I am trying to create essentially a thermostat control using a DHT22 sensor. I would like to read the data from the sensor and using an if statement compare the sensor value to a set temperature value. If achieved the if statement would turn on a relay using a normally off outlet. Below is the code i have wrote in Geany programming to get a general idea of what i would like to do.
from time import sleep
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import Adafruit_DHT as dht
AC_1_GPIO = 17 #sets relay to GPIO pin 17 for AC unit control
DHT_1_GPIO = 3
GPIO.setup(AC_1_GPIO, GPIO.OUT) #sets up GPIO to be on or off based on condition
humdtemp = dht.read_retry(dht.DHT22, DHT_1_GPIO)
Temp_Max = 32 #this is temperature maximum value for tent
#Humd_Max = 60 #this is relative humidity maximum value for
#Humd_Min = 30 #this is relative humidity mininum value for
while True: #creates continuous loop
if humdtemp > Temp_Max: #compares sensor value to maximum
# temperature value
GPIO.output(AC_1_GPIO, GPIO.LOW) #turns on AC unit using controllable relay
elif humdtemp == Temp_Max:
print ("Achieving 72 degree temperature") #we need to select a temperature setpoint value
GPIO.output(AC_1_GPIO, GPIO.HIGH) #turns 'on' normally off relay
I have some troubles handling interruptions with my Raspberry Pi 4, using Python.
I have a DC motor with an encoder , I would like to make a speed control of this motor. But I have some issues with reading the encoder values with my Raspberry.
Here is the code I run :
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
HallA = 5 # GPIO pin for Hall A
HallB = 6 # GPIO pin for Hall B
GPIO.setup(HallA, GPIO.IN) #set up the input
GPIO.setup(HallB, GPIO.IN)
incmot = 0 # set up the counter
def encodeur_inc(channel) : #function of the interruption
B = GPIO.input(HallB) #read the second signal
global incmot
if B == 1 :
incmot = incmot +1
else :
incmot = incmot -1
GPIO.add_event_detect(HallA, GPIO.RISING, callback = encodeur_inc) #setting up the interruption
try :
while True :
except :
The problem is that, for the same number of revolutions, I get a different number of pulses each time (from 480 to 650 pulses per revolution, while the manufacturer announces 690). I tried to identify where the problem could come from:
It does not come from the encoder, I displayed on an oscilloscope the signals of the two outputs of the encoder, they were indeed phase quadrature rectangle waves
The raspberry does not miss interrupts, by rising a pin high when entering the interrupt then low when leaving, I displayed on the oscilloscope the inputs and outputs of the interrupt.
GPIO.output(20, GPIO.HIGH) #at the beginning of the function
GPIO.output(20, GPIO.LOW) #at the end of the function
So I don't see where the inconsistencies I see could come from. I you have any clue that could help me don't hesitate.
Thanks for your help !
Thanks to #quamrana, I understood where the problem came from. When the program was interrupted, the time taken to execute the interrupt was variable and, going clockwise, Hall B could be at 1 or 0, instead of 1 all the time.
To get around this problem, using a D latch allows Python time to execute the interrupt and correctly read whether the engine is moving forward or backward. Hall A is the clock of the latch and Hall B is the data.
Im having trouble reading the analog value of my Arduino using pyfirmata. Every time I ask to read the value of ('a:0:i) it will always return a random set of numbers, regardless of whether I have an analog pin plugged in or not.
import pyfirmata
board = pyfirmata.Arduino('COM4')
it = pyfirmata.util.Iterator(board)
analog_read = board.get_pin('a:0:i')
while True:
The output will return
#and up
I have a MCP3008 connected to RPi and 2 x Force Sensitive Resistor - Square connected to the MCP3008. The sensors are laying side by side horisontal on my desk and I can read and print the data (0-100) from both sensors (sensor1 and sensor2) separately. I just can't come up with any idea of python code to detect when I touch sensor1 (left) and move my finger to sensor2 (right).
In addition I need to know how many milliseconds it takes from that I touch sensor1 until I lifted from sensor2.
from time import sleep
from gpiozero import MCP3008
sensor1 = MCP3008(1) # Pin 2 on the ADC
sensor2 = MCP3008(2) # Pin 3 on the ADC
# Read data from the ADC
def getData(readSensor):
value = readSensor
rawValue = value.value
return rawValue
while True:
print('Sensor1 = {0:.0f}'.format(getData(sensor1)*100))
print('Sensor2 = {0:.0f}'.format(getData(sensor2)*100))
You are going to need to timestamp the events and then use the time stamps to determine what action to take. Something like the below might help you.
if getData(sensor1) > TOUCH_THRESHOLD:
sensor1LastPressedAt = time.time()
Do the same for sensor2 and compare the time stamps.
(TOUCH_THRESHOLD is the value that you measure to be someone touching the button)
I have this code that read the Raspberry Pi RPIO pin number 24, that is connected to coin acceptor and the datasheet of it is:
0,05€ - 1 pulse
0,10€ - 2 pulse each pulse in 0,025ms
0,20€ - 4 pulse each pulse in 0,025ms
0,50€ - 10 pulse each pulse in 0,025ms
1€ - 20 pulse each pulse in 0,025ms
2€ - 40 pulse each pulse in 0,025ms
And i have this code:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
count = 0
euroCoin = 0
def coin(value):
euro = value * 5
return euro
while True:
inputValue = GPIO.input(24)
if (inputValue == True):
count = count + 1
euroCount = coin(count)
print ("Euro "+str(euroCount)+".")
That show, for example, for 0,20€ coin show:
I only need to show the final value, how i do that?
If you're terminating the program with a signal, like CTRL-C (SIGINT), you'll need to write a handler to catch that signal. Otherwise, you can't capture the value you're after.
See How do I capture SIGINT in Python?
I actually want to use this waterproof ultrasonic sensor DYP-ME007Y-PWM (http://hanjindata.lgnas.com:10000/myweb/P0400/P0400.pdf) on my raspberry PI Compute Module on a classic Raspbian OS. It has 4 pin's (gnd,Trig,Echo and 5V).
Here is my schematic:
Raspberry Pi | Sensor
5V | 5V
22 | Trig
23 | Echo
I've found some tutorials that explain how ultrasonic sensors works and mannage to have good results with other kind of ultrasonic sensors like this one for exemple (http://www.micropik.com/PDF/HCSR04.pdf)
Here is my code :
# Import required Python libraries
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# Use BCM GPIO references
# instead of physical pin numbers
# Define GPIO to use on Pi
print "Ultrasonic Measurement"
# Set pins as output and input
# Set trigger to False (Low)
GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, False)
# Allow module to settle
# Send 10us pulse to trigger
while True:
GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, False)
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==0:
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==1:
stop = time.time()
# Calculate pulse length
elapsed = stop-start
# Distance pulse travelled in that time is time
# multiplied by the speed of sound (cm/s)
# That was the distance there and back so halve the value
distance = (elapsed * 34000)/2
print "Distance : %.1f" % distance
# Reset GPIO settings
I doesn't work, i obtain always the same output whatever i do with my sensor
Does anybody has alreeady play with this sensor ? As you can see, the datasheet is pretty ligth, so maybe you will see something my poor electronics skills have missed
Greetings !
You are expecting GPIO_ECHO to be 1 from the start. According to the documentation it is first 0, then 1, and then back to
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==0:
# some short sleep might be better
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==1:
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==0:
stop = time.time()
There are methods available for detecting rising edge and falling edge, see for example raspi.tv arcticle. It might be better to use those methods.
According to:
the sensor is quite sensitive to getting enough power - Check that your 5V doesn't drop too much.
Also the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins are 3V3 - They might not like the output from the sensor (which presumably is 5V), and the sensor might not trigger on the 3V3 output from the Raspberry pi.