LightGBM: train() vs update() vs refit() - python

I'm implementing LightGBM (Python) into a continuous learning pipeline. My goal is to train an initial model and update the model (e.g. every day) with newly available data.
Most examples load an already trained model and apply train() once again:
updated_model = lightgbm.train(params=last_model_params, train_set=new_data, init_model = last_model)
However, I'm wondering if this is actually the correct way to approach continuous learning within the LightGBM library since the amount of fitted trees (num_trees()) grows for every application of train() by n_estimators. For my understanding a model update should take an initial model definition (under a given set of model parameters) and refine it without ever growing the amount of trees/size of the model definition.
I find the documentation regarding train(), update() and refit() not particularly helpful. What would be considered the right approach to implement continuous learning with LightGBM?

In lightgbm (the Python package for LightGBM), these entrypoints you've mentioned do have different purposes.
The main lightgbm model object is a Booster. A fitted Booster is produced by training on input data. Given an initial trained Booster...
Booster.refit() does not change the structure of an already-trained model. It just updates the leaf counts and leaf values based on the new data. It will not add any trees to the model.
Booster.update() will perform exactly 1 additional round of gradient boosting on an existing Booster. It will add at most 1 tree to the model.
train() with an init_model will perform gradient boosting for num_iterations additional rounds. It also allows for lots of other functionality, like custom callbacks (e.g. to change the learning rate from iteration-to-iteration) and early stopping (to stop adding trees if performance on a validation set fails to improve). It will add up to num_iterations trees to the model.
What would be considered the right approach to implement continuous learning with LightGBM?
There are trade-offs involved in this choice and no one of these is the globally "right" way to achieve the goal "modify an existing model based on newly-arrived data".
Booster.refit() is the only one of these approaches that meets your definition of "refine [the model] without ever growing the amount of trees/size of the model definition". But it could lead to drastic changes in the predictions produced by the model, especially if the batch of newly-arrived data is much smaller than the original training data, or if the distribution of the target is very different.
Booster.update() is the simplest interface for this, but a single iteration might not be enough to get most of the information from the newly-arrived data into the model. For example, if you're using fairly shallow trees (say, num_leaves=7) and a very small learning rate, even newly-arrived data that is very different from the original training data might not change the model's predictions by much.
train(init_model=previous_model) is the most flexible and powerful option, but it also introduces more parameters and choices. If you choose to use train(init_model=previous_model), pay attention to parameters num_iterations and learning_rate. Lower values of these parameters will decrease the impact of newly-arrived data on the trained model, higher values will allow a larger change to the model. Finding the right balance between those is a concern for your evaluation framework.


Is it necessary to mitigate class imbalance problem in multiclass text classification?

I am performing multi-class text classification using BERT in python. The dataset that I am using for retraining my model is highly imbalanced. Now, I am very clear that the class imbalance leads to a poor model and one should balance the training set by undersampling, oversampling, etc. before model training.
However, it is also a fact that the distribution of the training set should be similar to the distribution of the production data.
Now, if I am sure that the data thrown at me in the production environment will also be imbalanced, i.e., the samples to be classified will likely belong to one or more classes as compared to some other classes, should I balance my training set?
Should I keep the training set as it is as I know that the distribution of the training set is similar to the distribution of data that I will encounter in the production?
Please give me some ideas, or provide some blogs or papers for understanding this problem.
Class imbalance is not a problem by itself, the problem is too few minority class' samples make it harder to describe its statistical distribution, which is especially true for high-dimensional data (and BERT embeddings have 768 dimensions IIRC).
Additionally, logistic function tends to underestimate the probability of rare events (see e.g. for the mechanics), which can be offset by selecting a classification threshold as well as resampling.
There's quite a few discussions on CrossValidated regarding this (like TL;DR:
while too few class' samples may degrade the prediction quality, resampling is not guaranteed to give an overall improvement; at least, there's no universal recipe to a perfect resampling proportion, you'll have to test it out for yourself;
however, real life tasks often weigh classification errors unequally: resampling may help improving certain class' metrics at the cost of overall accuracy. Same applies to classification threshold selection however.
This depends on the goal of your classification:
Do you want a high probability that a random sample is classified correctly? -> Do not balance your training set.
Do you want a high probability that a random sample from a rare class is classified correctly? -> balance your training set or apply weighting during training increasing the weights for rare classes.
For example in web applications seen by clients, it is important that most samples are classified correctly, disregarding rare classes, whereas in the case of anomaly detection/classification, it is very important that rare classes are classified correctly.
Keep in mind that a highly imbalanced dataset tends to always predicting the majority class, therefore increasing the number or weights of rare classes can be a good idea, even without perfectly balancing the training set..
P(label | sample) is not the same as P(label).
P(label | sample) is your training goal.
In the case of gradient-based learning with mini-batches on models with large parameter space, rare labels have a small footprint on the model training. So, your model fits in P(label).
To avoid fitting to P(label), you can balance batches.
Overall batches of an epoch, data looks like an up-sampled minority class. The goal is to get a better loss function that its gradients move parameters toward a better classification goal.
I don't have any proof to show this here. It is perhaps not an accurate statement. With enough training data (with respect to the complexity of features) and enough training steps you may not need balancing. But most language tasks are quite complex and there is not enough data for training. That was the situation I imagined in the statements above.

Is there any rules of thumb for the relation of number of iterations and training size for lightgbm?

When I train a classification model using lightgbm, I usually use validation set and early stopping to determine the number of iterations.
Now I want to combine training and validation set to train a model (so I have more training examples), and use the model to predict the test data, should I change the number of iterations derived from the validation process?
As you said in your comment, this is not comparable to the Deep Learning number of epochs because deep learning is usually stochastic.
With LGBM, all parameters and features being equals, by adding 10% up to 15% more training points, we can expect the trees to look alike: as you have more information your split values will be better, but it is unlikely to drastically change your model (this is less true if you use parameters such as bagging_fraction or if the added points are from a different distribution).
I saw people multiplying the number of iterations by 1.1 (can't find my sources sorry). Intuitively this makes sense to add some trees as you potentially add information. Experimentally this value worked well but the optimal value will be dependent of your model and data.
In a similar problem in deep learning with Keras: I do it by using an early stopper and cross validation with train and validation data, and let the model optimize itself using validation data during trainings.
After each training, I test the model with test data and examine the mean accuracies. In the mean time after each training I save the stopped_epoch from EarlyStopper. If CV scores are satisfying, I take the mean of stopped epochs and do a full training (including all data I have) with the number of mean stopped epochs, and save the model.
I'm not aware of a well-established rule of thumb to do such estimate. As Florian has pointed out, sometimes people rescale the number of iterations obtained from early stopping by a factor. If i remember correctly, typically the factor assumes a linear dependence of the data size and the optimal number of trees. I.e. in the 10-fold cv this would be a rescaling 1.1 factor. But there is no solid justification for this. As Florian also pointed out, the dependence around the optimum is typically reasonably flat, so +- a bit of trees will not have a dramatic effect.
Two suggestions:
do k-fold validation instead of a single train-validation split. This will allow to evaluate how stable the estimate of the optimal number of trees is. If this fluctuates a lot between folds- do not rely on such estimate :)
fix the size of the validation sample and re-train your model with early stopping using gradually increasing training set. This will allow to evaluae the dependence of the number of trees on the sample size and approximate it to the full sample size.

Can we create an ensemble of deep learning models without increasing the classification time?

I want to improve my ResNet model by creating an ensemble of X number of this model, taking the X best one I have trained. For what I've seen, a technique like bagging will take X time longer to classify an image, which is really not an option in my case.
Is there a way to create an ensemble without increasing the required classifying time? Note that I don't care about increasing the training time, because it only needs to be done one time, compared to the classification which could be made a very large number of time.
There is no magic pill for doing what you want. Extra computation cannot come free.
So one way this can be achieved is by using multiple worker machines to run inference in parallel.
Each model could run on a different machine using tensorflow serving.
For every new inference do the following:
Have a primary machine which takes up the job of running the inference
This primary machine, submits requests to different workers (all of which can run in parallel)
The primary machine collects results from each individual worker, and creates the final output by combining them based upon your ensemble logic.
Depends on the ensembling method; it's an active area of research I suggest you look into, but I'll provide some examples below:
Dropout: trains parts of the model at any given iterations, thus effectively training a multi-NN ensemble
Weights averaging: train X models on X different splits of data to learn different features, average the early-stopped weights (requires advanted treatment)
Lookahead optimizer: automates the above by performing the averaging during training
Parallel weak learners: run X models, but each model taking 1/X the time to process - which can be achieved by e.g. inserting a strides=X convolutional layer at input; best starting bet is at X=2, so you'll average two models' predictions at output, each prediction made in parallel (which can run faster than original single model)
If you have a multi-core CPU, however, multi-model ensembling shouldn't pose much of a problem, as per last bullet, you can run inference concurrently, so inference time shouldn't increase much
More on parallelism: if a single model is large enough, CPU parallelism will no longer help - you'll also need to ensure multiple models can fit in memory (RAM). The alternative then is again a form of downsampling to cut computation

Creating train,test data for Word2Vec model

I am trying to create a W2V model and then generate train and test data to be used for my model.My question is how can I generate test data after I am done with creating a W2V model with my train data.
Word2Vec is considered an 'unsupervised' algorithm, so at least during its training, it is not typical to hold back any 'test' data for later evaluation.
A Word2Vec model is usually then evaluated on how well it helps some other process - such as the analogy-solving highlighted by the original paper. In gensim, the method [evaluate_word_analogies()][1] can repeat that process. But note: word-vectors that perform best on word-analogies my not be best for other purposes, like classification or info-retrieval. It's always best to evaluate & tune your word-vectors in a repeatable way that's related to your actual underlying use.
(If you're using the Word2Vec model's outputs - word-vectors specific to your domain – as part of a larger system, where some steps should be evaluated with held-back data, the decision of whether to train the Word2Vec component on all data could go either way, depending on other considerations.)

Using Pybrain to detect malicious PDF files

I'm trying to make an ANN to classify a PDF file as either malicious or clean, by utilising the 26,000 PDF samples (both clean and malicious) found on contagiodump. For each PDF file, I used to parse the file and return a vector of 42 numbers. The 26000 vectors are then passed into pybrain; 50% for training and 50% for testing. This is my source code:
After much tweaking with the dimensions and other parameters I managed to get a false positive rate of about 0.90%. This is my output:
My question is, is there any explicit way for me to decrease the false positive rate further? What do I have to do to reduce the rate to perhaps 0.05%?
There are several things you can try to increase the accuracy of your neural network.
Use more of your data for training. This will permit the network to learn from a larger set of training samples. The drawback of this is that having a smaller test set will make your error measurements more noisy. As a rule of thumb, however, I find that 80%-90% of your data can be used in the training set, with the rest for test.
Augment your feature representation. I'm not familiar with, but it only returns ~40 values for a given PDF file. It's possible that there are many more than 40 features that might be relevant in determining whether a PDF is malicious, so you could conceivably use a different feature representation that includes more values to increase the accuracy of your model.
Note that this can potentially involve a lot of work -- feature engineering is difficult! One suggestion I have if you decide to go this route is to look at the PDF files that your model misclassifies, and try to get an intuitive idea of what went wrong with those files. If you can identify a common feature that they all share, you could try adding that feature to your input representation (giving you a vector of 43 values) and re-train your model.
Optimize the model hyperparameters. You could try training several different models using training parameters (momentum, learning rate, etc.) and architecture parameters (weight decay, number of hidden units, etc.) chosen randomly from some reasonable intervals. This is one way to do what is called "hyperparameter optimization" and, like feature engineering, it can involve a lot of work. However, unlike feature engineering, hyperparameter optimization can largely be done automatically and in parallel, provided you have access to a lot of processing cores.
Try a deeper model. Deep models have become quite "hot" in the machine learning literature recently, especially for speech processing and some types of image classification. By using stacked RBMs, a second-order learning method (PDF), or a different nonlinearity like a rectified linear activation function, then you can add multiple layers of hidden units to your model, and sometimes this will help improve your error rate.
These are the ones that come to mind right off the bat. Good luck !
Let me first say I am in no ways an expert in Neural Networks. But I played with pyBrain once and I used the .train() method in a while error < 0.001 loop to get the error rate I wanted. So you can try using all of them for training with that loop and test it with other files.

