How to extract an exact value from a response in Json? - python

After a Post action on a certain Link I get the following answer
I just want to extract the key that is in
How can I do this?
My Code
import requests
import json
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
#Set Modules
ua = UserAgent()
url = 'site'
#Read TXT
accounts = 'accounts\\accounts.txt'
with open(accounts) as line:
login = line.readline()
line = login.split(",")
cnt = 1
email = line[0]
password = line[1]
head = {
'.......': '.........',
data = {
test =, json.dumps(data), headers=head)
if test.status_code == 200:
print('Error') ```

You can take the text of the response, parse it as JSON, and then access the "accessToken" property:
test =, json.dumps(data), headers=head)
if test.status_code == 200:
parsed = json.loads(test.text)
key = parsed['data']['loginWithEmail']['accessToken']
Side note:
This snippet assumes that the format of the returned JSON is well known and no error occurs. In a real-world scenario, you may want to add a few validations to it.

You can achieve what you need like this:
response = json.loads(test.text)


How to search for books that have spaces in their title using Google books API

When i search for books with a single name(e.g bluets) my code works fine, but when I search for books that have two names or spaces (e.g white whale) I got an error(jinja2 synatx) how do I solve this error?
#app.route("/book", methods["GET", "POST"])
def get_books():
api_key =
if request.method == "POST":
book = request.form.get("book")
url =f"{book}:keyes&key={api_key}"
response =urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data =
jsondata = json.loads(data)
return render_template ("book.html", books=jsondata["items"]
I tried to search for similar cases, and just found one solution, but I didn't understand it
Here is my error message
http.client.InvalidURL: URL can't contain control characters. '/books/v1/volumes?q=white whale:keyes&key=AIzaSyDtjvhKOniHFwkIcz7-720bgtnubagFxS8' (found at least ' ')
Some chars in url need to be encoded - in your situation you have to use + or %20 instead of space.
This url has %20 instead of space and it works for me. If I use + then it also works
import urllib.request
import json
url = ''
#url = ''
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
text =
data = json.loads(text)
With requests you don't even have to do it manually because it does it automatically
import requests
url = ' whale:keyes&key=AIzaSyDtjvhKOniHFwkIcz7-720bgtnubagFxS8'
r = requests.get(url)
data = r.json()
You may use urllib.parse.urlencode() to make sure all chars are correctly encoded.
import urllib.request
import json
payload = {
'q': 'white whale:keyes',
'key': 'AIzaSyDtjvhKOniHFwkIcz7-720bgtnubagFxS8',
query = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload)
url = '' + query
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
text =
data = json.loads(text)
and the same with requests - it also doesn't need encoding
import requests
payload = {
'q': 'white whale:keyes',
'key': 'AIzaSyDtjvhKOniHFwkIcz7-720bgtnubagFxS8',
url = ''
r = requests.get(url, params=payload)
data = r.json()

Roblox Purchasing an item from catalog

I have written a script that should purchase an asset from catalog.
import re
from requests import post, get
cookie = "blablabla"
ID = 1562150
# getting x-csrf-token
token = post("", cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie}).headers['X-CSRF-TOKEN']
# getting item details
detail_res = get(f"{ID}")
text = detail_res.text
productId = int(get(f"{ID}").json()["ProductId"])
expectedPrice = int("data-expected-price=\"(\d+)\"", text).group(1))
expectedSellerId = int("data-expected-seller-id=\"(\d+)\"", text).group(1))
headers = {
"x-csrf-token": token,
"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
data = {
"expectedCurrency": 1,
"expectedPrice": expectedPrice,
"expectedSellerId": expectedSellerId
buyres = post(f"{productId}", headers=headers,
cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie})
if buyres.status_code == 200:
print("Successfully bought item")
The problem is that it somehow doesn't purchase any item with error 500 (InternalServerError).
Someone told me that if I add json.dumps() to the script it might work.
How to add json.dumps() here (I don't understand it though I read docs) and how to fix this so the script purchases item?
Big thanks to anyone who can help me.
Import the json package.
json.dumps() converts a python dictionary to a json string.
I'm guessing this is what you want.
buyres =
cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie})
I found the answer finally, I had to do it like this:
dataLoad = json.dumps(data)
buyres = post(f"{productId}", headers=headers,
cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie})

python api automation / getting status code = 500 and {Message ":"An error has occured."}

import requests
import json
import jsonpath
def test_add_new_data():
# url = ""
# f = open('/Users/sunghunkwak/PycharmProjects/apiTesting/postStudent.json', 'r')
# requests_post_id = json.loads(
# result =, requests_post_id)
# assert result.status_code == 201
# id = jsonpath.jsonpath(result.json(), 'id')
# print(id[0])
url_tech = ""
f = open('/Users/sunghunkwak/PycharmProjects/apiTesting/postTechskills.json', 'r')
requests_post_tech = json.loads(
result =, requests_post_tech)
assert result.status_code == 200
url_addr = ""
f = open('/Users/sunghunkwak/PycharmProjects/apiTesting/postAddress.json', 'r')
requests_post_addr = json.loads(
result =, requests_post_addr)
# assert result.status_code == 200
url_final = ""
requests_get = requests.get(url_final)
I tried to test, but it keeps getting errors like below. {"status":"true","msg":"Add data success"}
{"Message":"An error has occurred."}
post address and get final data are getting errors.
How can I solve it??
Thank you.
Are you sure your JSON files are correct that you're trying to post? Here is an example post request:
import requests
url = ''
payload = {
"name": "foo",
"job": "bar"
x =, data=payload)
When I tried to change the "URL" the URL to "" also throws the same error {"Message":"An error has occurred."}
Here is an another example I read it from JSON file and requested:
import requests
import os
import json
url = ''
filename = "foo.json"
folder_ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
absolute_filename = os.path.join(folder_, filename)
f = open(absolute_filename, 'r')
payload = json.loads(
x =, payload)
Looks like you have an error in server side.
Also I suggest you read HTTP response status codes:

How can I make this API work with a payload?

I am using this API to list users. One of the parameters I could specify is a team id which is placed in an array. When I try to specify a team id it doesn't work when I put it in the payload, but it works when I change the url to include the team id.
This is the API reference:!/Users/get_users
Here is what I am basing my code off of:
This is my code when I try to specify team id in the payload. It doesn't work like this for some reason, but it works when I change the url to url = '' where in TEAMID I have an actual team id.
with open('config/config.json') as f:
config = json.load(f)
API_KEY = config['API_KEY']
def list_users():
url = ''
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2',
'Authorization': 'Token token={token}'.format(token=API_KEY)
payload = {
'team_ids[]': TEAM_IDS
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
result = []
if r.status_code == 200:
# loops for each user and retrieves their email
result = [user['email'] for user in r.json()['users']]
return result
return None
I want to get this work by listing team id's in the array and sending it in the payload so that I can list more than one team id and not clutter them all in the url.
Looks like you just need something like this
payload = {
'team_ids[]': TEAM_IDS
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=payload)

logging in to website using requests

I've tried two completely different methods. But still I can't get the data that is only present after loggin in.
I've tried doing one using requests but the xpath returns a null
import requests
from lxml import html
USERNAME = "xxx"
PASSWORD = "xxx"
LOGIN_URL = ",,/"
URL = ""
def main():
FormKeyTxt = ""
session_requests = requests.session()
# Get login csrf token
result = session_requests.get(LOGIN_URL)
tree = html.fromstring(result.text)
# Create payload
formKey = str((tree.xpath("//*[ # id = 'login-form'] / input / # value")))
FormKeyTxt = "".join(formKey)
payload = {
"login[username]": USERNAME,
"login[password]": PASSWORD,
"form_key": FormKeyTxt,
"persistent_remember_me": "checked"
# Perform login
result =, data=payload)
# Scrape url
result = session_requests.get(URL, data=payload)
tree = html.fromstring(result.content)
bucket_names = tree.xpath("//span[contains(#class, 'in-stock')]/text()")
if __name__ == '__main__':
ive tried another one using Mechanical soup but still it returns a null
import argparse
import mechanicalsoup
import urllib.request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Login to GitHub.')
args = parser.parse_args()
browser = mechanicalsoup.Browser()
login_page = browser.get("")
login_form ="#login-form")[0]
login_form.input({"login[username]": args.username, "login[password]": args.password})
page2 = browser.submit(login_form,login_page.url )
messages = page2.soup.find(class_='in-stock1')
if messages:
I understand the top solution better so id like to do it using that but is there anything I'm missing? (I'm sure I'm missing a lot)
This should do it
import requests
import re
url = ""
r = requests.session()
rs = r.get(url)
cut ='<form.+?id="login-form".+?<\/form>', rs.text, re.S|re.I).group()
action ='action="(.+?)"', cut).group(1)
form_key ='name="form_key".+?value="(.+?)"', cut).group(1)
payload = {
"login[username]": "fugees",
"login[password]": "nugees",
"form_key": form_key,
"persistent_remember_me": "on"
rs =, data=payload, headers={'Referer':url})

