How can I make this API work with a payload? - python

I am using this API to list users. One of the parameters I could specify is a team id which is placed in an array. When I try to specify a team id it doesn't work when I put it in the payload, but it works when I change the url to include the team id.
This is the API reference:!/Users/get_users
Here is what I am basing my code off of:
This is my code when I try to specify team id in the payload. It doesn't work like this for some reason, but it works when I change the url to url = '' where in TEAMID I have an actual team id.
with open('config/config.json') as f:
config = json.load(f)
API_KEY = config['API_KEY']
def list_users():
url = ''
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2',
'Authorization': 'Token token={token}'.format(token=API_KEY)
payload = {
'team_ids[]': TEAM_IDS
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
result = []
if r.status_code == 200:
# loops for each user and retrieves their email
result = [user['email'] for user in r.json()['users']]
return result
return None
I want to get this work by listing team id's in the array and sending it in the payload so that I can list more than one team id and not clutter them all in the url.

Looks like you just need something like this
payload = {
'team_ids[]': TEAM_IDS
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=payload)


Get IDs of all Facebook groups

I need to get all user's groups ID or links to those groups which he belong
The code is executing but nothing is writing down to a file
Has anyone a clue or diffret way to get groups id's
I need it to make an alghortim which will be adding specific ads on every group but i cant get the id's
import requests
# Replace ACCESS_TOKEN with a valid access token
# Set the endpoint URL
url = ""
# Set the HTTP headers
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
# Set the params for the request
params = {
"limit": 100, # The maximum number of groups to retrieve per request
# Initialize an empty list to store the group IDs
group_ids = []
# Flag to determine whether there are more groups to retrieve
more_groups = True
# Keep making requests until all groups have been retrieved
while more_groups:
# Send the request
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
# Check the response status code
if response.status_code != 200:
print("Failed to retrieve groups")
# Extract the data from the response
data = response.json()
# Add the group IDs to the list
group_ids.extend([group["id"] for group in data["data"]])
# Check if there are more groups to retrieve
if "paging" in data and "next" in data["paging"]:
# Update the URL and params for the next request
url = data["paging"]["next"]
params = {}
# No more groups to retrieve
more_groups = False
# Write the group IDs to a file
with open("group_ids.txt", "w") as f:

Passing variable in python request URL not working

def get_prod():
name = input('Search Query:\n')
params = {
'page': '1',
'perPage': '20',
'query': name,
response = requests.get('https:///api/public/search', params=params, headers=headers)
response = response.json()
id = response['results'][0]['id']
prod_data = requests.get('https:///api/public/products/{id}', headers=headers)
from the public API Search I am returning a valid ID but when the prod_data get request returns the error {"message":"Couldn't find Product with 'id'={id} [WHERE \"products\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL]"} implying to me that it's not using that variable I can print. When I put a standard finite ID the request works but I'm sure why this won't
Seems like the variable value is not getting printed. Unless I'm missing something.
You need a f before the string if you're going with this method; f-strings.
prod_data = requests.get(f'https:///api/public/products/{id}', headers=headers)
These might help:

Api call using python and token_auth

#Collects basic metrics from Matomo installation and returns a pandas dataframe
token = os.getenv("token")
# Build url string
base_url = ''
site_num = '&idSite=1'
return_format = '&format=json'
period = '&period=day'
date_range = '&date=last30'
method = '&method=VisitsSummary.get'
token_string = "&token_auth=" + token
my_url = base_url + site_num + return_format + period + date_range + method + token_string
# send request for report
r = requests.get(my_url)
# parse and tidy collected data
data = pd.DataFrame(r.json()).T
data = data.reset_index()
data.columns = [
return data
I am trying to get data from the matomo API using an auth_token and parameters by using above code but i am not able to access it and my url is not taking token code any one has idea how i can solve this
Given that you are using the request library, passing parameters and headers can be done using the following params in your get call:
r = requests.get(my_url, params=payload)
In the same way, an auth token is usually passed within headers:
r = requests.get(my_url, params=payload, headers=headers)
Using this format you can simply create a headers object which contains your token_auth and directly pass your parameters in a payload object:
headers = {'token_auth': token}
payload = {'module':'API', 'idSite':1, 'format':'json', 'period':'day', 'date':'last30', 'method':'VisitsSummary.get'}
Since you are now passing your parameters in you get request, there is no need to add them to the end of your url. Thus, your url should stay as These can then be used within your params and headers respectively. Please note that this assumes that the matomo API places the token_auth in its headers such as most APIs do. If this is not the case you could pass it directly within the params payload.
Here is a global overview:
token = os.getenv("token")
# Get url, headers and params
my_url = ''
payload = {'module':'API', 'idSite':1, 'format':'json', 'period':'day', 'date':'last30', 'method':'VisitsSummary.get'}
headers = {'token_auth': token}
# send request for report
r = requests.get(my_url, params=payload, headers=headers)
Note this answers your question specifically regarding the API call and not the processing after.

Roblox Purchasing an item from catalog

I have written a script that should purchase an asset from catalog.
import re
from requests import post, get
cookie = "blablabla"
ID = 1562150
# getting x-csrf-token
token = post("", cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie}).headers['X-CSRF-TOKEN']
# getting item details
detail_res = get(f"{ID}")
text = detail_res.text
productId = int(get(f"{ID}").json()["ProductId"])
expectedPrice = int("data-expected-price=\"(\d+)\"", text).group(1))
expectedSellerId = int("data-expected-seller-id=\"(\d+)\"", text).group(1))
headers = {
"x-csrf-token": token,
"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
data = {
"expectedCurrency": 1,
"expectedPrice": expectedPrice,
"expectedSellerId": expectedSellerId
buyres = post(f"{productId}", headers=headers,
cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie})
if buyres.status_code == 200:
print("Successfully bought item")
The problem is that it somehow doesn't purchase any item with error 500 (InternalServerError).
Someone told me that if I add json.dumps() to the script it might work.
How to add json.dumps() here (I don't understand it though I read docs) and how to fix this so the script purchases item?
Big thanks to anyone who can help me.
Import the json package.
json.dumps() converts a python dictionary to a json string.
I'm guessing this is what you want.
buyres =
cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie})
I found the answer finally, I had to do it like this:
dataLoad = json.dumps(data)
buyres = post(f"{productId}", headers=headers,
cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie})

How to extract an exact value from a response in Json?

After a Post action on a certain Link I get the following answer
I just want to extract the key that is in
How can I do this?
My Code
import requests
import json
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
#Set Modules
ua = UserAgent()
url = 'site'
#Read TXT
accounts = 'accounts\\accounts.txt'
with open(accounts) as line:
login = line.readline()
line = login.split(",")
cnt = 1
email = line[0]
password = line[1]
head = {
'.......': '.........',
data = {
test =, json.dumps(data), headers=head)
if test.status_code == 200:
print('Error') ```
You can take the text of the response, parse it as JSON, and then access the "accessToken" property:
test =, json.dumps(data), headers=head)
if test.status_code == 200:
parsed = json.loads(test.text)
key = parsed['data']['loginWithEmail']['accessToken']
Side note:
This snippet assumes that the format of the returned JSON is well known and no error occurs. In a real-world scenario, you may want to add a few validations to it.
You can achieve what you need like this:
response = json.loads(test.text)

