I have two thermodynamic relationships for low (300-1000K) and high (1000-3000K) temperatures. If I want to use both of these in Gekko, how can I combine them into a single correlation that I can use in an optimization problem?
Here is a section of Python code that calculates either the low or high temperature relationship from 300K to 3000K.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
T = np.linspace(300.0,3000.0,50)
a_lo = np.array([ 5.15,-1.37E-02,4.92E-05,-4.85E-08,1.67E-11])
a_hi = np.array([7.49E-02,1.34E-02,-5.73E-06,1.22E-09,-1.02E-13])
i_lo = np.where(np.logical_and(T>=300.0, T<1000.0))
i_hi = np.where(np.logical_and(T>=1000.0, T<=3000.0))
cp = np.zeros(50)
Rg = 8.314 # J/mol-K
cp[i_lo] = a_lo[0] + a_lo[1]*T[i_lo] + a_lo[2]*T[i_lo]**2.0 + \
a_lo[3]*T[i_lo]**3.0 + a_lo[4]*T[i_lo]**4.0
cp[i_hi] = a_hi[0] + a_hi[1]*T[i_hi] + a_hi[2]*T[i_hi]**2.0 + \
a_hi[3]*T[i_hi]**3.0 + a_hi[4]*T[i_hi]**4.0
cp *= Rg
plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)'); plt.grid()
plt.ylabel(r'$CH_4$ Heat Capacity $\left(\frac{J}{mol-K}\right)$')
I tried using a conditional (if) statement in building my model but it only uses the correlation that is selected from the initialized values. If temperature T is a variable in my model, I want it to switch to one or the other based on the temperature variable.
There are a few approaches to use a conditional function in your optimization or simulation problem. The first approach not exact but may be a suitable approximation by using a cubic spline that creates an interpolation between sampled points (see approach #1). The second approach is exact but requires either an Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) with if2() or an Integer Switch variable with if3() (see approach #2). These two approaches are discussed in the Design Optimization Course page on Logical Conditions in Optimization.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gekko import GEKKO
# CH4 Heat capacity parameters (LO: 300-1000K, HI: 1000K-3000K)
a_lo = np.array([ 5.15,-1.37E-02,4.92E-05,-4.85E-08,1.67E-11])
a_hi = np.array([7.49E-02,1.34E-02,-5.73E-06,1.22E-09,-1.02E-13])
Rg = 8.314 # J/mol-K
m = GEKKO()
# Approach #1: Cubic Spline
def cp1(T):
if T>=300 and T<=1000:
a = a_lo
elif T>1000 and T<=3000:
a = a_hi
raise Exception('Temperature ' + str(T) + ' out of range')
cp = (a[0]+a[1]*T+a[2]*T**2.0+a[3]*T**3.0+a[4]*T**4.0)*Rg
return cp
# Calculate cp at 50 pts
T = np.linspace(300.0,3000.0,50)
cp = [cp1(Ti) for Ti in T]
x1 = m.Var(lb=300,ub=3000); y1 = m.Var()
# Approach #2: Gekko conditional statements
def cp2(a,T):
return (a[0]+a[1]*T+a[2]*T**2.0+a[3]*T**3.0+a[4]*T**4.0)*Rg
x2 = m.Var(lb=300,ub=3000)
y2a = m.Intermediate(cp2(a_lo,x2));
y2b = m.Intermediate(cp2(a_hi,x2));
y2 = m.if3(x2-1000,y2a,y2b)
print('Find Temperature where cp=80 J/mol-K')
I am solving a first order initial value problem of the form:
dy/dt = f(t,y(t)), y(0)=y0
I would like to obtain y(n+1) from a given numerical scheme, like for example :
using explicit Euler's scheme, we have
y(i) = y(i-1) + f(t-1,y(t-1)) * dt
Example code:
# Test code to evaluate different time integrators for the following equation:
# y' = (1/2) y + 2sin(3t) ; y(0) = -24/37
def dy_dt(y,t):
func = (1/2)*y + 2*np.sin(3*t)
return func
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
tmin = 0
tmax = 50
delt= 1e-2
t = np.arange(tmin,tmax,delt)
total_steps = len(t)
y0 = -24/37
# exact solution
y_exact = -(24/37)*np.cos(3*t)- (4/37)*np.sin(3*t) + (y0+24/37)*np.exp(0.5*t)
# Solution using ODEint Python
y_ODEint = odeint(dy_dt,y0,t)
for i in range(1,total_steps):
# Explicit scheme
y_explicit[i] = y_explicit[i-1] + (dy_dt(y_explicit[i-1],t[i-1]))*delt
# Update using ODEint
# y_ODEint[i] = odeint(dy_dt,y_ODEint[i-1],[0,delt])[-1]
# plt.plot(t,y_ODEint)
The current issue I am having is that the functions like ODEint in python provide the entire y(t) as opposed to y(i). like in the line "y_ODEint = odeint(dy_dt,y0,t)"
See in the code, how I have coded the explicit scheme, which gives y(i) for every time step. I want to do the same with ODEint, i tried something but didn't work (all commented lines)
I want to obtain y(i) rather than all ys using ODEint. Is that possible ?
Your system is time variant so you cannot translate the time step from (t[i-1], t[i]) to (0, delt).
The step by step integration will is unstable for your differential equation though
Here is what I get
def dy_dt(y,t):
func = (1/2)*y + 2*np.sin(3*t)
return func
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
tmin = 0
tmax = 40
delt= 1e-2
t = np.arange(tmin,tmax,delt)
total_steps = len(t)
y0 = -24/37
# exact solution
y_exact = -(24/37)*np.cos(3*t)- (4/37)*np.sin(3*t) + (y0+24/37)*np.exp(0.5*t)
# Solution using ODEint Python
y_ODEint = odeint(dy_dt,y0,t)
# To be filled step by step
y_ODEint_2 = np.zeros_like(y_ODEint)
y_ODEint_2[0] = y0
for i in range(1,len(y_ODEint_2)):
# update your code to run with the correct time interval
y_ODEint_2[i] = odeint(dy_dt,y_ODEint_2[i-1],[tmin+(i-1)*delt,tmin+i*delt])[-1]
plt.plot(t,y_ODEint, label='single run')
plt.plot(t,y_ODEint_2, label='step-by-step')
plt.plot(t, y_exact, label='exact')
plt.ylim([-20, 20])
Important to notice that both methods are unstable, but the step-by-step explodes slightly before than the single odeint call.
With, for example dy_dt(y,t): -(1/2)*y + 2*np.sin(3*t) the integration becomes more stable, for instance, there is no noticeable error after integrating from zero to 200.
I am trying to make a simple cleaning scheduling tool for when to conduct chemical cleaning in a heat exchanger network. But when I, correctly, find the optimal time for cleaning (x-variable) I cannot set the scaling thickness to zero (sigma) at time t, I have tried using m.if3 but to no avail. I have added a simple version of my problem below. Any feedback is appreciated.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def LN(x):
return m.log(x)/np.log(2.718)
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
lambdag=0.1 #[W/mK]
days_to_consider = 1
m.time=np.linspace(0, 24*days_to_consider, 24*days_to_consider+1)
N = 6 #Number of heat exchanger
sigm = m.Array(m.Var,N,value=0.0,lb=0)
Rf = m.Array(m.Var,N,value=0.0,lb=0) #[m2K/W]
U = m.Array(m.Param,N,lb=0)
LMTD = m.Array(m.Param,N,lb=0)
Tco = m.Array(m.Param,N,lb=0)
Tci = m.Array(m.Param,N,lb=0)
Q = m.Array(m.Param,N,value=0.0)
dQ = m.Array(m.Var,N,value=0.0)
x = m.Array(m.MV,N,value=0,lb=0,ub=1,integer=True)
EL = m.Array(m.Param,N,value=0)
ELchc = m.Array(m.Param,N,value=0)
Thilist = [105,116,125,129,136,142] #Hot vapor entering [degC] ->Condensing
mdotlist = [582.5,582.5,582.5,582.5,582.5,582.5] # Solution flow [t/h]
Arealist = [600,400,200,300,200,300] #Heating surface [m2]
kglist = [0.0094,0.0003,0.0007,4.5019e-05,0.0003,4.6977e-05] # Deposit rate
Ucllist = [1700,2040,3300,3300,3200,2300] # Cleaned Heat transfer Coefficient [W/m2K]
Qcllist = [10036.4,9336.6,7185.8,5255.4,5112.5,5678.8]
CE = 0.5 #fuel cost[EUR/kWh]
Cchc = 500 #Cleaning cost [EUR/CIP]
#Temperature into heat exchanger network (HEN)
Tci[0] = 90 # degC
#Loop through HEN
for u in range(0,N):
Thi = Thilist[u]
Tci = Thi-8
mdot = mdotlist[u]
# Scaling kinematics
kg = kglist[u]
Ucl = Ucllist[u]
Qcl = Qcllist[u]
#TODO PROBLEM: cannot set sigma to zero at time t when x(t) is 1
#b = m.if3(x[u]-1,1,0) # binary switch
U[u] = m.Intermediate(Ucl/(1+Ucl*Rf[u]))
# Thermodynamics
m.Equation(dQ[u].dt()==1/6*(Qcl - Q[u]))
ELchc[u]=m.Intermediate(CE*(Q[u] -1/6*Q[u] )*2.44+Cchc)
u +=1
m.Minimize(m.sum([EL[u]*(1-x[u])+(ELchc[u]*x[u]) for u in range(0,len(x))]))
m.Equation(m.sum(x)<=1.0) # Only one clean at time
m.solver_options = ['minlp_maximum_iterations 500', \
'minlp_gap_tol 0.01',\
'nlp_maximum_iterations 500']
m.options.SOLVER = 1
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
for i in range(0,5):
plt.bar(m.time,x[i].value,label='CIP'+str(i), width=1.0)
plt.plot(m.time,EL[0].value,label='Energy cost')
plt.plot(m.time,ELchc[0].value,label='CIP cost')
for i in range(0,5):
for i in range(0,5):
If the simulation does not need to proceed past that condition then there is a variable time method that divides derivatives by a final time variable (tf). This adjusts the final time, similar to the method show for the Jennings benchmark problem. Here is a simplified problem:
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0,1,101)
x = m.Var(0,lb=0,ub=1)
tf = m.FV(1,lb=0.1,ub=10); tf.STATUS=1
t = [ti*tf.value[0] for ti in m.time]
The final time is adjusted to maximize tf while observing the constraint that x<1. The differential equation is dx/dt=0.2 so the terminal constraint is reached at t=5. Could a similar strategy be used for the heat exchanger problem? There are methods to simulate a heat exchanger cleanout but a change to variable time may be the simplest solution.
trying to construct a large scale quadratic constraint in Pyomo as follows:
import pyomo as pyo
from pyomo.environ import *
scale = 5000
pyo.n = Set(initialize=range(scale))
pyo.x = Var(pyo.n, bounds=(-1.0,1.0))
# Q is a n-by-n matrix in numpy array format, where n equals <scale>
Q_values = dict(zip(list(itertools.product(range(0,scale), range(0,scale))), Q.flatten()))
pyo.Q = Param(pyo.n, pyo.n, initialize=Q_values)
pyo.xQx = Constraint( expr=sum( pyo.x[i]*pyo.Q[i,j]*pyo.x[j] for i in pyo.n for j in pyo.n ) <= 1.0 )
turns out the last line is unbearably slow given the problem scale. tried several things mentioned in PyPSA, Performance of creating Pyomo constraints and pyomo seems very slow to write models. but no luck.
any suggestion (once the model was constructed, Ipopt solving was also slow. but that's independent from Pyomo i guess)?
ps: construct such quadratic constraint directly as follows didnt help either (also unbearably slow)
pyo.xQx = Constraint( expr=sum( pyo.x[i]*Q[i,j]*pyo.x[j] for i in pyo.n for j in pyo.n ) <= 1.0 )
You can get a small speed-up by using quicksum in place of sum. To measure the performance of the last line, I modified your code a little bit, as shown:
import itertools
from pyomo.environ import *
import time
import numpy as np
scale = 5000
m = ConcreteModel()
m.n = Set(initialize=range(scale))
m.x = Var(m.n, bounds=(-1.0, 1.0))
# Q is a n-by-n matrix in numpy array format, where n equals <scale>
Q = np.ones([scale, scale])
Q_values = dict(
zip(list(itertools.product(range(scale), range(scale))), Q.flatten()))
m.Q = Param(m.n, m.n, initialize=Q_values)
t = time.time()
m.xQx = Constraint(expr=sum(m.x[i]*m.Q[i, j]*m.x[j]
for i in m.n for j in m.n) <= 1.0)
print("Time to make QuadCon = {}".format(time.time() - t))
The time I measured with sum was around 174.4 s. With quicksum I got 163.3 seconds.
Not satisfied with such a modest gain, I tried to re-formulate as a SOCP. If you can factorize Q like so: Q= (F^T F), then you could easily express your constraint as a quadratic cone, as shown below:
import itertools
import time
import pyomo.kernel as pmo
from pyomo.environ import *
import numpy as np
scale = 5000
m = pmo.block()
m.n = np.arange(scale)
m.x = pmo.variable_list()
for j in m.n:
m.x.append(pmo.variable(lb=-1.0, ub=1.0))
# Q = (F^T)F factors (eg.: Cholesky factor)
_F = np.ones([scale, scale])
t = time.time()
F = pmo.parameter_list()
for f in _F:
_row = pmo.parameter_list(pmo.parameter(_e) for _e in f)
print("Time taken to make parameter F = {}".format(time.time() - t))
t1 = time.time()
x_expr = pmo.expression_tuple(pmo.expression(
expr=sum_product(f, m.x, index=m.n)) for f in F)
print("Time for evaluating Fx = {}".format(time.time() - t1))
t2 = time.time()
m.xQx = pmo.conic.quadratic.as_domain(1, x_expr)
print("Time for quad constr = {}".format(time.time() - t2))
Running on the same machine, I observed a time of around 112 seconds in the preparation of the expression that gets passed to the cone. Actually preparing the cone takes very little time (0.031 s).
Naturally, the only solver that can handle Conic constraints in pyomo is MOSEK. A recent update to the Pyomo-MOSEK interface has also shown promising speed-ups.
You can try MOSEK for free by getting yourself a MOSEK trial license. If you want to read more about Conic reformulations, a quick and thorough guide can be found in the MOSEK modelling cookbook. Lastly, if you are affiliated with an academic institution, then we can offer you a personal/institutional academic license. Hope you find this useful.
I am trying to estimate the parameters of my set of ODEs in my program, always minimizing the error between my experimental data and predicted data.
The problem is, I can obtain a good prediction and a very good fit, but I can only estimate the same number of points as my experimental data, which returns a very strange output.
Can you please provide me more information in how can I obtain a more accurate set of predicted points?
Code can be found below.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xm = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
ym = np.array([2.0,1.5,np.nan,2.2,3.0,5.0])
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.time = xm
a = m.FV(lb=0.1,ub=2.0)
y = m.CV(value=ym,name='y',fixed_initial=False)
m.options.IMODE = 5
m.options.SOLVER = 1
print('Optimized, a = ' + str(a.value[0]))
If I replace variable m.time to obtain more data predicted with :
m.time = np.linspace(0,5,30)
I get the error: raise Exception('Data arrays must have the same length, and match time discretization in dynamic problems')
Exception: Data arrays must have the same length, and match time discretization in dynamic problems
There are two options (Methods 1 and 2) that I've shown below. You can either plot the interpolating nodes to give you more resolution or create a new model for simulation.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xm = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5])
ym = np.array([2.0,1.5,np.nan,2.2,3.0,5.0])
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
m.time = xm
a = m.FV(lb=0.1,ub=2.0)
y = m.CV(value=ym,name='y',fixed_initial=False)
m.options.IMODE = 5
m.options.SOLVER = 1
m.options.CSV_WRITE = 2 # For Method 1
m.options.NODES = 3 # For Method 1 (options 3-6)
print('Optimized, a = ' + str(a.value[0]))
# Method 1: Plot interpolating nodes
import json
with open(m.path+'//results_all.json') as f:
results = json.load(f)
# Method 2: Re-simulate with more points
sim = GEKKO(remote=False)
ap = a.value[0]
xp = np.linspace(0,7); sim.time=xp
yp = sim.Var(y.value[0])
sim.options.NODES = 3
sim.options.IMODE=4; sim.solve()
plt.plot(xm,y.value,'gs-.',label='Pred Original')
MarkerSize=10,label='Pred Method 1')
plt.plot(xp,yp,'r.--',label='Pred Method 2')
A third option is to reset the .value of the original model but that can be tedious. Instead, you can also create both the estimation and simulation models in a loop as is done with an example of Moving Horizon Estimation and Model Predictive Control that use the same model but transfer parameters between them:
# use remote=True for MacOS
mhe = GEKKO(name='tclab-mhe',remote=False)
mpc = GEKKO(name='tclab-mpc',remote=False)
# create 2 models (MHE and MPC) in one loop
for m in [mhe,mpc]:
# Parameters with bounds
m.K1 = m.FV(value=0.607,lb=0.1,ub=1.0)
m.K2 = m.FV(value=0.293,lb=0.1,ub=1.0)
m.K3 = m.FV(value=0.24,lb=0.1,ub=1.0)
m.tau12 = m.FV(value=192,lb=100,ub=200)
m.tau3 = m.FV(value=15,lb=10,ub=20)
m.Ta = m.Param(value=23.0) # degC
m.Q1 = m.MV(value=0,lb=0,ub=100,name='q1')
m.Q2 = m.MV(value=0,lb=0,ub=100,name='q2')
# Heater temperatures
m.TH1 = m.SV(value=T1m[0])
m.TH2 = m.SV(value=T2m[0])
# Sensor temperatures
m.TC1 = m.CV(value=T1m[0],name='tc1')
m.TC2 = m.CV(value=T2m[0],name='tc2')
# Temperature difference between two heaters
m.DT = m.Intermediate(m.TH2-m.TH1)
# Equations
I am trying to fit a quadratic function to some data, and I'm trying to do this without using numpy's polyfit function.
Mathematically I tried to follow this website https://neutrium.net/mathematics/least-squares-fitting-of-a-polynomial/ but somehow I don't think that I'm doing it right. If anyone could assist me that would be great, or If you could suggest another way to do it that would also be awesome.
What I've tried so far:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
ones = np.ones(3)
A = np.array( ((0,1),(1,1),(2,1)))
xfeature = A.T[0]
squaredfeature = A.T[0] ** 2
b = np.array( (1,2,0), ndmin=2 ).T
b = b.reshape(3)
features = np.concatenate((np.vstack(ones), np.vstack(xfeature), np.vstack(squaredfeature)), axis = 1)
featuresc = features.copy()
m_det = np.linalg.det(features)
determinants = []
for i in range(3):
featuresc.T[i] = b
det = np.linalg.det(featuresc)
featuresc = features.copy()
determinants = determinants / m_det
u = np.linspace(0,3,100)
plt.plot(u, u**2*determinants[2] + u*determinants[1] + determinants[0] )
p2 = np.polyfit(A.T[0],b,2)
plt.plot(u, np.polyval(p2,u), 'b--')
As you can see my curve doesn't compare well to nnumpy's polyfit curve.
I went through my code and removed all the stupid mistakes and now it works, when I try to fit it over 3 points, but I have no idea how to fit over more than three points.
This is the new code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
ones = np.ones(3)
A = np.array( ((0,1),(1,1),(2,1)))
xfeature = A.T[0]
squaredfeature = A.T[0] ** 2
b = np.array( (1,2,0), ndmin=2 ).T
b = b.reshape(3)
features = np.concatenate((np.vstack(ones), np.vstack(xfeature), np.vstack(squaredfeature)), axis = 1)
featuresc = features.copy()
m_det = np.linalg.det(features)
determinants = []
for i in range(3):
featuresc.T[i] = b
det = np.linalg.det(featuresc)
featuresc = features.copy()
determinants = determinants / m_det
u = np.linspace(0,3,100)
plt.plot(u, u**2*determinants[2] + u*determinants[1] + determinants[0] )
p2 = np.polyfit(A.T[0],b,2)
plt.plot(u, np.polyval(p2,u), 'r--')
Instead using Cramer's Rule, actually solve the system using least squares. Remember that Cramer's Rule will only work if the total number of points you have equals the desired order of polynomial plus 1.
If you don't have this, then Cramer's Rule will not work as you're trying to find an exact solution to the problem. If you have more points, the method is unsuitable as we will create an overdetermined system of equations.
To adapt this to more points, numpy.linalg.lstsq would be a better fit as it solves the solution to the Ax = b by computing the vector x that minimizes the Euclidean norm using the matrix A. Therefore, remove the y values from the last column of the features matrix and solve for the coefficients and use numpy.linalg.lstsq to solve for the coefficients:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ones = np.ones(4)
xfeature = np.asarray([0,1,2,3])
squaredfeature = xfeature ** 2
b = np.asarray([1,2,0,3])
features = np.concatenate((np.vstack(ones),np.vstack(xfeature),np.vstack(squaredfeature)), axis = 1) # Change - remove the y values
determinants = np.linalg.lstsq(features, b)[0] # Change - use least squares
u = np.linspace(0,3,100)
plt.plot(u, u**2*determinants[2] + u*determinants[1] + determinants[0] )
I get this plot now, which matches what the dashed curve is in your graph, also matching what numpy.polyfit gives you: