Given the optimization problem (1) as depicted below where p_i, p'_i and w_ji are given for i=0,...,6889, I want to use the Levenberg-Marquardt method to find an optimal solution for R_j and v_j using scipy.optimize.root (I'm open to any other suggestions).
However, I don't know how to set up the callable function that needs to be passed to root. So far, all I have is this which is obviously wrong.
def fun(x, (old_points, new_points, weights, n_joints)):
:param x: variable to optimize. It is supposed to encapsulate R and v from (1)
:param old_points: original vertex positions, (6890,3) numpy array
:param new_points: transformed vertex positions, (6890,3) numpy array
:param weights: weight matrix obtained from spectral clustering, (n_joints, 6890) numpy array
:param n_joints: number of joints
:return: non-linear cost function to find the root of
# Extract rotations and offsets
R = np.array([(np.array(x[j * 15:j * 15 + 9]).reshape(3, 3)) for j in range(n_joints)])
v = np.array([(np.array(x[j * 15 + 9:j * 15 + 12])) for j in range(n_joints)])
# Use equation (1) for the non-linear pass.
# R_j p_i
Rp = np.einsum('jkl,il', x, old_points) # x shall replace R
# w_ji (Rp_ij + v_j)
wRpv = np.einsum('ji,ijk->ik', weights, Rp + x) # x shall replace v
# Set up a non-linear cost function, then compute the squared norm.
d = new_points - wRpv
result = np.einsum('ik,ik', d, d)
return result
EDIT: This is now the correct result.
Use your original fun (but give it a better name)
def fun(x, (old_points, new_points, weights, n_joints)):
:param x: variable to optimize. It is supposed to encapsulate R and v from (1)
:param old_points: original vertex positions, (6890,3) numpy array
:param new_points: transformed vertex positions, (6890,3) numpy array
:param weights: weight matrix obtained from spectral clustering, (n_joints, 6890) numpy array
:param n_joints: number of joints
:return: non-linear cost function to find the root of
# Extract rotations and offsets
R = np.array([(np.array(x[j * 15:j * 15 + 9]).reshape(3, 3)) for j in range(n_joints)])
v = np.array([(np.array(x[j * 15 + 9:j * 15 + 12])) for j in range(n_joints)])
# Use equation (1) for the non-linear pass.
# R_j p_i
Rp = np.einsum('jkl,il', x, old_points) # x shall replace R
# w_ji (Rp_ij + v_j)
wRpv = np.einsum('ji,ijk->ik', weights, Rp + x) # x shall replace v
# Set up a non-linear cost function, then compute the squared norm.
d = new_points - wRpv
result = np.einsum('ik,ik', d, d)
return result
make a closure on it so that it takes a single input (the variable you are solving):
old_points = ...
new_points = ...
weights = ...
rv = ...
n_joints = ...
def cont_function(x):
return fun(x, old_points, new_points, weights, rv, n_joints)
now try use cost_function in roots
I'm trying to do portfolio optimization with cvxopt (Python), I'm able to get the efficient frontier with the following code, however, I'm not able to specify a Y value (mean or return) and get a corresponding X value (std or risk), if anyone has knowledge about this, I would be more than grateful if you can share it:
def optimal_portfolio(returns_vec, cov_matrix):
n = len(returns_vec)
N = 1000
mus = [10 ** (5 * t / N - 1.0) for t in range(N)]
# Convert to cvxopt matrices
S = opt.matrix(cov_matrix)
pbar = opt.matrix(returns_vec)
# Create constraint matrices
G = -opt.matrix(np.eye(n)) # negative n x n identity matrix
h = opt.matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
A = opt.matrix(1.0, (1, n))
b = opt.matrix(1.0)
#solvers.options["feastol"] =1e-9
# Calculate efficient frontier weights using quadratic programming
portfolios = [solvers.qp(mu * S, -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x']
for mu in mus]
returns = [, x) for x in portfolios]
risks = [np.sqrt(, S * x)) for x in portfolios]
m1 = np.polyfit(returns, risks, 2)
x1 = np.sqrt(m1[2] / m1[0])
wt = solvers.qp(opt.matrix(x1 * S), -pbar, G, h, A, b)['x']
return np.asarray(wt), returns, risks
return_vec = [0.055355,
cov_matrix =[[ 0.005329, -0.000572, 0.003320, 0.006792, 0.001580, 0.005316],
[-0.000572, 0.000625, 0.000606, -0.000266, -0.000107, 0.000531],
[0.003320, 0.000606, 0.006610, 0.005421, 0.000990, 0.006852],
[0.006792, -0.000266, 0.005421, 0.011385, 0.002617, 0.009786],
[0.001580, -0.000107, 0.000990, 0.002617, 0.002226, 0.002360],
[0.005316, 0.000531, 0.006852, 0.009786, 0.002360, 0.011215]]
weights, returns, risks = optimal_portfolio(return_vec, cov_matrix)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(risks, returns, 'y-o')
I would like to find the corresponding risk value for a given return value.
Thank you very much!
Not sure I properly understood your question but if you are looking to find a solution for a given return then you should use the min return required as a constraint
def optimal_portfolio(returns_vec, cov_matrix, Y):
h1 = opt.matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
h2 = np.matrix(-np.ones((1,1))*Y)
h = concatenate (h1,h2)
This will eventually return the optimal portfolio based on a lowerbound Y. You can then add an upper bound in the same way so that you can fix the value of Y
I am trying to maximize a target function f(x) with function scipy.optimize.minimum. But it usually takes 4-5 hrs to run the code because the function f(x) involves a lot of computation of complex matrix. To improve its speed, I want to use gpu. And I've already tried tensorflow package. Since I use numpy to define f(x), I have to convert it into tensorflow's format. However, it doesn't support the computation of complex matrix. What else package or means I can use? Any suggestions?
To specific my problem, I will show calculate scheme below:
Calculate the expectation :
-where H=x*H_0, x is the parameter
Let \phi go through the dynamics of Schrödinger equation
-Different H is correspond to a different \phi_end. Thus, parameter x determines the expectation
Change x, calculate the corresponding expectation
Find a specific x that minimize the expectation
Here is a simple example of part of my code:
import numpy as np
import cmath
from scipy.linalg import expm
import scipy.optimize as opt
# create initial complex matrixes
N = 2 # Dimension of matrix
H = np.array([[1.0 + 1.0j] * N] * N) # a complex matrix with shape(N, N)
A = np.array([[0.0j] * N] * N)
A[0][0] = 1.0 + 1j
# calculate the expectation
def value(phi):
exp_H = expm(H) # put the matrix in the exp function
new_phi = np.linalg.linalg.matmul(exp_H, phi)
# calculate the expectation of the matrix
x = np.linalg.linalg.matmul(H, new_phi)
expectation = np.inner(np.conj(phi), x)
return expectation
# Contants
tmax = 1
dt = 0.1
nstep = int(tmax/dt)
phi_init = [1.0 + 1.0j] * N
# 1st derivative of Schrödinger equation
def dXdt(t, phi, H): # 1st derivative of the function
return -1j * np.linalg.linalg.matmul(H, phi)
def f(X):
phi = [[0j] * N] * nstep # store every time's phi
phi[0] = phi_init
# phi go through the dynamics of Schrödinger equation
for i in range(nstep - 1):
phi[i + 1] = phi[i] - dXdt(i * dt, X[i] * H, phi[i]) * dt
# calculate the corresponding value
f_result = value(phi[-1])
return f_result
# Initialize the parameter
X0 = np.array(np.ones(nstep))
results = opt.minimize(f, X0) # minimize the target function
opt_x = results.x
Python Version: 3.7
Operation System: Win 10
Ok, so I have been trying to code a "naive" method to calculate the coefficients for a standard Fourier Series in complex form. I am getting very close, I think, but there are some odd behaviors. This may be more of a math question than programming one, but I already asked on math.stackexchange and got zero answers. Here is my working code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def coefficients(fn, dx, m, L):
Calculate the complex form fourier series coefficients for the first M
:param fn: function to sample
:param dx: sampling frequency
:param m: number of waves to compute
:param L: We are solving on the interval [-L, L]
:return: an array containing M Fourier coefficients c_m
N = 2*L / dx
coeffs = np.zeros(m, dtype=np.complex_)
xk = np.arange(-L, L + dx, dx)
# Calculate the coefficients for each wave
for mi in range(m):
coeffs[mi] = 1/N * sum(fn(xk)*np.exp(-1j * mi * np.pi * xk / L))
return coeffs
def fourier_graph(range, L, c_coef, function=None, plot=True, err_plot=False):
Given a range to plot and an array of complex fourier series coefficients,
this function plots the representation.
:param range: the x-axis values to plot
:param c_coef: the complex fourier coefficients, calculated by coefficients()
:param plot: Default True. Plot the fourier representation
:param function: For calculating relative error, provide function definition
:param err_plot: relative error plotted. requires a function to compare solution to
:return: the fourier series values for the given range
# Number of coefficients to sum over
w = len(c_coef)
# Initialize solution array
s = np.zeros(len(range))
for i, ix in enumerate(range):
for iw in np.arange(w):
s[i] += c_coef[iw] * np.exp(1j * iw * np.pi * ix / L)
# If a plot is desired:
if plot:
plt.suptitle("Fourier Series Plot")
plt.plot(range, s, label="Fourier Series")
if err_plot:
plt.plot(range, function(range), label="Actual Solution")
# If error plot is desired:
if err_plot:
err = abs(function(range) - s) / function(range)
plt.suptitle("Plot of Relative Error")
plt.ylabel("Relative Error")
plt.plot(range, err)
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Assuming the interval [-l, l] apply discrete fourier transform:
# number of waves to sum
wvs = 50
# step size for calculating c_m coefficients (trap rule)
deltax = .025 * np.pi
# length of interval for Fourier Series is 2*l
l = 2 * np.pi
c_m = coefficients(np.exp, deltax, wvs, l)
# The x range we would like to interpolate function values
x = np.arange(-l, l, .01)
sol = fourier_graph(x, l, c_m, np.exp, err_plot=True)
Now, there is a factor of 2/N multiplying each coefficient. However, I have a derivation of this sum in my professor's typed notes that does not include this factor of 2/N. When I derived the form myself, I arrived at a formula with a factor of 1/N that did not cancel no matter what tricks I tried. I asked over at math.stackexchange what was going on, but got no answers.
What I did notice is that adding the 1/N decreased the difference between the actual solution and the fourier series by a massive amount, but it's still not right. so I tried 2/N and got even better results. I am really trying to figure this out so I can write a nice, clean algorithm for basic fourier series before I try to learn about Fast Fourier Transforms.
So what am I doing wrong here?
assuming c_n is given by A_n as in mathworld
idem c_n = 1/T \int_{-T/2}^{T/2}f(x)e^{-2ipinx/T}dx
we can compute (trivially) the coeffs c_n analytically (which is a good way to compare to your trapezoidal integral)
k = (1-2in)/2
c_n = 1/(4*pi*k)*(e^{2pik} - e^{-2pik})
So your coeffs are likely to be properly computed (the both wrong curves look alike)
Now notice that when you reconstitue f, you add the coeff c_0 up to c_m
But the reconstruction should occur with c_{-m} to c_m
So you are missing half of the coeffs.
Below a fix with your adaptated coefficients function and the theoretical coeffs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def coefficients(fn, dx, m, L):
Calculate the complex form fourier series coefficients for the first M
:param fn: function to sample
:param dx: sampling frequency
:param m: number of waves to compute
:param L: We are solving on the interval [-L, L]
:return: an array containing M Fourier coefficients c_m
N = 2*L / dx
coeffs = np.zeros(m, dtype=np.complex_)
xk = np.arange(-L, L + dx, dx)
# Calculate the coefficients for each wave
for mi in range(m):
n = mi - m/2
coeffs[mi] = 1/N * sum(fn(xk)*np.exp(-1j * n * np.pi * xk / L))
return coeffs
def fourier_graph(range, L, c_coef, ref, function=None, plot=True, err_plot=False):
Given a range to plot and an array of complex fourier series coefficients,
this function plots the representation.
:param range: the x-axis values to plot
:param c_coef: the complex fourier coefficients, calculated by coefficients()
:param plot: Default True. Plot the fourier representation
:param function: For calculating relative error, provide function definition
:param err_plot: relative error plotted. requires a function to compare solution to
:return: the fourier series values for the given range
# Number of coefficients to sum over
w = len(c_coef)
# Initialize solution array
s = np.zeros(len(range), dtype=complex)
t = np.zeros(len(range), dtype=complex)
for i, ix in enumerate(range):
for iw in np.arange(w):
n = iw - w/2
s[i] += c_coef[iw] * (np.exp(1j * n * ix * 2 * np.pi / L))
t[i] += ref[iw] * (np.exp(1j * n * ix * 2 * np.pi / L))
# If a plot is desired:
if plot:
plt.suptitle("Fourier Series Plot")
plt.plot(range, s, label="Fourier Series")
plt.plot(range, t, label="expected Solution")
if err_plot:
plt.plot(range, function(range), label="Actual Solution")
return s
def ref_coefficients(m):
Calculate the complex form fourier series coefficients for the first M
:param fn: function to sample
:param dx: sampling frequency
:param m: number of waves to compute
:param L: We are solving on the interval [-L, L]
:return: an array containing M Fourier coefficients c_m
coeffs = np.zeros(m, dtype=np.complex_)
# Calculate the coefficients for each wave
for iw in range(m):
n = iw - m/2
k = (1-(1j*n)/2)
coeffs[iw] = 1/(4*np.pi*k)* (np.exp(2*np.pi*k) - np.exp(-2*np.pi*k))
return coeffs
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Assuming the interval [-l, l] apply discrete fourier transform:
# number of waves to sum
wvs = 50
# step size for calculating c_m coefficients (trap rule)
deltax = .025 * np.pi
# length of interval for Fourier Series is 2*l
l = 2 * np.pi
c_m = coefficients(np.exp, deltax, wvs, l)
# The x range we would like to interpolate function values
x = np.arange(-l, l, .01)
ref = ref_coefficients(wvs)
sol = fourier_graph(x, 2*l, c_m, ref, np.exp, err_plot=True)
I am trying to find the elements of a matrix inverse for an ill-conditioned matrix
Consider the complex non-Hermitian matrix M, I know this matrix has one zero eigenvalue, and is therefor singular. However, I need to find the sum of the matrix elements: v#f(M)#u, where u and v are both vectors and f(x)=1/x (effectively the matrix inverse). I know that the zeroth eigenvalue does not contribute to this sum, so there is no explicit issue with the singularity. However, my code is very numerically unstable, I presume this is a consequence of an error in finding the eigenvalues of the system.
Starting by building the preliminary matrices:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
g0 = np.array([0,0,1])
g1 = np.array([0,1,0])
e0 = np.array([1,0,0])
sm = np.outer(g0, e0)
sp = np.outer(e0, g0)
def spre(op):
return np.kron(np.eye(op.shape[0]),op)
def spost(op):
return np.kron(op.T,np.eye(op.shape[0]))
def sprepost(op1,op2):
return np.kron(op1.T,op2)
sm_reg = spre(sm)
sp_reg = spre(sp)
hil_dim = int(g0.shape[0])
cav_proj= np.eye(hil_dim).reshape(hil_dim**2,)
rho0 =(np.outer(e0,e0)).reshape(hil_dim**2,)
def ham(g):
return g * (np.outer(g1,e0) + np.outer(e0, g1))
def lind_op(A):
L = 2 * sprepost(A,A.conj().T) - spre(A.conj().T # A)
L += - spost(A.conj().T # A)
return L
def JC_lio(g, kappa, gamma):
unit = -1j * (spre(ham(g)) - spost(ham(g)))
lind = gamma * lind_op(np.outer(g0 , e0)) + kappa * lind_op(np.outer(g0 , g1))
return unit + lind
Now define a function that first finds the left and right eigenvalues, and then finds the sum of the matrix elements:
def power_int(g, kappa, gamma):
# Construct the non-Hermitian matrix of interest
lio = JC_lio(g,kappa,gamma)
#Find its left and right eigenvectors:
ev, left, right = scipy.linalg.eig(lio, left=True,right=True)
# Find the appropriate normalisation factors
norm = np.array([(left.conj().T[ii]).dot(right.conj().T[ii]) for ii in range(len(ev))])
#Find the similarity transformation for the problem
P = right
Pinv = (left/norm).conj().T
#find the projectors for the Eigenbasis
Proj = [np.outer(P.conj().T[ii],Pinv[ii]) for ii in range(len(ev))]
#Find the relevant matrix elements between the Eigenbasis and the projectors --- this is where the zero eigenvector gets removed
PowList = [(spsm_reg# Proj[ii] # rho0).dot(cav_proj) for ii in range(len(ev))]
#apply the function
Pow = 0
for ii in range(len(ev)):
if PowList[ii]==0:
Pow = Pow
Pow += PowList[ii]/ev[ii]
return -np.pi * np.real(Pow)
#example run:
grange = np.linspace(0.001,10,40)
dat = np.array([power_int(g, 1, 1) for g in grange])
Running this code leads to extremely oscillatory results where I expect a smooth curve. I suspect this error is due to poor accuracy in determining the eigenvectors, but I can't seem to find any documentation on this. Any insights would be welcome.
Given a set of terms ||(p_i' - sum{w_ji*(R_j*p_i+v_j)})||^2, where ||...||^2 denotes the squared norm, I want to efficiently set up an array (or a list) in Python filled with these terms. p_i', p_i, v_j are three-dimensional vectors, and R_j is a 3x3 matrix.
I've already tried this but I don't know how to incorporate the sum over j.
new_points = r_mesh.points() # p', return Nx3 array
old_points = avg_mesh.points() # p
n_joints = 3
rv = np.arange(n_joints * 15) # R_j and v_j are stored in rv
weights = np.random.rand(n_joints, len(new_points)) # w
func = [[np.linalg.norm(
new_points[i] - (weights[j, i] * ((np.array(rv[j * 15:j * 15 + 9]).reshape(3, 3) # old_points[i]) + np.array(
rv[j * 9 + 9: j * 9 + 12])))) for j in range(n_joints)] for i in range(len(new_points))]
To make things clearer here is the original equation that I transformed into a non-linear function as to feed it to the Levenberg-Marquardt method.
EDIT: I'm sorry, before, there was a wrong image.
The simplest ("auto pilot", no actual thinking required) method would be np.einsum:
# set up example:
n_i, n_j = 20, 30
p = np.random.random((n_i, 3))
pp = np.random.random((n_i, 3))
R = np.random.random((n_j, 3, 3))
w = np.random.random((n_j, n_i))
v = np.random.random((n_j, 3))
# now just tell einsum which index is where and let it
# do its magic
# R_j p_i
Rp = np.einsum('jkl,il', R,p)
# by Einstein convention this will sum over l,
# so Rp has indices ijk
# w_ji (Rp_ij + v_j)
wRpv = np.einsum('ji,ijk->ik', w,Rp+v)
# pure Einstein convention would sum over i and j,
# we override this by passing explicit output indices
# ik to keep i alive
# squared norm
d = pp - wRpv
result = np.einsum('ik,ik', d,d)