I am trying to run a code that outputs a Gaussian distribtuion by integrating the 1-D gaussian distribution equation using Monte Carlo integration. I am trying to use the mcint module. I defined the gaussian equation and the sampler function that is used in the mcint module. I am not sure what the 'measure' part in the mcint function does and what it should be set to. Does anyone know what measure is supposed to be? And how do I know what to set it as?
from matplotlib import pyplot as mp
import numpy as np
import mcint
import random
#f equation
def gaussian(x,x0,sig0,time,var):
[velocity,diffussion_coeffient] = var
mu = x0 + (velocity*time)
sig = sig0 + np.sqrt(2.0*diffussion_coeffient*time)
return (1/(np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi*(sig**2.0))))*(np.exp((-(x-mu)**2.0)/(2.0*(sig**2.0))))
#random variables that are generated during the integration
def sampler(varinterval):
while True:
velocity = random.uniform(varinterval[0][0],varinterval[0][1])
diffussion_coeffient = random.uniform(varinterval[1][0],varinterval[1][1])
yield (velocity,diffussion_coeffient)
if __name__ == "__main__":
x0 = 0
#ranges for integration
velocitymin = -3.0
velocitymax = 3.0
diffussion_coeffientmin = 0.01
diffussion_coeffientmax = 0.89
varinterval = [[velocitymin,velocitymax],[diffussion_coeffientmin,diffussion_coeffientmax]]
time = 1
sig0 = 0.05
x = np.linspace(-20, 20, 120)
res = []
for i in np.linspace(-10, 10, 120):
result, error = mcint.integrate(lambda v: gaussian(i,x0,sig0,time,v), sampler(varinterval), measure=1, n=1000)
Is this the module you are talking about? If that's the case the whole source is only 17 lines long (at the times of writing). The relevant line is the last one, which reads:
return (measure*sample_mean, measure*math.sqrt(sample_var/n))
As you can see, the measure argument (whose default value is unity) is used to scale the values returned by the integrate method.
Attempting to fit a model to observational data. The code uses data in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 for the independent variable with scipy curve_fit and numerical integration. The function to be integrated also includes an unknown parameter, then subjecting the integrand to evaluation using the trig function sinh(integrand).
After applying curve_fit I get an error message of "loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type function which has no callable sinh method". Have I hit a dead end with Python 3? Hope not.
This evaluation code is
#O_m, Hu are unknown parameters to be estimated with model, data
def integr(x,O_m):
return intg.quad(lambda x: 1/x(np.sqrt((O_m/x) + (1-O_m))) , x, 1, args=(0.02))[0]
O_m = 0.02 #Guess for value of O_m, which shall lie between 0.01 and 1.0
def funcX(x,O_m):
result = np.asarray([integr(xx,O_m) for xx in x]) * np.sqrt(abs(1-O_m))
return result
litsped=299793 #the constant speed of light in a vacuum (m/s)
def funcY(x,Hu,O_m):
return (litsped/(x * Hu * np.sqrt(abs(1-O_m))))*np.sinh(funcX)
init_guess = [65,0.02]
params, pcov = curve_fit(funcY, xdata, ydata, p0 = init_guess, bounds = bnds, sigma = error, absolute_sigma = True)
ans_Hu, ans_O_m = params
perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
Complete code below - as far as I have gotten with this curve_fit.
import numpy as np
import csv
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy import integrate as intg
with open("Riess_1998_D_L.csv",'r') as i: #SNe Ia data file
rawdata = list(csv.reader(i,delimiter=",")) #make a data list
exmdata = np.array(rawdata[1:],dtype=float) #convert to data array
xdata = exmdata[:,1]
ydata = exmdata[:,2]
error = exmdata[:,3]
#plot of imported data
plt.title("Observed SNe Ia Data")
plt.xlabel("Expansion factor")
plt.ylabel("Distance (Mpc)")
plt.plot(xdata,ydata,label = "Observed SNe Ia data")
plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=error, fmt='.k', capsize = 4)
# O_m and Hu are the unknown parameters which shall be estimated using the model and observational data
def integr(x,O_m):
return intg.quad(lambda x: 1/x(np.sqrt((O_m/x) + (1-O_m))) , x, 1, args=(0.02))[0]
O_m = 0.02 # Guess for value of O_m, which are between 0.01 and 1.0
def funcX(x,O_m):
result = np.asarray([integr(xx,O_m) for xx in x])* np.sqrt(abs(1-O_m))
return result
litsped=299793 #the constant speed of light in a vacuum (m/s)
def funcY(x,Hu,O_m):
return (litsped/(x*Hu*np.sqrt(abs(1-O_m))))*np.sinh(funcX)
init_guess = [65,0.02]
params, pcov = curve_fit(funcY, xdata, ydata, p0 = init_guess, bounds = bnds, sigma = error, absolute_sigma = True)
ans_b, ans_c = params
perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
TotalInt = intg.trapz(ydata,xdata) #Compute numerical integral to check data import
print("The total area is: ", TotalInt)
Some more information would be useful, e.g. what is your xdata/ydata? Could you rewrite your code as a minimal reproducable example?
P.S. you can format things on stackoverflow as code by writing ``` before and after the code for better readability ;)
Your problem has nothing to do with the fitting procedure. It was a bit hard for me to understand the code. IF I understood correctly, I recommend sth like this:
import numpy as np
import csv
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy import integrate as intg
exmdata = np.array(np.random.random((10,4)),dtype=float) #convert to data array
xdata = exmdata[:,1]
ydata = exmdata[:,2]
error = exmdata[:,3]
#plot of imported data
plt.title("Observed SNe Ia Data")
plt.xlabel("Expansion factor")
plt.ylabel("Distance (Mpc)")
plt.plot(xdata,ydata,label = "Observed SNe Ia data")
plt.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=error, fmt='.k', capsize = 4)
# O_m and Hu are the unknown parameters which shall be estimated using the model and observational data
def integr(x,O_m):
return 5*x+3*O_m#Some analytical form
O_m = 0.02 # Guess for value of O_m, which are between 0.01 and 1.0
def funcX(x,O_m):
result = integr(x,O_m)* np.sqrt(abs(1-O_m))
return result
litsped=299793 #the constant speed of light in a vacuum (m/s)
def funcY(x,Hu,O_m):
return (litsped/(x*Hu*np.sqrt(abs(1-O_m))))*np.sinh(funcX(x,O_m))
init_guess = np.array([65,0.02])
params, pcov = curve_fit(funcY, xdata, ydata, p0 = init_guess, bounds = bnds, sigma = error, absolute_sigma = True)
Where you still need to put in an analytical form of the integral in intgr and replace my random arrays with your CSV file data. The error you referred to earlier was indeed due to you passing the whole function instead of the function evaluated at some point. Please first try to implement these steps and make sure that you can call your three functions independently without errors. It is quite hard to search for bugs, if you tackle the whole program immediately. Try to make the individual parts work first ;). If you still need help after you have implemented these changes, say for the actual fitting procedure, just ask me again ;).
I am solving a first order initial value problem of the form:
dy/dt = f(t,y(t)), y(0)=y0
I would like to obtain y(n+1) from a given numerical scheme, like for example :
using explicit Euler's scheme, we have
y(i) = y(i-1) + f(t-1,y(t-1)) * dt
Example code:
# Test code to evaluate different time integrators for the following equation:
# y' = (1/2) y + 2sin(3t) ; y(0) = -24/37
def dy_dt(y,t):
func = (1/2)*y + 2*np.sin(3*t)
return func
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
tmin = 0
tmax = 50
delt= 1e-2
t = np.arange(tmin,tmax,delt)
total_steps = len(t)
y0 = -24/37
# exact solution
y_exact = -(24/37)*np.cos(3*t)- (4/37)*np.sin(3*t) + (y0+24/37)*np.exp(0.5*t)
# Solution using ODEint Python
y_ODEint = odeint(dy_dt,y0,t)
for i in range(1,total_steps):
# Explicit scheme
y_explicit[i] = y_explicit[i-1] + (dy_dt(y_explicit[i-1],t[i-1]))*delt
# Update using ODEint
# y_ODEint[i] = odeint(dy_dt,y_ODEint[i-1],[0,delt])[-1]
# plt.plot(t,y_ODEint)
The current issue I am having is that the functions like ODEint in python provide the entire y(t) as opposed to y(i). like in the line "y_ODEint = odeint(dy_dt,y0,t)"
See in the code, how I have coded the explicit scheme, which gives y(i) for every time step. I want to do the same with ODEint, i tried something but didn't work (all commented lines)
I want to obtain y(i) rather than all ys using ODEint. Is that possible ?
Your system is time variant so you cannot translate the time step from (t[i-1], t[i]) to (0, delt).
The step by step integration will is unstable for your differential equation though
Here is what I get
def dy_dt(y,t):
func = (1/2)*y + 2*np.sin(3*t)
return func
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
tmin = 0
tmax = 40
delt= 1e-2
t = np.arange(tmin,tmax,delt)
total_steps = len(t)
y0 = -24/37
# exact solution
y_exact = -(24/37)*np.cos(3*t)- (4/37)*np.sin(3*t) + (y0+24/37)*np.exp(0.5*t)
# Solution using ODEint Python
y_ODEint = odeint(dy_dt,y0,t)
# To be filled step by step
y_ODEint_2 = np.zeros_like(y_ODEint)
y_ODEint_2[0] = y0
for i in range(1,len(y_ODEint_2)):
# update your code to run with the correct time interval
y_ODEint_2[i] = odeint(dy_dt,y_ODEint_2[i-1],[tmin+(i-1)*delt,tmin+i*delt])[-1]
plt.plot(t,y_ODEint, label='single run')
plt.plot(t,y_ODEint_2, label='step-by-step')
plt.plot(t, y_exact, label='exact')
plt.ylim([-20, 20])
Important to notice that both methods are unstable, but the step-by-step explodes slightly before than the single odeint call.
With, for example dy_dt(y,t): -(1/2)*y + 2*np.sin(3*t) the integration becomes more stable, for instance, there is no noticeable error after integrating from zero to 200.
I have two thermodynamic relationships for low (300-1000K) and high (1000-3000K) temperatures. If I want to use both of these in Gekko, how can I combine them into a single correlation that I can use in an optimization problem?
Here is a section of Python code that calculates either the low or high temperature relationship from 300K to 3000K.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
T = np.linspace(300.0,3000.0,50)
a_lo = np.array([ 5.15,-1.37E-02,4.92E-05,-4.85E-08,1.67E-11])
a_hi = np.array([7.49E-02,1.34E-02,-5.73E-06,1.22E-09,-1.02E-13])
i_lo = np.where(np.logical_and(T>=300.0, T<1000.0))
i_hi = np.where(np.logical_and(T>=1000.0, T<=3000.0))
cp = np.zeros(50)
Rg = 8.314 # J/mol-K
cp[i_lo] = a_lo[0] + a_lo[1]*T[i_lo] + a_lo[2]*T[i_lo]**2.0 + \
a_lo[3]*T[i_lo]**3.0 + a_lo[4]*T[i_lo]**4.0
cp[i_hi] = a_hi[0] + a_hi[1]*T[i_hi] + a_hi[2]*T[i_hi]**2.0 + \
a_hi[3]*T[i_hi]**3.0 + a_hi[4]*T[i_hi]**4.0
cp *= Rg
plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)'); plt.grid()
plt.ylabel(r'$CH_4$ Heat Capacity $\left(\frac{J}{mol-K}\right)$')
I tried using a conditional (if) statement in building my model but it only uses the correlation that is selected from the initialized values. If temperature T is a variable in my model, I want it to switch to one or the other based on the temperature variable.
There are a few approaches to use a conditional function in your optimization or simulation problem. The first approach not exact but may be a suitable approximation by using a cubic spline that creates an interpolation between sampled points (see approach #1). The second approach is exact but requires either an Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) with if2() or an Integer Switch variable with if3() (see approach #2). These two approaches are discussed in the Design Optimization Course page on Logical Conditions in Optimization.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gekko import GEKKO
# CH4 Heat capacity parameters (LO: 300-1000K, HI: 1000K-3000K)
a_lo = np.array([ 5.15,-1.37E-02,4.92E-05,-4.85E-08,1.67E-11])
a_hi = np.array([7.49E-02,1.34E-02,-5.73E-06,1.22E-09,-1.02E-13])
Rg = 8.314 # J/mol-K
m = GEKKO()
# Approach #1: Cubic Spline
def cp1(T):
if T>=300 and T<=1000:
a = a_lo
elif T>1000 and T<=3000:
a = a_hi
raise Exception('Temperature ' + str(T) + ' out of range')
cp = (a[0]+a[1]*T+a[2]*T**2.0+a[3]*T**3.0+a[4]*T**4.0)*Rg
return cp
# Calculate cp at 50 pts
T = np.linspace(300.0,3000.0,50)
cp = [cp1(Ti) for Ti in T]
x1 = m.Var(lb=300,ub=3000); y1 = m.Var()
# Approach #2: Gekko conditional statements
def cp2(a,T):
return (a[0]+a[1]*T+a[2]*T**2.0+a[3]*T**3.0+a[4]*T**4.0)*Rg
x2 = m.Var(lb=300,ub=3000)
y2a = m.Intermediate(cp2(a_lo,x2));
y2b = m.Intermediate(cp2(a_hi,x2));
y2 = m.if3(x2-1000,y2a,y2b)
print('Find Temperature where cp=80 J/mol-K')
I have two sets of frequencies data from experiment and from theoretical formula. I want to use minimize function of scipy.
Here's my code snippet.
where g is coupling which I want to find out.
Ad ind is inductance for plotting on x-axis.
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def eigenfreq1_func(ind,w_q,w_r,g):
return (w_q+w_r)+np.sqrt((w_q+w_r)**2.0-4*(w_q+w_r-g**2.0))/2
def eigenfreq2_func(ind,w_q,w_r,g):
return (w_q+w_r)-np.sqrt((w_q+w_r)**2.0-4*(w_q+w_r-g**2))/2.0
def err_func(y1,y1_fit,y2,y2_fit):
return np.sqrt((y1-y1_fit)**2+(y2-y2_fit)**2)
print res1
print res2
But it's showing the following error :
"TypeError: minimize() takes at least 2 arguments (2 given)"
First, the indentation in your example is messed up. Hope you don't try and run this
Second, here is a baby example to minimize the chi2 with the function scipy.optimize.minimize (note you can minimize what you want: likelihood, |chi|**?, toto, etc.):
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
def functionyouwanttofit(x,y,z,t,u):
return np.array([x+y+z+t+u , x+y+z+t-u , x+y+z-t-u , x+y-z-t-u ]) # baby test here but put what you want
def calc_chi2(parameters):
x,y,z,t,u = parameters
data = np.array([100,250,300,500])
chi2 = sum( (data-functiontofit(x,y,z,t,u))**2 )
return chi2
# baby example for init, min & max values
x_init = 0
x_min = -1
x_max = 10
y_init = 1
y_min = -2
y_max = 9
z_init = 2
z_min = 0
z_max = 1000
t_init = 10
t_min = 1
t_max = 100
u_init = 10
u_min = 1
u_max = 100
parameters = [x_init,y_init,z_init,t_init,u_init]
bounds = [[x_min,x_max],[y_min,y_max],[z_min,z_max],[t_min,t_max],[u_min,u_max]]
result = opt.minimize(calc_chi2,parameters,bounds=bounds)
In your example you don't give initial values... This with the indentation... Were you waiting for someone doing the job for you ?
Third, note the optimization processes proposed by scipy are not always adapted to your needs. You may prefer minimizers such as lmfit
I am trying to introduce myself to MCMC sampling with emcee. I want to simply take a sample from a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution using a set of example code on github, https://github.com/dfm/emcee/blob/master/examples/quickstart.py.
The example code is really excellent, but when I change the distribution from a Gaussian to a Maxwellian, I receive the error, TypeError: lnprob() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
However it is not called anywhere where it is not given the appropriate parameters? In need of some guidance as to how to define a Maxwellian Curve and have it fit into this example code.
Here is what I have;
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import emcee
except NameError:
xrange = range
def lnprob(x, a, icov):
pi = np.pi
return np.sqrt(2/pi)*x**2*np.exp(-x**2/(2.*a**2))/a**3
ndim = 2
means = np.random.rand(ndim)
cov = 0.5-np.random.rand(ndim**2).reshape((ndim, ndim))
cov = np.triu(cov)
cov += cov.T - np.diag(cov.diagonal())
cov = np.dot(cov,cov)
icov = np.linalg.inv(cov)
nwalkers = 50
p0 = [np.random.rand(ndim) for i in xrange(nwalkers)]
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob, args=[means, icov])
pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 5000)
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 100000, rstate0=state)
I think there are a couple of problems that I see. The main one is that emcee wants you to give it the natural logarithm of the probability distribution function that you want to sample. So, rather than having:
def lnprob(x, a, icov):
pi = np.pi
return np.sqrt(2/pi)*x**2*np.exp(-x**2/(2.*a**2))/a**3
you would instead want, e.g.
def lnprob(x, a):
pi = np.pi
if x < 0:
return -np.inf
return 0.5*np.log(2./pi) + 2.*np.log(x) - (x**2/(2.*a**2)) - 3.*np.log(a)
where the if...else... statement is to explicitly say that negative values of x have zero probability (or -infinity in log-space).
You also shouldn't have to calculate icov and pass it to lnprob as that's only needed for the Gaussian case in the example you link to.
When you call:
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob, args=[means, icov])
the args value should just be any additional arguments that your lnprob function requires, so in your case this would be the value of a that you want to set your Maxwell-Boltxmann distribution up with. This should be a single value rather than the two randomly initialised values you have set when creating mean.
Overall, the following should work for you:
from __future__ import print_function
import emcee
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi as pi
# define the natural log of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
def lnprob(x, a):
if x < 0:
return -np.inf
return 0.5*np.log(2./pi) + 2.*np.log(x) - (x**2/(2.*a**2)) - 3.*np.log(a)
# choose a value of 'a' for the distributions
a = 5. # I'm choosing 5!
# choose the number of walkers
nwalkers = 50
# set some initial points at which to calculate the lnprob
p0 = [np.random.rand(1) for i in xrange(nwalkers)]
# initialise the sampler
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, 1, lnprob, args=[a])
# Run 5000 steps as a burn-in.
pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 5000)
# Reset the chain to remove the burn-in samples.
# Starting from the final position in the burn-in chain, sample for 100000 steps.
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 100000, rstate0=state)
# lets check the samples look right
mbmean = 2.*a*np.sqrt(2./pi) # mean of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
print("Sample mean = {}, analytical mean = {}".format(np.mean(sampler.flatchain[:,0]), mbmean))
mbstd = np.sqrt(a**2*(3*np.pi-8.)/np.pi) # std. dev. of M-B distribution
print("Sample standard deviation = {}, analytical = {}".format(np.std(sampler.flatchain[:,0]), mbstd))