I have a curl command that works and gives me back the JSON.
Curl command:
curl -sS -k -L -H "Authorization: bearer <token>" -X GET https://IP:PORT/api/v1/namespaces
I tried with requestsand pycurl modules which I found in the other posts but no luck.
Can anyone help me with finding the equivalent in python???
We can do this with requests like this:
import requests
header = {'Authorization': 'bearer <token>'}
resp = requests.get("https://IP:PORT/api/v1/namespaces",
headers = header,
The -H switch behaviour is replicated by sending a header
The -L switch behaviour is replicated by specifying verify=False
The -sS and -k are about the behaviour of curl and not relevant here
The -X GET is replicated by using requests.get()
I am attempting to query Confluence knowledge base pages using the API and failing.
I have researched the api and have the following:
Browsing Content
curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/ | python -mjson.tool
Read Content and Expand the Body:
curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content/3965072?expand=body.storage | python -mjson.tool
What I actually want to do is dump out the contents of a page / pages in a "Space" as Confluence calls it to a file, or on screen.
This is an actual page:
And this is an example I found of using the REST API to do what I want:
curl -u admin:admin -G "http://myinstance.address:8090/rest/api/content/search" --data-urlencode "cql=(type=page and space=low and title ~ "LOWERTOWN")" \ | python -m json.tool
How I am translating what I have researched:
curl -u "bob#bob.com:12345678" -G "https://bob.atlassian.net/rest/api/content/search" --data-urlencode "cql=(type=page and space=BKB and title ~ "BOB+KNOWLEDGE+BANK")" \ | python -m json.tool
Which results in this error:
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
No JSON object could be decoded
I have grabbed my logic here from this site:
And I am assuming I have misunderstood this:
And where it belongs in my curl statement and linking it to the knowledge base. I am also unsure if applying the -mjson.tool is applicable in my case or if I actually have it installed / need to verify that.
Can you help me interpret this correctly?
You are almost there! You just need to pass cql as query parameter to the service as mentioned here in Atlassian documentation:
curl --request GET
--url 'https://your-domain.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/search?cql={cql}'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
I wanna send a curl post request in python. But I can't install any lib like 'request'. I could send POST request like following example :
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d {\"username\":\"myusername\",\"password\":\"mypassword\"} https://example.com/login
I need equal code as the above in python2. Then, i must read what it returns. I'm working on Windows 10.
Write a curl command in a way that it can work in the shell and then execute the command in the shell.
This way you don't need the requests package.
import os
command = "curl -u {username}:{password} [URL]"
I have a curl command. I want to fetch the response after executing it in python 3.
curl https://api.abc.com/targets/targetID\
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: JWT PROBELY_AUTH_TOKEN"
How can I execute the script in Python and get the response ?
try this:
import requests
url = 'https://api.abc.com/targets/AxthamE0v3E-/scans/S6dOMPj8SsoH/'
r = requests.get(url,headers={"Content-Type": "application/json","Authorization": "JWT PROBELY_AUTH_TOKEN"})
If you need to perform a request, you can use the library requests.
You can easily install it with pip install requests
You can use this link to see how to work with this library
I have this python script
for user in users:
text+=str(user + " ")
I want to output that string "text" into a curl terminal command.
I tried:
curl -d "#python-scirpt.py" --insecure -i -X POST
curl --insecure -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"text": 'python /home/scripts/python-script.py'}'
or without the quotations in the text option
Everything returns this error
{"id":"Unable to parse incoming data","message":"Unable to parse incoming data","detailed_error":"","request_id":"fpnmfds8zifziyc85oe5eyf3pa","status_code":400}
How to approach this ? Any help is appreciated thank you.
another approach would be to curl inside python but would need help in that too.
Thank you
Use command substitution (i.e. $(...)) to make the shell run the python code first.
curl -d "$(python-scirpt.py)" --insecure -i -X POST
This is the command I am running in bash:
curl -d "username=xxxxxx" -d "password=xxxxx" <<address>> --insecure --silent
How can I run this using Python?
Try Subprocess:
import subprocess
# ...
subprocess.call(["curl -d \"username=xxxxxx\" -d \"password=xxxxx\" https://xxxxx.com/logreg/login/ --insecure --silent" , shell=True)
I did not try what I wrote, but the essential is here.
Check this page for more info : Subprocess management
I hope you don't want to explicitly run curl, but you just want to get the same result.
>>> import requests
>>> r = requests.get('https://example.com', auth=('user', 'pass'), verify=False)
>>> print(r.status_code)