I am looking to send a few items to zabbix using Zabbix-Sender function of pyzabbix. As a test I am running the below code -
from pyzabbix import ZabbixMetric, ZabbixSender, ZabbixResponse
metrics = []
m= ZabbixMetric('mme01', 'TEST', 20)
I made this snippet after reading the document - https://py-zabbix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/sender.html
When I run the snippet I get the error -
AttributeError: 'ConnectionRefusedError' object has no attribute 'msg'
I have verified IP connectivity
Can Anyone help ?
there is a mess in modules names.
it seems you call 'other' pyzabbix module who has not needed methods.
first, remove all zabbix-related modules:
pip list | grep zabbix; pip uninstall ...
and then install pyzabbix:
pip install py-zabbix.
this should help.
I dug deeper and figured out that the AttributeError: 'ConnectionRefusedError' object has no attribute 'msg' exception caused by old module version bug, which has been fixed here. update it with pip or manually.
new bug I have faced is [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known caused by socket lib and can be fixed pointing to zabbix server/proxy IP address instead of DNS name
I decided to bypass the module - pyzabbix and decided to use the raw zabbix sender utility. Works great.
For other folks my solution relies on a file with values that need to be sent to zabbix.
Sample file -
"mme01" TEST 1544729668 44
The use the utility -
/opt/zabbix-proxy/bin/zabbix_sender -vv -z 10.43.X.X -T -i mme_file.txt
Replace with path of your zabbix_sender and the zabbix server IP.
I had the same issue on some machines of mine. At that time I refactored my code to use zabbix_sender and it worked great.
After some time I found out the issue was related to pip repository corruption. I ended up reinstalling all the packages with this option:
pip install --ignore-installed <package>
apparently the issue was fixed, but I still have no idea why it occurred on some manchines and not in anothers.
We are using command prompt c:\gcloud app deploy app.yaml, but get the following error:
Running "python3 -m pip install --requirement requirements.txt --upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed --no-warn-script-location --no-warn-conflicts --force-reinstall --no-compile (PIP_CACHE_DIR=/layers/google.python.pip/pipcache PIP_DISABLE_PIP_VERSION_CHECK=1)"
Step #2 - "build": /layers/google.python.pip/pip/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for 'pip' (AttributeError: module '__main__' has no attribute '__file__')
Step #2 - "build": Done "python3 -m pip install --requirement requirements.txt --upgr..." (34.49892ms)
Step #2 - "build": Failure: (ID: 0ea8a540) /layers/google.python.pip/pip/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for 'pip' (AttributeError: module '__main__' has no attribute '__file__')
Step #2 - "build": --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step #2 - "build": Running "mv -f /builder/outputs/output-5577006791947779410 /builder/outputs/output"
Step #2 - "build": Done "mv -f /builder/outputs/output-5577006791947779410 /builder/o..." (12.758866ms)
Step #2 - "build": ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1
Finished Step #2 - "build"
ERROR: build step 2 "us.gcr.io/gae-runtimes/buildpacks/python37/builder:python37_20211201_3_7_12_RC00" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 145
Our Requirements.txt is as below. We are currently on Python 3.7 standard app engine
Please help.The above code was working well before updating the requirements.txt file. We tried to remove gunicorn to allow the system pickup the latest according to documentation here.
We have a subdirectory structure that stores all the .py files in controllers and db definitions in models. Our main.py has the following -
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../controllers'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../models'))
Does anyone know how to debug this error - Error while finding module specification for 'pip' (AttributeError: module '__main__' has no attribute '__file__'). What does this mean?
The release 60.3.0 of setuptools has a bug causing the above AttributeError, see : https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/3002
It has been yanked by Pypi since then:
Yanked files are always ignored, unless they are the only file that matches a version specifier that "pins" to an exact version using either == (without any modifiers that make it a range, such as .*) or ===. Matching this version specifier should otherwise be done as per PEP 440 for things like local versions, zero padding, etc.
Source: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0592/
What you can do as of now is pass the version of the setuptools package explicitly, to use for example version 60.2.0 or 60.3.1.
I had the same issue when deploying a Google Cloud Function. The error
cloud function Error while finding module specification for 'pip' (AttributeError: module 'main' has no attribute 'file'); Error ID: c84b3231
appeared after commenting out some packages in the requirements.txt, but that was nothing important and likely did not cause it. I guess that it is more a problem of an instability in Google Storage, since that same Cloud Function I was working on had lost its archive already some time before, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, showing:
Archive not found in the storage location cloud function
and I did not delete or change anything that might explain this, as Archive not found in the storage location: Google Function would suggest. Though that answer has one very interesting guess that might explain at least the very first time the "Archive not found" error came up and thus made the CF instable: I might have changed the timezone city of the bucket during browsing the Google Storage. It is too long ago, but I know I browsed the GS, therefore, I cannot exclude this. Quote: "It [the Archive not found error] may occurr too if GCS bucket's region is not matched to your Cloud function region."
After this "Archive not found" crash, I manually added main.py and requirements.txt and filled them again with code from the backup. This worked for some time, but there seems to be some general instability in the Google Storage. Therefore, always keep backups of your deployed scripts.
Then, after getting this pip error of the question in that already instable Cloud Function, waiting for a day or two, Google Function again showed
Archive not found in the storage location cloud function
If you run into this pip error in a Cloud Function, you might consider updating pip in the "requirements.txt" but if you are in such an unstable Cloud Function the better workaround seems to be to create a new Cloud Function and copy everything in there.
The pip error probably just shows that the source script, in this case the requirements.txt, cannot be run since the source code is not fully embedded anymore or has lost some embedding in the Google Storage.
Or you give that Cloud Function a second chance and edit, go to Source tab, click on Dropdown Source code to choose Inline Editor and add main.py and requirements.txt manually (Runtime: Python).
By installing the previous version 60.2.0 of setuptools before installing pip-tools helped me get it running.
pip install setuptools==60.2.0
Your setuptools version is likely to be yanked:
Not sure how to fix that without a working pip though.
Setuptools 60.3.1 is out now. GitHub Link here.
I am trying to use the speedtest-cli api. Copied part of the code from official wiki (and removed unused stuff):
import speedtest
s = speedtest.Speedtest()
In python console I get everything ok:
>>> import speedtest
>>> s = speedtest.Speedtest()
>>> s.get_best_server()
>>> s.download()
But when I create .py file and run it I get:
AttributeError: module 'speedtest' has no attribute 'SpeedTest'
As mentioned in the comments, you have a file with the same name and it is conflicting with the import. Since you have moved the file, restarting the console should work.
The code below will also extract the results into a dictionary and make it possible to access the results.
import speedtest
s = speedtest.Speedtest()
res = s.results.dict()
print(res["download"], res["upload"], res["ping"])
I faced the same issue because I had installed both speedtest and speedtest-cli.
Using pip uninstall speedtest worked for me.
I faced the same issue because the name of my file was speedtest. When I change the name to something new. It works fine for me.
import speedtest
wifi = speedtest.Speedtest()
print("Wifi Download Speed is ", wifi.download())
print("Wifi Upload Speed is ", wifi.upload())
Ok Here is the Solution to this Problem
1-uninstall speedtest and speedtest-cli if you have both installed
2- install only speedtest-cli pip install speedtest-cli this will install the package in the main python environment
3-CTRL+P select interpreter then select your main python not any environment
4-it will work fine
Reason for this error
(you install the package in your main python environment and you usually open your IDE and run a virtual environment)
Try checking speedtest is imported properly
import speedtest
it should display properties of speedtest
I have been trying to install nltk.data for a project. As described in this documentation, I tried to install it using both methods mentioned.
Through python:
import nltk
The problem is in the next step, ( please find the screenshot attached).
The error message is:
Error connecting to server: [Errno 113] No route to host
Through command line:
sudo python -m nltk.downloader -d /usr/local/share/nltk_data
This resulted in the same issue too.
As mentioned in this answer, my DEFAULT_URL was https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nltk/nltk_data. Even after changing it to http://www.nltk.org/nltk_data/, I am getting the same problem.
Can anybody help, please?
I'm working on a Django application and all of a sudden I'm getting the error extend ' .clearfix' has no matches and this occurs at Exception Location: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/static_precompiler/compilers/less.py in compile_file, line 41, when I try to connect to the server.
I have never had this issue before, and I even added in #import (reference) "utilities.less"; to the bootstrap.less file ("utilities.less" contains the definition of .clearfix), yet I still get the issue.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
For reference, my lessc version is lessc 2.6.0
I solved my issue by downgrading to less 2.1.
I did so by running the following commands:
sudo npm uninstall -g less
sudo npm install -g less#2.1
It seems that part of our codebase isn't compatible with less 2.6!
I have protobuf compiler version 3.0 and need to install grpc and grpc python plugin. Following the tutorial, I added deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie-backports main to my sources.list file and did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install libgrpc-dev which returned
Package libgrpc-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'libgrpc-dev' has no installation candidate
So, I decided to compile it from source as mentioned in INSTALL notes and did:
$ git clone https://github.com/grpc/grpc.git
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
$ make
$ [sudo] make install
However, on the make step, I get
[MAKE] Generating cache.mk
make: Circular /home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/libs/opt/libboringssl.a <- /home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/libs/opt/libboringssl.a dependency dropped.
[C] Compiling third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.c
third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.c: In function 'split_host_and_port':
third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.c:127:17: error: declaration of 'close' shadows a global declaration [-Werror=shadow]
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
make: *** [/home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/objs/opt/third_party/boringssl/crypto/bio/connect.o] Error 1
On switching to the release-0_11 branch, running make results in
[HOSTCXX] Compiling src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc
src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc:47:43: error: 'google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetUmbrellaClassName' has not been declared
src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc: In function 'void grpc_csharp_generator::{anonymous}::GenerateServiceDescriptorProperty(grpc::protobuf::io::Printer*, const ServiceDescriptor*)':
src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc:237:62: error: 'GetUmbrellaClassName' was not declared in this scope
make: *** [/home/vagrant/grpc2/grpc/objs/opt/src/compiler/csharp_generator.o] Error 1
I can't figure out how to install this. Any help would be appreciated.
For me the issue got fixed after i made change in the file as:
diff --git a/src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc
index 7b497df..5a8746d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc
+++ b/src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc
## -44,7 +44,7 ##
using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetFileNamespace;
using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetClassName;
-using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetUmbrellaClassName;
+using google::protobuf::compiler::csharp::GetReflectionClassName;
using grpc::protobuf::FileDescriptor;
using grpc::protobuf::Descriptor;
using grpc::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor;
## -234,7 +234,7 ## void GenerateServiceDescriptorProperty(Printer* out, const ServiceDescriptor *se
out->Print("public static global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection.ServiceDescriptor Descriptor\n");
out->Print(" get { return $umbrella$.Descriptor.Services[$index$]; }\n",
- "umbrella", GetUmbrellaClassName(service->file()), "index",
+ "umbrella", GetReflectionClassName(service->file()), "index",
More specifically, please open the file src/compiler/csharp_generator.cc and replace all references of GetUmbrellaClassName by GetReflectionClassName
Working backwards:
for release-0_11: it looks like you're trying to compile against the most recent protobuf. Since we're both in development right now there's occasional breakage - but grpc does track the version of protobuf it's tested against in third_party/protobuf. Try checking out and installing that version. I filed https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/4697 to update to the latest protobuf 3.0 version.
for master from github: which compiler and OS are you using? I recently checked in the boringssl integration work, so it's fresh, and not nearly as battle-tested. I'd like to get it battle-tested. That said, if you do a 'make EMBED_OPENSSL=false' then things should work out for you.
for the debian package problem: I'm not sure what's going on. I'm happy to try and spin up a VM with your OS and repro if you can let me know which OS it is.