I need help with solving three first-order ODEs using the scipy.integrate.ode module with the integration method of the Runge Kutta Method. My problem is that I don't know how to solve the ODE with one of the variables as a list of 1000 elements. As shown in the code section below, I want to loop through this list of 1000 values one by one when each time the ODEs are being integrated. The values "iI, e, V, Ts, Vg, Ag, N0, Tp, Gamma, Device_length" are all fixed constants. The value of "Pin_dbm" should change when each time the ODE solver is called. The unknown variables that are needed to be solved are "y[0]", "y[1]", and "dy[2]". How do I do this?
This is what I have tried:
# Import libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.integrate import ode
# User input
I = int(input('What is the SOA pumping current [mA]: '))
Device_length = float(input('What is the device (SOA) length [m]: '))
# Fixed value constants
iI = I*1e-3
Ts = 1e-9
Tp = 1.5e-12
Vg = 9e7
e = 1.6e-19
V = 50e-4*1.8e-15
Gamma = 0.052
Ag = 3e-20
N0 = 5e18
Mode = 1
# 1000 elements list
Pin = np.arange(1,100,0.1, dtype=float)
Pin_dbm = [10*np.log(P) for P in Pin] # the list of 1000 elements
L = np.arange(0,50,0.5, dtype=float)
N = []
S = []
G = []
N_end = []
S_end = []
DL = []
def solver(Pin_dbm):
global N
global S
global G
# Function definition
def RK4_ODE_Solver(t, y, p):
dy = np.zeros([3])
# three ODEs
dy[0] = (iI/e*V) - (y[0]/Ts) - Vg*Ag*(y[0]-N0)*y[1]
dy[1] = y[1]/Tp + Vg*Gamma*Ag*(y[0] - N0)*y[1] + Pin_dbm
dy[2] = 10*np.log(np.exp(Gamma*Ag*(y[0] - N0)*Device_length))
return dy
# Initial time conditions
t0 = 0; t_end = 1e-8; dt = 1e-13
y_initial = [1e16, 0]
Y = [];
p = [iI, e, V, Ts, Vg, Ag, N0, Tp, Gamma, [i for i in Pin_dbm]]
# Using RUNGE KUTTA 4th order to integrate the ODEs
r = ode(RK4_ODE_Solver).set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps = 1e-4)
# r = RK45(SOA_rates, t0, y_initial, t_bound=t_end-t0, first_step=1e-4)
# r = solve_ivp(SOA_rates, method='RK45', t_span=(t0, t_end), y0=y_initial, dense_output=True)
r.set_f_params(p).set_initial_value(y_initial, t0)
while r.successful() and r.t + dt < t_end:
r.integrate(r.t + dt)
Y = np.array(Y)
N = Y[:, 0]
S = Y[:, 1]
G = Y[:, 2]
# Main function
if (Mode == 1):
As mentioned above, the function below works, however its very slow. I am very interested in using faster/optimised numpy (or other) vectorized alternatives. I have not posted the entire script here due to it being too large.
My specific question is - are there suitable numpy (or other) functions that I can use to 1) reduce run time and 2) reduce code volume of this function, specifically the for loop?
Edit: mass, temp, U and dpdh are functions that carry out simple algebraic calculations and return constants
def my_system(t, y, n, hIn, min, mAlumina, cpAlumina, sa, V):
dydt = np.zeros(3 * n) #setting up zeros array for solution (solving for [H0,Ts0,m0,H1,Ts1,m1,H2,Ts2,m2,..Hn,Tsn,mn])
# y = [h_0, Ts_0, m_0, ... h_n, Ts_n, m_n]
# y[0] = hin
# y[1] = Ts0
# y[2] = minL
## Using thermo
T = temp(y[i],P) #initial T
m = mass(y[i],P) #initial m
#initial values
dydt[i] = (min * (hIn - y[i]) + (U(hIn,P,min) * sa * (y[i + 1] - T))) / m # dH/dt (eq. 2)
dydt[i + 1] = -(U(hIn,P,min) * sa * (y[i + 1] - T)) / (mAlumina * cpAlumina) # dTs/dt from eq.3
dmdt = dydt[i] * dpdh(y[i], P) * V # dm/dt (holdup variation) eq. 4b
dydt[i + 2] = min - dmdt # mass flow out (eq.4a)
for i in range(3, 3 * n, 3): #starting at index 3, and incrementing by 3 because we are solving for 'triplets' [h,Ts,m] in each loop
## Using thermo
T = temp(y[i],P)
m = mass(y[i],P)
# [h, TS, mdot]
dydt[i] = (dydt[i-1] * (y[i - 3] - y[i]) + (U(y[i-3], P, dydt[i-1]) * sa * (y[i + 1] - T))) / m # dH/dt (eq.2), dydt[i-1] is the mass of the previous tank
dydt[i + 1] = -(U(y[i-3], P, dydt[i-1]) * sa * (y[i + 1] - T)) / (mAlumina * cpAlumina) # dTs/dt eq. (3)
dmdt = dydt[i] * dpdh(y[i], P) * V # Equation 4b
dydt[i + 2] = dydt[i-1] - dmdt # Equation 4a
return dydt
The functions mass, temp, U, and dpdh used inside the my_system function all take numbers as input, perform some simple algebraic operation and return a number (no need to optimise these I am just providing them for further context)
def temp(H,P):
# returns temperature given enthalpy (after processing function)
T = flasher.flash(H=H, P=P, zs=zs, retry=True).T
return T
def mass(H, P):
# returns mass holdup in mol
m = flasher.flash(H=H, P=P, zs=zs, retry=True).rho()*V
return m
def dpdh(H, P):
res = flasher.flash(H=H, P=P, zs=zs, retry=True)
if res.phase_count == 1:
if res.phase == 'L':
drho_dTf = res.liquid0.drho_dT()
drho_dTf = res.gas.drho_dT()
drho_dTf = res.bulk._equilibrium_derivative(of='rho', wrt='T', const='P')
dpdh = drho_dTf/res.dH_dT_P()
return dpdh
def U(H,P,m):
# Given T, P, m
air = Mixture(['nitrogen', 'oxygen'], Vfgs=[0.79, 0.21], H=H, P=P)
mu =*1000/mWAir #mol/m.s
cp = air.Cpm #J/mol.K
kg = air.k #W/m.K
g0 = m/areaBed #mol/m2.s
a = sa*n/vTotal #m^2/m^3 #QUESTIONABLE
psi = 1
beta = 10
pr = (mu*cp)/kg
re = (6*g0)/(a*mu*psi)
hfs = ((2.19*(re**1/3)) + (0.78*(re**0.619)))*(pr**1/3)*(kg)/diameterParticle
h = 1/((1/hfs) + ((diameterParticle/beta)/kAlumina))
return h
Reference Image:
enter image description here
For improving the speed, you can see Numba, which is useable if you use NumPy a lot but not every code can be used with Numba. Apart from that, the formulation of the equation system is confusing. You are solving 3 equations and adding the result to a single dydt list by 3 elements each. You can simply create three lists, solve each equation and add them to their respective list. For this, you need to re-write my_system as:
import numpy as np
def my_system(t, RHS, hIn, Ts0, minL, mAlumina, cpAlumina, sa, V):
# get initial boundary condition values
y1 = RHS[0]
y2 = RHS[1]
y3 = RHS[2]
## Using thermo
T = # calculate T
m = # calculate m
# [h, TS, mdot] solve dy1dt for h, dy2dt for TS and dy3dt for mdot
dy1dt = # dH/dt (eq.2), y1 corresponds to initial or previous value of dy1dt
dy2dt = # dTs/dt eq. (3), y2 corresponds to initial or previous value of dy2dt
dmdt = # Equation 4b
dy3dt = # Equation 4a, y3 corresponds to initial or previous value of dy3dt
# Left-hand side of ODE
LHS = np.zeros([3,])
LHS[0] = dy1dt
LHS[1] = dy2dt
LHS[2] = dy3dt
return LHS
In this function, you can pass RHS as a list with initial values ([dy1dt, dy2dt, dy3dt]) which will be unpacked as y1, y2, and y3 respectively and use them for respective differential equations. The solved equations (next values) will be saved to dy1dt, dy2dt, and dy3dt which will be returned as a list LHS.
Now you can solve this using scipy.integrate.odeint. Therefore, you can leave the for loop structure and solve the equations by using this method as follows:
hIn = #some val
Ts0 = #some val
minL = #some val
mAlumina = #some vaL
cpAlumina = #some val
sa = #some val
V = #some val
P = #some val
## Using thermo
T = temp(hIn,P) #initial T
m = mass(hIn,P) #initial m
#initial values
y01 = # calculate dH/dt (eq. 2)
y02 = # calculate dTs/dt from eq.3
dmdt = # calculate dm/dt (holdup variation) eq. 4b
y03 = # calculatemass flow out (eq.4a)
n = # time till where you want to solve the equation system
y0 = [y01, y02, y03]
step_size = 1
t = np.linspace(0, n, int(n/step_size)) # use that start time to which initial values corresponds
res = odeint(my_sytem, y0, t, args=(hIn, Ts0, minL, mAlumina, cpAlumina, sa, V,), tfirst=True)
print(res[:,0]) # print results for dH/dt
print(res[:,1]) # print results for dTs/dt
print(res[:,2]) # print results for Equation 4a
Here, I have passed all the initial values as y0 and chosen a step size of 1 which you can change as per your need.
I have code which estimates a parameter beta in an ODE system, given that all parameters are known other than beta and the peak of the 'epidemic' simulation, is 10% of the starting population. However, I realise solving the root might not always work to find the value. Is there any method of using scipy.optimize to find an alternate way of estimating this, by taking the squared difference of sum at the 10% peak, squaring the whole thing, then minimising that? This is the current code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.optimize import root
def peak_infections(beta, days = 100):
# Total population, N.
N = 1000
# Initial number of infected and recovered individuals, I0 and R0.
I0, R0 = 10, 0
# Everyone else, S0, is susceptible to infection initially.
S0 = N - I0 - R0
J0 = I0
# Contact rate, beta, and mean recovery rate, gamma, (in 1/days).
gamma = 1/7
# A grid of time points (in days)
t = np.linspace(0, days, days + 1)
# The SIR model differential equations.
def deriv(y, t, N, beta, gamma):
S, I, R, J = y
dS = ((-beta * S * I) / N)
dI = ((beta * S * I) / N) - (gamma * I)
dR = (gamma * I)
dJ = ((beta * S * I) / N)
return dS, dI, dR, dJ
# Initial conditions are S0, I0, R0
# Integrate the SIR equations over the time grid, t.
solve = odeint(deriv, (S0, I0, R0, J0), t, args=(N, beta, gamma))
S, I, R, J = solve.T
return np.max(I)/N
root(lambda b: peak_infections(b)-0.1, x0 = 0.5).x
Using scipy.optimize(root(lambda b: peak_infections(b)-0.1, x0 = 0.5).x) only returns a misuse of function error.
EDIT ---------------------------------------------------
I am wondering how this approach could be applied to if instead of having 10% of the peak as a key piece of information, I had a dataframe of weekly new numbers. How could a similar method be used to take that data into account in helping estimate beta? If we say
import pandas as pd
d = {'Week': [1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], 'incidence': [206.1705794,2813.420201,11827.9453,30497.58655,10757.66954,7071.878779,3046.752723,1314.222882,765.9763902,201.3800578,109.8982006]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
Now this is our data, rather than knowing the peak of the simulation is 10% of the N starting population. How can this be used to minimise and find a beta estimate?
-----EDIT 2-------
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
#t = np.arange(0,84,7)
t = np.linspace(0, 77, 77+1)
d = {'Week': [t[7],t[14],t[21],t[28],t[35],t[42],t[49],t[56],t[63],t[70],t[77]], 'incidence': [206.1705794,2813.420201,11827.9453,30497.58655,10757.66954,7071.878779,3046.752723,1314.222882,765.9763902,201.3800578,109.8982006]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
#d = {'Week': t, 'incidence': [0,206.1705794,2813.420201,11827.9453,30497.58655,10757.66954,7071.878779,3046.752723,1314.222882,765.9763902,201.3800578,109.8982006]}
#df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
def peak_infections(beta, df):
# Weeks for which the ODE system will be solved
#weeks = df.Week.to_numpy()
# Total population, N.
N = 100000
# Initial number of infected and recovered individuals, I0 and R0.
I0, R0 = 10, 0
# Everyone else, S0, is susceptible to infection initially.
S0 = N - I0 - R0
J0 = I0
# Contact rate, beta, and mean recovery rate, gamma, (in 1/days).
#reproductive no. R zero is beta/gamma
gamma = 1/6 #rate should be in weeks now
# A grid of time points
t7 = np.arange(7,84,7)
# The SIR model differential equations.
def deriv(y, t7, N, beta, gamma):
S, I, R, J = y
dS = ((-beta * S * I) / N)
dI = ((beta * S * I) / N) - (gamma * I)
dR = (gamma * I)
dJ = ((beta * S * I) / N)
return dS, dI, dR, dJ
# Initial conditions are S0, I0, R0
# Integrate the SIR equations over the time grid, t.
solve = odeint(deriv, (S0, I0, R0, J0), t7, args=(N, beta, gamma))
S, I, R, J = solve.T
return np.max(I)/N
def residual(x, df):
# Total population, N.
N = 100000
incidence = df.incidence.to_numpy()/N
return np.sum((peak_infections(x, df) - incidence) ** 2)
x0 = 0.5
res = minimize(residual, x0, args=(df), method="Nelder-Mead").x
Yes, you can do this using scipy.optimize.minimize.
One approach would be as follows:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def residual(x):
return (peak_infections(x) - 0.1) ** 2
x0 = 0.5
res = minimize(residual, x0, method="Nelder-Mead", options={'fatol':1e-04})
This is right now giving almost the same answer as the root method you posted but works as an alternative.
As per the discussion in the comment section of this answer, and according to the edit to you question, I propose the following solution:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import pandas as pd
d = {'Week': [1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], 'incidence': [206.1705794,2813.420201,11827.9453,30497.58655,10757.66954,7071.878779,3046.752723,1314.222882,765.9763902,201.3800578,109.8982006]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
def peak_infections(beta, df):
# Weeks for which the ODE system will be solved
weeks = df.Week.to_numpy()
# Total population, N.
N = 1000
# Initial number of infected and recovered individuals, I0 and R0.
I0, R0 = 10, 0
# Everyone else, S0, is susceptible to infection initially.
S0 = N - I0 - R0
J0 = I0
# Contact rate, beta, and mean recovery rate, gamma, (in 1/days).
gamma = 1/7 * 7 #rate should be in weeks now
# A grid of time points (in days)
t = np.linspace(0, weeks[-1], weeks[-1] + 1)
# The SIR model differential equations.
def deriv(y, t, N, beta, gamma):
S, I, R, J = y
dS = ((-beta * S * I) / N)
dI = ((beta * S * I) / N) - (gamma * I)
dR = (gamma * I)
dJ = ((beta * S * I) / N)
return dS, dI, dR, dJ
# Initial conditions are S0, I0, R0
# Integrate the SIR equations over the time grid, t.
solve = odeint(deriv, (S0, I0, R0, J0), t, args=(N, beta, gamma))
S, I, R, J = solve.T
return I/N
def residual(x, df):
# Total population, N.
N = 1000
incidence = df.incidence.to_numpy()/N
return np.sum((peak_infections(x, df)[1:] - incidence) ** 2)
x0 = 0.5
res = minimize(residual, x0, args=(df), method="Nelder-Mead", options={'fatol':1e-04})
Here, I calculate the ODE system for 11 weeks and compare the result directly with the 11 incidence values from the provided dataframe. After the squared difference (element-by-element), a sum is taken and that sum is minimized. The result, however, is not very promising.
I've been trying to solve a set of differential equations using solve_ivp. The Jacobian matrix of the system is the A as you can see below. I wanted to enable the option vectorized='True' but unfortunately i do not know how to modify the present code to vectorize the Jacobian matrix A. Does anyone know how this can be done?
# imports
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# grid sizing
R=0.05 #sphere radius
N=1000#number of points
D=0.00002 #diffusion coefficient
k=10 # Arrhenius
Cs=1.0 # Boundary concentration
C0=0.0 # Initial concentration
# Algebra simplification
e1 = np.ones(N)
e2 = np.ones(N)
e3 = np.ones(N)
for i in range(2,N) :
for i in range (0,N-1) :
A = sp.spdiags([e3,e1,e2],[-1,0,1],N,N,format="csc")
def dc_dt(t,C) :
return dc
# Solving the system, I want to implement the same thing with vectorized='True'
print (ans)
Please have a look at this answer, the explanation is thorough. For your code in particular, please see below for updated snippet and figure. It is not obvious that vectorize is providing any speed-up. However, providing A for the keyword jac makes a difference. But I guess it is only valid if A is constant?
# imports
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa
def dc_dt(t, C):
if len(C.shape) == 1:
return np.squeeze( + B
return + np.transpose(np.tile(B, (C.shape[1], 1)))
# return np.squeeze( + B
# grid sizing
R = 0.05 # sphere radius
N = 1000 # number of points
D = 0.00002 # diffusion coefficient
k = 10 # Arrhenius
Cs = 1.0 # Boundary concentration
C0 = 0.0 # Initial concentration
time_constant = R**2.0 / D
dr = R / (N - 1)
# Algebra simplification
a = D / dr**2
Init_conc = np.repeat(0, N)
B = np.zeros(N)
B[-1] = Cs * (a + a / (N - 1))
e1 = np.ones(N)
e2 = np.ones(N)
e3 = np.ones(N)
e1[0] = -k - 6 * a
e1[1:] = -k - 2 * a
e2[1] = 6 * a
for i in range(2, N):
e2[i] = a + a / (i - 1)
for i in range(0, N - 1):
e3[i] = a - a / (i + 1)
A = sp.spdiags([e3, e1, e2], [-1, 0, 1], N, N, format="csc")
# Solving the system, I want to implement the same thing with vectorized='True'
OutputTimes = np.linspace(0, 0.2 * time_constant, 10000)
ans = solve_ivp(dc_dt, (0, 0.2 * time_constant), Init_conc,
method='BDF', t_eval=OutputTimes, jac=A, vectorized=True)
plt.plot(np.arange(N), ans.y[:, 0])
plt.plot(np.arange(N), ans.y[:, 1])
plt.plot(np.arange(N), ans.y[:, 10])
plt.plot(np.arange(N), ans.y[:, 20])
plt.plot(np.arange(N), ans.y[:, 50])
plt.plot(np.arange(N), ans.y[:, -1])
I am using sympy 1.4 to do kinematics and dynamics of ur5 robot. The express function in sympy seems to return wrong answer.ere The overall aim would be to obtain the Mass, Coriolis, Centripetal and gravity matrices as symbolic expressions. In the attached code, I am trying out a 3R manipulator
In the attached code, I am expecting the position vector of J3 frame to be 0.707106781186548*Base.i + 2.70710678118655*Base.j with respect to B where as the expression returned by the express function has a negative j.
Any idea where I am making the mistake. Or is there a better way to convert Denavit-Hartenberg representation to get the coordinate frames of the joints?
edit 1: I find that the sign convention used in sympy is just the opposite of what I have learned. For example, for a z axis rotation, the rotation matrix of B with respect to A is defined in sympy as
[cos(a) sin(a) 0;
-sin(a) cos(a) 0;
0 0 1]
Is there a way to go to the sign convention where R_z =
[cos(a) -sin(a) 0;
sin(a) cos(a) 0;
0 0 1]
without using the transpose function always?
from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.mechanics import *
from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame, Vector
from sympy.physics.vector import time_derivative
from sympy.tensor.array import Array
# Planar 3R manipulator (minimal code)
# DH representation
a = Array([0, 1, 2])
d = Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
alpha = Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# q1, q2, q3 = dynamicsymbols('q1:4')
# q = [q1, q2, q3]
q = [np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 0.0,]
x_p = a[1]*cos(q[0]) + a[2]*cos(q[0] + q[1])
y_p = a[1]*sin(q[0]) + a[2]*sin(q[0] + q[1])
print 'x_p, y_p:', x_p, y_p
def transformationMatrix():
q_i = Symbol("q_i")
alpha_i = Symbol("alpha_i")
a_i = Symbol("a_i")
d_i = Symbol("d_i")
T = Matrix([[cos(q_i), -sin(q_i), 0, a_i],
[sin(q_i) * cos(alpha_i), cos(q_i) * cos(alpha_i), -sin(alpha_i), -sin(alpha_i) * d_i],
[sin(q_i) * sin(alpha_i), cos(q_i) * sin(alpha_i), cos(alpha_i), cos(alpha_i) * d_i],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
return T
T = transformationMatrix()
q_i = Symbol("q_i")
alpha_i = Symbol("alpha_i")
a_i = Symbol("a_i")
d_i = Symbol("d_i")
T01 = T.subs(alpha_i, alpha[0]).subs(a_i, a[0]).subs(d_i, d[0]).subs(q_i, q[0])
T12 = T.subs(alpha_i, alpha[1]).subs(a_i, a[1]).subs(d_i, d[1]).subs(q_i, q[1])
T23 = T.subs(alpha_i, alpha[2]).subs(a_i, a[2]).subs(d_i, d[2]).subs(q_i, q[2])
T02 = T01*T12
T03 = T02*T23
B = CoordSys3D('Base') # Base (0) reference frame
J1 = CoordSys3D('Joint1', location=T01[0, 3]*B.i + T01[1, 3]*B.j + T01[2, 3]*B.k, rotation_matrix=T01[0:3, 0:3], parent=B)
J2 = CoordSys3D('Joint2', location=T12[0, 3]*J1.i + T12[1, 3]*J1.j + T12[2, 3]*J1.k, rotation_matrix=T12[0:3, 0:3], parent=J1)
J3 = CoordSys3D('Joint3', location=T23[0, 3]*J2.i + T23[1, 3]*J2.j + T23[2, 3]*J2.k, rotation_matrix=T23[0:3, 0:3], parent=J2)
express(J3.position_wrt(B), B)
expected result : produces 0.707106781186548*Base.i + 2.70710678118655*Base.j
actual result: produces 0.707106781186548*Base.i + (-2.70710678118655)*Base.j