Python 3 Get JSON value - python

I am using rest with a python script to extract Name and Start Time from a response.
I can get the information but I can't combine data so that the information is on the same line in a CSV. When I go to export them to CSV they all go on new lines.
There is probably a much better way to extract data from a JSON List.
for item in driverDetails['Query']['Results']:
for data_item in item['XValues']:
for key, value in data_item.items():
#driver = {}
#test = {}
#startTime = {}
if key == "Name":
if key == "StartTime":
print (drivers)
Code to write to CSV:
with open(logFileName, 'a') as outcsv:
# configure writer to write standard csv file
writer = csv.writer(outcsv, delimiter=',', quotechar="'",
quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, lineterminator='\n',skipinitialspace=True)
for driver in drivers:
Here is a sample of the response:
"Query": {
"Results": [
"XValues": [
"ReportScopeStartTime": "2018-06-18T23:00:00Z"
"ReportScopeEndTime": "2018-06-25T22:59:59Z"
"ID": "1400"
"Name": " John Doe"
"StartTime": "2018-06-19T07:16:10Z"
"XValues": [
"ReportScopeStartTime": "2018-06-18T23:00:00Z"
"ReportScopeEndTime": "2018-06-25T22:59:59Z"
"ID": "1401"
"Name": " Jane Smith"
"StartTime": "2018-06-19T07:16:10Z"
My ouput in csv:
John Doe
Jane Smith
Desired Outcome:
John Doe, 2018-06-19T07:16:10Z
Jane Smith, 2018-06-19T07:16:10Z

Just use normal dictionary access to get the values:
for item in driverDetails['Query']['Results']:
for data_item in item['XValues']:
if "Name" in data_item:
if "StartTime" in data_item:
print (drivers)
If you know the items will already have the required fields then you won't even need the in tests.
writer.writerow() expects a sequence. You are calling it with a single string as a parameter so it will split the string into individual characters. Probably you want to keep the name and start time together so extract them as a tuple:
for item in driverDetails['Query']['Results']:
name, start_time = "", ""
for data_item in item['XValues']:
if "Name" in data_item:
name = data_item["Name"]
if "StartTime" in data_item:
start_time = data_item["StartTime"]
drivers.append((name, start_time))
print (drivers)
Now instead of being a list of strings, drivers is a list of tuples: the name for every item that has a name and the start time but if an input item has a name and no start time that field could be empty. Your code to write the csv file should now do the expected thing.
If you want to get all or most of the values try gathering them together into a single dictionary, then you can pull out the fields you want:
for item in driverDetails['Query']['Results']:
fields = {}
for data_item in item['XValues']:
drivers.append((fields["ID"], fields["Name"], fields["StartTime"]))
print (drivers)
Once you have the fields in a single dictionary you could even build the tuple with a loop:
drivers.append(tuple(fields[f] for f in ("ID", "Name", "StartTime", "ReportScopeStartTime", "ReportScopeEndTime")))
I think you should list the fields you want explicitly just to ensure that new fields don't surprise you.


How can I make checking the value for the parameter?

I want to write a program that will save information from the API, in the form of a JSON file. The API has the 'exchangeId' parameter. When I save information from the API, I want to save only those files in which the 'exchangeId' will be different and his value will be more then one. How can I make it? Please, give me hand.
My Code:
exchangeIds = {102,311,200,302,521,433,482,406,42,400}
for pair in json_data["marketPairs"]:
if (id := pair.get("exchangeId")):
if id in exchangeIds:
"exchange_name": pair["exchangeName"],
"market_url": pair["marketUrl"],
"price": pair["price"],
"last_update" : pair["lastUpdated"],
"exchange_id": pair["exchangeId"]
out_object["name_of_coin"] = json_data["name"]
out_object["marketPairs"] = pairs
out_object["pairs"] = json_data["numMarketPairs"]
name = json_data["name"]
Example of ExchangeIds output, that I don't need:
{200} #with the one id in `ExchangeId`
Example of JSON output:
"name_of_coin": "Pax Dollar",
"marketPairs": [
"exchange_name": "Bitrue",
"market_url": "",
"price": 1.0000617355334473,
"last_update": "2021-12-24T16:39:09.000Z",
"exchange_id": 433
"exchange_name": "Hotbit",
"market_url": "",
"price": 0.964348817699553,
"last_update": "2021-12-24T16:39:08.000Z",
"exchange_id": 400
"pairs": 22
} #this one of exapmle that I need, because there are two id

parse the file and generate a list of dictionaries where each user information is represented by a single dictionary

I have a .txt file like this image for txt file, where every column can be classified as UserName:ReferenceToThePassowrd:UserID:GroupID:UserIDInfo:HomeDir:LoginShell.
I want to make a script to parse the file and generate a list of dictionaries where each user information is represented by a single dictionary:
Here is an example of how the final output should look like:
"user_name": "user1",
"user_id": "1001",
"home_dir": "/home/user1",
"login_shell": "/bin/bash"
"user_name": "user2",
"user_id": "1002",
"home_dir": "/home/user2",
"login_shell": "/bin/bash"
A very basic way of doing this might look like:
objects = []
for line in open("myData.txt"):
line = line.strip()
items = line.split(":")
someDict = {}
someDict["first"] = items[0]
someDict["second"] = items[1]
# ... etc

How to access an object within a list of them?

So I have a list of objects from an API which looks like this:
"1": {
"artist": "Ariana Grande",
"title": "Positions"
"2": {
"artist": "Luke Combs",
"title": "Forever After All"
"3": {
"artist": "24kGoldn Featuring iann dior",
"title": "Mood"
I was wondering how do I run a for loop to access each item.
def create_new_music_chart(data_location):
with open(data_location, 'r') as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
for song in data:
but when I try doing this to print artist, it doesn't work:
for song in data:
TypeError: string indices must be integers
song is the key in the dictionary. If you want to get the artist, you must look up the key song in the dictionary data, and artist should be a string:
for song in data:
# song is "1"
# data[song] is {"artist": "Ariana Grande", "title": "Positions"}
song is the key, not the dictionary value. Iterate using values instead:
for song_dict in data.values():

To retrieve specific data from multiple similar portions in a .json file

A part of json file's content as below:
{"ID": "PK45", "People": "Kate", "Date": "2020-01-05"}, {"ID": "OI85", "People": "John", "Date": "2020-01-18" }, {"ID": "CN658", "People": "Pevo", "Date": "2020-02-01" }
It has multiple portions containing "ID", "People" and "Date".
What I want to do is to retrieve John's ID (in this case "OI85". )
If the key is unique, I can use:
data_content = json.loads(data)
ID = data_content['ID']
But there are multiple similar portions. So I can only locate the "John" first:
with open("C:\\the_file.json") as data_file:
data =
where = data.find('John')
where_1 = data[where - 20 : where]
ID = where_1[where_1.find('ID')+3:where_1.find('ID')+7]
print (ID)
It looked clumsy.
What will be the smart json way to retrieve the specific data from multiple similar portions in a .json file?
Thank you.
Iterate on the list of dicts until you find the right one:
import json
data = '[{"ID": "PK45", "People": "Kate", "Date": "2020-01-05"}, {"ID": "OI85", "People": "John", "Date": "2020-01-18" }, {"ID": "CN658", "People": "Pevo", "Date": "2020-02-01" }]'
data_content = json.loads(data)
def find_id_by_name(name, data):
for d in data:
if d['People'] == name:
return d["ID"]
raise ValueError('Name not found')
print(find_id_by_name('John', data_content))
# OI85
print(find_id_by_name('Jane', data_content))
# ... ValueError: Name not found
If you have to do many such searches, it may be worth creating another dict from your data to associate IDs to names:
ids_by_name = {d['People']:d['ID'] for d in data_content}
# OI85
You probably should use the json module, which makes the task trivial:
import json
with open('data.json') as f:
records = json.load(f)
for record in records:
if record['People'] == 'John':

convert csv file to multiple nested json format

I have written a code to convert csv file to nested json format. I have multiple columns to be nested hence assigning separately for each column. The problem is I'm getting 2 fields for the same column in the json output.
import csv
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
csv_file = 'data.csv'
json_file = csv_file + '.json'
def main(input_file):
csv_rows = []
with open(input_file, 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='|')
for row in reader:
row['TYPE'] = 'REVIEW', # adding new key, value
row['RAWID'] = 1,
row['CUSTOMER'] = {
"ID": row['CUSTOMER_ID'],
row['CATEGORY'] = {
"ID": row['CATEGORY_ID'],
del (row["CUSTOMER_NAME"], row["CATEGORY_ID"],
row["CATEGORY"], row["CUSTOMER_ID"]) # deleting since fields coccuring twice
with open(json_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(csv_rows, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
The output is as below:
"ID": "1",
"NAME": "Consumers"
"CUSTOMER_ID": "41",
"ID": "41",
"NAME": "SA Port"
"RAWID": [
I'm getting 2 entries for the fields I have assigned using row[''].
Is there any other way to get rid of this? I want only one entry for a particular field in each record.
Also how can I convert the keys to lower case after reading from csv.DictReader(). In my csv file all the columns are in upper case and hence I'm using the same to assign. But I want to convert all of them to lower case.
In order to convert the keys to lower case, it would be simpler to generate a new dict per row. BTW, it should be enough to get rid of the duplicate fields:
for row in reader:
orow = collection.OrderedDict()
orow['type'] = 'REVIEW', # adding new key, value
orow['rawid'] = 1,
orow['customer'] = {
"id": row['CUSTOMER_ID'],
"name": row['CUSTOMER_NAME']
orow['category'] = {
"id": row['CATEGORY_ID'],
"name": row['CATEGORY']

