Python parallel processing fills memory fast - python

I'm bruteforcing a 8-digit pin on a ELF executable (it's for a CTF) and I'm using asynchronous parallel processing. The code is very fast but it fills the memory even faster.
It takes about 10% of the total iterations to fill 8gbs of ram, and I have no idea what's causing it. Any help?
from pwn import *
import multiprocessing as mp
from tqdm import tqdm
def check_pin(pin):
program = process('elf_exe')
res = program.recvline()
if 'Access denied.' in str(res):
return null, null
return res, pin
def process_result(res, pin):
if(res != null):
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(f'Starting bruteforce on {mp.cpu_count()} cores :)\n')
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
min = 10000000
max = 99999999
for pin in tqdm(range(min, max)):
pool.apply_async(check_pin, args=(pin), callback=process_result)

Multiprocessing pools create several processes. Calls to apply_async create a task that is added to a shared data structure (eg. queue). The data structure is read by processes thanks to inter-process communication (IPC). The thing is apply_async return a synchronization object that you do not use and so there is not synchronizations. Items appended in the data structure take some memory space (at least 32*3=96 bytes due to 3 CPython objects being allocated) and the data structure grow in memory to hold the 89_999_999 items hence at least 8 GiB of RAM. The process are not fast enough to execute the work. What tqdm print is totally is completely misleading: it just print the processing of the number of task submitted, not the one executed that is only a tiny fraction. Almost all the work is done when tqdm print 100% and the submission loop is done. I actually doubt the "code is very fast" since it appears to run 90 millions process while running a process is known to be an expensive operation.
To speed up this code and avoid a big memory usage, you need to aggregate the work in bigger tasks. You can for example and a range of pin variable to be computed and add a loop in check_pin. A reasonable range size is for example 1000. Additionally, you need to accumulate the AsyncResult objects returned by apply_async in a list and perform periodic synchronizations when the list becomes too big so that processes does not have too much work and so the shared data structure can remain small. Here is a simple untested example:
lst = []
for rng in allRanges:
lst.append(pool.apply_async(check_pin, args=(rng), callback=process_result))
if len(lst) > 100:
# Naive synchronization
for i in lst:
lst = []


Multiprocessing and multithreading in Python

I have a python program which 1) Reads from a very large file from Disk(~95% time) and then 2) Process and Provide a relatively small output (~5% time). This Program is to be run on TeraBytes of files .
Now i am looking to Optimize this Program by utilizing Multi Processing and Multi Threading . The platform I am running is a Virtual Machine with 4 Processors on a virtual Machine .
I plan to have a scheduler Process which will execute 4 Processes (same as processors) and then Each Process should have some threads as most part is I/O . Each Thread will process 1 file & will report result to the Main Thread which in turn will report it back to scheduler Process via IPC . Scheduler can queue these and eventually write them to disk in ordered manner
So wondering How does one decide number of Processes and Threads to create for such scenario ? Is there a Mathematical way to figure out whats the best mix .
I think I would arrange it the inverse of what you are doing. That is, I would create a thread pool of a certain size that would be responsible for producing the results. The tasks that get submitted to this pool would be passed as an argument a processor pool that could be used by the worker thread for submitting the CPU-bound portions of work. In other words, the thread pool workers would primarily be doing all the disk-related operations and handing off to the processor pool any CPU-intensive work.
The size of the processor pool should just be the number of processors you have in your environment. It's difficult to give a precise size for the thread pool; it depends on how many concurrent disk operations it can handle before the law of diminishing returns come into play. It also depends on your memory: The larger the pool, the greater the memory resources that will be taken, especially if entire files have to be read into memory for processing. So, you may have to experiment with this value. The code below outlines these ideas. What you gain from the thread pool is overlapping of I/O operations greater than you would achieve if you just used a small processor pool:
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
import os
def cpu_bound_function(arg1, arg2):
return some_result
def io_bound_function(process_pool_executor, file_name):
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
# Do disk related operations:
. . . # code omitted
# Now we have to do a CPU-intensive operation:
future = process_pool_executor.submit(cpu_bound_function, arg1, arg2)
result = future.result() # get result
return result
file_list = [file_1, file_2, file_n]
N_FILES = len(file_list)
MAX_THREADS = 50 # depends on your configuration on how well the I/O can be overlapped
N_THREADS = min(N_FILES, MAX_THREADS) # no point in creating more threds than required
N_PROCESSES = os.cpu_count() # use the number of processors you have
with ThreadPoolExecutor(N_THREADS) as thread_pool_executor:
with ProcessPoolExecutor(N_PROCESSES) as process_pool_executor:
results =, process_pool_executor), file_list)
Important Note:
Another far simpler approach is to just have a single, processor pool whose size is greater than the number of CPU processors you have, for example, 25. The worker processes will do both I/O and CPU operations. Even though you have more processes than CPUs, many of the processes will be in a wait state waiting for I/O to complete allowing CPU-intensive work to run.
The downside to this approach is that the overhead in creating a N processes is far greater than the overhead in creating N threads + a small number of processes. However, as the running time of the tasks submitted to the pool becomes increasingly larger, then this increased overhead becomes decreasingly a smaller percentage of the total run time. So, if your tasks are not trivial, this could be a reasonably performant simplification.
Update: Benchmarks of Both Approaches
I did some benchmarks against the two approaches processing 24 files whose sizes were approximately 10,000KB (actually, these were just 3 different files processed 8 times each, so there might have been some caching done):
Method 1 (thread pool + processor pool)
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
import os
from math import sqrt
import timeit
def cpu_bound_function(b):
sum = 0.0
for x in b:
sum += sqrt(float(x))
return sum
def io_bound_function(process_pool_executor, file_name):
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
b =
future = process_pool_executor.submit(cpu_bound_function, b)
result = future.result() # get result
return result
def main():
file_list = ['/download/'] * 8 + ['/download/curlmanager-1.0.6-x64.exe'] * 8 + ['/download/Element_v2.8.0_UserManual_RevA.pdf'] * 8
N_FILES = len(file_list)
MAX_THREADS = 50 # depends on your configuration on how well the I/O can be overlapped
N_THREADS = min(N_FILES, MAX_THREADS) # no point in creating more threds than required
N_PROCESSES = os.cpu_count() # use the number of processors you have
with ThreadPoolExecutor(N_THREADS) as thread_pool_executor:
with ProcessPoolExecutor(N_PROCESSES) as process_pool_executor:
results = list(, process_pool_executor), file_list))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(timeit.timeit(stmt='main()', number=1, globals=globals()))
Method 2 (processor pool only)
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from math import sqrt
import timeit
def cpu_bound_function(b):
sum = 0.0
for x in b:
sum += sqrt(float(x))
return sum
def io_bound_function(file_name):
with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
b =
result = cpu_bound_function(b)
return result
def main():
file_list = ['/download/'] * 8 + ['/download/curlmanager-1.0.6-x64.exe'] * 8 + ['/download/Element_v2.8.0_UserManual_RevA.pdf'] * 8
N_FILES = len(file_list)
MAX_PROCESSES = 50 # depends on your configuration on how well the I/O can be overlapped
N_PROCESSES = min(N_FILES, MAX_PROCESSES) # no point in creating more threds than required
with ProcessPoolExecutor(N_PROCESSES) as process_pool_executor:
results = list(, file_list))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(timeit.timeit(stmt='main()', number=1, globals=globals()))
(I have 8 cores)
Thread Pool + Processor Pool: 13.5 seconds
Processor Pool Alone: 13.3 seconds
Conclusion: I would try the simpler approach first of just using a processor pool for everything. Now the tricky bit is deciding what the maximum number of processes to create, which was part of your original question and had a simple answer when all it was doing was the CPU-intensive computations. If the number of files you are reading are not too many, then the point is moot; you can have one process per file. But if you have hundreds of files, you will not want to have hundreds of processes in your pool (there is also an upper limit to how many processes you can create and again there are those nasty memory constraints). There is just no way I can give you an exact number. If you do have a large number of files, start with a smallish pool size and keep incrementing until you get no further benefit (of course, you probably do not want to be processing more files than some maximum number for these tests or you will be running forever just deciding on a good pool size for the real run).
For parallel processing:
I saw this question, and quoting the accepted answer:
In practice, it can be difficult to find the optimal number of threads and even that number will likely vary each time you run the program. So, theoretically, the optimal number of threads will be the number of cores you have on your machine. If your cores are "hyper threaded" (as Intel calls it) it can run 2 threads on each core. Then, in that case, the optimal number of threads is double the number of cores on your machine.
For multiprocessing:
Someone asked a similar question here, and the accepted answer said this:
If all of your threads/processes are indeed CPU-bound, you should run as many processes as the CPU reports cores. Due to HyperThreading, each physical CPU cores may be able to present multiple virtual cores. Call multiprocessing.cpu_count to get the number of virtual cores.
If only p of 1 of your threads is CPU-bound, you can adjust that number by multiplying by p. For example, if half your processes are CPU-bound (p = 0.5) and you have two CPUs with 4 cores each and 2x HyperThreading, you should start 0.5 * 2 * 4 * 2 = 8 processes.
The key here is understand what machine are you using, from that, you can choose a nearly optimal number of threads/processes to split the execution of you code. And I said nearly optimal because it will vary a little bit every time you run your script, so it'll be difficult to predict this optimal number from a mathematical point of view.
For your specific situation, if your machine has 4 cores, I would recommend you to only create 4 threads max, and then split them:
1 to the main thread.
3 for file reading and process.
using multiple processes to speed up IO performance may not be a good idea, check this and the sample code below it to see wether it is helpful
One idea can be to have a thread only reading the file (If I understood well, there is only one file) and pushing the independent parts (for ex. rows) into queue with messages.
The messages can be processed by 4 threads. In this way, you can optimize the load between the processors.
On a strongly I/O-bound process (like what you are describing), you do not necessarily need multithreading nor multiprocessing: you could also use more advanced I/O primitives from your OS.
For example on Linux you can submit read requests to the kernel along with a suitably sized mutable buffer and be notified when the buffer is filled. This can be done using the AIO API, for which I've written a pure-python binding: python-libaio (libaio on pypi)), or with the more recent io_uring API for which there seems to be a CFFI python binding (liburing on pypy) (I have neither used io_uring nor this python binding).
This removes the complexity of parallel processing at your level, may reduce the number of OS/userland context switches (reducing the cpu time even further), and lets the OS know more about what you are trying to do, giving it the opportunity of scheduling the IO more efficiently (in a virtualised environment I would not be surprised if it reduced the number of data copies, although I have not tried it myself).
Of course, the downside is that your program will be more tightly bound to the OS you are executing it on, requiring more effort to get it to run on another one.

Multiprocessing -- Thread Pool Memory Leak?

I am observing memory usage that I cannot explain to myself. Below I provide a stripped down version of my actual code that still exhibits this behavior. The code is intended to accomplish the following:
Read a text file in chunks of 1000 lines. Each line is a sentence. Split these 1000 sentences into 4 generators. Pass these generators to a thread pool and run feature extraction in parallel on 250 sentences.
In my actual code I accumulate features and labels from all sentences of the entire file.
Now here comes the weird thing: Memory gets allocated but not freed again even when not accumulating these values! And it has something to do with the thread pool I think. The amount of memory taken in total is dependent on how many features are extracted for any given word. I simulate this here with range(100). Have a look:
from sys import argv
from itertools import chain, islice
from multiprocessing import Pool
from math import ceil
# dummyfied feature extraction function
# the lengt of the range determines howmuch mamory is used up in total,
# eventhough the objects are never stored
def features_from_sentence(sentence):
return [{'some feature' 'some value'} for i in range(100)], ['some label' for i in range(100)]
# split iterable into generator of generators of length `size`
def chunks(iterable, size=10):
iterator = iter(iterable)
for first in iterator:
yield chain([first], islice(iterator, size - 1))
def features_from_sentence_meta(l):
return list(map (features_from_sentence, l))
def make_X_and_Y_sets(sentences, i):
print(f'start: {i}')
pool = Pool()
# split sentences into a generator of 4 generators
sentence_chunks = chunks(sentences, ceil(50000/4))
# results is a list containing the lists of pairs of X and Y of all chunks
results = map(lambda x : x[0],, sentence_chunks))
X, Y = zip(*results)
print(f'end: {i}')
return X, Y
# reads file in chunks of `lines_per_chunk` lines
def line_chunks(textfile, lines_per_chunk=1000):
chunk = []
i = 0
with open(textfile, 'r') as textfile:
for line in textfile:
if not line.split(): continue
if i == lines_per_chunk:
yield chunk
i = 0
chunk = []
yield chunk
textfile = argv[1]
for i, line_chunk in enumerate(line_chunks(textfile)):
# stop processing file after 10 chunks to demonstrate
# that memory stays occupied (check your system monitor)
if i == 10:
while True:
X_chunk, Y_chunk = make_X_and_Y_sets(line_chunk, i)
The file I am using to debug this has 50000 nonempty lines, which is why I use the hardcoded 50000 at one place. If you want to use the same file, he is a link for your convenience:
Now when you run this script and open your system monitor you will observe that memory gets used up and the usage keeps going until the 10th chunk, where I artificially go into an endless loop to demonstrate that the memory stays in use, even though I never store anything.
Can you explain to me why this happens? I seem to be missing something about how multiprocessing pools are supposed to be used.
First, let's clear up some misunderstandings—although, as it turns out, this wasn't actually the right avenue to explore in the first place.
When you allocate memory in Python, of course it has to go get that memory from the OS.
When you release memory, however, it rarely gets returned to the OS, until you finally exit. Instead, it goes into a "free list"—or, actually, multiple levels of free lists for different purposes. This means that the next time you need memory, Python already has it lying around, and can find it immediately, without needing to talk to the OS to allocate more. This usually makes memory-intensive programs much faster.
But this also means that—especially on modern 64-bit operating systems—trying to understand whether you really do have any memory pressure issues by looking at your Activity Monitor/Task Manager/etc. is next to useless.
The tracemalloc module in the standard library provides low-level tools to see what actually is going on with your memory usage. At a higher level, you can use something like memory_profiler, which (if you enable tracemalloc support—this is important) can put that information together with OS-level information from sources like psutil to figure out where things are going.
However, if you aren't seeing any actual problems—your system isn't going into swap hell, you aren't getting any MemoryError exceptions, your performance isn't hitting some weird cliff where it scales linearly up to N and then suddenly goes all to hell at N+1, etc.—you usually don't need to bother with any of this in the first place.
If you do discover a problem, then, fortunately, you're already half-way to solving it. As I mentioned at the top, most memory that you allocated doesn't get returned to the OS until you finally exit. But if all of your memory usage is happening in child processes, and those child processes have no state, you can make them exit and restart whenever you want.
Of course there's a performance cost to doing so—process teardown and startup time, and page maps and caches that have to start over, and asking the OS to allocate the memory again, and so on. And there's also a complexity cost—you can't just run a pool and let it do its thing; you have to get involved in its thing and make it recycle processes for you.
There's no builtin support in the multiprocessing.Pool class for doing this.
You can, of course, build your own Pool. If you want to get fancy, you can look at the source to multiprocessing and do what it does. Or you can build a trivial pool out of a list of Process objects and a pair of Queues. Or you can just directly use Process objects without the abstraction of a pool.
Another reason you can have memory problems is that your individual processes are fine, but you just have too many of them.
And, in fact, that seems to be the case here.
You create a Pool of 4 workers in this function:
def make_X_and_Y_sets(sentences, i):
print(f'start: {i}')
pool = Pool()
# ...
… and you call this function for every chunk:
for i, line_chunk in enumerate(line_chunks(textfile)):
# ...
X_chunk, Y_chunk = make_X_and_Y_sets(line_chunk, i)
So, you end up with 4 new processes for every chunk. Even if each one has pretty low memory usage, having hundreds of them at once is going to add up.
Not to mention that you're probably severely hurting your time performance by having hundreds of processes competing over 4 cores, so you waste time in context switching and OS scheduling instead of doing real work.
As you pointed out in a comment, the fix for this is trivial: just make a single global pool instead of a new one for each call.
Sorry for getting all Columbo here, but… just one more thing… This code runs at the top level of your module:
for i, line_chunk in enumerate(line_chunks(textfile)):
# ...
X_chunk, Y_chunk = make_X_and_Y_sets(line_chunk, i)
… and that's the code that tries to spin up the pool and all the child tasks. But each child process in that pool needs to import this module, which means they're all going to end up running the same code, and spinning up another pool and a whole extra set of child tasks.
You're presumably running this on Linux or macOS, where the default startmethod is fork, which means multiprocessing can avoid this import, so you don't have a problem. But with the other startmethods, this code would basically be a forkbomb that eats up all of your system resources. And that includes spawn, which is the default startmethod on Windows. So, if there's ever any chance anyone might run this code on Windows, you should put all of that top-level code in a if __name__ == '__main__': guard.

multiprocessing.Pool.imap_unordered with fixed queue size or buffer?

I am reading data from large CSV files, processing it, and loading it into a SQLite database. Profiling suggests 80% of my time is spent on I/O and 20% is processing input to prepare it for DB insertion. I sped up the processing step with multiprocessing.Pool so that the I/O code is never waiting for the next record. But, this caused serious memory problems because the I/O step could not keep up with the workers.
The following toy example illustrates my problem:
#!/usr/bin/env python # 3.4.3
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
def records(num=100):
"""Simulate generator getting data from large CSV files."""
for i in range(num):
print('Reading record {0}'.format(i))
time.sleep(0.05) # getting raw data is fast
yield i
def process(rec):
"""Simulate processing of raw text into dicts."""
print('Processing {0}'.format(rec))
time.sleep(0.1) # processing takes a little time
return rec
def writer(records):
"""Simulate saving data to SQLite database."""
for r in records:
time.sleep(0.3) # writing takes the longest
print('Wrote {0}'.format(r))
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = records(100)
with Pool(2) as pool:
writer(pool.imap_unordered(process, data, chunksize=5))
This code results in a backlog of records that eventually consumes all memory because I cannot persist the data to disk fast enough. Run the code and you'll notice that Pool.imap_unordered will consume all the data when writer is at the 15th record or so. Now imagine the processing step is producing dictionaries from hundreds of millions of rows and you can see why I run out of memory. Amdahl's Law in action perhaps.
What is the fix for this? I think I need some sort of buffer for Pool.imap_unordered that says "once there are x records that need insertion, stop and wait until there are less than x before making more." I should be able to get some speed improvement from preparing the next record while the last one is being saved.
I tried using NuMap from the papy module (which I modified to work with Python 3) to do exactly this, but it wasn't faster. In fact, it was worse than running the program sequentially; NuMap uses two threads plus multiple processes.
Bulk import features of SQLite are probably not suited to my task because the data need substantial processing and normalization.
I have about 85G of compressed text to process. I'm open to other database technologies, but picked SQLite for ease of use and because this is a write-once read-many job in which only 3 or 4 people will use the resulting database after everything is loaded.
As I was working on the same problem, I figured that an effective way to prevent the pool from overloading is to use a semaphore with a generator:
from multiprocessing import Pool, Semaphore
def produce(semaphore, from_file):
with open(from_file) as reader:
for line in reader:
# Reduce Semaphore by 1 or wait if 0
# Now deliver an item to the caller (pool)
yield line
def process(item):
result = (first_function(item),
return result
def consume(semaphore, result):
database_con.cur.execute("INSERT INTO ResultTable VALUES (?,?,?)", result)
# Result is consumed, semaphore may now be increased by 1
def main()
global database_con
semaphore_1 = Semaphore(1024)
with Pool(2) as pool:
for result in pool.imap_unordered(process, produce(semaphore_1, "workfile.txt"), chunksize=128):
consume(semaphore_1, result)
See also:
K Hong - Multithreading - Semaphore objects & thread pool
Lecture from Chris Terman - MIT 6.004 L21: Semaphores
Since processing is fast, but writing is slow, it sounds like your problem is
I/O-bound. Therefore there might not be much to be gained from using
However, it is possible to peel off chunks of data, process the chunk, and
wait until that data has been written before peeling off another chunk:
import itertools as IT
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = records(100)
with Pool(2) as pool:
chunksize = ...
for chunk in iter(lambda: list(IT.islice(data, chunksize)), []):
writer(pool.imap_unordered(process, chunk, chunksize=5))
It sounds like all you really need is to replace the unbounded queues underneath the Pool with bounded (and blocking) queues. That way, if any side gets ahead of the rest, it'll just block until they're ready.
This would be easy to do by peeking at the source, to subclass or monkeypatch Pool, something like:
class Pool(multiprocessing.pool.Pool):
def _setup_queues(self):
self._inqueue = self._ctx.Queue(5)
self._outqueue = self._ctx.Queue(5)
self._quick_put = self._inqueue._writer.send
self._quick_get = self._outqueue._reader.recv
self._taskqueue = queue.Queue(10)
But that's obviously not portable (even to CPython 3.3, much less to a different Python 3 implementation).
I think you can do it portably in 3.4+ by providing a customized context, but I haven't been able to get that right, so…
A simple workaround might be to use psutil to detect the memory usage in each process and say if more than 90% of memory are taken, than just sleep for a while.
while psutil.virtual_memory().percent > 75:
print ("process paused for 1 seconds!")

python multiprocessing why much slower

For a map task from a list src_list to dest_list, len(src_list) is of the level of thousands:
def my_func(elem):
# some complex work, for example a minimizing task
return new_elem
dest_list[i] = my_func(src_list[i])
I use multiprocessing.Pool
pool = Pool(4)
# took 543 seconds
dest_list = list(, src_list, chunksize=len(src_list)/8))
# took 514 seconds
dest_list = list(, src_list, chunksize=4))
# took 167 seconds
dest_list = [my_func(elem) for elem in src_list]
I am confused. Can someone explain why the multiprocessing version runs even slower?
And I wonder what are the considerations to the choice of chunksize and the choice between
multi-threads and multi-processes, especially for my problem. Also, currently, I measure time
by sum all time spent in the my_func method because directly using
t = time.time()
dest_list =
print time.time() - t
doesn't work. However, in here, the document says map() blocks until the result is ready, it seems different to my result. Is there another way rather than simply sum the time? I have tried pool.close() with pool.join() which does not work.
src_list is of length around 2000. time.time()-t doesn't work because it does not sum up all the time spent in my_func in And strange thing happended when I used timeit.
def wrap_func(src_list):
pool = Pool(4)
dest_list = list(, src_list, chunksize=4))
print timeit("wrap_func(src_list)", setup="import ...")
It ran into
OS Error Cannot allocate memory
guess I have used timeit in a wrong way...
I use python 2.7.6 under Ubuntu 14.04.
Multiprocessing requires overhead to pass the data between processes because processes do not share memory. Any object passed between processes must be pickled (represented as a string) and depickled. This includes objects passed to the function in you list src_list and any object returned to dest_list. This takes time. To illustrate this you might try timing the following function in a single process and in parallel.
def NothingButAPickle(elem):
return elem
If you loop over your src_list in a single process this should be extremely fast because Python only has to make one copy of each object in the list in memory. If instead you call this function in parallel with the multiprocessing package it has to (1) pickle each object to send it from the main process to a subprocess as a string (2) depickle each object in the subprocess to go from a string representation to an object in memory (3) pickle the object to return it to the main process represented as a string, and then (4) depickle the object to represent it in memory in the main process. Without seeing your data or the actual function, this overhead cost typically only exceeds the multiprocessing gains if the objects you are passing are extremely large and/or the function is actually not that computationally intensive.

Memory usage keep growing with Python's multiprocessing.pool

Here's the program:
import multiprocessing
def dummy_func(r):
def worker():
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=16)
for index in range(0,100000):
pool.apply_async(worker, callback=dummy_func)
# clean up
I found memory usage (both VIRT and RES) kept growing up till close()/join(), is there any solution to get rid of this? I tried maxtasksperchild with 2.7 but it didn't help either.
I have a more complicated program that calles apply_async() ~6M times, and at ~1.5M point I've already got 6G+ RES, to avoid all other factors, I simplified the program to above version.
Turned out this version works better, thanks for everyone's input:
import multiprocessing
ready_list = []
def dummy_func(index):
global ready_list
def worker(index):
return index
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=16)
result = {}
for index in range(0,1000000):
result[index] = (pool.apply_async(worker, (index,), callback=dummy_func))
for ready in ready_list:
del result[ready]
ready_list = []
# clean up
I didn't put any lock there as I believe main process is single threaded (callback is more or less like a event-driven thing per docs I read).
I changed v1's index range to 1,000,000, same as v2 and did some tests - it's weird to me v2 is even ~10% faster than v1 (33s vs 37s), maybe v1 was doing too many internal list maintenance jobs. v2 is definitely a winner on memory usage, it never went over 300M (VIRT) and 50M (RES), while v1 used to be 370M/120M, the best was 330M/85M. All numbers were just 3~4 times testing, reference only.
I had memory issues recently, since I was using multiple times the multiprocessing function, so it keep spawning processes, and leaving them in memory.
Here's the solution I'm using now:
def myParallelProcess(ahugearray):
from multiprocessing import Pool
from contextlib import closing
with closing(Pool(15)) as p:
res = p.imap_unordered(simple_matching, ahugearray, 100)
return res
Simply create the pool within your loop and close it at the end of the loop with
Use map_async instead of apply_async to avoid excessive memory usage.
For your first example, change the following two lines:
for index in range(0,100000):
pool.apply_async(worker, callback=dummy_func)
pool.map_async(worker, range(100000), callback=dummy_func)
It will finish in a blink before you can see its memory usage in top. Change the list to a bigger one to see the difference. But note map_async will first convert the iterable you pass to it to a list to calculate its length if it doesn't have __len__ method. If you have an iterator of a huge number of elements, you can use itertools.islice to process them in smaller chunks.
I had a memory problem in a real-life program with much more data and finally found the culprit was apply_async.
P.S., in respect of memory usage, your two examples have no obvious difference.
I have a very large 3d point cloud data set I'm processing. I tried using the multiprocessing module to speed up the processing, but I started getting out of memory errors. After some research and testing I determined that I was filling the queue of tasks to be processed much quicker than the subprocesses could empty it. I'm sure by chunking, or using map_async or something I could have adjusted the load, but I didn't want to make major changes to the surrounding logic.
The dumb solution I hit on is to check the pool._cache length intermittently, and if the cache is too large then wait for the queue to empty.
In my mainloop I already had a counter and a status ticker:
# Update status
count += 1
if count%10000 == 0:
if len(pool._cache) > 1e6:
print "waiting for cache to clear..."
last.wait() # Where last is assigned the latest ApplyResult
So every 10k insertion into the pool I check if there are more than 1 million operations queued (about 1G of memory used in the main process). When the queue is full I just wait for the last inserted job to finish.
Now my program can run for hours without running out of memory. The main process just pauses occasionally while the workers continue processing the data.
BTW the _cache member is documented the the multiprocessing module pool example:
# Check there are no outstanding tasks
assert not pool._cache, 'cache = %r' % pool._cache
You can limit the number of task per child process
maxtasksperchild is the number of tasks a worker process can complete before it will exit and be replaced with a fresh worker process, to enable unused resources to be freed. The default maxtasksperchild is None, which means worker processes will live as long as the pool. link
I think this is similar to the question I posted, but I'm not sure you have the same delay. My problem was that I was producing results from the multiprocessing pool faster than I was consuming them, so they built up in memory. To avoid that, I used a semaphore to throttle the inputs into the pool so they didn't get too far ahead of the outputs I was consuming.

