Deleting Repeating Data Python - python

I have a huge database of meshed flow distrubition along a room. But the problem is the meshes are too small so some part of them is useless and makes computation hard for me. On my y dimension per mesh length is 0.00032. And my y dimension goes from 0 to 0.45. As you can understand there are a lot of useless data.
I want to make per mesh length equal to 0.00128 instead by deleting rows which is not dividable by 0.00128, how to do that ?
trainProcessed = trainProcessed[trainProcessed[:,4]%0.00128==0]
I have tried this line of code (trainProcessed is my data as a numpy array) but it goes like 0 -> 0.00128 -> 0.00256 -> 0.00512. But there are rows which has the value 0.00384 and that's also dividable by 0.00128. By the way array shape is (888300,8).
Example Data :
X: [0,0,0,0,0.00031999,0.00031999,0.00063999,0.00064,0.00096,0.00096,0.000128,0.000128]
Example Output:
X: [0,0,0,0,0.000128,0.000128]

For this case and the function modulo, i'll use the Decimal:
import pandas as pd
from decimal import Decimal
df = pd.DataFrame({'values': [0.00128, 0.00384, 0.367, 0.128, 0.34]})
#convert float to str then Decimal and apply the modulo
#keep only rows which are dividable by 0.00128
filter = df.apply(lambda r: Decimal(str(r['values'])) % Decimal('0.00128') == Decimal('0') ,axis=1)
#if data are smaller you could multiply by power of 10 before modulo
#filter = df.apply(lambda r: Decimal(str(r['values'] * 1000)) % Decimal('0.00128') == Decimal('0') ,axis=1)
#the line: df=df[~filter].reset_index(drop=True) does the (not filter)
initial output:
0 0.00128
1 0.00384
2 0.36700
3 0.12800
4 0.34000
final output
0 0.00128
1 0.00384
2 0.12800


How to perform calculations on csv rows and cols and create new cols using numpy and pandas?

I have a csv that contains 12 cols and 4 rows of data.
As seen in the img
I would like to divide each of those values by their area of which I have created an array, and then multiply by 100 to get a % and have these values in a new column.
Image for array
So for example, A2, A3, A4, will all be divided by 52,600 and then x100.
My current df looks like this dataframe
I interpreted your request for a new column to be a new column for each Sub_* in your spreadsheet, since there were 12 values in your numpy array.
Code edit: I see you wanted to do the math to the 'Baseline' column as well. So I step through each column except the first (which is "Label" and at index 0)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel("d:\stack67477476.xlsx")
area_arr = np.array([[52.6, 14.966, 7.702, 4.169, 3.71, 5.648, 6.785, 1.867, 5.268, 4.989, 1.659, 6.538]])
for ii, col in enumerate(df.columns):
if ii == 0:
df[col + "_Area"] = round(df[col] / area_arr[0][ii - 1] * 100, 2)
This is vectorized in one dimension (the 4 rows dimension) but loops through the 12 columns dimension. The output is as follows (don't quote me on this, I may have typed your inputs incorrectly):
Label Baseline Sub_A Sub_B Sub_C Sub_D Sub_E Sub_F Sub_G Sub_H Sub_I ... Sub_A_Area Sub_B_Area Sub_C_Area Sub_D_Area Sub_E_Area Sub_F_Area Sub_G_Area Sub_H_Area Sub_I_Area Sub_J_Area Sub_K_Area
0 0 0 15535 5128 8847 10784 5679 20481 8398 10012 5162 ... 103801.95 66580.11 212209.16 290673.85 100548.87 301857.04 449812.53 190053.15 103467.63 275527.43 380177.42
1 1 159506 149454 157456 155680 154327 154671 146863 150761 150446 155335 ... 998623.55 2044352.12 3734228.83 4159757.41 2738509.21 2164524.69 8075040.17 2855846.62 3113549.81 9387040.39 1963949.22
2 2 129087 111918 121515 122066 119557 123813 114746 123140 122156 125480 ... 747815.05 1577707.09 2927944.35 3222560.65 2192156.52 1691171.70 6595607.93 2318830.68 2515133.29 7608679.93 1653533.19
3 3 137562 102318 114509 124641 127442 130324 123331 130392 130715 134528 ... 683669.65 1486743.70 2989709.76 3435094.34 2307436.26 1817700.81 6984038.56 2481302.20 2696492.28 8123206.75 1881890.49
4 4 35901 26488 30836 33756 34549 34000 33269 34071 34151 35149 ... 176987.84 400363.54 809690.57 931239.89 601983.00 490331.61 1824906.27 648272.59 704529.97 2146473.78 531691.65
[5 rows x 25 columns]
Note that it's unclear why your numpy array is 2D, one assumes there is something deeper to that in the rest of your code. Seems it would be clearer to avoid a set of braces:
area_arr = np.array([52.6, 14.966, 7.702, 4.169, 3.71, 5.648, 6.785, 1.867, 5.268, 4.989, 1.659, 6.538])
And simplify the divisor to just:
area_arr[ii] # not area_arr[0][ii]
or for that matter, a simple list would be ok, since numpy isn't needed here.
Apologies if we have miscommunicated on commas and decimal points, but the code still works if you change the numbers.

How can I count the element in specific intervals in a dataframe?

I've got a dataframe like below where columns in c01 represent the start time and c04 the end for time intervals:
c01 c04
1742 8.444991 14.022029
3786 29.91143 31.422439
3951 29.91143 31.145099
5402 37.81136 42.689595
8230 63.12394 65.34602
also a list like this (it's actually way longer):
I'd like to count how many elements in the list falls in the intervals shown by the dataframe, where I coded like this:
count = 0
for index, row in speech.iterrows():
count += gtls.count(lambda i : i in [row['c01'], row['c04']])
the file works as a whole but all 'count' turns out to be 0, would you please tell me where did I mess up?
I took the liberty of converting your list into a numpy array() (I called it arr). Then you can use the apply function to create your count column. Let's assume your dataframe is called df.
def get_count(row): #the logic for your summation is here
return np.sum([(row['c01'] < arr) & (row['c04'] >= arr)])
df['C_sum'] = df.apply(get_count, axis = 1)
c01 c04 C_sum
0 8.444991 14.022029 28
1 29.911430 31.422439 0
2 29.911430 31.145099 0
3 37.811360 42.689595 0
4 63.123940 65.346020 0
You can also do the whole thing in one line using lambda:
df['C_sum'] = df.apply(lambda row: np.sum([(row['c01'] < arr) & (row['c04'] >= arr)]), axis = 1)
Welcome to Stack Overflow! The i in [row['c01'], row['c04']] doesn't do what you seem to think; it stands for checking whether element i can be found from the two-element list instead of checking the range between row['c01'] and row['c04']. For checking if a floating point number is within a range, use row['c01'] < i < row['c04'].

Performance issues with pandas iterrows

I am having performance issues with iterrows in on my dataframe as I start to scale up my data analysis.
Here is the current loop that I am using.
for ii, i in a.iterrows():
for ij, j in a.iterrows():
if ii != ij:
if i['DOCNO'][-5:] == j['DOCNO'][4:9]:
if i['RSLTN1'] > j['RSLTN1']:
elif i['DOCNO'][-5:] == j['DOCNO'][-5:]:
if i['RSLTN1'] > j['RSLTN1']:
c = a.drop(a.index[dl])
The point of the loop is to find 'DOCNO' values that are different in the dataframe but are known to be equivalent denoted by the 5 characters that are equivalent but spaced differently in the string. When found I want to drop the smaller number from the associated 'RSLTN1' column. Additionally, my data set may have multiple entries for a unique 'DOCNO' that I want to drop the lower number 'RSLTN1' result.
I was successful running this will small quantities of data (~1000 rows) but as I scale up 10x I am running into performance issues. Any suggestions?
Sample from dataset
In [107]:a[['DOCNO','RSLTN1']].sample(n=5)
6815 MP00064958 72386.0
218 MP0059189A 65492.0
8262 MP00066187 96497.0
2999 MP00061663 43677.0
4913 MP00063387 42465.0
How does this fit you needs?
import pandas as pd
s = '''\
MP00059189 72386.0
MP0059189A 65492.0
MP00066187 96497.0
MP00061663 43677.0
MP00063387 42465.0'''
# Recreate dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(pd.compat.StringIO(s), sep='\s+')
# Create mask
# We sort to make sure we keep only highest value
# Remove all non-digit according to:
m = (df.sort_values(by='RSLTN1',ascending=False)['DOCNO']
.str.extract('(\d+)', expand=False)
# Apply inverted `~` mask
df = df.loc[~m]
Resulting df:
0 MP00059189 72386.0
2 MP00066187 96497.0
3 MP00061663 43677.0
4 MP00063387 42465.0
In this example the following row was removed:
MP0059189A 65492.0

Python pandas pyhaystack

I am using a module called pyhaystack to retrieve data (rest API) from a building automation system based on 'tags.' Python will return a dictionary of the data. Im trying to use pandas with an If Else statement further below that I am having trouble with. The pyhaystack is working just fine to get the data...
This connects me to the automation system: (works just fine)
from pyhaystack.client.niagara import NiagaraHaystackSession
import pandas as pd
session = NiagaraHaystackSession(uri='', username='Z', password='z', pint=True)
This code finds my tags called 'znt', converts dictionary to Pandas, and filters for time: (works just fine for the two points)
znt = session.find_entity(filter_expr='znt').result
znt = session.his_read_frame(znt, rng= '2018-01-01,2018-02-12').result
znt = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(znt)
znt = znt.fillna(method = 'ffill').fillna(method = 'bfill').between_time('08:00','17:00')
What I am most interested in is the column name, where ultimately I want Python to return the column named based on conditions:
Index(['C.Drivers.NiagaraNetwork.Adams_Friendship.points.A-Section.AV1.AV1ZN~2dT', 'C.Drivers.NiagaraNetwork.points.A-Section.AV2.AV2ZN~2dT'], dtype='object')
[[ 65.9087 66.1592]
[ 65.9079 66.1592]
[ 65.9079 66.1742]
[ 69.6563 70.0198]
[ 69.6563 70.2873]
[ 69.5673 70.2873]]
I am most interested in this name of the Pandas dataframe. C.Drivers.NiagaraNetwork.Adams_Friendship.points.A-Section.AV1.AV1ZN~2dT
For my two arrays, I am subtracting the value of 70 for the data in the data frames. (works just fine)
znt_sp = 70
deviation = znt - znt_sp
deviation = deviation.abs()
And this is where I am getting tripped up in Pandas. I want Python to print the name of the column if the deviation is greater than four else print this zone is Normal. Any tips would be greatly appreciated..
if (deviation > 4).any():
print('Zone %f does not make setpoint' % deviation)
print('Zone %f is Normal' % deviation)
The columns names in Pandas are the:
I think DataFrame would be a good way to handle what you want.
Starting with znt you can make all the calculation there :
deviation = znt - 70
deviation = deviation.abs()
# and the cool part is filtering in the df
problem_zones =
You can play with this and figure out a way to iterate through columns, like :
for each in df.columns:
# if in this column, more than 10 occurences of deviation GT 4...
if len(df[df[each]>4]) > 10:
print('This zone have a lot of troubles : ', each)
I like adding columns to a DataFrame instead of just building an external Series.
df[‘error_for_a’] = df[a] - 70
This open possibilities and keep everything together. One could use
Again, all() or any() can be useful but in a real life scenario, we would probably need to trig the “fault detection” when a certain number of errors are present.
If the schedule has been set ‘occupied’ at 8hAM.... maybe the first entries won’t be correct.... (any would trig an error even if the situation gets better 30minutes later). Another scenario would be a conference room where error is tiny....but as soon as there are people in it...things go bad (all() would not see that).
You can iterate over columns
for col in df.columns:
if (df[col] > 4).any(): # or .all if needed
print('Zone %s does not make setpoint' % col)
print('Zone %s is Normal' % col)
Or by defining a function and using apply
def _print(x):
if (x > 4).any():
print('Zone %s does not make setpoint' %
print('Zone %s is Normal' %
df.apply(lambda x: _print(x))
# you can even do
[_print(df[col]) for col in df.columns]
maybe you would keep the result in another structure, change the function to return a boolean series that "is normal":
def is_normal(x):
return not (x > 4).any()
s = df.apply(lambda x: is_normal(x))
# or directly
s = df.apply(lambda x: not (x > 4).any())
it will return a series s where index is column names of your df and values a boolean corresponding to your condition.
You can then use it to get all the Normal columns names s[s].index or the non-normal s[~s].index
Ex : I want only the normal columns of my df: df[s[s].index]
A complete example
For the example I will use a sample df with a different condition from yours (I check if no element is lower than 4 - Normal else Does not make the setpoint )
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=[1,2,3],b=[2,3,4],c=[3,4,5])) # A sample
a b c
0 1 2 3
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
Your use case: Print if normal or not - Solution
for col in df.columns:
if (df[col] < 4).any():
print('Zone %s does not make setpoint' % col)
print('Zone %s is Normal' % col)
Zone a is Normal
Zone b is does not make setpoint
Zone c is does not make setpoint
To illustrate my Advice : Keep the is_normal columns in a series
s = df.apply(lambda x: not (x < 4).any()) # Build the series
a True
b False
c False
dtype: bool
print(df[s[~s].index]) #Falsecolumns df
b c
0 2 3
1 3 4
2 4 5
print(df[s[s].index]) #Truecolumns df
0 1
1 2
2 3

daily data, resample every 3 days, calculate over trailing 5 days efficiently

consider the df
tidx = pd.date_range('2012-12-31', periods=11, freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=np.arange(len(tidx))), tidx)
I want to calculate the sum over a trailing 5 days, every 3 days.
I expect something that looks like this
this was edited
what I had was incorrect. #ivan_pozdeev and #boud noticed this was a centered window and that was not my intention. Appologies for the confusion.
everyone's solutions capture much of what I was after.
I'm looking for smart efficient solutions that can be scaled to large data sets.
I'll be timing solutions and also considering elegance.
Solutions should also be generalizable for a variety of sample and look back frequencies.
from comments
I want a solution that generalizes to handle a look back of a specified frequency and grab anything that falls within that look back.
for the sample above, the look back is 5D and there may be 4 or 50 observations that fall within that look back.
I want the timestamp to be the last observed timestamp within the look back period.
the df you gave us is :
2012-12-31 0
2013-01-01 1
2013-01-02 2
2013-01-03 3
2013-01-04 4
2013-01-05 5
2013-01-06 6
2013-01-07 7
2013-01-08 8
2013-01-09 9
2013-01-10 10
you could create your rolling 5-day sum series and then resample it. I can't think of a more efficient way than this. overall this should be relatively time efficient.
2013-01-04 10.0000
2013-01-07 25.0000
2013-01-10 40.0000
Listed here are two three few NumPy based solutions using bin based summing covering basically three scenarios.
Scenario #1 : Multiple entries per date, but no missing dates
Approach #1 :
# For now hard-coded to use Window size of 5 and stride length of 3
def vectorized_app1(df):
# Extract the index names and values
vals = df.A.values
indx = df.index.values
# Extract IDs for bin based summing
mask = np.append(False,indx[1:] > indx[:-1])
date_id = mask.cumsum()
search_id = np.hstack((0,np.arange(2,date_id[-1],3),date_id[-1]+1))
shifts = np.searchsorted(date_id,search_id)
reps = shifts[1:] - shifts[:-1]
id_arr = np.repeat(np.arange(len(reps)),reps)
# Perform bin based summing and subtract the repeated ones
IDsums = np.bincount(id_arr,vals)
allsums = IDsums[:-1] + IDsums[1:]
allsums[1:] -= np.bincount(date_id,vals)[search_id[1:-2]]
# Convert to pandas dataframe if needed
out_index = indx[np.nonzero(mask)[0][3::3]] # Use last date of group
return pd.DataFrame(allsums,index=out_index,columns=['A'])
Approach #2 :
# For now hard-coded to use Window size of 5 and stride length of 3
def vectorized_app2(df):
# Extract the index names and values
indx = df.index.values
# Extract IDs for bin based summing
mask = np.append(False,indx[1:] > indx[:-1])
date_id = mask.cumsum()
# Generate IDs at which shifts are to happen for a (2,3,5,8..) patttern
# Pad with 0 and length of array at either ends as we use diff later on
shiftIDs = (np.arange(2,date_id[-1],3)[:,None] + np.arange(2)).ravel()
search_id = np.hstack((0,shiftIDs,date_id[-1]+1))
# Find the start of those shifting indices
# Generate ID based on shifts and do bin based summing of dataframe
shifts = np.searchsorted(date_id,search_id)
reps = shifts[1:] - shifts[:-1]
id_arr = np.repeat(np.arange(len(reps)),reps)
IDsums = np.bincount(id_arr,df.A.values)
# Sum each group of 3 elems with a stride of 2, make dataframe if needed
allsums = IDsums[:-1:2] + IDsums[1::2] + IDsums[2::2]
# Convert to pandas dataframe if needed
out_index = indx[np.nonzero(mask)[0][3::3]] # Use last date of group
return pd.DataFrame(allsums,index=out_index,columns=['A'])
Approach #3 :
def vectorized_app3(df, S=3, W=5):
dt = df.index.values
shifts = np.append(False,dt[1:] > dt[:-1])
c = np.bincount(shifts.cumsum(),df.A.values)
out = np.convolve(c,np.ones(W,dtype=int),'valid')[::S]
out_index = dt[np.nonzero(shifts)[0][W-2::S]]
return pd.DataFrame(out,index=out_index,columns=['A'])
We could replace the convolution part with direct sliced summation for a modified version of it -
def vectorized_app3_v2(df, S=3, W=5):
dt = df.index.values
shifts = np.append(False,dt[1:] > dt[:-1])
c = np.bincount(shifts.cumsum(),df.A.values)
f = c.size+S-W
out = c[:f:S].copy()
for i in range(1,W):
out += c[i:f+i:S]
out_index = dt[np.nonzero(shifts)[0][W-2::S]]
return pd.DataFrame(out,index=out_index,columns=['A'])
Scenario #2 : Multiple entries per date and missing dates
Approach #4 :
def vectorized_app4(df, S=3, W=5):
dt = df.index.values
indx = np.append(0,((dt[1:] - dt[:-1])//86400000000000).astype(int)).cumsum()
WL = ((indx[-1]+1)//S)
c = np.bincount(indx,df.A.values,minlength=S*WL+(W-S))
out = np.convolve(c,np.ones(W,dtype=int),'valid')[::S]
grp0_lastdate = dt[0] + np.timedelta64(W-1,'D')
freq_str = str(S)+'D'
grp_last_dt = pd.date_range(grp0_lastdate, periods=WL, freq=freq_str).values
out_index = dt[dt.searchsorted(grp_last_dt,'right')-1]
return pd.DataFrame(out,index=out_index,columns=['A'])
Scenario #3 : Consecutive dates and exactly one entry per date
Approach #5 :
def vectorized_app5(df, S=3, W=5):
vals = df.A.values
N = (df.shape[0]-W+2*S-1)//S
n = vals.strides[0]
out = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(vals,shape=(N,W),\
index_idx = (W-1)+S*np.arange(N)
out_index = df.index[index_idx]
return pd.DataFrame(out,index=out_index,columns=['A'])
Suggestions for creating test-data
Scenario #1 :
# Setup input for multiple dates, but no missing dates
S = 4 # Stride length (Could be edited)
W = 7 # Window length (Could be edited)
datasize = 3 # Decides datasize
tidx = pd.date_range('2012-12-31', periods=datasize*S + W-S, freq='D')
start_df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=np.arange(len(tidx))), tidx)
reps = np.random.randint(1,4,(len(start_df)))
idx0 = np.repeat(start_df.index,reps)
df_data = np.random.randint(0,9,(len(idx0)))
df = pd.DataFrame(df_data,index=idx0,columns=['A'])
Scenario #2 :
To create setup for multiple dates and with missing dates, we could just edit the df_data creation step, like so -
df_data = np.random.randint(0,9,(len(idx0)))
Scenario #3 :
# Setup input for exactly one entry per date
S = 4 # Could be edited
W = 7
datasize = 3 # Decides datasize
tidx = pd.date_range('2012-12-31', periods=datasize*S + W-S, freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=np.arange(len(tidx))), tidx)
If the dataframe is sorted by date, what we actually have is iterating over an array while calculating something.
Here's the algorithm that calculates sums all in one iteration over the array. To understand it, see a scan of my notes below. This is the base, unoptimized version intended to showcase the algorithm (optimized ones for Python and Cython follow), and list(<call>) takes ~500 ms for an array of 100k on my system (P4). Since Python ints and ranges are relatively slow, this should benefit tremendously from being transferred to C level.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
#The date column is unimportant for calculations.
# I leave extracting the numbers' column from the dataframe
# and adding a corresponding element from data column to each result
# as an exercise for the reader
data = np.random.randint(100,size=100000)
def calc_trailing_data_with_interval(data,n,k):
"""Iterate over `data', computing sums of `n' trailing elements
for each `k'th element.
#type data: ndarray
#param n: number of trailing elements to sum up
#param k: interval with which to calculate sums
nsums = int(np.ceil(n/k))
sums = np.zeros(nsums,dtype=data.dtype)
while index<lim_index:
for _ in range(Mp):
#np.take is awkward, requiring a full list of indices to take
for i in range(currentsum,currentsum+nsums-1):
for _ in range(M):
yield sums[currentsum]
Note that it produces the first sum at kth element, not nth (this can be changed but by sacrificing elegance - a number of dummy iterations before the main loop - and is more elegantly done by prepending data with extra zeros and discarding a number of first sums)
It can easily be generalized to any operation by replacing sums[slice]+=data[index] with operation(sums[slice],data[index]) where operation is a parameter and should be a mutating operation (like ndarray.__iadd__).
parallelizing between any number or workers by splitting the data is as easy (if n>k, chunks after the first one should be fed extra elements at the start)
To deduce the algorithm, I wrote a sample for a case where a decent number of sums are calculated simultaneously in order to see patterns (click the image to see it full-size).
Optimized: pure Python
Caching range objects brings the time down to ~300ms. Surprisingly, numpy functionality is of no help: np.take is unusable, and replacing currentsum logic with static slices and np.roll is a regression. Even more surprisingly, the benefit of saving output to an np.empty as opposed to yield is nonexistent.
def calc_trailing_data_with_interval(data,n,k):
"""Iterate over `data', computing sums of `n' trailing elements
for each `k'th element.
#type data: ndarray
#param n: number of trailing elements to sum up
#param k: interval with which to calculate sums
nsums = int(np.ceil(n/k))
sums = np.zeros(nsums,dtype=data.dtype)
RM=range(M) #cache for efficiency
RMp=range(Mp) #cache for efficiency
for currentsum in range(nsums)] #cache for efficiency
while index<lim_index:
for _ in RMp:
#np.take is unusable as it allocates another array rather than view
for i in currentsum_ranges[currentsum]:
for _ in RM:
yield sums[currentsum]
Optimized: Cython
Statically typing everything in Cython instantly speeds things up to 150ms. And (optionally) assuming as dtype to be able to work with data at C level brings the time down to as little as ~11ms. At this point, saving to an np.empty does make a difference, saving an unbelievable ~6.5ms, totalling ~5.5ms.
def calc_trailing_data_with_interval(np.ndarray data,int n,int k):
"""Iterate over `data', computing sums of `n' trailing elements
for each `k'th element.
#type data: 1-d ndarray
#param n: number of trailing elements to sum up
#param k: interval with which to calculate sums
if not data.ndim==1: raise TypeError("One-dimensional array required")
cdef int lim_index=data.size-k+1
cdef np.ndarray result = np.empty(data.size//k,dtype=data.dtype)
cdef int rindex = 0
cdef int nsums = int(np.ceil(float(n)/k))
cdef np.ndarray sums = np.zeros(nsums,dtype=data.dtype)
#optional speedup for
cdef bint use_int_buffer = and data.flags.c_contiguous
cdef int[:] cdata = data
cdef int[:] csums = sums
cdef int[:] cresult = result
cdef int M=n%k
cdef int Mp=k-M
cdef int index=0
cdef int currentsum=0
cdef int _,i
while index<lim_index:
for _ in range(Mp):
#np.take is unusable as it allocates another array rather than view
for i in range(currentsum,currentsum+nsums-1):
if use_int_buffer: csums[i%nsums]+=cdata[index] #optional speedup
else: sums[i%nsums]+=data[index]
for _ in range(M):
if use_int_buffer:
for i in range(nsums): csums[i]+=cdata[index] #optional speedup
else: sums+=data[index]
if use_int_buffer: cresult[rindex]=csums[currentsum] #optional speedup
else: result[rindex]=sums[currentsum]
return result
For regularly-spaced dates only
Here are two methods, first a pandas way and second a numpy function.
>>> n=5 # trailing periods for rolling sum
>>> k=3 # frequency of rolling sum calc
>>> df.rolling(n).sum()[-1::-k][::-1]
2013-01-01 NaN
2013-01-04 10.0
2013-01-07 25.0
2013-01-10 40.0
And here's a numpy function (adapted from Jaime's numpy moving_average):
def rolling_sum(a, n=5, k=3):
ret = np.cumsum(a.values)
ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n]
return pd.DataFrame( ret[n-1:][-1::-k][::-1],
index=a[n-1:][-1::-k][::-1].index )
rolling_sum(df,n=6,k=4) # default n=5, k=3
For irregularly-spaced dates (or regularly-spaced)
Simply precede with:
For example, the above methods become:
rolling_sum( df.resample('D').sum().fillna(0) )
Note that dealing with irregularly-spaced dates can be done simply and elegantly in pandas as this is a strength of pandas over almost anything else out there. But you can likely find a numpy (or numba or cython) approach that will trade off some simplicity for an increase in speed. Whether this is a good tradeoff will depend on your data size and performance requirements, of course.
For the irregularly spaced dates, I tested on the following example data and it seemed to work correctly. This will produce a mix of missing, single, and multiple entries per date:
per = 11
tidx = np.random.choice( pd.date_range('2012-12-31', periods=per, freq='D'), per )
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=np.arange(len(tidx))), tidx).sort_index()
this isn't quite perfect yet, but I've gotta go make fake blood for a haloween party tonight... you should be able to see what I was getting at through the comments. One of the biggest speedups is finding the window edges with np.searchsorted. it doesn't quite work yet, but I'd bet it's just some index offsets that need tweaking
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
tidx = pd.date_range('2012-12-31', periods=11, freq='D')
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=np.arange(len(tidx))), tidx)
sample_freq = 3 #days
sample_width = 5 #days
sample_freq *= 86400 #seconds per day
sample_width *= 86400 #seconds per day
times = df.index.astype(np.int64)//10**9 #array of timestamps (unix time)
cumsum = np.cumsum(df.A).as_matrix() #array of cumulative sums (could eliminate extra summation with large overlap)
mat = np.array([times, cumsum]) #could eliminate temporary times and cumsum vars
def yieldstep(mat, freq):
normtime = ((mat[0] - mat[0,0]) / freq).astype(int) #integer numbers indicating sample number
for i in range(max(normtime)+1):
yield np.searchsorted(normtime, i) #yield beginning of window index
def sumwindow(mat,i , width): #i is the start of the window returned by yieldstep
normtime = ((mat[0,i:] - mat[0,i])/ width).astype(int) #same as before, but we norm to window width
j = np.searchsorted(normtime, i, side='right')-1 #find the right side of the window
#return rightmost timestamp of window in seconds from unix epoch and sum of window
return mat[0,j], mat[1,j] - mat[1,i] #sum of window is just end - start because we did a cumsum earlier
windowed_sums = np.array([sumwindow(mat, i, sample_width) for i in yieldstep(mat, sample_freq)])
Looks like a rolling centered window where you pick up data every n days:
def rolleach(df, ndays, window):
return df.rolling(window, center=True).sum()[ndays-1::ndays]
rolleach(df, 3, 5)
2013-01-02 10.0
2013-01-05 25.0
2013-01-08 40.0

