Rebinning ndarray while conserving summation - python

I am looking for some function that can be used to rebin some ndarray, that satisfies:
The result can be arbitrary dimensions, either upscaling or downscaling.
After the rebinning, the summation should be the same as before.
It should not change the overall image shape. In other words, it should be reversible in case of upscaling.
Second constraint is not just summation-normalization or something, but the rebinning algorithm itself should calculate the fraction the original array elements are overlapped within resulting array elements.
Third argument can be tested in this way:
# image is ndarray with shape of 20x20
func(image, func(image, [40,40]),[20,20])==image # if func works as intended
So far I am aware of only two functions, which are
ndarray.resize: I don't fully understand what it does, but basically not what I am looking for.
scipy.misc.imresize: It interpolates values of each element, which is not so good for my purpose.
But they does not satisfy conditions I mentioned. As an example, I attached a code to argue the behaviour of scipy.misc.imresize.
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import imresize
def gaussian(size, center, width, a):
return a*((erf((xcoord+1-center[0])/(width[0]*np.sqrt(2)))-erf((xcoord-center[0])/(width[0]*np.sqrt(2))))*
c=[np.asarray(x) for x in c]
s=[np.asarray(x) for x in s]
im = gaussian(size, c[0]*size, s[0]*size, 1) \
+gaussian(size, c[1]*size, s[1]*size, 3) \
+gaussian(size, c[2]*size, s[2]*size, 2)
So, is there any function, preferably built-in function to some package, that satisfies my requirements?
For other language, I know that frebin in IDL works as what I mentioned. Of course I could re-write the function, or perhaps someone already did it, but I wonder whether if there is any existing solution.

frebin implements pixel duplication when the expansion is by integer value (like the 2x increase in your toy problem). If you want similar reversibility in such cases, try this:
def py_frebin(im, shape):
if np.isclose(x.shape % shape ,
interp = 'nearest'
interp = 'lanczos'
im2 = scipy.misc.imresize(im, shape, interp = interp, mode = 'F')
im2 *= im.sum() / im2.sum()
return im2
Should be better than frebin in non-integer expansions (as frebin seems to be doing interp = 'bilinear' which is less reversible), and similar in integral expansions.


Problems using numpy.piecewise

1. The core problem and question
I will provide an executable example below, but let me first walk you through the problem first.
I am using solve_ivp from scipy.integrate to solve an initial value problem (see documentation). In fact I have to call the solver twice, to once integrate forward and once backward in time. (I would have to go unnecessarily deep into my concrete problem to explain why this is necessary, but please trust me here--it is!)
sol0 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0,-1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
sol1 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0, 1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
Here rhs is the right hand side function of the initial value problem y(t) = rhs(t,y). In my case, y has six components y[0] to y[5]. y0=y(0) is the initial condition. [0,±1e8] are the respective integration ranges, one forward and the other backward in time. rtol and atol are tolerances.
Importantly, you see that I flagged dense_output=True, which means that the solver does not only return the solutions on the numerical grids, but also as interpolation functions sol0.sol(t) and sol1.sol(t).
My main goal now is to define a piecewise function, say sol(t) which takes the value sol0.sol(t) for t<0 and the value sol1.sol(t) for t>=0. So the main question is: How do I do that?
I thought that numpy.piecewise should be tool of choice to do this for me. But I am having trouble using it, as you will see below, where I show you what I tried so far.
2. Example code
The code in the box below solves the initial value problem of my example. Most of the code is the definition of the rhs function, the details of which are not important to the question.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
# aux definitions and constants
sin=np.sin; cos=np.cos; tan=np.tan; sqrt=np.sqrt; pi=np.pi;
c = 299792458
Gm = 5.655090674872875e26
# define right hand side function of initial value problem, y'(t) = rhs(t,y)
def rhs(t,y):
p,e,i,Om,om,f = y
sinf=np.sin(f); cosf=np.cos(f); Q=sqrt(p/Gm); opecf=1+e*cosf;
R = Gm**2/(c**2*p**3)*opecf**2*(3*(e**2 + 1) + 2*e*cosf - 4*e**2*cosf**2)
S = Gm**2/(c**2*p**3)*4*opecf**3*e*sinf
rhs = np.zeros(6)
rhs[0] = 2*sqrt(p**3/Gm)/opecf*S
rhs[1] = Q*(sinf*R + (2*cosf + e*(1 + cosf**2))/opecf*S)
rhs[2] = 0
rhs[3] = 0
rhs[4] = Q/e*(-cosf*R + (2 + e*cosf)/opecf*sinf*S)
rhs[5] = sqrt(Gm/p**3)*opecf**2 + Q/e*(cosf*R - (2 + e*cosf)/opecf*sinf*S)
return rhs
# define initial values, y0
# integrate twice from t = 0, once backward in time (sol0) and once forward in time (sol1)
sol0 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0,-1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
sol1 = solve_ivp(rhs,[0, 1e8],y0,rtol=10e-12,atol=10e-12,dense_output=True)
The solution functions can be addressed from here by sol0.sol and sol1.sol respectively. As an example, let's plot the 4th component:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
t0 = np.linspace(-1,0,500)*1e8
t1 = np.linspace( 0,1,500)*1e8
plt.title('plot 1')
3. Failing attempts to build piecewise function
3.1 Build vector valued piecewise function directly out of sol0.sol and sol1.sol
def sol(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol,sol1.sol])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)*1e8
This leads to the following error in piecewise in line 628 of .../numpy/lib/
TypeError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment requires a 0 or 1-dimensional input, input has 2 dimensions
I am not sure, but I do think this is because of the following: In the documentation of piecewise it says about the third argument:
funclistlist of callables, f(x,*args,**kw), or scalars
[...]. It should take a 1d array as input and give an 1d array or a scalar value as output. [...].
I suppose the problem is, that the solution in my case has six components. Hence, evaluated on a time grid the output would be a 2d array. Can someone confirm, that this is indeed the problem? Since I think this really limits the usefulness of piecewiseby a lot.
3.2 Try the same, but just for one component (e.g. for the 4th)
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol(t)[4],sol1.sol(t)[4]])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)*1e8
This results in this error in line 624 of the same file as above:
ValueError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment cannot assign 1000 input values to the 500 output values where the mask is true
Contrary to the previous error, unfortunately here I have so far no idea why it is not working.
3.3 Similar attempt, however first defining functions for the 4th components
def sol40(t): return sol0.sol(t)[4]
def sol41(t): return sol1.sol(t)[4]
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol40,sol41])
t = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)
plt.title('plot 2')
Now this does not result in an error, and I can produce a plot, however this plot doesn't look like it should. It should look like plot 1 above. Also here, I so far have no clue what is going on.
Am thankful for help!
You can take a look to numpy.piecewise source code. There is nothing special in this function so I suggest to do everything manually.
def sol(t):
ans = np.empty((6, len(t)))
ans[:, t<0] = sol0.sol(t[t<0])
ans[:, t>=0] = sol1.sol(t[t>=0])
return ans
Regarding your failed attempts. Yes, piecewise excpect functions return 1d array. Your second attempt failed because documentation says that funclist argument should be list of functions or scalars but you send the list of arrays. Contrary to the documentation it works even with arrays, you just should use the arrays of the same size as t < 0 and t >= 0 like:
def sol4(t): return np.piecewise(t,[t<0,t>=0],[sol0.sol(t[t<0])[4],sol1.sol(t[t>=0])[4]])

Maximum intensity projection from image stack

I'm trying to recreate the function
max(array, [], 3)
From MatLab, which can take my 300x300px image stack of N images (I'm saying "Image" here because I'm processing images, really this is just a big double array), 300x300xN, and create a 300x300 array. What I think is happening in this function, if it were to operate inefficiently, is that it is parsing through each (x,y) point, then taking the maximum value from that point across the z-axis, then normalizing with maximum and minimum values of the entire array.
I've tried recreating this in python with
# Shape of dataset: (300, 300, 181)
# Type of dataset: <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
for x in range(numpy.size(self.dataset, 0)):
for y in range(numpy.size(self.dataset, 1)):
print "Point is", x, y
# more would go here to find the maximum (x,y) value over Z axis in self.dataset
A very simple X,Y iterator. -- but not only does my IDE crash after a few milliseconds of running this code, but also it feels gross and inefficient.
Is there something I'm missing? I'm new to Python, and therefore the answer here isn't clear to me. Is there an existing function that does this operation?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import io
path = "test.tif"
IM = io.imread(path)
IM_MAX= np.max(IM, axis=0)

Python matrix convolution without using numpy.convolve or scipy equivalent functions

I need to write a matrix convolution without using any built in functions to help. I am taking an image and turning it to greyscale, and then I'm supposed to pass a filter matrix over it. One of the filter matrices I have to use is:
I understand how convolutions work, I just don't understand how to apply the convolution with code. Here is the code I am using to get my greyscale array:
import numpy
from scipy import misc
mylist = []
for i in myfile:
for i in mylist:
q = i
image = misc.imread(q[0:-1])
image = misc.imread('image1.png')
def averageArr(pixel): #make the pixel color values more realistic
return 0.299*pixel[:,:,0] + 0.587*pixel[:,:,1] + 0.114*pixel[:,:,2]
def threshold():
picture = averageArr(image)
for i in range(0,picture.shape[0]): #begin thresholding
for j in range(0,picture.shape[1]):
misc.imsave('image1.png') #save the image file
I take the values from the function, and add them to a list, and then I am supposed to iterate over the list, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I can use scipy and numpy to read and arrange the matrix, but the actual convolution function has to be written.

The equivalence of Matlab sprand() in Python?

I am trying to translate a Matlab code snippet into a Python one. However, I am not very sure how to correctly implement the sprand() function.
This is how the Matlab code use sprand():
% n_z is an integer, n_dw is a matrix
n_p_z_dw = cell(n_z, 1); % n(d,w) * p(z|d,w)
for z = 1:n_z
n_p_z_dw{z} = sprand(n_dw);
And this is how I implement the above logic in Python:
n_p_z_dw = [None]*n_z # n(d,w) * p(z|d,w)
density = np.count_nonzero(n_dw)/float(n_dw.size)
for i in range(0, n_z):
n_p_z_dw[i] = scipy.sparse.rand(n_d, n_w, density=density)
It seems to work, but I am not very sure about this. Any comment or suggestion?
The following should be a relatively fast way, I think, for a sparse array A:
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import numpy as np
This will construct a COO format sparse matrix: it uses A.nonzero() as the coordinates, and A.nnz (the number of nonzero entries in A) to find the number of random numbers to generate.
I wonder, though, whether this might be a useful addition to the scipy.sparse.rand function.

Python Numpy - Complex Numbers - Is there a function for Polar to Rectangular conversion?

Is there a built-in Numpy function to convert a complex number in polar form, a magnitude and an angle (degrees) to one in real and imaginary components?
Clearly I could write my own but it seems like the type of thing for which there is an optimised version included in some module?
More specifically, I have an array of magnitudes and an array of angles:
>>> a
array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> b
array([120, 121, 120, 120, 121])
And what I would like is:
>>> c
There isn't a function to do exactly what you want, but there is angle, which does the hardest part. So, for example, one could define two functions:
def P2R(radii, angles):
return radii * exp(1j*angles)
def R2P(x):
return abs(x), angle(x)
These functions are using radians for input and output, and for degrees, one would need to do the conversion to radians in both functions.
In the numpy reference there's a section on handling complex numbers, and this is where the function you're looking for would be listed (so since they're not there, I don't think they exist within numpy).
There's an error in the previous answer that uses numpy.vectorize - cmath.rect is not a module that can be imported. Numpy also provides the deg2rad function that provides a cleaner piece of code for the angle conversion. Another version of that code could be:
import numpy as np
from cmath import rect
nprect = np.vectorize(rect)
c = nprect(a, np.deg2rad(b))
The code uses numpy's vectorize function to return a numpy style version of the standard library's cmath.rect function that can be applied element wise across numpy arrays.
I used cmath with itertools:
from cmath import rect,pi
from itertools import imap
b = b*pi/180 # convert from deg to rad
c = [x for x in imap(rect,a,b)]
import numpy as np
import cmath.rect
nprect = np.vectorize(rect)
c = nprect(a,b*np.pi/180)
tom10 answer works fine... you can also expand the Euler's formula to:
def P2R(A, phi):
return A * ( np.cos(phi) + np.sin(phi)*1j )

