I want to measure how much memory Django queryset use.
For example, I try the simple way.
import psutil
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
s = process.memory_info().rss # in bytes
for i in queryset:
e = process.memory_info().rss # in bytes
print('queryset memory: %s' % (e-s))
Since iterating queryset, Django will hit a database and the result will be cached and by getting memory usage for the Python process, I try to measure queryset memory usage.
I wonder if the access would be right or there is any way to measure my goal, you guys know.
This measure is to predict if there would be any issue when trying to get a massive query result and if there is, from how many rows it results in an issue.
I know If I want to avoid caching queryset result, I can use iterator().
However, iterator() also should determine chunk_size parameter to reduce the number of hitting database and memory usage will be different depending on chunk_size.
import psutil
process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
s = process.memory_info().rss # in bytes
for i in queryset.iterator(chunk_size=10000):
e = process.memory_info().rss # in bytes
print('queryset memory: %s' % (e-s))
I'm bruteforcing a 8-digit pin on a ELF executable (it's for a CTF) and I'm using asynchronous parallel processing. The code is very fast but it fills the memory even faster.
It takes about 10% of the total iterations to fill 8gbs of ram, and I have no idea what's causing it. Any help?
from pwn import *
import multiprocessing as mp
from tqdm import tqdm
def check_pin(pin):
program = process('elf_exe')
res = program.recvline()
if 'Access denied.' in str(res):
return null, null
return res, pin
def process_result(res, pin):
if(res != null):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(f'Starting bruteforce on {mp.cpu_count()} cores :)\n')
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
min = 10000000
max = 99999999
for pin in tqdm(range(min, max)):
pool.apply_async(check_pin, args=(pin), callback=process_result)
Multiprocessing pools create several processes. Calls to apply_async create a task that is added to a shared data structure (eg. queue). The data structure is read by processes thanks to inter-process communication (IPC). The thing is apply_async return a synchronization object that you do not use and so there is not synchronizations. Items appended in the data structure take some memory space (at least 32*3=96 bytes due to 3 CPython objects being allocated) and the data structure grow in memory to hold the 89_999_999 items hence at least 8 GiB of RAM. The process are not fast enough to execute the work. What tqdm print is totally is completely misleading: it just print the processing of the number of task submitted, not the one executed that is only a tiny fraction. Almost all the work is done when tqdm print 100% and the submission loop is done. I actually doubt the "code is very fast" since it appears to run 90 millions process while running a process is known to be an expensive operation.
To speed up this code and avoid a big memory usage, you need to aggregate the work in bigger tasks. You can for example and a range of pin variable to be computed and add a loop in check_pin. A reasonable range size is for example 1000. Additionally, you need to accumulate the AsyncResult objects returned by apply_async in a list and perform periodic synchronizations when the list becomes too big so that processes does not have too much work and so the shared data structure can remain small. Here is a simple untested example:
lst = []
for rng in allRanges:
lst.append(pool.apply_async(check_pin, args=(rng), callback=process_result))
if len(lst) > 100:
# Naive synchronization
for i in lst:
lst = []
I have written an application with flask and uses celery for a long running task. While load testing I noticed that the celery tasks are not releasing memory even after completing the task. So I googled and found this group discussion..
In that discussion it says, thats how python works.
Also the article at https://hbfs.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/python-memory-management-part-ii/ says
"But from the OS’s perspective, your program’s size is the total (maximum) memory allocated to Python. Since Python returns memory to the OS on the heap (that allocates other objects than small objects) only on Windows, if you run on Linux, you can only see the total memory used by your program increase."
And I use Linux. So I wrote the below script to verify it.
import gc
def memory_usage_psutil():
# return the memory usage in MB
import resource
print 'Memory usage: %s (MB)' % (resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / 1000.0)
def fileopen(fname):
memory_usage_psutil()# 10 MB
f = open(fname)
memory_usage_psutil()# 10 MB
content = f.read()
memory_usage_psutil()# 14 MB
def fun(fname):
memory_usage_psutil() # 10 MB
memory_usage_psutil() # 14 MB
import sys
from time import sleep
if __name__ == '__main__':
for _ in range(60):
memory_usage_psutil()#14 MB ...
The input was a 4MB file. Even after returning from the 'fileopen' function the 4MB memory was not released. I checked htop output while the loop was running, the resident memory stays at 14MB. So unless the process is stopped the memory stays with it.
So if the celery worker is not killed after its task is finished it is going to keep the memory for itself. I know I can use max_tasks_per_child config value to kill the process and spawn a new one. Is there any other way to return the memory to OS from a python process?.
I think your measurement method and interpretation is a bit off. You are using ru_maxrss of resource.getrusage, which is the "high watermark" of the process. See this discussion for details on what that means. In short, it is the peak RAM usage of your process, but not necessarily current. Parts of the process could be swapped out etc.
It also can mean that the process has freed that 4MiB, but the OS has not reclaimed the memory, because it's faster for the process to allocate new 4MiB if it has the memory mapped already. To make it even more complicated programs can and do use "free lists", lists of blocks of memory that are not in active use, but are not freed. This is also a common trick to make future allocations faster.
I wrote a short script to demonstrate the difference between virtual memory usage and max RSS:
import numpy as np
import psutil
import resource
def print_mem():
print("ru_maxrss: {:.2f}MiB".format(
resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / 1024))
print("virtual_memory.used: {:.2f}MiB".format(
psutil.virtual_memory().used / 1024 ** 2))
print("allocating large array (80e6,)...")
a = np.random.random(int(80e6))
print("del a")
del a
print("read testdata.bin (~400MiB)")
with open('testdata.bin', 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
print("del data")
del data
The results are:
ru_maxrss: 22.89MiB
virtual_memory.used: 8125.66MiB
allocating large array (80e6,)...
ru_maxrss: 633.20MiB
virtual_memory.used: 8731.85MiB
del a
ru_maxrss: 633.20MiB
virtual_memory.used: 8121.66MiB
read testdata.bin (~400MiB)
ru_maxrss: 633.20MiB
virtual_memory.used: 8513.11MiB
del data
ru_maxrss: 633.20MiB
virtual_memory.used: 8123.22MiB
It is clear how the ru_maxrss remembers the maximum RSS, but the current usage has dropped in the end.
Note on psutil.virtual_memory().used:
used: memory used, calculated differently depending on the platform and designed for informational purposes only.
I had my django application configured with memcached and everything was working smoothly.
I am trying to populate the cache over time, adding to it as new data comes in from external API's. Here is the gist of what I have going on:
main view
api_query, more_results = apiQuery(**params)
cache_key = "mystring"
cache.set(cache_key, data_list, 600)
if more_results:
t = Thread(target = 'apiMoreResultsQuery', args = (param1, param2, param3))
t.daemon = True
more results function
cache_key = "mystring"
my_cache = cache.get(cache_key)
api_query, more_results = apiQuery(**params)
new_cache = my_cache + api_query
cache.set(cache_key, new_cache, 600)
if more_results:
apiMoreResultsQuery(param1, param2, param3)
This method works for several iterations through the apiMoreResultsQuery but at some point the cache returns None causing the whole loop to crash. I've tried increasing the cache expiration but that didn't change anything. Why would the cache be vanishing all of a sudden?
For clarification I am running the apiMoreResultsQuery in a distinct thread because I need to return a response from the initial call faster then the full data-set will populate so I want to keep the populating going in the background while a response can still be returned.
When you set a particular cache key and the item you are setting is larger than the size allotted for a cached item, it fails silently and your key gets set to None. (I know this because I have been bitten by it.)
Memcached uses pickle to cache objects, so at some point new_cache is getting pickled and it's simply larger than the size allotted for cached items.
The memcached default size is 1MB, and you can increase it, but the bigger issue that seems a bit odd is that that you are using the same key over and over again and your single cached item just gets bigger and bigger.
Wouldn't a better strategy be to set new items in the cache and to be sure that those items are small enough to be cached?
Anyway, if you want to see how large your item is growing, so you can test whether or not it's going to go into the cache, you can do some of the following:
>>> import pickle
>>> some_object = [1, 2, 3]
>>> len(pickle.dumps(some_object, -1))
>>> new_object = list(range(1000000))
>>> len(pickle.dumps(new_object, -1))
4871352 # Wow, that got pretty big!
Note that this can grow a lot larger if you are pickling Django model instances, in which case it's probably recommended just to pickle the values you want from the instance.
For more reading, see this other answer:
How to get the size of a python object in bytes on Google AppEngine?
I am reading data from large CSV files, processing it, and loading it into a SQLite database. Profiling suggests 80% of my time is spent on I/O and 20% is processing input to prepare it for DB insertion. I sped up the processing step with multiprocessing.Pool so that the I/O code is never waiting for the next record. But, this caused serious memory problems because the I/O step could not keep up with the workers.
The following toy example illustrates my problem:
#!/usr/bin/env python # 3.4.3
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
def records(num=100):
"""Simulate generator getting data from large CSV files."""
for i in range(num):
print('Reading record {0}'.format(i))
time.sleep(0.05) # getting raw data is fast
yield i
def process(rec):
"""Simulate processing of raw text into dicts."""
print('Processing {0}'.format(rec))
time.sleep(0.1) # processing takes a little time
return rec
def writer(records):
"""Simulate saving data to SQLite database."""
for r in records:
time.sleep(0.3) # writing takes the longest
print('Wrote {0}'.format(r))
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = records(100)
with Pool(2) as pool:
writer(pool.imap_unordered(process, data, chunksize=5))
This code results in a backlog of records that eventually consumes all memory because I cannot persist the data to disk fast enough. Run the code and you'll notice that Pool.imap_unordered will consume all the data when writer is at the 15th record or so. Now imagine the processing step is producing dictionaries from hundreds of millions of rows and you can see why I run out of memory. Amdahl's Law in action perhaps.
What is the fix for this? I think I need some sort of buffer for Pool.imap_unordered that says "once there are x records that need insertion, stop and wait until there are less than x before making more." I should be able to get some speed improvement from preparing the next record while the last one is being saved.
I tried using NuMap from the papy module (which I modified to work with Python 3) to do exactly this, but it wasn't faster. In fact, it was worse than running the program sequentially; NuMap uses two threads plus multiple processes.
Bulk import features of SQLite are probably not suited to my task because the data need substantial processing and normalization.
I have about 85G of compressed text to process. I'm open to other database technologies, but picked SQLite for ease of use and because this is a write-once read-many job in which only 3 or 4 people will use the resulting database after everything is loaded.
As I was working on the same problem, I figured that an effective way to prevent the pool from overloading is to use a semaphore with a generator:
from multiprocessing import Pool, Semaphore
def produce(semaphore, from_file):
with open(from_file) as reader:
for line in reader:
# Reduce Semaphore by 1 or wait if 0
# Now deliver an item to the caller (pool)
yield line
def process(item):
result = (first_function(item),
return result
def consume(semaphore, result):
database_con.cur.execute("INSERT INTO ResultTable VALUES (?,?,?)", result)
# Result is consumed, semaphore may now be increased by 1
def main()
global database_con
semaphore_1 = Semaphore(1024)
with Pool(2) as pool:
for result in pool.imap_unordered(process, produce(semaphore_1, "workfile.txt"), chunksize=128):
consume(semaphore_1, result)
See also:
K Hong - Multithreading - Semaphore objects & thread pool
Lecture from Chris Terman - MIT 6.004 L21: Semaphores
Since processing is fast, but writing is slow, it sounds like your problem is
I/O-bound. Therefore there might not be much to be gained from using
However, it is possible to peel off chunks of data, process the chunk, and
wait until that data has been written before peeling off another chunk:
import itertools as IT
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = records(100)
with Pool(2) as pool:
chunksize = ...
for chunk in iter(lambda: list(IT.islice(data, chunksize)), []):
writer(pool.imap_unordered(process, chunk, chunksize=5))
It sounds like all you really need is to replace the unbounded queues underneath the Pool with bounded (and blocking) queues. That way, if any side gets ahead of the rest, it'll just block until they're ready.
This would be easy to do by peeking at the source, to subclass or monkeypatch Pool, something like:
class Pool(multiprocessing.pool.Pool):
def _setup_queues(self):
self._inqueue = self._ctx.Queue(5)
self._outqueue = self._ctx.Queue(5)
self._quick_put = self._inqueue._writer.send
self._quick_get = self._outqueue._reader.recv
self._taskqueue = queue.Queue(10)
But that's obviously not portable (even to CPython 3.3, much less to a different Python 3 implementation).
I think you can do it portably in 3.4+ by providing a customized context, but I haven't been able to get that right, so…
A simple workaround might be to use psutil to detect the memory usage in each process and say if more than 90% of memory are taken, than just sleep for a while.
while psutil.virtual_memory().percent > 75:
print ("process paused for 1 seconds!")
I have developed a complex program in which a thread pool execute tasks planned by many objects. I have memory leaks.
So far I have detected using guppy that the number of created objects is growing steadily, but they are not destroyed. How can I know what objects are not destroyed/collected?
Here is an excerpt of my code:
# Memory Profiling
from guppy import hpy
import gc
class ThreadPool:
# Every 1 sec run:
gc.collect() # yes, this is paranoid...
print str(self.h.heap()).split('\n')[0]
And the result is:
Partition of a set of 110304 objects. Total size = 15475848 bytes.
Partition of a set of 110318 objects. Total size = 15479920 bytes.
Partition of a set of 110320 objects. Total size = 15480808 bytes.
Partition of a set of 110328 objects. Total size = 15481408 bytes.
What were the last objects created? Is there some introspection code that can help?
Thank you!