I have a MCP3008 connected to RPi and 2 x Force Sensitive Resistor - Square connected to the MCP3008. The sensors are laying side by side horisontal on my desk and I can read and print the data (0-100) from both sensors (sensor1 and sensor2) separately. I just can't come up with any idea of python code to detect when I touch sensor1 (left) and move my finger to sensor2 (right).
In addition I need to know how many milliseconds it takes from that I touch sensor1 until I lifted from sensor2.
from time import sleep
from gpiozero import MCP3008
sensor1 = MCP3008(1) # Pin 2 on the ADC
sensor2 = MCP3008(2) # Pin 3 on the ADC
# Read data from the ADC
def getData(readSensor):
value = readSensor
rawValue = value.value
return rawValue
while True:
print('Sensor1 = {0:.0f}'.format(getData(sensor1)*100))
print('Sensor2 = {0:.0f}'.format(getData(sensor2)*100))
You are going to need to timestamp the events and then use the time stamps to determine what action to take. Something like the below might help you.
if getData(sensor1) > TOUCH_THRESHOLD:
sensor1LastPressedAt = time.time()
Do the same for sensor2 and compare the time stamps.
(TOUCH_THRESHOLD is the value that you measure to be someone touching the button)
I have some troubles handling interruptions with my Raspberry Pi 4, using Python.
I have a DC motor with an encoder , I would like to make a speed control of this motor. But I have some issues with reading the encoder values with my Raspberry.
Here is the code I run :
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
HallA = 5 # GPIO pin for Hall A
HallB = 6 # GPIO pin for Hall B
GPIO.setup(HallA, GPIO.IN) #set up the input
GPIO.setup(HallB, GPIO.IN)
incmot = 0 # set up the counter
def encodeur_inc(channel) : #function of the interruption
B = GPIO.input(HallB) #read the second signal
global incmot
if B == 1 :
incmot = incmot +1
else :
incmot = incmot -1
GPIO.add_event_detect(HallA, GPIO.RISING, callback = encodeur_inc) #setting up the interruption
try :
while True :
except :
The problem is that, for the same number of revolutions, I get a different number of pulses each time (from 480 to 650 pulses per revolution, while the manufacturer announces 690). I tried to identify where the problem could come from:
It does not come from the encoder, I displayed on an oscilloscope the signals of the two outputs of the encoder, they were indeed phase quadrature rectangle waves
The raspberry does not miss interrupts, by rising a pin high when entering the interrupt then low when leaving, I displayed on the oscilloscope the inputs and outputs of the interrupt.
GPIO.output(20, GPIO.HIGH) #at the beginning of the function
GPIO.output(20, GPIO.LOW) #at the end of the function
So I don't see where the inconsistencies I see could come from. I you have any clue that could help me don't hesitate.
Thanks for your help !
Thanks to #quamrana, I understood where the problem came from. When the program was interrupted, the time taken to execute the interrupt was variable and, going clockwise, Hall B could be at 1 or 0, instead of 1 all the time.
To get around this problem, using a D latch allows Python time to execute the interrupt and correctly read whether the engine is moving forward or backward. Hall A is the clock of the latch and Hall B is the data.
I'm trying to use the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Python. I got the majority the code from this site. However, When I reduce the sleep time between each measurement of distance, The code gets stuck in the while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0: loop and then that stops everything. Maybe I'm setting the sleep time too low, But I really don't see how that would change anything.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
def pulseIn():
while True:
GPIO.output(TRIG, False)
GPIO.output(TRIG, True) # Sending out a trigger pulse for 10 microseconds
GPIO.output(TRIG, False)
pulse_start = time.time()
pulse_end = time.time()
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0: # This is where it keeps getting stuck
pulse_start = time.time()
#if pulse_start-pulse_end>.5: # This is one of my attempts to fix the problem.
# It caused some bad output values
# continue
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==1:
pulse_end = time.time()
return pulse_end-pulse_start
time.sleep(2) # Giving the sensor some time to warm up
for i in range(100):
time.sleep(.001) # It seems to work when I set this to 1, but I would prefer if it worked faster
Raspberry pi, unlike Arduino or other microcontroller platform, is a computer based on a Microprocessor and therefore has an operating system running on it to control software/hardware aspects of its operation. Multitasking Operating systems have schedulers that essentially provides all running processes, a chunk of hardware(cpu) to process instructions.
The caveat that comes with this is that, an instruction may not be executed immediately if the scheduler gives priority to other processes.
The following chunk of code would likely cause issues since getting the pulse is a time sensitive operation.
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==0:
pulse_start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(ECHO)==1:
pulse_end = time.time()
return pulse_end-pulse_start
Your loop would likely run infinitely if the sensor is done sending the low pulse and process start reading it then.
You could also get wildly incorrect values attributing to such delays.
So, what's the solution ?
If I were you, I would use a microcontroller to read the values from the sensor and then read the recorded data from it using I2c or any other communication protocol supported.
However you could also add a counter in your while loops to handle such cases like it is described here:
From the datasheet we can see that this sensor has a maximum distance range of 4 meters. Hence, as you decrease the delay between two consecutive measurements, you might be sending another ultrasonic signal from the sensor when the previous signal has not arrived. Datasheet recommends 60 ms measurement cycle for this sensor. Your measurement cycle is much smaller than the recommended value.
Sensor datasheet:
This is a common problem with hc-src04. It stops working somehow. You should create another counter inside while loop. And then you should check that time to break inner while loop. Here is how I do it.
def distance(myStartingTime):
calculation_starting_time = time.time()
GPIO.output(trigger_pin, False)
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
while GPIO.input(echo_pin) == 0:
calculation_starting_time = time.time()
if calculation_starting_time - myStartingTime > 1:
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(echo_pin) == 1:
calculation_starting_time = time.time()
if calculation_starting_time - myStartingTime > 1:
end = time.time()
difference = end-start
distance = (difference*34300)/2
return distance
while True:
start = time.time()
my_distance = distance(start)
print("dist: ", my_distance)
I am trying to make an LCD display to display both the current temperature and the humidity at the same time in different lines. I have a sample code as below. The problem is that when the temperature goes above say 50C, I want the humidity reading to stop as well. I have 2 thread running at the same time, reading from both sensors.
#all important imports are here
def main():
# Very simplified code, not actual.
tempP = Process(target=temperature)
humidP = Process(target=humidity)
def temperature():
while True:
#ADC printing to LCD code is here
temperatureReading = ADC.channel(0)
if temperatureReading > 50:
humidP.terminate() # Does not work, I still see the humidity on
the screen with overlapping characters
I need to read a temperature reading from a DS18B20 sensor using Raspberry Pi 3 and Python.
The problem is the refresh rate of the sensor (~1 sec)
I need to read from sys/bus/w1/devices/28-041670f43bff/w1_slave and use the integer i get to display a temperature on a 7 segment display connected directly to my GPIOs (not using any hardware multiplexing - i2c....etc)
In order to display a two digit temperature, I need to turn on and off the digits really fast (faster than the sensor refreshes)
This is the small piece of code used to get the integer temperature:
def temperature():
with open ("/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-041670f43bff/w1_slave") as q:
t=int (temp)
return t
But i need to call this function many times per second in order to get a good display on the 7 segment display.
This is how i thought of doing it:
#the temperature() function returns a two digit int
while True:
GPIO.output(temp[temperature()/10], 1) # temp is a dictionary used to know which segments to light up to show numbers
GPIO.output(temp[temperature()%10], 1)
But this code just makes one digit light up, wait ~1sec, light up the other digit, wait ~1sec.....and so on.
Any ideas of how to do this are very appreciated.
Rather than implement this functionality on your own, you should instead use the libraries out there that address this particular bit of your code inherently. In this case, I'd suggest you use W1ThermSensor. You can find the documentation at:
and you can install it using:
pip install w1thermsensor
It does support the DS18B20, and offers an exact analogue to your use case in the README.
From the docs for the package:
from w1thermsensor import W1ThermSensor
sensor = W1ThermSensor()
temperature_in_celsius = sensor.get_temperature()
temperature_in_fahrenheit = sensor.get_temperature(W1ThermSensor.DEGREES_F)
temperature_in_all_units = sensor.get_temperatures([
In many cases, particularly for popular hardware devices, you'll find that there are libraries already available to use within python, and that will all you to quickly move on to writing the bits of code unique to your own particular needs.
Note: According to the technical discussion in the following link, if the DS18B20 is set to 12-bit temperature resolution, the temperature conversion will take 750 ms, or 3/4 of a second. If you set the hardware to do 9-bit resolution, the conversion time in hardware is 93.75 ms. I suspect this is the root of your once-per-second issue.
There is some discussion of this issue in this Question:
See the second Answer, regarding the configDS18B20 utility.
With the resolution set to 9-bit, you may be able to adjust the w1thermsensor RETRY_DELAY_SECONDS / RETRY_ATTEMPTS value combination in the source code and get what you need. It's unclear to me if the retry delay has any affect on the actual polling of the device. It looks like it is there for device finding. Though, as I said, that interval may impact polling a single device. I simply didn't read through the source code enough to see when and where it comes into play.
Happy New Year!
I'd throw the display routine into its own thread so that you don't have to think about it in your main loop. The code below should demonstrate this concept. Set "testing" to False to see if it works with your hardware.
import time
import threading
import Queue
import random
# Set this to False to read the temperature from a real sensor and display it on a 7-digit display.
testing = True
def temperature_read(q):
# Read the temperature at one second intervals.
while True:
if testing:
r = '-' * 69 + '%02d' % (random.randrange(100)) + 'blahblah' * 4
r = open('/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-041670f43bff/w1_slave', 'r').read()
print r
# The temperature is represented as two digits in a long string.
# Push the digits into the queue as a tuple of integers (one per digit).
q.put((int(r[69]), int(r[70])))
# Wait for next reading.
# (Will w1_slave block until the next reading? If so, this could be eliminated.)
def temperature_display(q):
# Display the temperature.
# Temperature is two digits, stored separately (high/low) for more efficient handling.
temperature_h = temperature_l = 0
while True:
# Is there a new temperature reading waiting for us?
if not q.empty():
temperature = q.get()
# If it's None, we're done.
if temperature is None:
# Load the two digits (high and low) representing the temperature.
(temperature_h, temperature_l) = temperature
if testing:
print 'displayH', temperature_h
print 'displayL', temperature_l
GPIO.output(temperature_h, 1) # temp is a dictionary used to know which segments to light up to show numbers
GPIO.output(temperature_l, 1)
# Clean up here. Turn off all pins?
# Make a queue to communicate with the display thread.
temperature_queue = Queue.Queue()
# Run the display in a separate thread.
temperature_display_thread = threading.Thread(target=temperature_display, args=(temperature_queue,))
# Run the reader.
# An uncaught exception happened. (It could be a keyboard interrupt.)
# Tell the display thread to stop.
# Wait for the thread to end.
To support another reading (transmission), I just put it in the read loop rather than adding another thread for it. I changed the queue so that you could easily move it to another thread but I suspect you'll add more inputs so this is probably a reasonable way to do it unless the read frequency of one needs to be much different. (Even then, you could do things with counters in the loop.)
import time
import threading
import Queue
import random
# Set this to False to read the temperature from a real sensor and display it on a 7-digit display.
testing = True
def observe(q):
while True:
# Make a temperature reading.
if testing:
r = '-' * 69 + '%02d' % (random.randrange(100)) + 'blahblah' * 4
r = open('/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-041670f43bff/w1_slave', 'r').read()
print 'temperature ->', r
# The temperature is represented as two digits in a long string.
# Push the digits into the queue as a tuple of integers (one per digit).
q.put(('temperature', int(r[69]), int(r[70])))
# Make a transmission reading.
if testing:
r = random.randrange(1,6)
r = 0 # Put your transmission reading code here.
print 'transmission ->', r
q.put(('transmission', r))
# Wait for next reading.
# (Will w1_slave block until the next reading? If so, this could be eliminated.)
def display(q):
# Display the temperature.
# Temperature is two digits, stored separately (high/low) for more efficient handling.
temperature_h = temperature_l = transmission = 0
while True:
# Is there a new temperature reading waiting for us?
if not q.empty():
reading = q.get()
# If it's None, we're done.
if reading is None:
elif reading[0] == 'temperature':
# Load the two digits (high and low) representing the temperature.
(x, temperature_h, temperature_l) = reading
elif reading[0] == 'transmission':
(x, transmission) = reading
if testing:
print 'displayH', temperature_h
print 'displayL', temperature_l
print 'transmission', transmission
GPIO.output(temperature_h, 1) # temp is a dictionary used to know which segments to light up to show numbers
GPIO.output(temperature_l, 1)
# Clean up here. Turn off all pins?
# Make a queue to communicate with the display thread.
readings_queue = Queue.Queue()
# Run the display in a separate thread.
display_thread = threading.Thread(target=display, args=(readings_queue,))
# Observe the inputs.
# An uncaught exception happened. (It could be a keyboard interrupt.)
# Tell the display thread to stop.
# Wait for the thread to end.
Here's a version which only reads the temperature every tenth time but reads the transmission every time. I think you'll see how to easily tweak this to meet your needs.
I would make separate threads for each reader but it would complicate the thread management quite a bit.
import time
import threading
import Queue
import random
# Set this to False to read the temperature from a real sensor and display it on a 7-digit display.
testing = True
def observe(q):
count = 0
while True:
# Only read the temperature every tenth time.
if (count % 10 == 0):
# Make a temperature reading.
if testing:
r = '-' * 69 + '%02d' % (random.randrange(100)) + 'blahblah' * 4
r = open('/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-041670f43bff/w1_slave', 'r').read()
print 'temperature ->', r
# The temperature is represented as two digits in a long string.
# Push the digits into the queue as a tuple of integers (one per digit).
q.put(('temperature', int(r[69]), int(r[70])))
# Make a transmission reading.
if testing:
r = random.randrange(1,6)
r = 0 # Put your transmission reading code here.
print 'transmission ->', r
q.put(('transmission', r))
# Wait for next reading.
if testing:
count += 1
def display(q):
# Display the temperature.
# Temperature is two digits, stored separately (high/low) for more efficient handling.
temperature_h = temperature_l = transmission = 0
while True:
# Is there a new temperature reading waiting for us?
if not q.empty():
reading = q.get()
# If it's None, we're done.
if reading is None:
elif reading[0] == 'temperature':
# Load the two digits (high and low) representing the temperature.
(x, temperature_h, temperature_l) = reading
elif reading[0] == 'transmission':
(x, transmission) = reading
if testing:
print 'displayH', temperature_h
print 'displayL', temperature_l
print 'transmission', transmission
GPIO.output(temperature_h, 1) # temp is a dictionary used to know which segments to light up to show numbers
GPIO.output(temperature_l, 1)
# Clean up here. Turn off all pins?
# Make a queue to communicate with the display thread.
readings_queue = Queue.Queue()
# Run the display in a separate thread.
display_thread = threading.Thread(target=display, args=(readings_queue,))
# Observe the inputs.
# An uncaught exception happened. (It could be a keyboard interrupt.)
# Tell the display thread to stop.
# Wait for the thread to end.
I actually want to use this waterproof ultrasonic sensor DYP-ME007Y-PWM (http://hanjindata.lgnas.com:10000/myweb/P0400/P0400.pdf) on my raspberry PI Compute Module on a classic Raspbian OS. It has 4 pin's (gnd,Trig,Echo and 5V).
Here is my schematic:
Raspberry Pi | Sensor
5V | 5V
22 | Trig
23 | Echo
I've found some tutorials that explain how ultrasonic sensors works and mannage to have good results with other kind of ultrasonic sensors like this one for exemple (http://www.micropik.com/PDF/HCSR04.pdf)
Here is my code :
# Import required Python libraries
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# Use BCM GPIO references
# instead of physical pin numbers
# Define GPIO to use on Pi
print "Ultrasonic Measurement"
# Set pins as output and input
# Set trigger to False (Low)
GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, False)
# Allow module to settle
# Send 10us pulse to trigger
while True:
GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, False)
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==0:
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==1:
stop = time.time()
# Calculate pulse length
elapsed = stop-start
# Distance pulse travelled in that time is time
# multiplied by the speed of sound (cm/s)
# That was the distance there and back so halve the value
distance = (elapsed * 34000)/2
print "Distance : %.1f" % distance
# Reset GPIO settings
I doesn't work, i obtain always the same output whatever i do with my sensor
Does anybody has alreeady play with this sensor ? As you can see, the datasheet is pretty ligth, so maybe you will see something my poor electronics skills have missed
Greetings !
You are expecting GPIO_ECHO to be 1 from the start. According to the documentation it is first 0, then 1, and then back to
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==0:
# some short sleep might be better
start = time.time()
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==1:
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO)==0:
stop = time.time()
There are methods available for detecting rising edge and falling edge, see for example raspi.tv arcticle. It might be better to use those methods.
According to:
the sensor is quite sensitive to getting enough power - Check that your 5V doesn't drop too much.
Also the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins are 3V3 - They might not like the output from the sensor (which presumably is 5V), and the sensor might not trigger on the 3V3 output from the Raspberry pi.