How to aggregate datasets for Policy Aggregation in Python? - python

I am trying to run policy aggregation for a particular problem and I am confused on how to aggregate the two policies in Python. In policy aggregation, you have some initial policy on a dataset, and as you train you collect expert (oracle) actions, train a separate policy on that, and then combine those two policies with a particular weight distribution to get a new policy to predict states for the next training iteration.
Currently, I am using VotingClassifier with a soft voting. The issue here is that, one it uses the predictions from the individual models and doesn't really create a new model. Second, this new model has to be fit again to some dataset. If I used the initial or the expert dataset, the model doesn't learn, if I train on the aggregated dataset, it does improve, but the approach resembles another method DAgger. I am not sure how the papers that use it actually implement it.
Is there any other approach I can try to merge these two policies, which are trained on different datasets but that have the same features and classes (same X and y)?


LightGBM: train() vs update() vs refit()

I'm implementing LightGBM (Python) into a continuous learning pipeline. My goal is to train an initial model and update the model (e.g. every day) with newly available data.
Most examples load an already trained model and apply train() once again:
updated_model = lightgbm.train(params=last_model_params, train_set=new_data, init_model = last_model)
However, I'm wondering if this is actually the correct way to approach continuous learning within the LightGBM library since the amount of fitted trees (num_trees()) grows for every application of train() by n_estimators. For my understanding a model update should take an initial model definition (under a given set of model parameters) and refine it without ever growing the amount of trees/size of the model definition.
I find the documentation regarding train(), update() and refit() not particularly helpful. What would be considered the right approach to implement continuous learning with LightGBM?
In lightgbm (the Python package for LightGBM), these entrypoints you've mentioned do have different purposes.
The main lightgbm model object is a Booster. A fitted Booster is produced by training on input data. Given an initial trained Booster...
Booster.refit() does not change the structure of an already-trained model. It just updates the leaf counts and leaf values based on the new data. It will not add any trees to the model.
Booster.update() will perform exactly 1 additional round of gradient boosting on an existing Booster. It will add at most 1 tree to the model.
train() with an init_model will perform gradient boosting for num_iterations additional rounds. It also allows for lots of other functionality, like custom callbacks (e.g. to change the learning rate from iteration-to-iteration) and early stopping (to stop adding trees if performance on a validation set fails to improve). It will add up to num_iterations trees to the model.
What would be considered the right approach to implement continuous learning with LightGBM?
There are trade-offs involved in this choice and no one of these is the globally "right" way to achieve the goal "modify an existing model based on newly-arrived data".
Booster.refit() is the only one of these approaches that meets your definition of "refine [the model] without ever growing the amount of trees/size of the model definition". But it could lead to drastic changes in the predictions produced by the model, especially if the batch of newly-arrived data is much smaller than the original training data, or if the distribution of the target is very different.
Booster.update() is the simplest interface for this, but a single iteration might not be enough to get most of the information from the newly-arrived data into the model. For example, if you're using fairly shallow trees (say, num_leaves=7) and a very small learning rate, even newly-arrived data that is very different from the original training data might not change the model's predictions by much.
train(init_model=previous_model) is the most flexible and powerful option, but it also introduces more parameters and choices. If you choose to use train(init_model=previous_model), pay attention to parameters num_iterations and learning_rate. Lower values of these parameters will decrease the impact of newly-arrived data on the trained model, higher values will allow a larger change to the model. Finding the right balance between those is a concern for your evaluation framework.

Use multiple time-series to train model

Is there any way to use multiple time-series to train one model and use this model for predictions given a new time-series as an input? It is rather a theoretical question but did not know where else to post it.
It's theoretically possible, nevertheless every time-series has it's own components about seasonality, stationarity, frequency. (In case you talk about mixing series).
I've seen some work using wavelets-decomposition, deep-learning, time-series and uses several datasets and weights to train the model. But the time-series are similar, same metric different times (aka Temperature in a city from 2000-2001, 2005-2007).
I found some library called darts

Getting confidence intervals from an Xgboost fitted model

I am trying to get the confidence intervals from an XGBoost saved model in a .tar.gz file that is created using python XGBoost library.
The problem is that the model has already been fitted, and I dont have training data any more, I just have inference or serving data to predict. All the examples that I found entail using a training and test data to create either quantile regression models, or bagged models, but I dont think I have the chance to do that.
Why your desired approach will not work
I assume we are talking about regression here. Given a regression model that you cannot modify, I think you will not be able to achieve your desired result using only the given model. The model was trained to calculate a continuous value that appoximates some objective value (i.e., its true value) based on some given input. Nothing more.
Possible solution
The only workaround I can think of would be to train two more models. These model's training goal would be to predict the quality of the output of your given model. One would calculate the upper bound of a given (i.e., predefined by you at training time) confidence interval and the other one the lower bound. This would probably include a lot of feature engineering. One would probably like to find features that correlate with the prediction quality of the original model.

Best model to predict failure using time series from sensors

I'm working with a company on a project to develop ML models for predictive maintenance. The data we have is a collection of log files. In each log file we have time series from sensors (Temperature, Pressure, MototSpeed,...) and a variable in which we record the faults occurred. The aim here is to build a model that will use the log files as its input (the time series) and to predict whether there will be a failure or not. For this I have some questions:
1) What is the best model capable of doing this?
2) What is the solution to deal with imbalanced data? In fact, for some kind of failures we don't have enough data.
I tried to construct an RNN classifier using LSTM after transforming the time series to sub time series of a fixed length. The targets were 1 if there was a fault and 0 if not. The number of ones compared to the number of zeros is negligible. As a result, the model always predicted 0. What is the solution?
Mohamed, for this problem you could actually start with traditional ML models (random forest, lightGBM, or anything of this nature). I recommend you focus on your features. For example you mentioned Pressure, MototSpeed. Look at some window of time going back. Calculate moving averages, min/max values in that same window, To tackle this problem you will need to have a set of healthy features. Take a look at featuretools package. You can either use it or get some ideas what features can be created using time series data. Back to your questions.
1) What is the best model capable of doing this? Traditional ML methods as mentioned above. You could also use deep learning models, but I would first start with easy models. Also if you do not have a lot of data I probably would not touch RNN models.
2) What is the solution to deal with imbalanced data? You may want to oversample or undersample your data. For oversampling look at the SMOTE package.
Good luck

Can I store my sklearn Isolation Forest estimator values and build a new model later with those values?

I am able to build an Isolation Forest for anomaly detection. However, due to storage limitations, I cannot store all the data I used to train it. I would also like to input more data later.
I was wondering if it's possible for me to get the estimator values when I originally train it, and save those. Then, a week later when I want to retrain the model with some newly acquired data, could I first restore my old model using those stored estimator values (so I don't need to be able to access the old data), and then the model would adapt to the newly added values.
The reason I have chosen to resort to this is because I couldn't find any algorithms for anomaly detection that learn iteratively (so a free, open source suggestion in that department would work great too!)
Any help with this would be deeply appreciated!

