How can I make checking the value for the parameter? - python

I want to write a program that will save information from the API, in the form of a JSON file. The API has the 'exchangeId' parameter. When I save information from the API, I want to save only those files in which the 'exchangeId' will be different and his value will be more then one. How can I make it? Please, give me hand.
My Code:
exchangeIds = {102,311,200,302,521,433,482,406,42,400}
for pair in json_data["marketPairs"]:
if (id := pair.get("exchangeId")):
if id in exchangeIds:
"exchange_name": pair["exchangeName"],
"market_url": pair["marketUrl"],
"price": pair["price"],
"last_update" : pair["lastUpdated"],
"exchange_id": pair["exchangeId"]
out_object["name_of_coin"] = json_data["name"]
out_object["marketPairs"] = pairs
out_object["pairs"] = json_data["numMarketPairs"]
name = json_data["name"]
Example of ExchangeIds output, that I don't need:
{200} #with the one id in `ExchangeId`
Example of JSON output:
"name_of_coin": "Pax Dollar",
"marketPairs": [
"exchange_name": "Bitrue",
"market_url": "",
"price": 1.0000617355334473,
"last_update": "2021-12-24T16:39:09.000Z",
"exchange_id": 433
"exchange_name": "Hotbit",
"market_url": "",
"price": 0.964348817699553,
"last_update": "2021-12-24T16:39:08.000Z",
"exchange_id": 400
"pairs": 22
} #this one of exapmle that I need, because there are two id


Appending tags in OCI using SDK

I have namespace already created and defined tags to resources. When I try adding new tags to the resources, the old tags are getting deleted.
As I would like to use the old data and return the value along with the new tags. Please help me with how I can achieve this.
get volume details from a specific compartment
import oci
config = oci.config.from_file("~/.oci/config")
core_client = oci.core.BlockstorageClient(config)
get_volume_response = core_client.get_volume(
# Get the data from response
"availability_domain": "eto:PHX-AD-1",
"compartment_id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaapmj",
"defined_tags": {
"OMCS": {
"Oracle-Tags": {
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedOn": "2022-07-5T08:29:24.865Z"
"display_name": "test_VG",
"freeform_tags": {},
"id": "ocid1.volumegroup.oc1.phx.abced",
"is_hydrated": null,
"lifecycle_state": "AVAILABLE",
"size_in_gbs": 100,
"size_in_mbs": 102400,
"source_details": {
"type": "volumeIds",
"volume_ids": [
I want the API below to update the tag along with the old data.
old tag
"defined_tags": {
"OMCS": {
"Oracle-Tags": {
"CreatedBy": "",
"CreatedOn": "2022-07-5T08:29:24.865Z"
import oci
config = oci.config.from_file("~/.oci/config")
core_client = oci.core.BlockstorageClient(config)
update_volume_response = core_client.update_volume(
display_name = "TEMPMT01"))
I also tried but got an attribute error.
for tag in
return (def_tag)
Please help on how can I append the defined_tags?
tags are defined as dict in OCI. Append works the same way as in appending dict.
Below I have pasted the code for updating the defined_tags for Block Volumes in OCI
import oci
from oci.config import from_file
configAPI = from_file() # Config file is read from user's home location i.e., ~/.oci/config
core_client = oci.core.BlockstorageClient(configAPI)
get_volume_response = core_client.get_volume(
# Get the data from response
volume_details =
defined_tags = getattr(volume_details, "defined_tags")
freeform_tags = getattr(volume_details, "freeform_tags")
# Add new tags as required. As defined_tags is a dict, addition of new key/value pair works like below.
# In case there are multiple tags to be added then use update() method of dict.
defined_tags["OMCS"]["INSTANCE"] = "TEST"
defined_tags["OMCS"]["COMPONENT"] = ""
myJson={"freeform_tags":freeform_tags,"defined_tags": defined_tags}
update_volume_response = core_client.update_volume(

JSON jq/python file manipulation with specific key name aggregation

I need to modify the structure of this json file:
in order to have this kind of output:
The idea is to have, in the new json structure, the visibility of my laptop with the two file-system partition in an array named "file_system".
As you can see the two partition are related to the first by the id and root_container.
So, imagine to have not only one laptop, bat thousands of laptop, with different id and every one of these have different partition, related to the laptop by the root_container key.
Is there an option to do this with jq functions or python script?
Many thanks
You could employ reduce to iterate over the items while extracting their id, mount_point and root_container. Then, if a root_container was present, delete that entry and add its mount_point to the entry whose id matches their root_container. For convenience, I also employed INDEX on the items' id fields to simplify their access as .[$id] and .[$root_container], which had to be undone at the end using map(.).
jq '
reduce .[] as {$id, properties: {$mount_point, $root_container}} (
if $root_container then
| .[$root_container].properties.file_system += [$mount_point]
else . end
| map(.)
"id": "3333",
"properties": {
"label": "Computer",
"name": "My-Laptop",
"file_system": [

Struggling to create a dictionary to store results from IBM Watson Entity Analysis

Am struggling to capture the results from the IBM Watson entity analysis in a dictionary. I would like to extract the sentiment of each link through a function. I have a function created to extract a single url. But the dictionary am trying to store the results captures only the last url results. I am new to Python, and appreciate any help.
Here is my entity analysis code,
# function to process an URL
def processurl(url_to_analyze):
# end point
endpoint = f"{URL}/v1/analyze"
# credentials
username = "apikey"
password = API_KEY
# parameters
parameters = {
"version": "2020-08-01"
# headers
headers = {
# watson options
watson_options = {
"url": url_to_analyze,
"features": {
"entities": {
"sentiment": True,
"emotion": True,
# return
response =,
return response.json()
here is the function I created to pass the result from above
# create a function to extract the entities from the result data
def getentitylist(data,threshold):
result = []
for entity in data["entities"]:
relevance = float(entity["relevance"])
if relevance > threshold:
return result
After looping through the URL's, I can't seemed to store the result in a dictionary so that I can pass that to my function for entity results
# method II: loop through news api urls and perform entity analysis and store it in a dictionary
entitydict = {}
for url in url_to_analyze:
I can't see where you are calling getentitylist, but in your url loop
entitydict = {}
for url in url_to_analyze:
update will be updating the dictionary based on key values. ie. this will overwrite the values for any keys already in the dictionary. As your response will look something like:
"usage": {
"text_units": 1,
"text_characters": 2708,
"features": 1
"retrieved_url": "",
"language": "en",
"entities": [
"type": "Company",
"text": "CNN",
"sentiment": {
"score": 0.0,
"label": "neutral"
"relevance": 0.784947,
"disambiguation": {
"subtype": [
"name": "CNN",
"dbpedia_resource": ""
"count": 9
The keys that will be updated are at the top level ie. usage, retrieved_url, retrieved_url, entities. So entitydict will only contain the response for the last url, as previous values for these keys will get overwritten.
What you should be doing is use the url as key to each response.
entitydict = {}
for url in url_to_analyze:
entitydict.update({url : processurl(url)})

The best way to transform a response to a json format in the example

Appreciate if you could help me for the best way to transform a result into json as below.
We have a result like below, where we are getting an information on the employees and the companies. In the result, somehow, we are getting a enum like T, but not for all the properties.
[ {
We need to transform this result into a different structure and grouping based on the category, if category in Employee, Company and ParentCompany, then it should be under the node_properties object, else, should be in the edge_properties. And also, apart from the common properties(property_id, property_category and node), different properties to be added if the category is company and parent company. There are few more logic also where we have to get the from and to properties of the edge object based on the 'to' . the expected response is,
"node":{node_id: "11"}
"node":{node_id: "12"},
"node":{node_id: "13"}
"node":{node_id: "14"},
In java, we have used the enhanced for loop, switch etc. How we can write the code in the python to get the structure as above from the initial result structure. ( I am new to python), thank you in advance.
Here is a method that I quickly made, you can adjust it to your requirements. You can use regex or your own function to get the IDs of the edge_properties then assign it to an object like the way I did. I am not so sure of your full requirements but if that list that you gave is all the categories then this will be sufficient.
def transform(input_list):
node_properties = []
edge_properties = []
for input_obj in input_list:
# print(obj)
new_obj = {}
if input_obj['T.category'] == 'Employee' or input_obj['T.category'] == 'Company' or input_obj['T.category'] == 'ParentCompany':
new_obj['property_id'] = input_obj['']
new_obj['property_category'] = input_obj['T.category']
new_obj['node'] = {input_obj['node_id'][0]}
if "employeecount" in input_obj:
new_obj['employeecount'] = input_obj['employeecount']
if "childcompany" in input_obj:
new_obj['childcompany'] = input_obj['childcompany']
else: # You can do elif == to as well based on your requirements if there are other outliers
# You can use regex or whichever method here to split the string and add the values like above
return [node_properties, edge_properties]

Updating JSON when there is multiple objects named the same - Python

I am new to the JSON python lib.
I have this JSON file:
"usrdata": [
"user": "---/ LandiPlayz \\---#****",
"money": 10
"user": "Snubz#****",
"money": 10
and I need to modify the "money" field of one of the users. There will be more added users, so I need to find which one it is by finding the users name. Is that possible, or should I do format the file differently.
Thanks in advance
You have to iterate over the user_infos, and when getting the good one, update the money
json_value = {
"usrdata": [
{"user": "---/ LandiPlayz \\---#****","money": 10},
{"user": "Snubz#****","money": 10}
username = "Snubz#****"
new_money = 50
for user_info in json_value["usrdata"]:
if user_info['user'] == username:
user_info['money'] = new_money

