you want to achieve (as there is also neither a sample input file nor any script beforehand from you). But anyways, to check if the spectrogram of a wave file has significant differences depending on the case that the signal data returned from any of the read functions is float32 or int, I tested the following 3 functions.
Python Script:
_wav_file_ = "africa-toto.wav"
def spectogram_librosa(_wav_file_):
import librosa
import pylab
import numpy as np
(sig, rate) = librosa.load(_wav_file_, sr=None, mono=True, dtype=np.float32)
pylab.specgram(sig, Fs=rate)
def graph_spectrogram_wave(wav_file):
import wave
import pylab
def get_wav_info(wav_file):
wav =, 'r')
frames = wav.readframes(-1)
sound_info = pylab.fromstring(frames, 'int16')
frame_rate = wav.getframerate()
return sound_info, frame_rate
sound_info, frame_rate = get_wav_info(wav_file)
pylab.figure(num=3, figsize=(10, 6))
pylab.title('spectrogram pylab with wav_file')
pylab.specgram(sound_info, Fs=frame_rate)
def graph_wavfileread(_wav_file_):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
from import wavfile
import numpy as np
sample_rate, samples =
frequencies, times, spectrogram = signal.spectrogram(samples,sample_rate,nfft=1024)
plt.pcolormesh(times, frequencies, 10*np.log10(spectrogram))
plt.ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')
which produced the following 3 outputs:
which apart from the minor differences in size and intensity seem quite similar, no matter the read method, library or data type, which makes me question a little, for what purpose need the outputs be 'exactly' same and how exact should they be.
I do find strange though that the librosa.load() function offers a dtype parameter but works anyways only with float values. Googling in this regard led to me to only this issue which wasn't much help and this issue says that that's how it will stay with librosa, as internally it seems to only use floats.
To add on to what has been said, Librosa has a utility to convert integer arrays to floats.
float_audio = librosa.util.buf_to_float(sig)
I use this to great success when producing spectrograms of Pydub audiosegments. Keep in mind, one of its arguments is the number of bytes per sample. It defaults to 2. You can read about it more in the documentation here. Here is the source code:
def buf_to_float(x, n_bytes=2, dtype=np.float32):
"""Convert an integer buffer to floating point values.
This is primarily useful when loading integer-valued wav data
into numpy arrays.
See Also
x : np.ndarray [dtype=int]
The integer-valued data buffer
n_bytes : int [1, 2, 4]
The number of bytes per sample in `x`
dtype : numeric type
The target output type (default: 32-bit float)
x_float : np.ndarray [dtype=float]
The input data buffer cast to floating point
# Invert the scale of the data
scale = 1./float(1 << ((8 * n_bytes) - 1))
# Construct the format string
fmt = '<i{:d}'.format(n_bytes)
# Rescale and format the data buffer
return scale * np.frombuffer(x, fmt).astype(dtype)

Rebinning ndarray while conserving summation

I am looking for some function that can be used to rebin some ndarray, that satisfies:
The result can be arbitrary dimensions, either upscaling or downscaling.
After the rebinning, the summation should be the same as before.
It should not change the overall image shape. In other words, it should be reversible in case of upscaling.
Second constraint is not just summation-normalization or something, but the rebinning algorithm itself should calculate the fraction the original array elements are overlapped within resulting array elements.
Third argument can be tested in this way:
# image is ndarray with shape of 20x20
func(image, func(image, [40,40]),[20,20])==image # if func works as intended
So far I am aware of only two functions, which are
ndarray.resize: I don't fully understand what it does, but basically not what I am looking for.
scipy.misc.imresize: It interpolates values of each element, which is not so good for my purpose.
But they does not satisfy conditions I mentioned. As an example, I attached a code to argue the behaviour of scipy.misc.imresize.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import imresize
def gaussian(size, center, width, a):
return a*((erf((xcoord+1-center[0])/(width[0]*np.sqrt(2)))-erf((xcoord-center[0])/(width[0]*np.sqrt(2))))*
c=[np.asarray(x) for x in c]
s=[np.asarray(x) for x in s]
im = gaussian(size, c[0]*size, s[0]*size, 1) \
+gaussian(size, c[1]*size, s[1]*size, 3) \
+gaussian(size, c[2]*size, s[2]*size, 2)
So, is there any function, preferably built-in function to some package, that satisfies my requirements?
For other language, I know that frebin in IDL works as what I mentioned. Of course I could re-write the function, or perhaps someone already did it, but I wonder whether if there is any existing solution.
frebin implements pixel duplication when the expansion is by integer value (like the 2x increase in your toy problem). If you want similar reversibility in such cases, try this:
def py_frebin(im, shape):
if np.isclose(x.shape % shape ,
interp = 'nearest'
interp = 'lanczos'
im2 = scipy.misc.imresize(im, shape, interp = interp, mode = 'F')
im2 *= im.sum() / im2.sum()
return im2
Should be better than frebin in non-integer expansions (as frebin seems to be doing interp = 'bilinear' which is less reversible), and similar in integral expansions.

