I am trying to get Pandas to work on my Pycharm environment. I have installed it through the command:
pip install pandas
But when I run the code in my environment, import pandas as pd
I get the error:
No module named 'pandas'
When I try to install it using the project interpreter in Pycharm, I get the error:
error occurred when installing package 'pandas'
I didn't state what happens when I look into this error. I click 'Details'.
Then it says:
AttributeError: module 'pip' has no attribute 'main'
Perhaps this may tell us something about the issue
The error is identical to the one reported here Module pip has no attribute 'main'
For pip version 10.x and higher you should update Pycharm to 2018.2.
Or simply run pip in a terminal outside of Pycharm
Which Python version are you using? If you are using Python3, then the correct command is pip3 install pandas.
Make sure that the pip command you are calling refers to the same python that you are running. Try pip -V for more information.
-Update your pycharm to the latest version
-Update pip to the latest version and ensure its same as the python.exc
-Run pip install pandas command as an administrator
-Try installing pandas again
Apparently, you installed Pandas for python2 by pip. For python3, you need to use pip3.
However, it doesn't matter regarding your problem. Probably, you don't choose the right project interpreter.
For Pycharm, it supports the system python(2 and 3), as well as the virtual environment. You may install the Pandas module in system python, but use the virtual environment as default.
Simple solution
Make sure you select the interpreter you want (system or
Check package list, if there is Pandas module;
If yes, refresh the project list;
If not, simply click + to search Pandas and install it to your
project interpreter.
I have went to the terminal and used,"pip install gym", and it successfully installed gym . When I go to use the, "import gym," command, I get an error when running the code at that line.
Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError
No module named 'gym'
I have looked at other posts and they all say it should work after ruining,"pip install gym." Although mine successfully installed, it still doesn't work.
You need to verify that you are using the same version of python that you did pip install with. In VS Code, you can select the Python version in the upper right corner. Simply type "python --version" into the console to verify the version. You might want to use Anaconda because someone libraries like Tensorflow only fully-support Anaconda.
if you have pip installed it, there is no way that it will not work. Unless you've installed it to a virtual environment and running your program without it and vice versa. Or you've installed to a different version of python on your system.
I have many different versions of Python, but a version that I use and that terminal show me if use command Python – version is 3.10.0.
When I use command pip list I got a big list of library, including the one I recently installed odfpy.
I open VsCode, choose Python version 3.10.0 and try to import odf but...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'odf'
For sure I need to set something on VsCode or change some configuration in Linux but I cannot find a normal explanation of how to solve this issue.
If I change the Python version in VsCode with 3.8.10, odfpy (and also Django just installed) is recognized. So I suppose that, even if the Python version selected on the terminal is 3.10.0, when I pip install something, is installed on version 3.8.10. How do you manage this?
Please check which pip you are using through the command of pip --version.
After you switch the python interpreter in the VSCode, please create a new terminal, and make sure it has activated the environment you have selected.
I also use VS code and use Python 3.10 and i had try to download the odfpy which has gone alright, i use the command python -m pip install odfpy
try and see if it work for you though.
If it does not work, maybe try and create a virtual environment if you haven't created it yet.
In my case i was getting same error while using import-export django module. Installing odf library didn't worked got same error. I resolve this issue by simply pip install tablib==0.14.0.
I have successfully installed npTDMS as seen here:
If I try to install with command line using either pip or conda I get a message confirming it is already installed, and I see the package at D:\Users\username\anaconda3\pkgs.
On Spyder I have tried using the PYTHON path manager (in the tools menu) to add both:
As far as I understand this should be enough to use the npTDMS package, however when I try to import I get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nptdms'.
I'm fairly new to python overall so maybe there is a simple thing I am missing.
This issue comes when there are multiple versions of python or any package you are running at current time. The same issue was with me too when the IDLE was not able to detect the position of where the package is installed.
My suggestion is that uninstall all the versions of python and the module you are using and install them again. Otherwise shift to any other IDLE, in my recommendation - Visual Studio Code.
I'm very new to Python and have installed Python 3.8, PyCharm community edition and am trying to install pandas. The pandas module shows in in my available packages in PyCharm but when I try to install I receive the above error message.
If I try and run it from the CMD I receive the error: 'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. And if I try the same command in the Python shell I get an 'invalid syntax' error. I would uninstall everything and start fresh but the fact it's telling me there's "no module named Cython" is making me think something specific is wrong.
Anyone have a solution to this please?
If you are using Python for data science, I think you can make use of Anaconda package manager. It will install the most used libraries for you and provides a user interface for quickly installing and managing the others.
first check is pip installed on your system or not by typing following command:
By default pip file structure will be like
C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts>pip --version
if it's not installed then download download pip
Now navigate to following path and install pandas:
C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts>pip install pandas
Note: Make sure the path is right,while using above paths. according to your system configuration for pip above path might be different.
I recently cloned a repository from GitHub. But when I tried to run it with Pycharm, there was an error that said that no module called pandas was available. So I went to my project interpreter and tried to add pandas to the interpreter, but for some reason it failed to install. The error was 'collect2: error: Id returned 1 exit status'. Is there a way to install the pandas package into my project interpreter in Pycharm? Thanks.
EDIT: So I made a new discovery after the suggestion to check the pip version. I opened up another virtual environment project interpreter that's 3.5 instead of 3.6, and I managed to install pandas on that one. I want to stick with my 3.6 project interpreter, so is there a way to get it installed on there or do I have no choice but to downgrade?